Sponsorship is still available for the Vancouver City Council minutes from 1886..
The transcriptions were made by Margaret Sutherland and by Darrin Pezer / Proactive Building Maintenance.
Click on any headline to see the full transcript of that meeting,
and pictures of the original handwritten minutes.
In February of 1886, a number of residents of the town of Granville sent a petition to the B.C. Legislative Assembly to incorporate the City of Vancouver. In 1944, the Attorney-General of BC returned the original document to the City of Vancouver. This copy was made from COVA reference number…
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Mayor: M. A. MacLean Aldermen: Robert Balfour Charles A. Coldwell Peter Cordiner Thomas Dunn Joseph Griffith Joseph Humphries Harry Hemlow E. P. Hamilton L. A. Hamilton Joseph Northcott source: MADDEN, W. D., 2003, Elected Officials of Vancouver, [online], Internet Archive, https://archive.org/details/PAM200372/mode/2up, April 1, 2020
First Council established, committees established. Joseph Huntly took minutes at this meeting. Purchase of Fire Apparatus referred to the Committee on Fire, Water, and Light until the next meeting. Meetings to take place in the residence adjoining the Court House until a suitable quarters can be found.
Moved by Alderman L. A. Hamilton seconded by Alderman Coldwell, “that the Mayor be authorized to forward a petition to the Dominion Government through the Member for New Westminster District praying that the whole of that part of the Coal Harbour Peninsula Known as the Government Reserve or such part…
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Minutes of previous meeting read and adopted. The Council then adjourned to attend the public meeting called by the Mayor to plan Dominion Day celebrations.
Applications for Liquor Permits were referred to the License Commissioners. Alderman Balfour given two weeks’ leave.
By-Law No. 1 read three times and passed, outlining the duties and salaries of City Clerk, Assessment Commissioner, Engineer, and Police Magistrate. The Mayor, Police Magistrate, and City Clerk appointed a Board to review and issue liquor permits at a cost of $50 per year retail, $25 per year wholesale.…
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Letter received from David Oppenheimer suggesting Council begin at once to grade and plank streets “by contracting with parties who may be willing to wait payment until the sale of the first city debentures“. Council to consider. A Bylaw to Restrain and Punish vagrants and other disorderly persons (Bylaw No.…
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Letter received from Mr. John D. Ronald, Manufacturer of Fire Engines – referred to Fire, Water and Light Committee. By-Law No. 3 dividing the City of Vancouver into Wards was passed and sent to the British Columbia Gazette for publication. Police Commissioner empowered to notify property owners of porches, fences,…
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This transcript was made in March of 2018 by Transcribimus volunteer Mary Ann Capistrano original handwritten by-law here By Law dividing the City of Vancouver into Wards Whereas the Act of Incorporation the Council of the City of Vancouver is empowered to divide the City into Wards Therefore the Mayor…
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Communication received from Dr. McGuigan re: Voter’s List, no action taken. City of Vancouver charged 50 cents per day board for each City prisoner held in the provincial Jail. City unable to pay at this point, but asks that accounts be kept so they can pay in future. Royal City…
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Map published by H.B. Smith endorsed as official Map of the City. Liquor By-Law No. 5 finalized and sent to British Columbia Gazette for publication.
Dealing with the most important things first! One of the earliest items of business of the newly-formed City of Vancouver was establishing the conditions for granting liquor licenses. This by-law was introduced and finalized at the second meeting of Vancouver City Council, on May 12, 1886, and made official on…
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The photo above was taken on June 14, 1886, the day after the Great Fire. City Debentures amounting to $4,500 to be sold for 5 years at 6% interest, secured by special tax on Water Street properties. Decision to purchase “Mr. Ronald’s Fire Engine” finalized. Fire By-Law to be introduced…
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Council met in the Relief Committee Tent. City Clerk to write to John D. Ronald accepting the terms he offered for the purchase of a Fire Engine in May. City Clerk also to write to manufacturers of fire bells for future City purchase.
The photo above shows Water Street about four weeks after the Fire. This development of Water Street had been planned before the Fire, and amended to include about $200 to replace the sidewalk lost during the Fire. At the June 30, 1886 meeting, Council adopts a report from City Engineer…
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Only $89 was reported as received from Police Court fines, which was thought to be “an unreasonably low sum.” Further to the Special Assessment for the improvement of Water Street, the rule was established, “Where the property in any block is especially benefited by the proposed improvements the rate per…
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Royal City Planing Mills allowed to lay a pipe from Harris Street to their mills on False Creek. Construction of an inclined roadway at Station No 1 (north end of Carrall Street) and a tank at Station No 2 (Cordova Street between Abbott and Cambie. The City to advertise for…
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The Board of Works is authorized to dig a trench along the water course from Pender Street to Water Street, and plow under “decayed vegetable matter and rotten wood” presenting a fire hazard. Owners of the lots in question will be charged for clearing. Fire by-law completed and sent for…
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A committee was formed to investigate charges against Police Commissioner John Boultbee. Two water tanks to be constructed, one at the intersection of Water & Cordova Streets, the other at Oppenheimer & Columbia.
Plans for a 2 storey Fire Hall to be drafted at once, and budget of $100 set for purchase of a Fire Bell. A roadway at the foot of Carrall Street is being constructed for the Steam Fire Engine. Special Police salaries of $282 authorized for payment.
Police Investigation committee presents their report. David Oppenheimer offers a choice of two city lots on Powell Street as a donation for future City Buildings. Board of Works may spend twenty five dollars to clear all flammable materials from Cambie Street from the Bay to Cordova Street, providing the property…
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A Special Meeting was held to authorize payment of $350.70 freight charges on the new Fire Engine from Brussels (Ontario) to Vancouver.
Four building lots accepted as a gift from Mr. David Oppenheimer as the site for City Hall and Civic offices. C. M. Morris decided on as City Engineer. Salary fixed at $60 per month plus room in the Fire Hall.
Among the expenses approved was a payment of $6.50 to David Gibb for the making of a coffin. Liquor Bylaw No. 5 was finalized and sent to the Gazette for publication.
City formally presented with Fire Engine. Council voted thanks to Mr. John D. Ronald of Brussels, Ontario, supplier of the fire engine, for his courteous and generous assistance to the City after the fire. also to pay $6,905 for the fire engine over a ten year period at 7% interest…
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Mayor and selected aldermen to go to Victoria to negotiate a bank loan for $8,000 to cover remainder of year’s expenses. City Treasurer hired at $25 per month, and a safe purchased at $410. Alderman E. P. Hamilton to supervise construction of Council Chambers and offices for City Clerk and…
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“To have everything in readiness in case of sudden fire” tanks to be placed on each of the two City wharves, each tank large enough to hold 200 gallons of fresh water. Near each water tank to be set a locked coal bin containing half a ton of coal. Continue…
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As False Creek’s navigable waters are essential to businesses on the shore, no one shall be permitted to build a bridge unless there is a draw large enough to admit all vessels.Bank of British Columbia agreed to lend the city $10,000. Chairmen of City Committees to review their expenses and…
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City will build Fire Hall & Lockup ($743) and a City Hall ($1,280). Council will meet in the office of David Oppenheimer on Powell Street until City Hall is complete. Proposal to build a slaughterhouse on the south side of False Creek refused on grounds of public health.
Citizens protest against a new bylaw forbidding verandahs, sidewalks, etc. on City property. Vancouver will contact both the Coquitlam and Vancouver water works companies to see which would be better to supply Vancouver water. If neither is satisfactory, the City may incorporate its own Water Works.
A Court of Revision was held to make amendments to the (City Tax) Assessment Roll, in response to citizens’ individual appeals against their tax assessment.
“Considerable repair” needed to the Fire Engine; the Committee feels it is due to defective workmanship. First Fire Engineer ET Morris resigns. The C. P. R. has offered Vancouver free use of its hospital, though the City must provide bedding and a steward to attend to City patients. Owen Hughes…
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Messrs. McDonald and Cameron given the contract to develop Hastings Street from Howe to Westminster Avenue sections of Hastings Street. Hugh Keefer given a contract for gravelling that portion of Water Street west of Cambie Street to connect with the C.P.R. planking.
Property owners on Cordova Street not allowed to have the sidewalk built 18 inches above the road, but they may build steps connecting the sidewalk up to their buildings. Board of Works to make sure that the wharf at the foot of Cambie Street is strong enough to hold the…
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Council requests Post Master General move the post office “before the rainy season sets in” to some point between Abbott and Carroll Streets. The picture shows the small clapboard post office on Hastings Street. Board of Works was authorized to build a Kitchen and Water Closet in rear of City…
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A By-Law was passed to hold a vote among the Electors on whether to issue debentures for $6,9000 for a steam fire engine and another for $14,100 for city improvements. The City of Vancouver use every legal means possible to obtain rights for wharfs and docks along the City Front.…
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The City Fire Engineer instructed to ring the Fire Bell each day (except Sunday) at 7 a.m., 12 noon, and at 1 and 6 p.m. Railway Standard Time. Volunteer Fire Brigade reports the approaches to the water tanks on Hastings and Oppenheimer Streets are blocked with rubbish.
David Oppenheimer’s company will continue to develop the wharf at the North End of Carrall Street and will eventually “convey” it to the City of Vancouver. Letter received from Chief Justice Sir Matthew Begbie declining to hold a Court of Appeal on the Voters List.
Building of City Hall complete; contractor F. W. Sentell to be paid in full. Thos. H. Boyd awarded contract for improvement of Cambie Street. “On account of the large amount of street work contracted for”, Civil Engineer D.L. McCammon appointed Streets Inspector at a per diem rate of $1.50 for…
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Tait & Co allowed to rent space behind Fire Hall for Carriage House at a cost of $12.50 per month. Fire Engineer allowed $100 to build a small dwelling behind Fire Hall. Fire Hall allowed to be rented to Lodges and other “suitable” groups.
The Finance Committee reported purchase of “12 Arm Chairs, one Long Table for Council Chambers, one hanging lamp, 4 green holland blinds, 1 ton of Coal, Coal scuttle and shovel, 2 nests of pigeon holes for the City Clerk and Treasurer’s offices.” (The long table is still on display at…
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Special Meeting to receive the Board of Works and Finance Committee reports, and to pass a By-Law fixing the polling places and appoint Deputy Returning Officers for Election of a Mayor and Aldermen for 1887. McKenzie and Ross awarded contract for laying sidewalk on Westminster Avenue (now Main Street) at…
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Monthly use of City Hall granted for sessions of County Court at a rate of $5.00 per day plus a charge of $2.00 per day for an attending police officer. By-Laws approved to raise money for additional improvements to Hastings and Oppenheimer Streets.
At the request of the Rev. Father Fay of Holy Rosary Cathedral, thirty dollars granted toward building a sidewalk along Richards Street from Hastings to Dunsmuir. The parish to supply blocking, nails and labour.
John Clough (Vancouver’s infamous one-armed jailer) to be paid $20 for past services, and a salary of $5 per month in future. City Engineer granted $200 bonus in compensation for much extra work “thrown on his shoulders” during the year. A great many accounts reviewed and approved for payment before…
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Many additional accounts reviewed and approved for payment. Two By-Laws passed for the improvement of Powell and Cambie Streets.
In order to pay off all debt approved by Council in 1886, certificates of indebtedness to be issued in order of approval. Certificates will bear 10 per cent interest per year. Votes of thanks were made to the Mayor, to Alderman E.P. Hamilton, and to the Press.