Total budget for 1897 was $363,937. $36 was set aside for Bear Pits under the Parks budget. This photo from 1898 shows a bear in a tree in the bear pit at Stanley Park with trees in the background.
Illustration Source: City of Vancouver Archives
CVA 1376-172 – [Bear in tree in pit]
This transcript was made in July 2022 by Transcribimus volunteer Krystyna Richards
This transcript contains many columns of figures, and will not display properly on all devices. To see or download a formatted copy of this set of minutes, click on the button below.
Text Source: City of Vancouver Archives
Series 31 Volume 7 pages 516 – 525
To see or download photos of the original handwritten pages from this date, click on the buttons below (3 parts)
Vol. 7 page 516 Vancouver April 2nd 1897
The Council met on Friday April 2nd 1897 at 7.30 P.M.
Present. His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Shaw, Painter, Neelands, McQueen, McPhaiden, Clandenning, Brown, W. S. MacDonald and D. G. McDonald.
They went into Committee of the Whole and resumed the consideration of the Estimates.
After due consideration it was moved by Alderman McQueen that the Committee rise and report.
They reported the completion of the Estimates with amendments.
It was then moved by Alderman McQueen. Seconded by Alderman Shaw.
That the Estimates for the year 1897 be finally passed as follows:-
Estimated Receipts
Balance on hand Jan 1st 1897 $25.025.62 $
Less Warrants unpaid 7.592.03 17.433.59
Sundry Receipts as per Schedule 1 109 722.20
Arrears of Taxes 1887 to 1896. 55 000
Frontage Tax 8 000
Assessment $15218534 @ 29 304.370.68
Less for Rebate 60 000
Less for Unpaid Taxes 70.589.13 173.781.55
Rate required for School purposes. 1 6/10 mills
“ “ “ Int & Sinking Fund 7 3/10 “
“ “ “ General Purposes 11 1/10 “
[Volume 7 page] 517
Estimated Expenditure
Finance Committee as per Schedule A. 42 422.95
Board of Health. 25 546
Board of Works. 48 900
Water and Market Committee. 14 300
Fire & Police { Police Committee 20 240
“ “ { Fire Committee 20 733
“ “ { St. Lighting 17 452.81
“ “ { City Hall Repairs for jail purposes 2 000
Park Commissioners 6 500
Free Library Board 3 600
Interest & Sinking Fund 110 977.28
Board of School Trustees 51 265
363 937.34
Estimated Receipts for 1897 (in detail)
Licenses $
Liquor 17 700.00
Opium 1 000
Billiards & Pool 250
Hacks & Drays 700
2nd Hand. 500
Theatres 100
Auctioneers 400
Plumbers etc. 150
Scavengers. 150
Insurance Cos. 3 300
Milk. 150
Laundry 220
Telephone. 100
Dogs 900
Miscellaneous Licenses 500 26120.00
Cemetery fees 1500
Hospital “ 1200
Market “ 800
Police Court fines 3000
Brockton Point A. A. 602.20
Poll Tax 9000
Govt. Grant to Schools 18000
“ “ “ Hospital 5000
“ “ “ Fire Brigade 500
Water Collections 44000
[Vol. 7 page] 518
Estimated Receipts (continued)
Brought forward 109722.20
Balance on hand Jan 1st 1897 $25025.62
Less warrants unpaid 7592.03 17433.59
Arrears of Taxes 1887 to 1896 55000
Frontage Tax 8000
Assessment $15218534 @ $29304370.68
Less for rebate 60000
Less for unpaid Taxes 70589.13 173 781.55
Estimated Expenditure (in detail)
Finance Committee
Treasurer etc 1500
City Clerk. 1200
“ Accountant 1020
“ Auditor 720
Clerk 780
Poll Tax Collector 720
Solicitor 2000
Extra Clerk 720
License Inspector (part) 200
City Hall Expenses
Fuel 275
Light 250
Stationery 2000
Interest and Exchange 2000
Fire Insurance 300
Law Costs 500
Election Expenses 600
Contingencies 5000
Band 300
Orphan’s House 650
Famine Fund 500
Dominion Day Celebration 1000
Mayor 1200
Aldermen 3000
Interest & Sinking Fund (local) 9287.96
Repairs to Market for City Hall purposes 6000
Vol. 7 page 519
Board of Health
Health Officer 480
Cemetery 780
Plumbing 880
Isolation Hos. 420
Crematory 720
License Inspector (pt) 200
Inquests 400
Hospital Staff
Matron 600
Housekeeper 300
Nurse 240
“ 120
Nurse 120
Night “ 240
Porter 420
Night “ 300
Cook 360
Cook’s Assistant 180
Fuel 600
Light 700
Telephone 36
Supplies 3700
Contingencies (range $400) 1400
Relief 650
Crematory 1000
Scavengering 600
Cemetery 2000
Isolation Hospital 100
Woman’s Ward 8000
[Vol. 7 page] 520
Board of Works
City Engineer ½ salary 1100
Asst “ & Draftsman 900
Rodman etc. 648
Extras 252
Stationery 300
Street Cleaning 2000
Street Repairs 11000
Street Sprinkling 500
Street Improvements, rock etc. 26500
Bridge repairs 2000
Surface drains 500
Sewers maintenance 1200
Contingencies 2000
Water Works
Engineer ½ salary 1100
Collector 930
Clerk 720
Foreman 900
Repairs to submerged main 1000
Maintenance North Side 3000
“ General 4000
Tools, shop etc. 400
Stationery 400
Contingencies 1000
Market Clerk 780
Market Contingencies 100
[Vol. 7 page] 521
Police Committee
Chief of Police 1200
Sergeant 960
Detective 4 Mos 320
Force (12 @ $up 0) 10080
Chain Gang Guard 840
Constable 180
Caretaker etc. 300
Cook 240
Magistrate 1800
License Inspector pt. 320
Pound Keeper 600
Telephone 50
Uniforms 750
Board of Prisoners 1500
Transport “ 150
Clothing “ 100
Pound Expenses 100
Fuel “ 150
Contingencies 600
Jail repairs 2000
Free Library Board
Rent 500
Light 250
Fuel 75
Periodicals etc. 350
Book binding 100
Stationery, Insurance etc. 100
Catalogues 50
Salaries 1200
New books 1000
Park Commissioners
Maintenance including wages etc) 2500
Improvements New Roads
Underbrushing etc 4000
[Vol. 7 page] 522
Fire Committee
Insurance Salaries
Chief 18.00 1062.00
Engineer 18.00 882.00
“ Chemical 18.00 702.00
Engineer 18.00 822.00
Firemen (3) 54.00 2106.00
Fire Alarm Attendant 18.00 702.00
Stoker 18.00 642.00
“ 18.00 582.00
Hosemen (3) 54.00 1746.00
“ 18.00 642.00
“ 18.00 522.00
Drivers 108.00 4212.00
Salaries 14622.00
Insurance 378
Fuel, oil & waste 500
Repairs 525
Telephone 108
Horses 450
Feed & Shoeing etc 1600
Fire Alarm & Maintenance 550
Uniforms 800
Contingencies 200
Hose 1000
Light Committee
Street Lighting
204 lights @ 27cts. 320 nights 17452.80
[Vol. 7 page] 523
Debenture Account
By-Law no. Amount of loan Interest Sinking Fund
12 $14100 $846 $478
29 150000 9000 1578
44 20000 12000 210.40
64 150000 9000 1578
70 15000 750 91
80 125000 6250 1315
91 20000 1000 210.40
94 30000 1500 315.60
100 125000 6250 1315
126-7 590000 23593.60 6208.68
146-151 570000 22814.92 5998.30
267 60000 1200 1070
272 70000 1400 746
1/3 155 111100 1876.71 1135.18
“ 199 72000 1205.95 729.40
“ 215 4000 66.66 44.78
87953.84 23023.74 $110.977.58
[Vol. 7 page] 524
High School 7020
Central “ 6120
East End “ 7320
West “ “ 7560
Fairview “ 1980
Mt Pleasant “ 6900
Truant Officer 480
High School 300
Central “ 600
West End “ 720
East “ “ 900
Mt Pleasant “ 660
Fairview “ 300
High School Additional Caretaker 300
Fuel 1800
Water 400
Insurance 600
Rent 480
Supplies 2000
Contingent 1000
Central School 300
East End “ 300
High “ 100
West End “ 300
Mt Pleasant “ 500
Fairview 125
Fitting up Board Room 250
Additional Salaries asked for
Central School 300
East End “ 450
West “ “ 450
Mt Pleasant “ 450
Fairview “ 300
[Vol. 7 page] 525
Water Works Revenue 1897 (City Debentures)
Board of Works
Flush Tanks 1750
Street Sprinkling 600
Fountains 75
City Hall 36
Alexandra Orphanage 18
Sugar Refinery 5400
Board of Health
Small Pox Hospital 25
Crematory 24
City Hospital 180
Fire of Police
Fire Halls 120
Hydrants 5250
Pound 12
Bear Pits etc. 36
Water & Market
Market Hall 24
The Council then adjourned.