Sponsorship for the 1894 Vancouver City Council minutes is still available.
The transcriptions were made by volunteers Gerald Soon, Krystyna Richards, Linda Evans, Sharon Mowat, Joanne McCormick, Michelle C., Rachel Amanda Hennessy, Chris Mizzoni, Cathy Harmer, Jane Edmonds and Darrin Pezer/Proactive Building Maintenance
Click on any headline to see the full transcript of that meeting.
The Health Officer reported two cases of diptheria in December 1893. Council overturns its former decision to allow Oppenheimer Brothers to construct a railway siding to their premises. By-law established to elect an Alderman for Ward No 2 and two School Trustees to fill the vacancies caused by the resignations…
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Mayor: R. A. Anderson Aldermen: W. F. Salsbury (Ward 1) H. P. Shaw (Ward 1) Henry Collins (Ward 2) C. L. Queen (Ward 2) D. McPhaiden (Ward 3) H. R. McCraney (Ward 3) William Brown (Ward 4) J. L. Franklin (Ward 4) Alexander Bethune (Ward 5) C. L. Brown (Ward…
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Five Committees established: the Finance Committee, Board of Works, Fire, Water & Light, Health Committee, and Police Committee. This transcript was made in 2019 by Transcribimus volunteer Krystyna Richards original handwritten minutes here City of Vancouver Archives COV S 31 Volume 5 pages 663 – 664 [volume 5 page 663]…
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Letter received from J. Buntzen, Business Manager of the Van Elec. Ry & L Co, stating that a light was to be erected on Granville Street Bridge. The City Clerk was to write to Toronto and Montreal to inquire about the budget for milk testing. Following the precedent set by…
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Motion that Council request the Provincial Government to deed the tide lands of False Creek east of Westminster Av to the City in accordance with the motion introduced into the Legislature by Mr. J. W. Horne. The City Solicitor gave his legal opinion that the Street Ry. Co. have made…
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Vancouver City Council directed the City Engineer to look into using hydro-electric energy from the Capilano Dam (pictured) to light streets. Martin Kelly awarded the contract for cutting stone for gutters and curbstones for Hastings and Granville Streets. James Dixon got the contract to build a basement drain for Granville…
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$5,000 was set aside for public works to provide employment – married men to be paid $1.75 a day; singles $1.25. A by-law to finance Granville Street improvements by selling debentures was introduced. Decision was delayed on a public request request to fix the term of alderman at one year.…
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Relief funding allotted at $1,000 to each of the five Wards; Aldermen to decide what street work in their ward is needed most, and hire foreman. Work to begin next Friday morning. City treasurer to ensure street gang workers will be paid twice a week. Vancouver opposes the amalgamation of…
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Council laid off some Civic Employees and reduced salaries of those remaining by 10 – 50%, though the decision was not unanimous: the vote was 4 supporting, 2 opposed, 1 abstaining. The Fire Water and Light Committee’s request for a Silsby heater at $275 was overturned. This transcript was made…
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Champion and White were given one month’s notice that their services (operating the city garbage burning crematory) were no longer required. Aldermen Brown, Bethune, Queen, Shaw and McFaiden appointed as a committee to manage the water works. The Police Magistrate granted two weeks leave. The City Band was given the…
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Council completed a by-law allowing the City to borrow $100,000 against the current year’s anticipated income. The Provincial Jail in New Westminster charged $462 for board of Vancouver prisoners. The Finance Committee allowed the City Band $480 for the current year.
The meeting formed an official resolution to incorporate High Schools in British Columbia and to situate the Provincial University in Vancouver. This transcript was made in 2019 by Transcribimus volunteer Sharon Mowat Illustration: Vancouver Archives Item AM54-S4-: Mil P111 [1905, Military parade at the Cambie Street Grounds, houses in the…
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Tenders to be invited for rock suitable for crushing. Rock to be delivered to the crusher near the wharf at the end of Gore Avenue. Mr. Thynne had applied to build a greenhouse at the corner of Pender and Granville Street. The Water Committee approved a payment of $23.00 to…
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Council ordered the East End [Hastings] race track to be closed and locked, only to be used by prior arrangement with Council. S.H. Holmes complained of dirty water coming from a nearby dye works. George E. Trorey offered two tame deer for [Stanley] Park. A nine hour day clause to…
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$10,000 was set aside for a Women’s Ward in the hospital. Mr Giguere, who had two poll tax receipts, was directed that if he made an affadavit, he would not be charged for them. The issue of appropriating the Vancouver Electric Railway and Light Co.’s tracks and wires was postponed…
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John Potter was appointed Inspector of the Reservoir at $3.00 per day. Mr R. Hughes was allowed to take out a temporary three month license in the absence of his business partner. The takeover of the Vancouver Illuminating Company’s assets by the City to include “the whole of the plant…
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Council supports petition for free postal delivery and branch post office and savings bank in the East End. Cemetery caretaker allowed two weeks’ leave to recuperate from illness. The Oppenheimer brothers complained of surface water flooding a property on St. George Street. Decision postponed regarding a supplier of crushed rock…
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The CPR asked Vancouver to take charge of 74 Chinese lepers. Meanwhile, the Health Committee compared rates for hospital care for mariners, women, children and lepers. Victoria was receiving a subsidy of $330 per year from Ottawa for care of each of their three lepers. City Solicitor recommended $1,000 be…
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A special meeting decided that instead of removing its tracks from Vancouver streets, the Street Railway Company be instructed to upgrade its tracks to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The Mayor was not present at this meeting, and Alderman Salsbury did not vote. This transcript was made in 2019…
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Alderman Salsbury was allowed to withdraw his resignation. The Welsh Brothers contended that the scales at the City Market were incorrect: the Police Committee recommended that an inspector be hired to test the scales. If the scales were in fact correct, the Welsh Brothers would be charged for the inspection.…
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Two firemen fined $5.00 each for being intoxicated on duty. The Sisters of Charity, who operated St. Paul’s hospital, given the grade for Pendrell Street. Council appointed a Committee who would look into allegations against the City Engineer. This meeting extended into Consideration of Estimates after usual business concluded. Continue…
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The Board of Works accepted A.E.E. Clark’s offer to supply the City with crushed rock at $1.22 per cubic yard for a term of five years. Alderman Queen and the Fire Department Chief were appointed to sell the current team of horses and replace them within the agreed budget. The…
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Alderman Shaw and Wm. Brown were added to the Street Railway purchase committee. Several Firemen applied to be insured by the Manufacturers Accident Insurance company. This transcript was made in 2019 by Transcribimus volunteer Sharon Mowat Original handwritten minutes here: City of Vancouver Archives COV S 31 Volume 6 pages…
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Cemetery caretaker Alexander McDonald reported cemetery needed both drainage and repair of the north fence. Miss R. McDowell hired as a nurse at only $10 per month. The Vancouver Electric Railway and Light Company advised it may not put up any more electric light poles without prior permission from Council.…
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Some Ward 5 ratepayers objected to splitting the ward in two. Some cattle on Lulu Island were infected with Big Jaw. City Engineer Thomas Tracy gave an estimate of the value of the plant and property of the Vancouver Electric Railway & Light Co, which the City of Vancouver was…
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D. McGillivray to lay a single street railway track on Hastings Street between Cambie & Carrall at $2.28 per foot. The Finance Committee reported the city budget did not permit more public parks for the citizens. The Board of Works recommended approval of W. Godfrey ‘s request that Burnaby Street…
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D. McGillivray to lay another street railway track on Granville Street between Robson and Hastings. C.O. Wickenden complained of damage to his property by a city contractor during blasting. Seventeen straw mattresses were purchased for the jail. The grade on Sixth Avenue at Quebec Street needed to be changed so…
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From J.M. Holland asking to be allowed to {sewer} connect his building on Dupont Street {today’s East Pender Street} with a four-inch cast iron pipe. Referred to the Board of Health. Three ladies were prominent this week in city undertakings: Mrs. Margaret E. White to take over the management of…
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C.O. Wickenden, Architect submitted plans & specifications for Arcade building to be erected at the corner of Hastings & Cambie Streets. The were referred back to the Architect to comply with the provisions of the Fire Limit By-Law. Meanwhile, the contractor for the Arcade, W.A. Mace, was granted permission to…
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The City Engineer instructed to examine the “stability” of the Market Hall to accommodate large meetings. A motion to withdraw the Street Railway By-Law was overturned, and the By-Law allowed to “take its course”. Two bondsmen required at $250 each to guarantee the Race Course will be left in good…
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By-law proposals for both the street railway purchase and the $60,000 were defeated. All City work in progress which is not strictly within the original Estimates must be stopped as quickly as safety allows. Dr. Kendall has not delivered the rock crushing plant to the new contractor. J.W. Bond complained…
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The Medical Health Officer reported on the unsanitary condition of Dupont Street and urged the draining of the low lying lands south of Dupont Street and east and west of Columbia Avenue. The Provincial government requested $200 to cover the cost of smallpox vaccine administered by Dr. McGuigan in August…
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Council received a request for the chain gang to dig drains around the Alexandra Hospital (pictured). In light of a local epidemic of bovine tuberculosis, Dr. Thomas advised that all milk be scalded before using. Council also passed a new By-law to license and regulate milk vendors was adopted.
William McGirr given contract to re-roof the Grand Stand at the Jockey Club. The Hudson’s Bay Company asks for a “full” sidewalk in front of its new Water Street warehouse. The telephones of all fire halls to ring simultaneously when an alarm is given. Several complaints of improper drainage and…
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Federal Government was “not inclined to bear any cost” in piling under First Narrows. Race track insurance was renewed for both the Grand Stand and the stables. The Union Steam Ship company requests City water connection at the wharf. The Van Elec. Railway & Light Co’s account of $1,735.19 was…
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A reception was arranged for Hon. Wilfred Laurier (not yet Prime Minister of Canada) who was due to visit Vancouver soon. Lomas and Sheridan’s tender of $65 was accepted for replanking the Granville Street Bridge. Other tenders ran as high as $225. Several requests for grading and sidewalk improvements had…
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A detailed proposal to provide a bonus for a future iron and steel factory to settle in Vancouver was overturned, as no proposal had been received. Milk Vendors invited to meet with Health Committee.
The Electric Lights By-Law was read a second time. After consultation with milk producers, the Milk By-Law was put into place. Council "will be prepared to give careful consideration to any reasonable proposition for financial aid submitted to it by the promoters of iron and steel works." The Police Committee…
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E.L. Phillips served the City with an injunction against paying for street rails. Meanwhile the Finance Committee had proposed to use $2,500 allotted to legal expenses and $3,500 allotted to contagious diseases to pay for the street rails. Due to the injunction, that proposal was set aside. The Vancouver Trades…
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The Street Railway Company was notified they needed to upgrade their track from False Creek Bridge to 9th Avenue [Broadway] to match the city’s upgrades to the road bed along this interval. In the absence any patients, the caretaker of the Isolation Hospital allowed $35 per month. This transcript was…
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E. Kingcombe was appointed City Assessor at $200 per month salary. Former Mayor M. A. MacLean paid $140 for revision of Voters’ Lists. A quarter plot in the cemetery granted to the late Charles MacAulay free of charge. Water connection granted to the Union Steam Ship Company wharf, with the…
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The Board of Works reviewed an application from the Bailey Brothers for a brick extension at the rear of their store (pictured here). The Fire Inspector to notify architects and building permit applicants that all new buildings must conform to the “Fire Escape Act 1894” passed at the last session…
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Electric lighting by-law passed with a majority; five Aldermen appointed to search out best price for lighting. K. Silverman claimed damages against the City for injuries received on Cordova Street.
The By-Law $100,000 for electric lighting purposes was signed, sealed and gazetted, in spite of opposition from Davis, Marshall & MacNeill . Aldermen Bethune, Franklin, C.L. Brown, McPhaiden & McCraney were appointed to look into reasons for the delay of construction of the Burrard Inlet & Fraser Valley Railway. Aldermen…
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The Special Committee tasked to investigate delay in building the Sumas-Vancouver Railway gave its report. Though the Committee recommended its adoption; however Council agreed only to file the report. Vancouver to reimburse the City of Victoria $41.59 toward its share of the keep of the lepers on Darcy Island. Continue…
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A By-law was drafted to pave Granville Street between Hastings Street and Cordova Street for $4,000. The position of Street Inspector was eliminated. The Fire & Light Committee held off decisions on hiring an electrical engineer and on buying a site for a power house. A number of taxpayers allowed…
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Vancouver City Council required each number of the City’s staff to make “due provision in case of sickness or death” as it would not be responsible. The case of an abandoned three month old child was referred to the Health Committee. Tenders were advertised to finance $4,000 for Civic Improvements…
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Council overturned the Board of Works’ recommendation that streets west of Nicola be opened in the West End. $50 Secret Service fund granted to Mayor, the sum coming from the Police Contingent Fund.
The Mayor of North Vancouver demanded retroactive road tax for all Vancouver employees working on the Water Works over the past three years. William Cargill asked to be paid for the shingles used in roofing the grand stand at Hastings Park, claiming them as his property. Amendments to the Milk…
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Permission given in 1893 for the Street Railway company to lay tracks on Robson Street was repealed*. Council was invited to attend the opening ceremonies for St. Paul’s Hospital. A three plank walk wanted by the Board of Works was disallowed by the rest of Council. The walk would have…
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Alderman Franklin granted leave of absence to the end of the year. Boundaries of the land given to the CPR to serve the sugar refinery were adjusted somewhat. Ends of certain lots required by the Street Railway Company were authorized to be sold for $900. The Water Committee to identify…
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The City Engineer will examine what repairs are needed to the Market Hall and then lease holder Mr. Beattie must make the repairs within fourteen days of discovery. The City’s Police and Fire Committees merge, as do the Light and Water Committees. Better ventilation to be provided for the Operating…
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A number of amendments to the City Charter were passed: future Mayors and Aldermen may not have business dealings or contracts with the City; Aldermen to be elected for one year only; the Ward system to remain unchanged. A proposal, however, that Ward representatives must live within the same Ward…
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A watering trough (for horses to drink from) was ordered for Westminster Avenue at the junction of Westminster Road and the other for Granville Street near Drake Street. The City Treasurer was authorized to send $200.00 to Victoria to cover the House fee required for the amendments to the City…
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Several citizens complained to the Legislative Assembly in Victoria that Vancouver City Council had made hasty and secret amendments to the City Charter in a meeting without quorum. Council completely refuted these accusations and called them “a slander”. Shown above are the first purpose-built Legislative Buildings in Victoria, the “Birdcages,”…
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James McGeer appointed milk inspector at a salary of $50 per month. Miss Hewitt hired as a nurse at $10 per month. The Finance Committee reported that ten dollars had been raised for Williams, a “shackite” (person living in a shack). All remaining debts incurred by this Council to be…
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