Dry dock needed in Vancouver, says Board of Trade – October 31, 1892

The Opera House to gain an awning or covered walkway.  Oppenheimer Brothers must clear their lots in Mount Pleasant.  Mr. St. Armand granted permission to build his house over running water, provided he does not hold the City liable for damages, or “block the waterway”.

This transcript was made in August of 2018 by Transcribimus volunteer Anonymous

original handwritten minutes here

City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 5 pages 191-196

[vol 5 pg 191]
Vancouver Oct 31st 1892.

The Council met on Monday Oct 31st1892.
Present His Worship, the Mayor and, Aldermen Anderson, Collins, Scoullar, McGuigan, McCraney, Odlum, Franklin, Mills and Gavin.
The Minutes of last meeting were read, and adopted.

The following communications were received and read:-
From A. McKinnell etal asking for the City Water on Seventh Av.
Referred to the F. W + L. Committee
From the School Trustees, asking for a grant of $10,000 for building purposes.
Moved by Alderman Odlum
Seconded by “ Collins
That the amount be paid
From Bodwell + Irving submitting an account for $95.85 for law costs in case of Bowack vs the City.
Referred to the Finance Committee
From Mrs A. C. Stirrett asking for the use of the Fire Hall on Mount Pleasant for Nov 10th.
Moved by Alderman Gavin
Seconded by “ Odlum
That the request be granted
From Miss Grace Reid asking the Council to provide a book case for the wing to the City Hospital to contain a library of 133 Volumes which she desired to present to the City.
Moved by Alderman McGuigan
Seconded by “ Odlum
That her request be granted.
From the B. C. Iron Works stating that they were now in a position to supply all kinds of castings etc.
Referred to the F. W + L. Committees

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From Wm Seidelman asking that the Council order the clearing of of Block 27.184
Referred to the Board of Works.
From W. H. Tyrell, asking for compensation for being quarantined.
Referred to the Board of Health.
From Walsh + Nightingale submitting an account for goods supplied to quarantine guards.
Referred to the City Solicitors

From McLeod + McDermid submitting an account for extras on the Mount Pleasant Fire Hall.
Referred to the F W + L. Committee

From N. D. McDermid complaining about stumps being piled on his lots on Ninth Av.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From Theo. R. Hardiman asking that some suitable person be dep to inquire into the accident to his child.

From W. E. Green assignee for Geo. A. Fraser + Co stating that all accounts were to be paid to John Boultbee.
Referred to the City Solicitors
From Leatherdale and Stiritt stating that their claims for injury to their horse and buggy was not investigated.
Referred to the City Solicitors
From John McLaren reporting on the Electric lights.
From Joseph Huntly reporting two cases of small pox.
From John Wolfe offering to run the crematory
Referred to the Board of Health

[vol 5 pg 193]

The following Reports were received and read

Finance Committee.

The Finance Committee met on Friday Oct 28th and Saturday October 29th 1892.
Present Aldermen Anderson, Collins and Mills.
It was recommended:-
1. That the following accounts be paid:-
Myers + Cheyne Guarding $10.00
W. B. Fisher Clerical Work 60.00
Thos. F. McGuigan etal Expenses to
Westminster 18.00
C. E. Pouley Law costs 272.50
A. M. Richards “ “ 100.00
Michael Costello Arbitration fees 30.00
J. W. McFarland “ “ 25.00
R. G. Tatlow “ “ 25.00
R. H. Alexander Umpire 10.00
C. A. Coldwell “ 10.00
Dom Publishing Co. Map 15.00

2. That D. McCrae be appointed Assessor to commence work at once and that he be paid $200.00 in full for such services.

3. That the men on Guard over quarantined peaces be paid on the certificate of the Health Inspector and the Chairman of the Health Committee.

4. That the B. C. Iron Works be offered $1000.00 without prejudice if they agree to waive all further claims.

5. That C. T. Dupont be paid $50.00 of the amount claimed by him for expenses in connection with arbitration.
sgd R. A. Anderson
Moved by Alderman Anderson
Seconded by “ McGuigan
That the Report be adopted

[vol 5 pg 194]

F. W. + L. Committees

The F. W. + L. Committee met on Wednesday October 26th 1892.
Present Aldermen Franklin, Scoullar and Mills.
It was recommended:-
1. That the following accounts be paid:-
Geo Erwin etal. Labor $1115.05
Shelton + co. Supplies 62.75
The Swan. Towing 13.00
Costello + Munro Tools 177.00
do do Laying water
pipes 616.99
D. Brown Repairs to
telephone 23.50

2. That Thos Lillie be informed that there are no funds out of which to raise salaries at present.

3. That W. H. McPhie be appointed fireman at a salary of $45.00 per month dating from November 1st.

4. That J. Campbell’s salary be raised to $60.00 per month for taking charge of the Chemical Engine which increase to date from November 1st.

sgd J. L. Franklin

Moved by Alderman Mills
Seconded by “ Franklin
That the Report be adopted.

Board of Works.

The Board of Works met on Thursday the 27th inst.
Present Aldermen McCraney, Franklin, Gavin and Scoullar.
It was recommended:-
1. That J. M. Browning be permitted to have an awning or covered way erected at the Vancouver Opera House provided that it is covered with galvanized iron, and the

[vol 5 pg 195]

work carried out to the entire satisfaction of the City Engineer and also that a proper plan of said awning be supplied for deposit in the City Engineer’s office.

2. That Mr. St. Armand be informed through his solicitors that the City does not hold itself responsible regarding the claim for damages preferred by him so the house is built over a natural water course but that the City will hold him responsible if he blocks it.

3. That J. M. Browning be informed that the can connect the outside closets of his Granville Street buildings with the existing sewer or the basement closets by carrying the contractor a sufficient distance down the lane in order to get the necessary fall.

4. That permission be granted to C. McGillivray to close up the portion of Cordova Street required under the direction of the City Engineer.

5. That Oppenheimer Bros. be notified that they must do the necessary clearing on their lots on Mount Pleasant.

6. That the question of the survey of Mrs Cook’s property be referred back to Mssrs Garden, Hernon and Barwell to send a written report as to the survey made by them.

7. That the Vancouver Street Railway Co be permitted to put down a fifty pound girder rail the pattern to be approved by the City Engineer.

8. That the tenders be called for putting in a tile drain on Abbott Street, the tenders to be put in by November the 3rd at noon.

9. That the following accounts be paid:
McLean Bros. 13th Av. $47.34
Evans Coleman + Evans Sewer pipes 1388.88
Boyd + Clandenning Sewers 2217.04

[vol 5 pg 196]

J. Telford Nicola St. $30.00
Hobson Bros. Burnaby St. 25.00
J. Telford Scotia St. 20.52
D. McGillifray Paving 13,392.45
H. Lomas etal Labor 326.60

Moved by Alderman Gavin
Seconded by “ Franklin
That the Report be adopted


Moved by Alderman Odlum
Seconded by “ McGuigan
That this Council has heard with pleasure the remarks made by the Deputation representing the Board of Trade of this City and hereby express the opinion that the establishment of a suitable Dry Dock on Burrard Inlet within the City limits would be of great value to the shipping interests of Vancouver by providing simple accommodation for repairing vessels of all dimensions which ply between this City and other ports thereby ensuring a large account of trade now going to other cities.

Notice of Motion
Alderman McCraney gave notice that at next meeting of Council he would move a resolution instructing the assessor to assess all improvements at 75 per cent of their cash value.

Moved by Alderman McGuigan
Seconded by “ Franklin.
That the Council stand adjourned to Thursday the 3rd of November at 8 p.m.

F. Cope
Thos. F. McGuigan
City Council