Council’s first meeting at the new City Hall on Powell Street – November 8, 1886

Council’s first meeting at the new City Hall on Powell Street – November 8, 1886

The Finance Committee reported purchase of “12 Arm Chairs, one Long Table for Council Chambers, one hanging lamp, 4 green holland blinds, 1 ton of Coal, Coal scuttle and shovel, 2 nests of pigeon holes for the City Clerk and Treasurer’s offices.” (The long table is still on display at the Hastings Mill Museum.)

This transcript was made in 2013 by Transcribimus volunteer
Darrin Pezer/Proactive Building Maintenance

original handwritten minutes here

City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 1 pages 158-165

Vancouver Nov 8th 1886

The Council met on Monday Nov 8th 1886 in the New City Hall on Powell Street at 7.30, P.M.

Present His Worship the Mayor (presiding) Aldermen Balfour, Cordiner, Griffith, Humphries, Hamilton E.P. and L.A. Hamilton.

The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From Bank of British Columbia respecting loan of $4000, referred to Finance Committee.

W.S. Gore re granting of 18 inches of Lot 2, Block 2 to George Byrnes.

Moved by Alderman Humphries seconded by Alderman Griffith

That having heard the telegram of the Surveyor General read, re Lot 2 Block 2, that a communication be sent to the Government expressing surprise at their action, reminding them of the promises made to the Committee appointed by this Council to grant Lot 2 Block 2 to the Corporation for the purposes of erecting a fire hall thereon, the Committee undertaking at the time to secure other ground to the Government in lieu thereof,

Informing them that on the strength of this Solemn Assurance this Corporation have constructed permanent buildings thereon, the plans for which require the full width of the Lot, And requesting them not to grant any portion of the lot in question to Mr. Byrnes.


From W. Norman Bole claiming $23.00 for J. Patterson for cutting trees on Street on 200 A. referred to Board of Works.

From H. Abbott acknowledging receipt of letter from City Clerk re exemption from taxation of the Shops etc. of the C.P.R.

Moved by Alderman Balfour seconded by Alderman E.P. Hamilton that communication of H. Abbott be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act in the matter in detail. Carried.

J. Abrams, Work on Fire Hall $21.00 B. of Works
J.D. Preston, Work on City Hall 17.50 B. of Works
Hayden & Co, Goods 4.95 Finance
Palmer Bros., 40 Sacs Sawdust 2.00 B. of Works
John A. Mateer, Work on F. Hall 45.00 B. of Works
Forbes & Linton, Black Smithing 30.33 B. of Works
R. Mathison, Legal Forms 20.00 Finance
W. Ashford, Milk for Hospital 31.90 B. of Health
Jacob Sehl, Furniture 119.00 Finance
H. McDowell & Co 10.50 B. of Health
John Hill, Lumber teaming 14.25 B. of Works


The Fire Water and Light Committee met on Saturday Nov 6, 1886 at 8.P.M. with a full attendance of Members.

Acting under the instructions of Council we have purchased furniture for the Fire Hall.

We have taken into consideration the advisability of erecting Street Lamps and would recommend to Council that 12 be erected giving this Committee power to Call for tenders for the furnishing and erection of same.

In order to give the City greater security against fire we would strongly recommend to Council the purchase of Hook and Ladder No 2 with Patent Extension Ladders and 2 Babcock Extinguishers from the Gutta Percha Rubber Company of Toronto at a cost of $1250.

sgd R. Balfour

Report Referred to Finance Committee.


The Finance Committee met on Monday November 8th 1886 at 11.30, A.M.

Acting under instructions of Council we have authorized the purchase of 12 Arm Chairs, one Long Table for Council Chambers, one hanging lamp, 4 green holland blinds, 1 ton of Coal, Coal scuttle and shovel, 2 nests of pigeon holes for the City Clerk and Treasurer’s offices.

We have also authorized Mr. Blake to draft debenture forms.

sgd, R. Balfour
for Chairman

Report of Finance Committee adopted.


The Board of Health met on Monday November 8th 1886 at 6.30, P.M.

The following accounts were examined and found correct.
Abrams Aird & Co. $119.03
Owen Hughes 2.00
Thomas Quann 10.00
J.G. Wright 3.00
J.B. Thornton 8.45
E.P. Hamilton 1.20
J.R. Tait 12.50
Dr. Beckinsale 5.00
G.H. Wright 3.96
H. McDowell 23.90
Robt. Grant 6.40
Dr. McGuigan 35.00
John J. Turner 5.00
Templeton & Co 32.40
W. Ashford 3.40
Geo. E. Griffith 10.00
Jacob Sehl 68.50
sgd E.P. Hamilton

Report adopted.

Board of Works

Board of Works met on Saturday Nov 6th 1886 at 3 p.m.

The following accounts were presented.
Geo. Barnes, hauling lumber $1.00
Wm. Harkins, gravelling & grading 584.50
Moodyville Saw Mill Corp 10.12
Moodyville Saw Mill Corp 119.06
Moodyville Saw Mill Corp 4.82
McLennan & McFeely, Store 13.00
G.W. Gibson, laying sidewalks $24.00
Thos. Dunn & Co, Tape Line &c 5.30
Allan McLean, Chimney 41.00

We recommend the accounts of William Harkins, Geo. Barnes and Moodyville Saw Mill Corps account for $10.12 be paid out of the funds to be raised for Street improvements and Moodyville Saw Mills accounts for $119.06 and 14.82, McLennan & McFeely’s for 13.00 and Allan McLean’s for $41.00 be paid out of funds to be raised for payment of City Hall and Fire Hall, and we also recommend the payment of the accounts of Thos. Dunn & co and G.W. Gibson.

As contractor for Westminster Avenue is unable to supply plank for Westminster Avenue the Mill men being unwilling to accept the Local Improvement Bonds in payment thereof, the City Clerk was instructed to bring the question of the improvement of this street before the Government and to urge that an appropriation similar to that given on Powell Street be granted.
sgd L.A. Hamilton

Report adopted.


Moved by Alderman Balfour seconded by Alderman L.A. Hamilton

That the City Clerk and Treasurer be instructed to furnish the Finance Committee with a detailed statement of all accounts due by the City or to become due this year.

Moved by Alderman E.P. Hamilton seconded by Alderman Humphries

that the City Engineer be and he is hereby instructed to survey the plot selected by the Board of Health for a public cemetery and transmit a plan of same to the Surveyor General, Victoria so that the City may immediately secure a title for the said plot. Carried.

Moved by Alderman L.A. Hamilton seconded by Alderman E.P. Hamilton

that the Board of License Commissioners be requested to furnish for next meeting of Council a statement showing the number of Hotel, Saloon and Shop Licenses issues, the names of Licensees, the number of Licenses rescinded with the names of the Licensees for non-compliance with the conditions of the License By-Law, the amount collected for license fees and the amount now in arrears stating the names of the defaulters. Carried.

A Communication was read from A.C. Perry on behalf of the Vancouver City Club asking for the use of the City Hall for Weekly dances.

Moved by Alderman L.A. Hamilton seconded by Alderman E.P. Hamilton
that the request of the Quadrille Club be granted.
That a Charge of $1.00 per night be made to cover the cost of lighting and heating for future meetings.

Notice of Motion.

Alderman Humphries gave notice that he would at next meeting of Council move that the Council take some action in trying as far as possible to prevent Chinese from locating within the City Limits.


Moved by Alderman L.A. Hamilton seconded by Alderman Balfour that By-Law No 13 be read a third time.

In the reading of the By-Law it was moved by Alderman L.A. Hamilton seconded by Alderman Balfour,
that subsection “A” of the preamble be amended by reducing the amount for fire and lighting purposes from Six thousand to five thousand dollars. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Balfour seconded by Alderman Cordiner
that By-Law No 13 be engrossed signed and sealed by the Mayor and Clerk and a copy sent to the British Columbia Gazette for publication.

Moved by Alderman Balfour seconded by Alderman E.P. Hamilton
That By-Law No 12 be read a third time.

Moved by Alderman Balfour seconded by Alderman E.P. Hamilton that By-Law No 12 be engrossed signed and sealed by the Mayor and Clerk and a copy sent to the British Columbia Gazette for publication.

A By-Law to appoint Deputy Returning Officers and polling booths for the election of Mayor and Aldermen for 1887 was read a first time.

The Council then adjourned.

M.A. MacLean

Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk