Jockey Club Granted $250 To Improve Hastings Track – April 10, 1899

Jockey Club asked for a grant of $250 for the purpose of making necessary improvements to the track at Hastings and the sum was granted. Some Vancouverites who have since become famous were not treated as well: Rogers’ Sugar Manager Mr. B. T. Rogers was notified that he must remove the fence which encroaches on Georgia Street at his premises as soon as the grass has grown and; R. G. Tatlow (who has a park named after him in Kitsilano) and others asked to be allowed to destroy crows, but no immediate action was taken.

This transcript was made in 2023 by Transcribimus volunteer Carole Wilson

Source: City of Vancouver Archives Series 31
COV S31 715-E-02 Vol 9
pages 57-64

[Volume 9 page] 57

April 10th 1899.

The Council met on Monday April 10,1899.
Present His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Grant, Gilmore, McPhaiden, McGuigan, Brown, Foreman, Bruce and Wood.

The Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted.


From B. T. Rogers Manager of the B.C. Sugar Refinery1 stating that he had finished the Street he proposed giving to the City in exchange for the North end of Boundary Av.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From the Hon. F. C. Cotton acknowledging receipt of petition re the offering up of Hastings Street through Hastings Townsite.

From R. L. McIntosh Express Dorman drawing attention to the filthy condition of the Sewage on Robson St. between Cardero and Denman Streets.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From John Kirpatrick et al asking for the opening up of an Alley way between 12th and 13th Avs. Mount Pleasant.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From Henry Earle reporting on proposed Cemetery Sites which he visited.
Referred to the Board of Health.

From the Manager of the B. C. Elec. Co. stating that he would have the light moved from the corner of Birch St. & 8th Av. to the corner of Alder St. & 8th Av.

From the Chief of Police reporting on the electric lights.

From Sivart, Anderson Bell & Co. drawing attention to rocks deposited in front of their premises and asking for their removal.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From Geo. A. Dickie et al asking for

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improvements on Dufferin Street.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From R. G. Tatlow2 et al petitioning to be allowed to destroy crows.
No action taken.

From the City Engineer reporting on the current at the power house as 9.6 amperes.
Referred to the Light Committee.

From W. G. Davidson et al complaining about the water service on 8th Av.
Referred to the Board of Water Works.

From the City Solicitor furnishing copies of Correspondence re Deadman’s Island.

From A. J. Ford re Septic Tank.
Referred to the Board of Works.

The following reports were received and read:-

Health Committee

The Health Committee met on Wednesday April 5th 1899.
Present Aldermen Grant, McGuigan and Foreman.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:-

McDonnell & Co.Supplies$146.75
A. RobinsonDisbursements28.
Ivan BushongSupplies3.50
Parker & Sons61.11
G.N.W. Tel. Co.Telegrams.80
Clarke & StuartSupplies2.00
J. HewittLabor11.00
R. Maynard3.03
City of VictoriaCare of Leper38.99
Trythall & SonsSupplies8.00
J. EdgertonScavengering4.74
Champion & White4.25
D.M. StewartWashing108.06
Kemp & SimpsonBurial15.00
Weeks & RobsonSupplies5.90
Evans, Coleman & Evans1.54
J. Dodson26.90
H. H. Layfeld18.30
Trudgeon Brs.20.75
Mrs. C. WatsonLabor3.00
Geo. Neville18.70

[Volume 9 page] 59

D. KeithLabor$24.00
St. Luke’s HomeNursing83.60


From the House Surgeon and Crematory Caretaker furnishing monthly reports.

From P.O. Neil applying for the position of Cemetery Caretaker.

From the House Surgeon complaining of the quality of meat delivered at Hospital.
The Committee decided to interview the Contractor.

From the Health Inspector for an increase of salary equivalent to $5.00 per month.
Resolved that his request be granted.

From the Health Inspector furnishing Report.

From the Health Inspector submitting photos of ambulances in use in Victoria and recommending that tenders be called the Construction of one in Vancouver.
Resolved that his request be granted.

Resolved that 2” stop cock be purchased for the crematory.

sgd W.J. McGuigan.

Moved by Alderman McGuigan.
Seconded by “ Foreman,
That the report be adopted as read.

Moved in amendment by Alderman Brown.
Seconded by Alderman Bruce,
That the Report be adopted with the exception of the clause in relation to an increase of salary for the Health Inspector.
Amendment lost

Motion Carried.

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Board of Works

The Board of Work met on Thursday April 3rd 1899.
Present Aldermen Foreman (in the Chair), Grant and McPhaiden.

Plans of the Evans, Coleman & Evans to be erected on Cordova Street were submitted and approved.

From Lister Gill asking for stumps etc to be removed from in front of his premises 6th Av.
Referred to the Chairman & engineer to examine and report.

From petitioners asking for Harwood Street to be graded.
Ordered to be done.

From J. Hunter asking for the opening of part of Pendrell Street.
Referred to the Chain Gang.

From Mrs. Wm Anderson asking that sidewalk in front of premises on Westminster Avenue be raised.
Ordered to be done.

Walter Boult*3 asked to be permitted to put in a hitching post in front of his premises.
Refused being contrary to By-Law.

From ThP E. Atkins submitting a proposal re crushed rock contract.
Resolved that Mr. Atkins be offered the sum of $500.00 for the plant at the quarry exclusive of the old Clark Crusher or else that he be notified as one of the sureties to take over Mrs. A.E.E. Clark’s contract.

From W. Skene re Sanitary Conveniences.
Laid over.

From W. S. Johnson reporting progress re house numbering and asking for official recognition.
City Engineer to give him a letter.

Jockey Club waited upon the Board and asked for a grant of $250 for the purpose of making necessary improvements to the track at Hastings.
Resolved that the sum asked for be granted.

Resolved that B. T. Rogers be notified that he must remove the fence which

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encroaches on Georgia Street at his premises as soon as the grass has grown.

The following new work was ordered

Ward 1.Harwood St. grading. Georgia St. Cinder path.
“ 2.Richard St. 6ft. sidewalk on the West Side from Helmcken to Pacific.
“ 3.Powell St. fix road beyond Brewery.
“ 4.Keefer St. 6ft. sidewalk to Gas Works.
“ 5.5th Av. cutting down to grade between Scotia Street and Westminster Av.
Scotia Street remove stumps etc. rear from Street and 100 ft. of 6ft. Sidewalk.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:-

McLennan & McFeelySupplies$65.25
H. HaydenBoat Hire10.00
News AdvertiserAds6.12
D. C. MillsSupplies29.76
Robertson & Hackett14.10
R. Campbell & Son16.50
B.C. Portland Cement Co.9.25
Couley & Atkinson12.00

sgd Alex Bruce.

The Board of Works held a Special Meeting on. Monday April 10th 1899.
Present His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Bruce, Grant, McPhaiden and Foreman.

The Meeting was called to consider the rock Crushing Contract.
It was resolved that the offer of Mr. Atkins for $1500.00 to hand over the old crusher tools etc be accepted.

Resolved that the offer of Captain Williams to take over the contract for rocks at the same prices and terms and also the new crusher and other tools for $3500 to be paid for in four annual installments with interest on the unpaid balances at 6 per cent be accepted.

sgd Alex Bruce.

[Volume 9 page] 62

Moved by Alderman Wood.
Seconded by “ McGuigan,
That the clause in reference to the Boult application be referred back.

Moved by Alderman Bruce.
Seconded by “ Foreman,
That the clause in the report in reference to accept the offer of ThP E. Atkins re crushed rock be struck out and the balance of the Report adopted.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee met on Friday April 7th 1899.
Present Aldermen Brown, McGuigan and Wood.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:-

C. P. R. Co.Telegrams$19.64
Trythall & SonSupplies3.80
A. KerseyCarpentering15.00
B. C. M. T. & T. Co.Supplies7.36
The World P. & P. Co.Ads58.81
Telephone Co.Rent39.20
G.S. SturtonSupplies80.00
News AdvertiserAds1.89

The following contracts were approved and authorized to be signed by the Mayor and City Clerk and the Corporate Seal affixed thereto:-

McLennan & McFeelyHardware
Wm. TrudgeonWood
Ross & HowardSpecials
MacKenzie BrP.Feed

Messrs Fullerton and Leighton representing the Jockey Club waited upon the Board and asked for a grant of $250 for the purpose of making necessary improvements to the track at Hastings.
Resolved that the sum asked for be granted.

The City Solicitor submitted agreement exempting certain lands belonging to the C. P. R. Co. from taxation. These were signed by the Vice President and Secy of the Co.
Laid over.

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The Board then adjourned.

Sgd Wm Brown.

Moved by Alderman Brown.
Seconded by “ McGuigan,
That the Report be adopted.

Unfinished Business

Moved by Alderman McGuigan.
Seconded by “ Foreman,
That the Council proceed to ballot for the appointment of a wiring inspector.

The following applications were received from Angus McDonald, W. J. Harrison, Joseph Rogers and F. Barber.
After a number of ballots was taken it was found that Angus McDonald received a majority of the Aldermen.
He was then declared elected. Salary to be paid by fee fixed in Electric Wiring By-Law.

His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Grant, Brown, McQueen and Foreman were appointed to meet the Library Committee re a site.

Consideration of By-Laws

Moved by Alderman Bruce.
Seconded by “ McPhaiden,
That the By-Law to raise $ (no amount given) for sewage purposes be read a second time.

Notices of Motion

Alderman Grant gave notice that at next meeting of Council he would move that His Worship the Mayor be authorized to appoint Mr. Gemmill to look after the City’s interest at Ottawa re Deadman’s Island.

Alderman Gilmore gave notice that at the next meeting of Council he would introduce a By-Law to

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borrow money to build a Fire Hall and secure sites for Fire Halls.

Alderman Foreman gave notice that at the next meeting of the Council he would move that the City build the Free Library on the South West Corner of Hastings Street and Westminster Avenue.

The council then adjourned.

James. F. Garden

ThP. F. McGuigan.
City Clerk.

  1. B. T. Rogers in 1899 lived on Georgia Street, but two years later opened the famous “Gabriola” mansion on Davie Street ↩︎
  2. R. G. Tatlow, who has a park in Kitsilano named after him is listed in the Vancouver City Directory 1899-1900 pg 267 as a financial agent, mining broker, and notary public who lived at 1120 Pender Street ↩︎
  3. Walter Boult was a music dealer at 540 Granville Street. Source: Vancouver City Directory 1899-1900 pg 116 ↩︎