Injunction Forbids Vancouver to Pay for Street Rails – September 10, 1894

Injunction Forbids Vancouver to Pay for Street Rails – September 10, 1894
Vancouver Electric Railway and Light Co.

E.L. Phillips served the City with an injunction against paying for street rails. Meanwhile the Finance Committee had proposed to use $2,500 allotted to legal expenses and $3,500 allotted to contagious diseases to pay for the street rails. Due to the injunction, that proposal was set aside. The Vancouver Trades and Labor Council alleged that D. McGillivray was working his men 10 hours a day in contravention of the contracted nine hours a day. 

This transcript was made in June of 2020 by Transcribimus volunteer  Rachel Hennessy

Illustration: The Vancouver Electric Railway and Light Company
car barn and power house on Barnard (Union) Street just west
of Westminster Avenue (Main Street), ca. 1892
City of Vancouver Archives reference code: S4-: Trans P161

Original handwritten minutes: City of Vancouver Archives
COV S 31 Volume 6 pages 220-223
to see original handwritten minutes, click here

[Volume 6 page] 220

Vancouver September 10th 1894
The council met on Monday September 10th 1894.
Present His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Shaw, Salsbury, Queen, McDowell, McCraney, McPhaiden, Wm. Brown, Franklin, C.L. Brown, and Bethune.
The minutes of last meeting were read, and adopted

From R.G. Tatlow complaining about the dangerous condition of Westminster Av. South.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From W. Thomson, Manager of the Hudson Bay Co. asking for the opening up of a lane at the
new warehouse on Water Street.
Referred to the Board of Works

From Thos Duke asking for an electric light on the corner of Carrall Av & Keefer Street.
Referred to the Fire & Light Committee

From John McLaren, reporting on the Electric lights

From C.D. Rand, asking for an extension of time for the completion of the Burrard Inlet,
and Fraser Valley Ry.
Referred to the Finance Committee & City Solicitor

From F.P. Bishop, Secretary of the Trades and Labor Council stating that D. McGillivray was
working his men 10 hours a day
Referred to the Board of Works.

[Volume 6 page] 221

From A.G. Ferguson, Chairman of the Park Commissioners asking for a further                appropriation of $500.00
Referred to the Finance Committee

From A. H. Hutchings resigning his position as electrical inspector and recommending the appointment of H.W. Kent.
Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by Alderman Queen
That his resignation be accepted

From Angus McDonald applying for the vacant position of electrical inspector
Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by Alderman C.L. Brown.
That he be appointed for the balance of the year at a nominal salary of $1.00 a year.

From W. L. Steward submitting an offer for submitting installing an incandescent light plant.
Referred to the Fire & Light Committee

From E. L. Phillips serving an injunction restraining the City from paying for rails ordered.
Referred to the City Solicitor

From the city Solicitor advising that the City had the power to pay Wm McGirr’s workmen notwithstanding any garnishee

The following were received and read

Finance Committee
The Finance Committee met on Friday

[Volume 6 page] 222

September 7th at at 4 p.m. the full Board being present,
That $2500 00 appropriated to the use of the Board of Health for contagious diseases,and $3500 appropriated to the Finance Committee for legal expenses be expended for the purpose of purchasing rails under the contract entered into between the City and D. McGillivray, dated
August 9th, 1894.

That the men employed by Wm. McGirr in the construction of the Grand Stand at
Hastings Park be paid out of the Estimate passed for Wm McGirr and as provided by
the terms of the contract

That the City Clerk be instructed to notify the Telephone Co. not to connect
the City’s telephone Service with Westminster except from [the] City Hall Communications

From Wm. Cargill applying for the position of Assessor.
Laid over

The following accounts were recommended for payment:
Telephone Co. Rents $38.50
CPR Telegraph Co. .95
News. Advertiser ads {2.40 50.00 }
Crowder & Penzer supplies 7.45
F. Filion supplies 2.95
G.A. Roedde supplies 3.00
London Guarantee Co. premium on Bond 62.50
Sgd W.F. Salsbury Chairman

[Volume 6 page 223]

Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by Alderman C.L. Brown
That the clause in reference to the rails be struck out.

Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by Alderman C. L. Brown.
That the report, as amended be adopted

Health Committee
The Health Committee met on Friday September 9th 1894.
Present the full Board

That $2500 00 appropriated to the use of the Board of Health for contagious diseases
be expended for the purpose of purchasing rails under the contract dated the 6th day
of August 1894.
Sgd. C.L. John McDowell

Moved by Alderman McDowell
Seconded by Alderman Salsbury,
That the Report be laid over.

The Board then adjourned

Thos. F. McGuigan       R. A. Anderson
City Clerk                     Mayor