Shirley Barnett funded the Vancouver City Council minutes of 1891.
The transcriptions were made by Donna Kynaston, Mary Norris, Devon Harlos, Chris Stephenson, Martha Hazevoet, Chris Mizzoni, Leah Minuk, Linda Evans, Jordan Cripps, Bronwyn Cripps & Anonymous.
Click on any headline to see the full transcript of that day’s meeting.
Final committee reports and audit for 1890 received. Council then adjourned Sine Die. This transcript was made in 2016 by Transcribimus volunteer Donna Kynaston and sponsored by Shirley Barnett original handwritten minutes here City of Vancouver Archives Series 23-A Volume 4 pages 174 only [vol 4 page 174] Vancouver January…
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Mayor: David Oppenheimer Aldermen: Ward 1: Sam Brighouse, J.T. Carroll Ward 2: James F. Garden (resigned), Alexander Godfrey, A.W. Scouller (elected in byelection) Ward 3: C.G. Hobson, William Templeton Ward 4: William Brown, John McDowell Ward 4: H. De Pencier (resigned), Charles Doering*, C.L. Brown (elected in byelection) information from…
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Six committees established for the year 1891, with some initial disagreement about the composition of the Finance Committee and the Board of Works. The Licensing Board, Health Committee, Police Committee, and the Fire, Water and Light Committee were established without opposition. Aldermen Brighouse and Templeton both gave lengthy notices of…
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Alderman James F. Garden resigns. Hansen brothers of Montreal purchase $25,000 of city debentures. Crowder and Penzer granted contracts for coal and feed, provided that both be weighed on the Market scales. Miss Bowes requests stricter temperance regulations, also to “abolish houses of ill-fame” (brothels). Trades and Labour Council present…
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Council met with Mr. Imrie Bell to discuss the proposed graving dock (drydock). Bank of BC confirmed that the investors were good for the amount required. Mr. Bell agreed that after the completion of the project no Chinese workers would be employed. (The Vancouver Labour Council had also requested to…
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Tenders to be invited to supply the City with coal, wood, and feed for 1891, with the provision that coal and feed must be weighted at the Market scales before delivery. Residents of Mount Pleasant requested a police beat in their area, and a delegation also presented to Council their…
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No action to be taken for the moment about Mr. Lawson’s letter of dismissal from the City Engineer. Misses Woodward and Drummond, nurses at the City Hospital, ask for increases of salary. The Market Committee asks the Board of Works to consider an additional exit from the Market Building as…
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Council agrees to acquire the Water Works from its current private owners. It was agreed to request the provincial government not to dissolve the current Small Debts Court Act until a judge is actually resident in Vancouver. Council to request the Dominion Government to establish a dry-dock in Vancouver large…
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Henry B. Warren (City Engineer) and John P. Lawson (Assistant Engineer) have each filed charges against the other. Mount Pleasant citizens request an electric light at the intersection of Westminster Ave (now Kingsway/Main) and Eighth Ave, and the Police Committee recommends the hire of an extra officer to form a…
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H. Abbott, General Superintendent of the C.P.R., denies C.P.R.’s responsibility to “furnish, at its own cost” the protection Council has requested at certain street crossings. The Board of Works orders that the City Morgue be connected to the water works and public sewers. The lawyer for nearby resident Mr McMillan…
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Council sends condolences to New Westminster Council on the loss of life and property due to its recent fire, and regrets it could not send its fire engine to help. Request received from John McCulloch asking to be reimbursed for his clothing lost through being imprisoned in the City Jail.…
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The Board of Works report instructs the City Clerk to fire the current Engineering Department staff and advertise for a new staff (Alderman Brighouse, Godfrey, Templeton and Brown supporting the motion, Alderman de Pencier dissenting). Mayor David Oppenheimer refuses to put the question to council, as he considered the action…
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Council read a telegram from the mayor of Halifax calling for assistance for the sufferers of the Springhill Disaster. $500 was telegraphed at once for their relief. [editor’s note: The Nova Scotia provincial Archives maintains a database of Nova Scotia mining fatalities as well as a more general history of…
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Mayor and Aldermen Godfrey, Brown, Hobson, Scoullar, Carroll, McDowell, and Templeton to go to Victoria to meet the members of the Legislature with the view of having the proposed amendments to the Vancouver Water Works Co’s Act opposed This transcript was made in 2016 by Transcribimus volunteer Christopher Stephenson and…
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City Hall on Powell Street, built after the Great Fire of 1886 Mayor David Oppenheimer declined to sign the minutes of the last meeting beyond the point at which he left the Chair and the special meetings. Alderman Brighouse moved and Alderman Brown seconded a motion that the Mayor leave…
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A majority vote of two thirds of the aldermen present compelled Mayor Oppenheimer to sign the minutes of February 23, 24, 28 and March 9. Vancouver Trades and Labour council requested that the Chain Gang not be employed on Street Work. A bylaw to regulate the storage of inflammable material…
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Special Meeting to consider applicants for the position of Chief Engineer. Mayor David Oppenheimer not present; Alderman Dowell appointed Chairman. Thomas H. Tracy of London, Ontario was unanimously selected. This transcript was made in 2016 by Transcribimus volunteer Donna Kynaston and sponsored by Shirley Barnett original handwritten minutes here City…
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Mayor Oppenheimer sends regrets and protest against “illegal” appointment of Thomas Tracy as City Engineer. Council to send letter of protest against the Attorney General’s reported intention to change several details of the City Charter. The meeting was adjourned out of respect to the memory of former Alderman Dr. James…
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License for the What Cheer house transferred to Mr. Sciutto. Transfer for license of the Germania Hotel not approved. Plans for the city market hall approved, tenders for building to be invited. Mr. H.B. Warren will continue his post as City Engineer, but will sue for damages if the job…
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The anticipated arrival of the S.S. Empress of India from the Orient to be celebrated with a performance by the City Band and an address to the officers and passengers. Mayor David Oppenheimer absent. The Board of Works to have plans prepared for a Women’s and Children’s Hospital and sent…
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The entire Fire Department budget was reviewed and the staff given raises. City Clerk asked to contact telephone company for a discount on rates to city government telephones. This transcript was made in 2016 by Transcribimus volunteer Christopher Stephenson and sponsored by Arnold Silber original handwritten minutes here City of…
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In consideration of $2,000 grant given to the women’s and children’s hospital by the City, the Chairman of the Board of Health to be one of directors of the hospital. Ongoing conflict over the firing of Chief Engineer Warren and the hiring of Mr. Tracy. Five aldermen to review the…
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Council appointed J.M. Browning as their arbitrator in the Water Works arbitration. A list of potential third arbitrators was presented – the City Solicitor to contact each of them to see if he would be willing to act as third arbitrator. This transcript was made in 2016 by Transcribimus volunteer…
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Appointment of Browning finalized. This transcript was made in 2016 by Transcribimus volunteer Christopher Stephenson and sponsored by Arnold Silber original handwritten minutes here City of Vancouver Archives Series 23-A Volume 4 pages 313 only Vancouver Apr 29/91 A Special meeting of the Council was held on Wednesday April 29th…
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$1,032 to be paid to George Telford et al for their work on Brockton Point Athletic Grounds. Mr. Thomson, owner of the building on the corner of Howe and Pender Streets, to be notified that his building is on the street line, and he must have it removed. City Engineer…
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A Special Meeting was held to consider the Works By-Law; the by-law was read over, signed, sealed, and sent to the newspapers for publication This transcript was made in 2016 by Transcribimus volunteer Donna Kynaston and sponsored by Arnold Silber original handwritten minutes here City of Vancouver Archives Series 23-A…
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This by-law was passed in the Vancouver City Council meeting of May 8, 1891. It changed Vancouver’s ward boundaries first set up under By-Law No. 3 in 1886. Transcribed by volunteer Anita Dos Santos in July of 2018. original by-law here 642 Repealed by No 431 BY-LAW NO: 118 A…
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The Board of Works reported that “the South Park (now Clark Park on Commercial Drive between 14th and 15th Avenues) is to be seeded at once”, and that Robson Street cannot “at present” to be made to open onto “the Park” (Stanley Park). The continuing disagreement about the hiring of…
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The Electric Light Co. was instructed not to light the street lights on the night of full moon and for two nights before and after full moon. The appointment of Mr. Tracy as Chief Engineer came up again; however, Mayor David Oppenheimer refused to put the question to Council. He…
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Alderman Brighouse refused to sign document of resignation previously signed by Mayor and all Aldermen, in response to demand brought forth at a recent public meeting. H. B. Warren brought suit against the City for wrongful dismissal. Aldermen Carroll and De Pencier made two unsuccessful motions to have the six…
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Former Chief Engineer H.B. Warren brought a suit of $5,000 against Council for unlawful dismissal. The mayor and Aldermen had their names struck off a document of resignation signed at the last meeting of Council. This transcript was made in 2016 by Transcribimus volunteer Leah Minuk and sponsored by Arnold…
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Dr. A. C. Smith reported that “after full investigation, there were no signs of leprosy within the City”. Meanwhile, hospital matron Miss Swan was directed to “exclude all cases of venereal disease from the Hospital”. Mr. Tracy’s appointment as City Engineer was finally confirmed. The Finance Committee provided detailed summaries…
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Council passed a resolution of condolence to telegraph to the Lady Macdonald, window of Sir John A. Macdonald, Prime Minister of Canada, then “adjourned until Monday next out of respect to the memory” of Macdonald This transcript was made in 2016 by Transcribimus volunteer Leah Minuk and sponsored by Arnold…
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The Board of Licenses approved liquor licenses for 47 hotels, 8 saloons, 6 retail establishments (including the Hudson’s Bay Company) and 6 wholesalers. City taxes were raised to 2% “to provide an additional sum for school purposes”. This transcript was made in 2016 by Transcribimus volunteer Linda Evans and sponsored…
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The firemen allowed use of the Market Hall July 1 without charge. Alderman Godfrey to obtain a flag for the building. The Finance Committee disallows Mayor’s account of $500 to the Coquitlam Water Works after “having examined the papers and records of Council” Similarly, the Board of Works disallows K.…
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Firemens’ salaries were raised to $10 per month ($25 for Fire Chief J. H. Carlisle). Nurses’ salaries were raised by $5 per month ($10 for matron Swan). Council chambers were ordered painted and repaired. Detailed regulations for sanitary storage and transportation of “the bodies of persons dying in this City”…
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Illustration: City of Vancouver Archives photo AM54-S4-: Dist P9 [The first caretaker’s cottage at Mountain View Cemetery near Bodwell Road (33rd Avenue) and North Road (Fraser Street)] Document: City of Vancouver Archives COV-S36– By-law no. 121 : a by-law to establish rules, regulations, etc. for the interment of the dead…
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The school board were unanimously elected by Council ballot; Brown was elected Chairman. An offer to the New Westminster and Vancouver Tramway Company was drafted. The city would grade certain streets, then allow the company to put in its rails. The Company had 30 days to respond to the offer.…
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Police “cannot interfere” to compel children to keep away from the Electric Railway track on city streets. Dr Fleming granted permission to erect a tent for the sale of drugs on Cordova St. The Women’s Christian Temperance Union advised that they could appear before the Police Court and prosecute those…
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Mrs. McDonald, wife of the cemetery keeper, to be paid $5.00 per month for attending to the telephone. City Solicitor gave his opinion that the position of Police Magistrate is technically vacant as Mr. Isaac Hallett is not a qualified Justice of the Peace. Hallett’s position as a Stipendiary Magistrate…
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Mayor Oppenhiemer and Alderman receive a notice of injunction from Elizabeth Ann Studden on behalf of the ratepayers, prohibiting the City from paying any further salary to Isaac Hallet as Police Magistrate. Hastings Street to be graded for Street Railway tracks. Committees appointed to organize Vancouver’s contribution to the Provincial…
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Water Works arbitration panel Browning, Tilton and Drake submit their findings. The City to regulate private “scavengering” (garbage/recycling collection) within the city as soon as the waste-burning Crematory is in operation. Police officer Joseph Gibson dismissed for being found asleep on the job. J.W Robinson and J.M. Fox appointed as…
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A bylaw was introduced to license Master Plumbers within the City. The City to immediately file an injunction to prevent further construction of a street railway along Venables Street to Boundary Road This transcript was made in 2016 by Transcribimus volunteer Chris Stephenson, MLIS and sponsored by Shirley Barnett original…
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The Police Chief authorized to prevent the New Westminster Tramway Co to interfere with Vancouver streets, and to obtain extra assistance if necessary. Alderman Carroll authorized to purchase an artificial leg for Mr. R. D. Pitt, “the City to pay for same.” By-Laws introduced to raise $440,000 “by way of…
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A Special Meeting was held to finalize an agreement between the Tramway Company and the City. This transcript was made in 2016 by Transcribimus volunteer Anonymous and sponsored by Shirley Barnett original handwritten minutes here City of Vancouver Archives Series 23-A Volume 4 page 462 only [volume 4 page 462]…
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Officer Grady “allowed $12 for a suit of clothes.” R.W. Hart awarded the contract for “burying the pauper dead at the rate of $15 for each corpse. ” The City Council “will not countenance any monopoly of the bathing facilities on [English] Bay”. Bylaw “granting the New Westminster Tramway Co.…
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Board of Works recommends all future contracts state “that 9 hours shall constitute a day’s work.” City Hall caretaker John Clough injured in accident; a replacement to be hired for one week. Albert Yates, Messenger for the City Hall, to be paid $25 per month. Each fireman be allowed a…
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Federal government seems to have stopped building post office on Granville Street, but has left stone blocks and building debris obstructing traffic. Two railcar loads of gravel to be purchased from the CPR for use on city streets. A by-election to be held, as Alderman de Pencier has left the…
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Letter received from H. Abbott, General Superintendent of the Canadian Pacific Railway Co., stating that he was authorized to proceed with the construction of the terminal station at the foot of Granville Street (now Waterfront Station). Moved by Alderman Godfrey, Seconded by Alderman Templeton That the Dominion Government be petitioned…
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Council “cordially endorses” Victoria council’s plan for a BC building at the (1893) Chicago World’s Fair. The Board of Health met to discuss the care and treatment of two Chinese lepers formerly employed by the CPR. Advertisement for a new Police Magistrate postponed for 3 months. This transcript was made…
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C.L. Brown elected as Alderman for Ward 5, and appointed to the Board of Works, Police, and License Committees. City will purchase 20,000 cubic yards of crushed rock from Dr. Kendall. R.S. Coldwell appointed Police Officer. This transcript was made in 2016 by Transcribimus volunteer Bronwen Cripps and sponsored by…
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Isaac Hallett resigned as Police Magistrate and was paid out at $125.00 per month. The lane in Block 97 D.L. 196 be graded by the chain gang. James Carnahan allowed to cut wood from five acres of the Cemetery Grounds at 20 cents a cord. This transcript was made in…
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Champion and White appointed as caretakers of the new city garbage burning facility at a joint salary of $75 per month. Board of Works to meet with the City Solicitor about how best to remove squatters from the City’s foreshore. Six additional intersections identified for future street lights, including 6th…
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Recent city census taken by Mackay and Emanuels shows population to be 18,260. Finance committee enquired into the City’s advertising in the News-Advertiser, and concluded that there was no over-charging by the newspaper. This transcript was made in 2016 by Transcribimus volunteer Donna Kynaston and sponsored by Shirley Barnett original…
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Final price for City’s purchase of Water Works was $452,530. $225 to be paid to A. Larwill for guarding lepers. Guard to be withdrawn and Mr Abbot of the CPR be notified. Police Officers allowed to receive rewards offered outside the City Limits for arrest of criminals and deserters for…
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All correspondence between the City, the Dominion Government and the C.P.R. regarding the leper cases to be published. City Market hall rented for a Temperance lecture for the sum of $10. City Hall to be re-insured for $5,000 over 3 years at a premium of $400. This transcript was made…
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A committee was appointed to meet with representatives from Victoria to establish a jointly-funded leprosy quarantine facility. This transcript was made in 2016 by Transcribimus volunteer Margaret Sutherland and sponsored by Shirley Barnett City of Vancouver Archives Series 23-A Volume 4 page 565 only [Vol. 4, pg. 565] November 13,…
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Vancouver’s share of the cost of the Darcy Island leprosy quarantine will be 2/7, Victoria’s will be 5/7. W.J. Hogg wrote to request that the Sunday Closing By-Law be enforced. D.J. McLean awarded contract for supplying waterproof overcoats for the police force at a cost of $9.00 each. License Inspector…
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A Special Meeting was held to appoint a Police Magistrate at a salary $125 per month. A. Williams was unanimously selected. This transcript was made in 2016 by Transcribimus volunteer Bronwen Cripps and sponsored by Shirley Barnett original handwritten minutes here City of Vancouver Archives Series 23-A Volume 4 pages…
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A. Williams declined appointment as Police Magistrate with restrictions. $500 was set aside for the Free Library for the purchase of books only. Market Committee empowered to find out what it will cost to deaden sounds from the basement of the Market Hall. Evans Coleman and Evans to supply to…
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G.A. Jordan elected Police Magistrate. Matron “not to admit D.T. patients*” to the city jail. City scavengers must dump all watery matter into manholes using proper chutes from the carts into the manholes. The City to apply to the Government (of BC) to use English Bay between Gilford and Bidwell…
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A six foot sidewalk to be put on 7th Avenue to the Baptist Church, with stumps and roots “which may be obstructions” to be removed. The new Crematory (garbage burning) facility to be insured for $3,000. The City Clerk to have a sufficient number of ballot boxes for election purposes,…
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The rate for the sale of the Water Works Debentures was set at 96% (The City had wanted a minimum of 97.5%, the bank had advised a straight 95). The City will submit a by-law to the citizens to acquire the Street Railway Company at $437,000. This transcript was made…
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Several by-laws were completed: Vagrancy, Bread, Guns etc., Pound, Market, Liquor, Fire Limit & Trades License. Use of the Market Hall was granted for the 26th of December to hold a concert in aid of the Alexandra Hospital. This transcript was made in 2016 by Transcribimus volunteer Anonymous and sponsored…
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City Engineer presented a plan of the city showing where more pipes were needed to extend the Water Works. Tenders were invited to supply appropriate pipes. City Clerk to advertise at once for a Porter and Cook for the City Hospital. The lane in Block 87.196 to be graded by…
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Special Meeting to review purchase of the Vancouver Electric Light and Street Railway Co. and to revise the Liquor License By-Law. This transcript was made in 2016 by Transcribimus volunteer Anonymous and sponsored by Shirley Barnett original handwritten minutes here City of Vancouver Archives Series 23-A Volume 4 pages 611-612…
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Duncan MacRae to be paid $87.50 for building on Darcy Island. One Vancouver leper established there. Accounts were submitted before year end, particularly from the Board of Works. By-Law was established to fix time and place for election of Mayor, Aldermen, Park and License Commissioners. This transcript was made in…
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Final meeting of the Council of 1891 Fire Chief allowed to order caps for the whole department from New York, as “they are not manufactured in this city”. A Trades License By-Law was put through at the last moment. However, a motion to conclude the By-Law for the purchase of…
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