Plumbers, Board of Works will meet to amend the plumbing bylaw – September 18, 1893

man standing in sewer trench, Vancouver, 1911

The Board of Plumbing Inspectors, representatives from the plumbers’ union and Master Plumbers were invited to meet with the Board of Works to consult on the new bylaw.

The City Solicitor advised Council not to entertain the claim of the relatives of the late fireman Smalley for damages. The Chief of Police to report regularly to Council about any street lights not working. George Townsend appointed assistant cook in the City Hospital at a salary of $15.00 a month.

This transcript was made in 2019 by Transcribimus volunteer Gerald Soon

Illustration: City of Vancouver Archives photo AM54-S4-2-: CVA 371-1035
A man in the sewer trench on Wilson Road (41st Avenue) near Larch Street

original handwritten minutes here : City of Vancouver Archives
COV S 31 Volume 5 pages 541- 547

[vol 5 pg 541]

Vancouver Sept. 18th 1893
The Council met on Monday Sept 18th 1893
Present His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Salsbury, Collins, Hackett, McCraney, Cargill, Franklin, Hobson, Brown and Fowler.
The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From the City Clerk of New Westminster inviting the Mayor and Council to the Fair.
Moved by Alderman Collins
Seconded by “ Brown.
That the invitation be accepted.

From H. Abbott acknowledging receipt of communication re exemption of taxation of station.

From Wm Frodshaw complaining about crematory
Referred to the Board of Health

From J. M. Holland asking the Council to pave Hastings St east in front of Lot 13 Block 13.196
Referred to the Board of Works

From the City Solicitor advising the Council not to entertain the claim of the relatives of the late fireman Smalley for damages.

From John S. Meytyer and Baker Bros complaining about their basements being flooded.
Referred to the Chairman of the Board of Works and the City Engineer to attend to.

From Miss Macfie stating that she had appointed Geo Townsend assistant Cook at a salary of $15.00 a month dating from the 8th next.
Moved by Alderman Collier
Seconded by “ Brown.
That Geo Townsend be appointed assistant cook in the City Hospital at a salary of $15.00 a month dating from the 8th next.
From John Devine in reference to the filling up of a gap on 8th Av
Referred to the Board of Works


From Geo Phipps etal asking the Council to strike out the clause in the Plumbing By-Law in reference to venting sewers.
Referred to the Board of Health

From J.A. Coldwell applying for the position of Assessor.
Referred to the Finance Committee

From D. Oppenheimer asking the Council to put down bituminous paving on Powell Street to Westminster Av.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From H. Abbott asking permission to use Howe Street and portions of Hastings and Granville Streets for the proposed Vancouver & Lulu Island Railway.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From Miss Macfie asking for the heating of the old hospital and the enclosing of the passage between the old and the new hospital.
Referred to the Board of Health.

From W. H. Gallagher etal asking the Mayor to call a public meeting on Saturday night to appoint delegates to represent the City at the proposed convention to be held at Kamloops.
Referred to the Mayor

From Robert Marrion etal suggesting amendments to the Plumbing By-Law.
Referred to the Board of Health

The following Reports were received and read:-

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee met on Friday Sept 15th 1893.
Present- Aldermen Anderson, Cargill, Hobson and Brown.
It was recommended:-
That the sum of $300.00 be granted to the Toronto Empire for a one page write up of Vancouver and 500 copies of the paper containing the article, said grant to be made on the condition outlined by Mr. Mackray being carried out.
sgd R.A. Anderson
Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by “ Collins
That the Report be not adopted.

F.W. & L. Committee

The F.W. & L. Committee met on Wednesday Sept 13th 1893.
Present – the full board.
It was resolved:-
1. To place street lights at the following points:-
At the intersection of 11th Av and Westminster Av.
“ “ “ “ 8th “ “ Quebec St.
“ “ “ “ 13th “ “ St. George St.
“ “ “ “ Brunswick St. & 7th Av
“ “ “ “ Dufferin St & Scotia St
“ “ “ “ Dunlevy Av & Prior “
“ “ “ “ do “ & Harris “
“ “ “ “ Oppenheimer “ & Prior “
“ “ “ “ do & Harris “
“ “ “ “ Granville & Dunsmuir “
“ “ “ “ Hornby & Smythe “
“ “ “ “ Pacific & Howe “
“ “ “ “ Pendrell & Bute “
“ “ “ “ Campbell Av & Hastings “
“ “ “ “ Nicola St & Barclay “
2. That the light on the corner of Howe & Hastings Streets be removed to the corner of Hornby and Hastings Streets.
3. That the Committee do not think it advisable to place a light on 13th Av between Ontario & Quebec Streets as requested by Alfred Whitacker.
4. That the Chief of Police be requested to send in a report of the street lights to Council as heretofore.
5. That the City Engineer be authorized to obtain prices for pig lead at the same time as the cast iron pipes.
6. That the following accounts be paid:-
G.H. Bazley Horse Shoeing $18.00
Thos Leslie Repairs. 2.00
Van Elec Ry & Co Street lights etc 1534.45
S.S. Agnes Towing 5.00
M.S. Rose Supplies 52.35
W. Ralph “ 8.50
Thurston & son “ .50
A.M. Beattie Weighing 1.40
Shelton & Co. Supplies 10.75
B.F. Henry “ 3.25
Van Carriage Works Repairs 13.35
I Forbes Horse Shoeing 4.00
Chowder & Penzer Supplies 70.83
Godfrey & Co “ 28.06
Atkins & Atkins “ 33.44
Fred Allen “ 2.50
Wellington Coal Yards “ 12.67
McLennan & McFeely “ 32.71
A.G. Thynne “ 62.75
Hastings Saw Mill Co “ 4.50
B.F. Henry “ 3.60
Russell, McDonald & Co “ 6.00
Creamo & Langley “ 11.94
B.C. Mills T & T Co “ 9.62
F.W. Hart “ 4.00
London Carriage Works “ 4.80
J.&W. Powe Repairs 16.00
McLennan & McFeely Supplies 10.70
Union S.S. Co Towing 15.00
C.F. Foreman Supplies 66.70
Thos Dunn & Co “ 176.93
B.C. Iron Works Co “ 1079.63
W.P. Turner “ 2.40
Moodyville Saw Mill Co. “ 6.00
S.T. Tilley & Son “ .65
G.H. Jones. “ 2.50
S.T. Tilley & Son. “ 5.50


B.C. Mills T& T Co. Supplies $33.57
Thos Dunn “ 3.10
C.F. Foreman “ 10.96
B.C. Iron Works Co. “ 78.76
W Hooper etal Labor. 466.85
sgd J.L. Franklin
Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by “ Fowler
That the Report be adopted.

Board of Works

The Board of Works met on Thursday Sept 14th 1893.
Present – Aldermen Brown, McCraney, Franklin and Hackett.
It was recommended:-
1. That the plan submitted by H.A. Jones for the erection of a building on Lot 16. B3 O.G.T. be approved subject to firewalls being put in and a copy of plan being deposited in the City Engineer’s office.
2. That C. O. Wickenden be permitted to discharge water from the elevator in the Hudson’s Bay building into the sewer.
3. That the communication from John Mytyer asking permission to repair his restaurant be referred to the Fire Inspector to see if saving will conflict with the fire by-law.
4. That J. W. Macfie be sent old plank if available for the construction of a sidewalk on Dufferin St as far as Lot 11.B11.2000.
5. That J.M. Holland be refunded for concrete walk and curbing put down at his new block corner of Water and Cordova Streets as follows. Provided provided (sic) the city is indemnified against all claims for accidents etc:- 113 ft on Cordova St. granite curb at 85 cts per foot chargeable to the paving debentures 101 feet granite curb on Water St @ 35 per foot concrete sidewalk all round @ 3 cts per sq ft.
6. That Angelo Calori, proprietor of the Hotel Europe be granted permission to excavate across Alexander Street in order to put in a drain from the basement: provided he does not block up the street provides against and is liable for accident, and that the earth from the trench is well rammed in again and the street left clean and tidy
7. That the Street Railway Co be notified to bring both tracks to the same level where the double track merges into one at corner of Powell and Carroll Sts and to see that the street is left clean and tidy.
8. That the Sewer Inspector be informed that all the new section of sewers are now ready for house connections to be made to them.
9. That tenders be called for the following new work same to be sent in by 1 p.m. sharp on Saturday the 23rd next:-
(1) Quebec St grading from Dufferin Av to D.G.MacDonald’s house on Front Street
(2) Cardero St grading 157 ft south of Robson St
(3) Hastings St. cutting down grade etc between Cambie & Carrall.
(4) 6th Av. 6 ft. walk between Prince Edward St & Caroline St. South side
(5) 5th Av. Grading from Westminster Av to Quebec St.
(6) Ash St. grading from 6th Av to 8th Av
(7) 6th Av “ 200 ft west of Ash Street
(8) 8th “ “ 250 “ “ “ “ “
(9) Grading Georgia St between Seymour & Beattie.
10. That the following accounts be paid:-
W.H. Kendall Crushed rock $2478.68
Thos Veitch del “ “ 604.82
J.McDowell supplies 22.20
Thos. M. Thomas Clearing 185 585.00
D. Gibbons 6th Av Grading 95.35


Evans, Coleman & Evans supplies 5.13
D. McGillivray Paving 3865.69
do drains 18.38
Innes & Richards Rebate on Sidewalk 71.54
A.G. Ferguson do 168.28
H. Lomas etal etal Labor 396.00
sgd H.P. McCraney
J.W. Hackett
Acting Chairman

The Report was adopted in motion of Alderman Fowler seconded by Ald Franklin.

Introduction of By-Law.

Moved by Alderman Collins
Seconded by “ Brown
That a By-Law be introduced to amend the plumbing by-law. *

The By-Law was introduced and read a first time.


Moved by Alderman Collins
Seconded by “ McCraney
That the Clerk be instructed to notify the Board of Plumbing Inspectors to meet the Board of Health on Friday at 9 o’clock A.M. also to ask the Plumber’s union and Master Plumbers to send delegates so that some satisfactory amendments be settled on.

Moved by Alderman Hackett
Seconded by “ Salsbury
That the City Engineer be instructed to place J. W. Bollman to supervise and report upon the boring on North side of Narrows re tunnel, his duties to commence at once and to be paid same salary as while employed as street paving inspector.
The Board then adjourned.

F. Cope

Thos. F. McGuigan. City Clerk