Costello and Munro give up Water Mains contract – October 5, 1892

Council directed the Fire, Water and Light Committee to proceed with another company once a settlement was made with Costello and Munro for work done to date.

This transcript was made in July of 2018 by Transcribimus volunteer Anonymous

original handwritten minutes here

City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 5 pages 169 only

[vol 5 pg 169]
Vancouver Wednesday Oct 5 1892.

The Council met on Wednesday Oct 5th 1892.
Present His Worship, the Mayor, and Aldermen Anderson, Collins, Scoullar, McGuigan, Franklin, Mills and Gavin.

From Costello and Munro, asking the Council to take the contract off their hands for laying the water mains on Sections 2 + 3.
Moved by Alderman Gavin
Seconded by “ McGuigan
That the contract for the laying of the water mains be taken off the hands of Messrs Costello and Munro and that the work be done by day Labor.
Moved by Alderman Franklin
Second by “ Gavin.
That the F. W. + L. Committee be authorized to proceed with the work of laying the water mains on the contract taken off the hands of Costello and Munro as soon as a satisfactory settlement is made with said contractors
Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by “ Scoullar.
That the following account be paid:-
W. S. Westcott for laying submerged main $300000
The Council went into Committee of the Whole with Alderman Anderson in the Chair for the purpose of considering an agreement between the City and the Burrard Inlet Railway Co and the Northern Pacific Ry Co.
The Agreement was read over clause by clause after which the committee rose and asked leave to sit again.
The Council then adjourned

Thos. F. McGuigan F. Cope
City Clerk Mayor