Vancouver to Have a Wiring Inspector – April 4, 1899

The Lights, Railway and Tramway Committee reported they were inviting applications for the position of Wiring Inspector. The Inspector’s salary to be paid by fees collected by him for examining the wiring of buildings. E. Mckeating was appointed Fireman from among fifteen applicants.

This transcript was made in 2023 by Transcribimus volunteer Marie-Claude Tremblay

Source: City of Vancouver Archives
COV S31 715-E-02 Volume 9
pages 49-56

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Vancouver April 4th, 1899.
The Council met on Tuesday April 4th 1899.
Present – His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen
Grant, Gilmour, McPhaiden, McGuigan, Brown, Foreman, Bruce and Wood.
The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From H.J. De Forest, Secretary of the Arts Historical Association thanking the Council for continuing their grant.

From Ths. Hunter asking for the opening up of Pendrill [Pendrell] Street.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From Lester Gill asking for the cleaning up of 6th Av in front of his premises.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From the Chief of Police reporting on the electric lights.

From W.B. Munn etal asking for the grading of Harwood Street.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From the City Solicitor stating that the petition against improvements on Nicola Street was sufficient to render the work impracticable under the Local Improvement Plan.

From the City Solicitor stating that the request of the City for foreshore rights at Heatley Av had not been granted and asking for further instructions.
Laid over.

From the Manager of the Dominion Fish Co. asking that the grade of the sidewalk be raised in front of his premises on Westminster Av.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From Walter L. Boult asking for

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permission to erect a hitching post in front of his premises on Cordova St.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From Ths. E. Atkins assignee of Mrs. A.E.E. Clark stating that he would buy or lease the new rock crusher or sell out altogether.

Moved by Alderman Grant.
Seconded by “ McPhaiden.
That Aldermen Bruce, Gilmour and Grant with the City Engineer visit the Clark quarry tomorrow with a view of valuing the goods on hand there.

The following Reports were received and read: –

Lights, Railway & Tramway Committee

The Light, Railway & Tramway Committee met on Tuesday April 4th 1899.
Present – Aldermen McPhaiden, Grand and Wood.

The following account was recommended for payment: –

B.C. Electricity Co.lights$1815.86


The question of the appointment of a Wiring Inspector was again taken into consideration.

It was resolved that applications be called for filling the position, the successful applicant to be paid by fees collected by him for examining the wiring of buildings, as provided by the Schedule Set out in the By.Law amending the Electric Wiring By.Law.

Resolved that the City Engineer be instructed to report every week on the current used in Street lighting.

D. McPhaiden

Moved by Alderman McPhaiden
Seconded by “ Grant.
That the Report be adopted.

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Board of Works

The Board of Works met on the 30th of March, 1899. Present the full Board.


From J. Irvine etal asking for a 6 ft. sidewalk on 6th Ave.
Ordered to be done.

From R. Cosgrove etal asking for sidewalk on Howe Street to be moved out between Davie & Drake.
City Engineer to examine & report.

From W H Fraser asking for some improvements on Nicola and Barclay Streets.
Ward Foreman to attend to this.

From A.E.E. Clark re road crusher repairs.

From W. Skene re opening Clark Drive.
Laid over.

From A. Sherwood asking if City would pay one half of cost of putting in a Bridge on 16th Ave.
Referred to Engineer to examine & report.

From Vancouver Hardware Co re hardware contract for 1899.
To be informed that the contract has been let to McLennan and McFeely.

Resolved that no person be allowed to excavate for buildings under sidewalks without a permit from the Board of Works, that no permit be granted without the owners of the lots on which the building is to be erected sign the Agreement charging the property with any loss that may be occasioned by the excavation and to pay rent for the use of the space excavated, that no areas be made more than 6 feet from the line of the building unless special arrangements are made with the Board of Works.

Resolved that the Mayor, Chairman and

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City Solicitor be authorized to see Mr. Alexander and make an arrangement with him re the proposed wharf foot of Heatley Avenue to submit to the Board of Works.

Resolved that the $122.00 held back from Mrs A.E.E. Clark on her crushed rock contract be withheld until the whole matter of the said contract is settled.

Resolved that the City Solicitor be authorized to instruct Stanley James to collect all accounts due for street sprinkling under By.Law for 1898.

The hardware tenders for 1899 were discussed and it was decided to let the contract for this year to Messrs McLennan & McFeely & Co.

Two informal tenders for delivery of crushed rock were rejected.

Resolved that the City Clerk be instructed to call for new tenders for crushed rock delivery tenders to be in by 4 P.M. on Thursday the 13th of April 1899.

Mr. Blackmore, Architect, submitted a plan for Messrs Evans, Coleman & Evans for building on Cordova Street but same was found not to conform to the By.Law and was returned not being passed.

The following accounts were recommended for payment: –

Crowder & PenzerSupplies$7.62
J. Stand.3.35
Trythall & Son.2.85

The Board then adjourned until Saturday at 10 am to take up the matter of the crushed rock contract.

The Board met again on Saturday at 10 A.M.
Present: Aldermen Bruce, Grant & Foreman.

Mr. Atkins one of the sureties for Mrs A.E.E. Clark and requested to make a proposal.

A plan for a smoke house for Messrs Parker & Sons was submitted and approved subject to being built with brick foundations.

Sgd Alex Bruce

[Volume 9 page] 53

Moved by Alderman Bruce.
Seconded by “ McPhaiden
That the Report be adopted.

Fire and Police Committee

The Fire and Police Committee met on Tuesday March 28th 1899.

Present Aldermen Brown (in the Chair), Grant, Skinner, McPhaiden and Bruce.

The following accounts were recommended for payment: –

Ths. J. PhysickExamining Fire Engines$12.00
Ths. Dunn & Co.Supplies6.17
Clark & Stuart7.85
Mr. Rae.Pound fees7.20
Van Transfer Co.Drayage.50
W.A. CumyowInterpreting10.00
A. SavardSupplies8.20
Crowder & Penzer22.48
Evans, Coleman & Evans30.50

The Board was adjourned.

Sgd Alex Bruce

Moved by Alderman Bruce.
Seconded by ¨ Foreman.
That the Report be adopted with the exception of the clause in relation to the purchase of the quarry.


From the Union S.S. Co offering to provide fire protection on the water front for $50.00 per month and $15.00 extra when called to a fire.
Referred to the Chief of the Fire Department to ascertain the Capacity of the pumps they intend using.

From S. Harcus requesting the removal of the expressmen from the S.E. corner of Hasting and Carrall Streets as they are a nuisance.
Referred to the Chief of Police with instruction that he sees that order is preserved.

From the Chief of the Fire Department asking for a gong for his buggy and two life lines.
Request granted.

From the Pound Keeper furnishing report.

From M. Ramsay applying for the position of fireman.
Resolved that applications be called for filling the position, such applications to be received up to April 4th 1899 at 4 P.M. No application will be considered where

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the applicant is over 30 years of age.

From Chas Herbert applying for the position of Pound Keeper.
Resolved that Wm Eastwood be accepted as substitute for M. Rae as Pound Keeper during the latter’s temporary absence and that he receive the same salary.

From the Chief of the Fire Department recommending that Chas Thompson be appointed Captain of No 2 Fire Hall since W H McPhie resigned, that John McMorran be appointed driver of the Chemical Engine, and that a temporary man be put in Fireman Davie’s place the latter being sick.
Resolved that his requests be granted.

From Hugh Campbell asking for an increase of salary.
Laid over for special meeting.

The following parties tendered for making and supplying uniforms for the police and fire departments: –

For Police Uniforms

From Wm Murphy, S. McPherson, Dan Stewart and J. Sudman.

Firemens Uniforms

From Wm Murphy, S. McPherson, Dan Stewart, Mortimore Brs, Wm Hunt & J. G. Campbell.

Resolved that the Contract for making both police and Firemen’s Uniforms be awarded to S. McPherson from sample No 1 as follows: –

Police Uniforms

Chief of Police$26.95
Extra Pants5.25

Firemen’s Uniforms

Chief of F.D.$26.75
Extra Pants5.00

Sgd H.B. Gilmour

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Moved by Alderman Gilmour
Seconded by “ Bruce
That the Report be adopted.

Introduction of By-Laws.

Moved by Alderman Bruce.
Seconded by “ McPhaiden

That the following By.Laws be read a first time viz:-

  1. A By.Law to raise $— for Sewerage purposes
  2. A By.Law to raise $— for Street improvements.


These By.Laws were accordingly read a first time.

Unfinished Business

Under the head of unfinished business the following applications were received for the position of Fireman: –

From M. Ramsay, J.F. McLeod, E. McKeating, T.B. Downing, W. Major, John Duffy, W.A. Burgess, F.P. Murray, J. Sperring, D. Martin, J.M. May, A.E. James, R.H. Robson, J.A. Paul and T. Tederington.

Moved by Alderman McGuigan
Seconded by “ Foreman.
That the Council proceed to ballot for the appointment.

After a number of ballots were taken it was found that E. McKeating received a majority of the Council.
He was declared elected at the usual salary of $45.00 per month.


Moved by Alderman Brown.
Seconded by “ Foreman.
That the following account be paid: –
A.D. Hossack. Supplies $2.50

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Moved by Alderman Gilmour
Seconded by “ Bruce.
That the Mayor wire the Solicitor at Ottawa. “Take no further action re Dead Man’s Island that the Citizens of Vancouver are in favor of using the Island for manufacturing purposes”.

Moved by Alderman Bruce
Seconded by “ McPhaiden
That a valuation of the effects of the present lease at the stone quarry be made before the meeting of the Board of Works and that the matter be definitely settled at our next meeting.

Moved by Alderman McPhaiden
Seconded by “ Bruce.
That the Mayor and Alderman McPhaiden proceed to find out from parties concerned in the property of the Old Foundry now occupied by Messrs Armstrong and Morrison as to the possibility of constructing an L on the end of Heatley Avenue Wharf.

Move by Alderman McGuigan
Seconded by “ Wood.
That the question of securing a Library Site be left In Statu Quo until the expiry of the present lease.

Moved by Alderman Gilmour
Seconded by “ Bruce.
That all correspondence between the City Solicitor or other City Official and the Solicitor in Ottawa re Deadmans Island be laid on the table on next Monday night.

The Council then adjourned.

James T. Garden

Thos F. McGuigan
City Clerk