Evidence regarding Sergeant Haywood’s use of City coal and electricity completely cleared him of any wrongdoing; he was reinstated and given an apology. Council rescinded the motion made on March 15th regarding the laying of a Street Railway on Robson Street, a second track on Granville Street between Hastings and Robson Streets, and the double tracking of Hastings Street between Carrall and Cambie Streets. A detailed motion outlining a contract between the City and the Consolidated Railway and Light Company was proposed instead.
This transcript was made in 2020 by Transcribimus volunteer Anonymous
Illustration: City of Vancouver Archives
CVA 292-71
Mr Victor W. Haywood, 192-?
City of Vancouver Archives
COV S 31 Volume 6 pages 501 – 513
to see original handwritten minutes – click here
[Volume 6 page] 501
Vancouver April 8th 1895.
The Council met on Monday April 8th 1895.
Present His Worship, they Mayor and Alderman Shaw
Coupland, Queen, Gallagher, McCraney, McPhaiden
Wm Brown, W. P. Brown and Bethune
The Minutes of last meeting were read, and ad-
From M. W. Thain, Harbour Master, asking the City to
remove the Scow load of rocked dumped in the
Fairway of False Creek.
From the Chief of Police reporting on the electric
From S. H. Boardman etal asking for a small
bridge or culvert on 6th Av + Cedar Street.
Referred to the Board of Works
From Lin Rob Johns, asking for a sewer in
the lane between Nelson + Comox Streets.
From A. W. Powell, Indian Superintendent
acknowledging an application for 5 1/2 acres
of land on the Capilano.
From Major Townley, asking the City to assist
the Military Band.
Referred to the Finance Committee
[Volume 6 page] 502
The following reports were received and read
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee met on Friday April
5th 1895.
Present Aldermen McCraney, Coupland, Gallagher,
and Wm Brown.
The following accounts were recommended for
C. P. Telegraph Co Telegram .88
The World P+P Co. Ads $15.40
A. St. G. Hamersley Disbursements 22.85
From Thos. Stephenson asking for a grant to pay
for the burial expenses of John Johnston.
Laid over.
From A. G. Ferguson, asking for a grant of $300
for Park purposes.
That Evans, Coleman + Evans be paid the
sum of $2550. claimed by them under assignments
from Mssrs Purdy + Williams on the reservoir
contract subject to any order of the Court in the
That the Health Committee be asked
to prepare their estimates at once
sgd H. P. McCraney
Moved by Alderman Bethune
Seconded by “ Coupland
That the Report be adopted.
[Volume 6 page] 503
Vancouver April 3rd, 1895
The Fire Market + Police committee met on Wednes-
day April 3rd, 1895.
Present the full Board.
The applications for the position of Fireman were
again considered.
A ballot being taken it was found that Alex
Brown received one vote, Geo Richardson one +
Alex Macfarlane three.
Alex Macfarlane having received the majority
vote of the Committee he was recommended
for appointment, at a salary of $45.00 per month.
From McCain + Menzies offering to lower the No 2
Fire Hall with excavations for $80.00 and with
out excavations for %55.00
Laid over to be considered with estimates
From J. R. Turner claiming the reward offered for the
detection and conviction of parties caught
breaking windows
That the amount offered be paid to him ($10.00)
but in future it is to be distinctly understood
that the offer only applies to the breaking of win
dows in vacant houses, and the destruction
of ornamental trees.
From Tom Patrokos objecting to pay license for
selling candy on the streets.
Referred to the City Solicitor
From the Sub-committee on public police
insurance recommended that a blanket
policy covering the whole force be taken out
for $1000 each.
Laid over once week.
[Volume 6 page] 504
From W. B. Ross, asking to know the reason why the
Chief of Police ordered him out of his office.
In answer to an enquiry the Chief of Police stated
that there was no evidence to shew who threw the
board that fell on Ross on the Cosmopolitan Corner.
From Michael Costello stating that he had given
Sergeant Haywood permission to use the City fuel
when he was Chairman of the Police Force in 1890.
Moved by Alderman Thomas.
That the communication be laid over
to be considered if there is an investigation.
From C. Tetley stating that Sergeant Haywood
had not paid anything for the light in his
cabin nor did it cost the City anything.
From J. Buntzen stating that Sergeant’s Haywood’s
cabin had been connected by the Company but no
charge had been made for the light.
Ernest Roselli stated that he was the party who
put in the wire for Sergeant Haywood. He did
the work under the instructions from Supt. Hut-
chings. The Sergeant offered to pay for it.
This offer was made before he did the wiring.
The work was done in his own time, and he
made no charge. He was inspector for the Company.
Sergeant Haywood stated that he had no
objection to make a statement.
He said that the light was put in by the Co.
and that it was easier at the time to connect
it with the City Hall than from the Street.
[Volume 6 page] 505
He offered to pay for it but was told that it was
not worth while, as he used so little.
There was no meter in the Hall at the time.
He did not know exactly when his building was
wired but thought it was two or three
years ago.
Regarding the fuel he bought some in the start
and had some still left.
He had permission to detail a prisoner to clean
up his cabin, and permission from Mayor Op-
penheimer, Alderman Costello and others to use
what coal he required. He did not consider
that he was committing any wrong.
He considered that the fuel was part of what he
was getting for his services. He stated staid [sic]
there to be handy when required. He would
not have used the coal without permission.
I do not know if there is any authority in the
minutes permitting me to do so.
I think the permission to use coal was given
to me in 1889 or 1890.
The City Clerk stating that there was nothing in
the Minutes of 1890 authorizing the Sergeant to
use Coal.
Ex Alderman Gavin was a member of the Council
in 1892. He stated that he and Alderman
Odlum (he thought) gave Haywood authority to use
coal from the City Hall. It as not brought
up in the Committee as he did not think
it necessary. It was spoken of before the
Committee met: He thought it a benefit
to have the Sergeant close to his work.
They would have given him a room in the City
Hall if they had one.
[Volume 6 page] 506
The Chief of Police stated that that two years ago the
Sergeant wished to leave his present quarters
but was induced to continue at his request
so that he would be available when requested.
The then Committee was considering the possi-
bility of providing sleeping quarters for all the
force in the City Hall. He did not know
that the Sergeant was getting coal.
Moved by Alderman McPhaiden
Seconded by “ Thomas
That Sergeant Haywood be
reinstated, the accusations against him
not being found sufficient to warrant fur-
ther investigation, the Police committee also
wish to express their regret for the annoyance
caused by their charges having appeared
in the public papers against Sergeant
The accusations would not have been
made if there had been any entry on the
Minutes of the Police Committee of 1890
shewing the permission granted to the
Sergeant by the Chairman to take coal.
The Estimates were submitted and laid
over for consideration
That the Chief of Police be authorized
to purchase supplies for painting the in-
terior of the Police Station the outlay not to
exceed $10.00
That Officer Grady be permitted to take
to take [sic] his mid day meal in the Jail on con-
dition that non but he and John Clough
[Volume 6 page] 507
be employed to look after the prisoners.
Sgd W. J. Gallagher
Moved by Alderman Queen
Seconded by “ Wm Brown.
That the portion of the Report which
refers to the investigation of the Sergeant be referred
back to the Committee, and that the Police Magis-
trate be instructed to act in conjunction with the
Committee and to investigate under oat any irre-
gularities in connection with the police force.
Moved by Alderman Wm Brown
Seconded by “ Coupland
That the Report as amended be ad-
Introduction of By-Laws.
Moved by Alderman Bethune.
Seconded by “ McPhaiden
That the By-Law to fix the remuneration
for Alderman be read a first time.
Moved by Alderman Shaw
Seconded by “ Queen
Tht the following Relief Pay Rolls
be passed:-
Ward one $25.60
“ two 59.45
“ three 63.40
“ four 26.65
“ five 44.00
[Volume 6 page] 508
Moved by Alderman Gallagher
Seconded by “ Coupland
That the City Clerk be instructed to
communicate with the proper authorities for
information regarding the admission of parties
into the Old Man’s Home at Kamloops.
Moved at Alderman Bethune
Seconded by “ McCraney
That Alderman McPhaiden, and
the City Engineer be a Committee to examine +
report upon the rocked dumped by W. H. Ken-
dall in False Creek, climed by the Harbour
Master to be an obstruction to the navigating of
said Creek.
Moved by Alderman Gallagher
Seconded by “ Bethune
That the Resolution passed by the
City Council on the 15th of March relating to an
Agreement for the laying of a street railway on
Robson Street, the laying of a second track on
Granville Street between Hastings and Robson
Streets and the double tracking of Hastings Street
between Carrall and Cambie Streets be rescinded.
The Yeas and Nays being called, the whole
Council voted yea. Alderman Thomas
was not present.
Alderman Bethune Shaw then introduced his resolu-
tion for the submission of another proposition
to the Company. It was considered clause
by clause.
It was finally resolved, as follows:-
[Volume 6 page] 509
Moved by Alderman Shaw.
Seconded by Bethune
That the following reply be sent to Mr. Barn-
ard President of the Consolidated Railway and Light
Company to his letter of the 25th March: “That the
Council will grant permission to the Consolidated
Railway and Light Company to construct and
operate a Street Railway Track on Robson Street from
Granville Street to Gilford Street on Gilford Street
from Robson Street to Alderni Street, on Alberni
Street from Gilford Street to Chilco Street, and
on Chilco Street to the Park Bridge; another track
on Granville Street from Robson Street to Hastings
Street, and a double track on Hastings Street
from Cambie Street to Carrall Street, on the fol-
lowing conditions:- on Robson Street from Gran-
ville street west to Gilford Street, thence on
Gilford Street north to Alberni Street, thence on
Alberni Street to Chilco, thence on Chilco Street to
the Park Bridge, and on Granville Street from
Robson Street to Hastings Street on the east side
of Granville Street.
The Company to construct and lay a single track
on Robson Street to the Park, as above, described
and a second track on the east side of Granville
Street from Robson Street to Hastings Street together
with all necessary poles and over head construction
and have the right to operate the same on the
following conditions:-
1. The Company to lease from the City the right to
use the streets for the above purpose for a period
of 6 years from the date of construction at a
rental of one dollar per annum for each street.
2. The cars to be run on Robson Street to Nicola
Street at intervals of not more than twelve
[Volume 6 page] 510
minutes for the whole year and on the balance
of the road from the 1st of May to the 1st of November,
at intervals of not more than 20 minutes,
and for the balance of the year the intervals at
which the cars are to be run to be left to Arbitra
tion, and on Granville Street at intervals of
not more than 15 minutes between the hours
of 6 A. M. And 11 P. Jl during the whole year.
3. At the termination of 5 years from the date of
the Agreement the City may at any time duri
ing the following eight months purchase from
the company the material in the track, poles
and overhead construction connected there
with for the amount it cost the Company to
construct the same, provided the whole is in
good working order and condition, fair wear
and tear excepted; at the end of the said term of
five years as when the same were constructed
The amount of the cost to be arrived at as fol-
The Company to call for tenders for all the work
and materials, the tenders to be accepted
by the Company subject to the assent account of an
engineer appointed by th Council, the
total cost of work done under the accepted
tenders to b added up and inserted in
the agreement at cost:
4. If the City does not purchase the track
poles and overhead construction at the Term
ination of the said ter of 5 years and eight
months, then the Company to have the option
of a further lease for a further term of five
years and eight months paying rental
for the use of the streets calculated, as fol-
lows:- If the company is earning, $5,000.00
[Volume 6 page] 511
or more gross earnings per mile over the whole road
operated by them, then the Company shall pay to
the City three per cent per annum on one ninth
of the Total amount of gross earnings of the Com-
pany per annum’ if the Company is earning
$7,000 or more gross earnings per mile over the
whole road operated by them, then the Company
shall pay to the City 5 per cent per annum on
one ninth of the total amouont of gross earnings
as aforesaid. If the Company is earning
$8,000 per mile over the whole road as afore-
said then they shall pay to 5 per cent per an-
num on one ninth of the total amount of gross
earnings as aforesaid. If the Company is earn-
ing $9000 per mile, as aforesaid then they shall pay
7 per cent per annum on one ninth as aforesaid.
And for every additional $1,000 or fraction thereof
earned by the Company per mile as aforesaid
in excess of $9000 per mile as aforesaid the
Company shall pay an additional to per cent
per annum on one ninth of the gross earnings
as aforesaid over and above the said 7 per cent
payable on one ninth of the gross earnings as afore-
said. Interest in any event not to exceed
12 per cent on one ninth of the gross earnings.
In the event of the Company not earning
$5000 gross earnings per mile of road operated
then to pay the City rental of $1.00 per annum for
each of the said streets.
The Company to have the right at the termination
of any period of 5 years from the date of the Agree-
ment (but so that no lease be granted to ter-
minate after the 30th November 1918 to re-
new for another period of five years on the
above terms, provided the City may at the
[Volume 6 page] 512
termination of any of the said periods of five
years and eight months thereafter exercise the
right of purchase in paying fifty per cent
of first cost of construction and materials
if the Company have then only a temporary track
excepting at the end of the first period of five
years, when the City shall pay the full cost, as
hereinafter mentioned.
An agreement to be drawn up and signed
by the Company and City containing the above
terms and conditions as to construction, weight
of rails, location on streets, mode of construction,
mode of operating cars, fares to be charged, right
to repair streets, alteration of grades and such
others as may be considered advisable.
Hastings Street from Cambie to Carrall Streets
The Company to construct and lay the track at
the same time as Bituminous Rock pave-
ment is laid by City.
City to supply the rails.
The track to be the property of the City
The City to pay interest at 5 per cent per annum
on the cost of laying the track.
In the event of the Company acquiring the
New Westminster and Vancouver Tramway then
the Company to lease the tracks from the City on
the terms of the present contract of lease between
the City and the New Westminster + Vancouver
Tramway Company and to pay the City for the
cost of the rails within one year of the date
of acquiring the said New Westminster and
Vancouver Tramway and five per cent over
the cost of the rails.
[Volume 6 page] 513
If the Company does not acquire the New West-
minster and Vancouver Tramway Co’s pro-
perty then the City within one year from the 13th
of April 1895 to pay the Company the actual cost
of construction and materials other than the
rails and five per cent per annum on the said
If the company during any period of their
lease from the City does not continuously oper-
ate the said railway on Robson Street to the
Park aforesaid, according to agreement for a period
one one month excepting they are prevented
by accident or matters over which they have
no control than the Company shall forfeit all
rights granted on the said streets.
Moved by Alderman Bethune
Seconded by “ Gallagher
That an Agreement containing
the above conditions and such others as may
be arranged on, to be executed by the City and
Company within fourteen days from date
hereof otherwise the permission and rights
hereby given to the Company to lay track and
operate same on the said streets be with
drawn and of no effect:
Notice of Motion
Alderman Gallagher gave notice that at next
meeting of Council he would introduce a By-
Law to License and regulate Fruit dealers growers
The Council then adjourned
Henry Collins
Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk