Sponsorship for these 1899 Vancouver City Council minutes is still available.

Transcription is still in progress. To date, transcripts have been made by volunteers Joanne McCormick, Marie-Claude Tremblay, and Carole Wilson

Click on any headline to see the full transcript of that meeting.

Vancouver Mayor and Council 1899

Mayor:James F. Garden Aldermen:H. B. Gilmour (Ward 1)Robert Grant (Ward 1)R. B. Skinner (Ward 2)James McQueen (Ward 2)W. J. McGuigan (Ward 3)D. McPhaiden (Ward 3)William Brown (Ward 4)C. F. Foreman (Ward 4)Alexander Bruce (Ward 5)W. H. Wood, Jr. (Ward 5)

Vancouver Hospital Rules Amended – January 7, 1899
Vancouver Hospital 1902

The only proposed amendment that “cannot be agreed to” by Council was “on the approval of the Medical Board” after Council’s decision.

Categories 1899
Water Works Contract Approved – January 9, 1899
Water Works Contract Approved – January 9, 1899

Council approved a contract with Mssrs Armstrong and Morrison “for the furnishing of steel riveted mains for the Water Works Department”. The Finance Committee and the City Solicitor had previously vetted the contract.

Categories 1899
Final Meeting of Council for 1898 – January 16, 1899
Final Meeting of Council for 1898 – January 16, 1899

Final reports and accounts from 1898 were received. A letter from the Health Inspector re J.T. Abray’s claim regarding blocking of Cosmopolitan {Hotel} sewer (pictured here) was referred to the City Solicitor.

Categories 1899
Firefighting Equipment Finalized, Three Policemen Hired – February 27, 1899
Firefighting Equipment Finalized, Three Policemen Hired – February 27, 1899

Fire Chief Carlisle Engineer A.W. Cameron selected the following equipment for purchase: Steam Fire Engine, Waterous Engine Co.; Aerial Truck, also from the Waterous Engine Co.; Hose, 2000 ft. from Gutta Percha & Rubber Co., 1750 ft being Eureka hose and 250 ft. Maltese Cross Hose; Fire Alarm Boxes five…
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Categories 1899
More Street Numbering to Come to Vancouver – March 13, 1899

The Board of Works resolved to carry out the street numbering on the system recommended by the City Engineer. The City’s contract for advertising will be split evenly among the News-Advertiser, Province and World for the next year. The Light, Railway and Tramway Committee planned to interview Wiring Inspector candidates,…
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Categories 1899
Animal Cruelty Fines to be Paid to S.P.C.A. – March 20, 1899

…Be it resolved that the City’s portion of all penalties imposed…be paid over to the treasurer of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to animals. The City purchased a rock crusher from Hugh Cameron for $2,000. Police were instructed to report all cases where garbage is being dumped on…
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Categories 1899
Vancouver to Acquire False Creek, Coal Harbour Waterfronts – March 27, 1899

That the City Solicitor be instructed to secure…that portion of False Creek lying to the east of Westminster Ave Bridge and Coal Harbour to the West of Stanley Park Bridge. The city also agreed to pay $2,000 to the Waterous Engineering Co for a No. 5 Champion Rock Crusher. Continue…
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Vancouver to Have a Wiring Inspector – April 4, 1899

The Lights, Railway and Tramway Committee reported they were inviting applications for the position of Wiring Inspector. The Inspector’s salary to be paid by fees collected by him for examining the wiring of buildings. E. Mckeating was appointed Fireman from among fifteen applicants.

Categories 1899
Jockey Club Granted $250 To Improve Hastings Track – April 10, 1899

Jockey Club asked for a grant of $250 for the purpose of making necessary improvements to the track at Hastings and the sum was granted. Some Vancouverites who have since become famous were not treated as well: Rogers’ Sugar Manager Mr. B. T. Rogers was notified that he must remove…
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Categories 1899
All Quotes for Gravel Found Too High – April 17, 1899

All four quotes for crushed rock were found too high (the lowest was 65 cents per cubic foot) and the contractors’ deposits were ordered to be returned. A committee was formed to discuss a possible C. P. R. way station for the East End. Possible sites for a new library…
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Categories 1899
Mount Pleasant Cow Infected With TB – April 24, 1899

The Health Committee reported Health Inspectors reporting a wild cow on Mount Pleasant afflicted with a very serious case of tuberculosis. A new by-law regarding sewage was contemplated. Local resident Philip Fewster, who was travelling to England, said he would look into the effectiveness of Septic Tanks.

Categories 1899
Lease of Deadman’s Island Debated – April 25, 1899
Lease of Deadman’s Island Debated – April 25, 1899

This transcript was made in 2023 by Transcribimus volunteer Barbara Kearney-Copan.

Categories 1899
City Solicitor to have Foreshore Inspected – May 8, 1899

Council voted the City Solicitor “take the necessary steps to find out what position the foreshore in front of the Old Granville Townsite stands re claims by the Province or City before this agreement is handed over to the C.P.R. Co.Carried. From the House Surgeon recommending the kalsomining [a kind…
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Categories 1899
400 Cans of Salmon and Condensed Milk Seized as “Unfit for Human Food” – May 22, 1899

The Medical Health Officer and Health Inspector reported that they had seized about 400 cans of salmon and condensed milk which they had condemned as being unfit for human food and suggesting that a letter be sent to the Secretary of the Canners Association calling attention to the immediate necessity…
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Categories 1899
Slaughterhouses to Stay on the Shores of False Creek – May 29, 1899

Council overturned a request from Ward 5 citizens asking that they take the necessary steps to remove the slaughterhouses from the shores of False Creek. After hearing from Job Kelly complaining of language used towards him by Constable Wylie at the Police Station, the police were warned to be more…
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Categories 1899Tags ,
Council Trades Use of Wharf for Support of Rogers Sugar Foreshore Claim – June 5, 1899
Council Trades Use of Wharf for Support of Rogers Sugar Foreshore Claim  – June 5, 1899

If the Rogers Sugar Refining Co. grant the City use of their wharf for 66 feet west of Rogers Street, the Council will have no objection to the foreshore applied for by the Company being granted.

Categories 1899
Vancouver Claims Rights to Deadman’s Island, Foreshore – June 12, 1899
Vancouver Claims Rights to Deadman’s Island, Foreshore – June 12, 1899

Alderman Brown announced that if Mr. Ludgate was allowed by the Province to log Deadman’s Island, he would move that the City Solicitor look in to the City’s rights to the Island. Council agreed that the City claims free access to the foreshore Burrard Inlet over the ends of Cambie,…
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Categories 1899
Coal and Wood Measurements Need Enforcement – June 21, 1899
Coal and Wood Measurements Need Enforcement – June 21, 1899

The Secretary of the Trades & Labor Council asked to have By-Law enforced for weighing coal and measuring wood. Referred to the City Solicitor for a Report as to the City’s power in the matter. Illustration shows the S. S. Joan, which was to be used for the upcoming Press…
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Categories 1899
Celebration Funds Released, Sewerage Considered – June 28, 1899
Celebration Funds Released, Sewerage Considered – June 28, 1899

$1,000 was given to the Committee to celebrate July 1. Council resumed consideration of the upcoming sewage by-law.

Categories 1899
Council Reviews Lists of Accounts – July 3, 1899
Council Reviews Lists of Accounts – July 3, 1899

Council reviewed lists of accounts from the Fire and Police Committee, the Finance Committee, the Water + Market Committee, and the Board of Works. Evans, Coleman and Evans provided supplies to several civic committees throughout the 1890s. Their premises (pictured here) were on Alexander Street at the corner of Columbia,…
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Categories 1899
Council Split Over $2,000 Settlement Offer – July 17, 1899

In June of 1898, the steamship Laurada had caused considerable damage to Vancouver’s Water Works. Aldermen Grant, Gilmour, McQueen, McPhaiden and Foreman were in favour of an offer to settle “all proceedings and action against the steamship…upon payment of the said sum of $2000, … to be paid on the…
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Categories 1899
Council Offers Court House Free Water For A Fountain – August 14, 1899
Council Offers Court House Free Water For A Fountain – August 14, 1899

R. J. Skinner asked the Water and Market Committee for reduced water rates for Court House grounds. The Committee “[did] not see their way to make any reduction.” However, Council as a whole offered to Provincial Government offering free water for the Court House grounds “provided a suitable fountain is…
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Categories 1899
Two Bicycles Purchased for Vancouver Police – May 15, 1899
Two Bicycles Purchased for Vancouver Police – May 15, 1899

Resolved that two bicycles be purchased for the Police Force viz one Gendrow at $50.00 and one Massey Harris at $52.50. James Clandenning was appointed Inspector on the Street Railway Construction on Denman Street at a Salary of $3.50 per day. At least two companies offered prices for street sprinkling…
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Categories 1899