Cemetery road must be repaired, Vancouver & South Vancouver tell Victoria – October 17, 1892

Mr. Abbott of the C. P. R. allowed 180 cubic yards of rock at the same prices as City. Thomas Allen to be paid $450.00 for purchase of a team of horses for the Fire Department.

This transcript was made in August of 2018 by Transcribimus volunteer Anonymous

original handwritten minutes here

City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 5 pages 178-182

[vol 5 pg 178]
Vancouver Wednesday Oct 17th 1892.

The Council met on Monday Oct 17th 1892.
Present His Worship, the Mayor and, Aldermen Anderson, Collins, Scoullar, McGuigan, McCraney, Franklin, Mills and Gavin.
The Minutes of last meeting were read, and adopted.

The following communications were received and read:-

From Chas. C. Wilson on behalf of John S. McMahon asking for a reduction of the circus license.
From T. A. Smith etal asking for the grading of 3rd Av.
Referred to the Board of Works
From J. A. Coldwell applying for the position of assessor.
Referred to Finance Committee
From J. A. Coldwell re Water Works Inspection.
From the Chief of Police reporting on the Electric lights.
From the Burrard Inlet + Fraser Valley Railway Co asking the Council to pass another By-Law re bonus.
Laid over
From L. M. Wilson et al asking for a sidewalk on Hamilton Street.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From Innes + Richards re the closing of a drain on Water Street.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From C. H. L. Tyrrell, asking for compensation for being quarantined in Columbia Hotel.
From G. G. Macfie asking for a sidewalk on Alberni Street.
Referred to the Board of Works
For the Caretaker of the Cemetery, asking for certain repairs.
Referred to the Board of Health
From J. Huntly in reference to the City Scavenger
Referred to the Board of Health

[vol 5 pg 179]

From J. Huntly stating that he was summonsed to his Victoria in connection with Royal Commission on Small pox, and asking for leave of absence.
Moved by Alderman McGuigan
Seconded by “ Anderson.
That leave be granted him.
From C. McLachlin, C. M. C. of South Vancouver asking the Council to co-operate with them in petitioning the Government for the repair of the cemetery road.
From the B. C. Iron Works, asking for compensation for delay for stoppage of works.
Referred to Finance Committee.
From the C. P. R. Co submitting an account for $9.46 for freight on hose.
Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by “ McGuigan
That the amount be paid
From Geo Erwin etal submitting an account for $415.10 for day labor.
Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by “ Gavin
That the amount be paid
From H. T. Devine + Co submitting, an account for $97.02 for supplies
Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by “ McGuigan
That the amount be paid
From Alfred Williams et al submitting an account for $50.00 for work in connection with pest house.
Moved by Alderman McGuigan
Seconded by “ Scoullar.
That the amount be paid
From G. W. Fuller submitting an account for $471.42 for cementing Market basement floor.
Moved by Alderman Collins
Seconded by “ McGuigan
That the amount be paid.
[vol 5 pg 180]

From E. W. Scoullar + J. H. Carlisle submitting an account for $45.00 for travelling expenses.
Moved by Alderman McGuigan
Seconded by “ Collins
That the account be paid

The following Reports were received and read:-

Board of Works.

The Board of Works met on Thursday Oct 13th 1892.
Present Alderman McCraney Scoullar, Franklin and Gavin.
It was recommended:-
1. That the communications from Geo Gaskell and J. F. Ross re 9th and 6th Avs be referred to the Street Inspector for attention.

2. That Mr Abbott be supplied with 180 yards of broken rock at the same rate per cubic yard as supplied to the City delivered on the scow. at the City wharf at the foot of Gore Av. and, that he be allowed the use of the Steam Road Roller, as requested in his communication provided the full expenses are paid by him.

3. That the Street Inspector be instructed to give them City Solicitor the information required by him re the accident to Theo Hardiman’s child.

4. That the chain gang be sent to cut a passable roadway on 10th Ave to Mr Lake’s and adjourning houses a distance of 150 feet in length more or less.

5. That the Chief of Police be instructed to have the obstructions removed from the portion of the lane running parallel to Carrall Street in Block 7. subdivision 196.

6. That the City Solicitor be instructed to arrange to have the lanes in District Lot

[vol 5 pg 181]

200a belonging to H. L. Edwards, deeded to the City.

7. That J. M. Browning be informed in reference to his letter of September 9th last that the existing wooden Sewer in the lane in Blocks 43 and 53 sub 541 cannot be lowered yet but when, a new Sewer is just in to replace it; it will be put down if possible at such a lower level, as to accommodate the buildings referred to in his communication.

8. That the following accounts to be paid:-
Palmer Bros. coal $5.76
Thomson Bros. supplies 29.80
G. A. Fraser + co. “ 9.60
Godfrey _ Blowey “ .55
Thos Veitch, delivering crushed rock 443.75
W. H. Kendall crushed rock 1019.34
McQuarrie + co sewerage 1231.65
Potter + Flett “ 1746.42
Evans, Coleman + Evans sewer pipes 476.21
Thos Veitch Express hire 15.40
McLeod + McDairmid Fire Hall Mt. Pleasant 475.00
B. C. Elec T. + T. Co supplies 5.75
H. Lomas et al Labor 282.45
D. McGillifray Bituminous rock 16,618.50
W. H. Fraser Extras on Hospital 598.46
sgd H. P. McCraney

Moved by Alderman Gavin
Seconded by “ Franklin
That the Report be adopted

Finance Committee.
The Finance Committee met on Friday Oct 14th 1892. Present Alderman Anderson, Collins + Mills. The following accounts were recommended for payment:-
Thomson Bros stationery $3.65
D. McRae fixing up booths 4.00
Daily Telegram Printing 15.40
Thomson Bros. Stationery 18.18
sgd R. A. Anderson

[vol 5 pg 182]

Moved by Alderman Collins
Seconded by “ McGuigan
That the Report be adopted.


Moved by Alderman Scoullar
Seconded by “ McGuigan
That Thos. Allen be paid $450.00 for the horses purchased from him for the Fire Department.
Moved by Alderman Anderson
Seconded by “ Gavin
That the Sum of $75.00 be granted to the Telephone Co for repairing the line to the Cemetery.

Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by “ Gavin
That the Provincial Government be petitioned to have the old North Arm Road running past the cemetery put in a proper state of repair at once as at present said road is in a disgraceful condition and almost totally unfit for travel and that a copy of this resolution be sent to each of the City’s Representatives.

Notice of Motion.
Alderman McGuigan gave notice that at the next regular meeting o Council he would introduce a By-Law making certain provisions with reference to By-Law No. 159 and the works provided for by said By-Law and the bonus granted thereunder.

The Council then adjourned.

F. Cope
Thos. F. McGuigan
City Council