Vancouver City Council disapproves $600,000 cost for Victoria Parliament buildings – April 17, 1893

Vancouver City Council disapproves $600,000 cost for Victoria Parliament buildings – April 17, 1893

Vancouver City Council disapproves of the BC Government’s recent [April 1893] decision to set aside $600,000 for government buildings “when the money should be spent in opening up roads for the settlers, also their breach of faith with the Mainland in not bringing down a fair distribution bill.”

Vancouver Electric Railway allowed to install a “T” rail instead of a girder rail, and to double the track on streets about to be paved. Contractor for the Hudson Bay Co.’s building to be notified to remove all stone, lumber and rubbish from the streets in front of the building within 48 hours from the receipt of the notice.

This transcript was made in 2018 by Transcribimus volunteer Gerald Soon

Illustration: Wikipedia photo Ryan Bushby, Apr 2007
Original handwritten minutes here : City of Vancouver Archives
COV S31 Volume 5 pages 373 – 380
[vol 5 pg 373]

Vancouver April 17th 1893.

The Council met on Monday April 17th 1893 at 8 P.M.
Present His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Salsbury, Collins, Hackett, McCraney, Cargill, Franklin, Hobson, Brown, and Towler.
The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.

From Dr. Herald submitting an account for the examination of a lunatic etc.
Referred to the Health Committee.

From Mrs. Sarah Salsbury etal asking for an electric light on the corner of 8th Av. and Quebec St.
Referred to the F. W + L. Committee

From Mrs. Michael Kennedy presenting a petition to Council for signature, asking for the pardon of her husband for manslaughter, said petition to be presented to the Minister of Justice.
Referred to the Mayor and Aldermen to sign

From the President of the Vancouver Street Railway Co. asking permission to lay down a T rail instead of a girder rail.
Moved by Alderman Hackett
Seconded by “ Franklin
That the Report of the Board of Works of March 16th 1893 requiring the Street Railway Company to put down a girder rail be rescinded.

Moved by Alderman Hackett
Seconded by “ Franklin
That the Street Railway Company be allowed to put down a T rail.

From A. St. G. Hamersley recommending the payment of an account of Dupont in connection with the arbitration of the lots at the foot of Westminster Avenue.
Referred to the Finance Committee.

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From A. H. B. McGowan asking that $5,000.00 be placed to the Credit of the School Trustees.
Referred to the Finance Committee

From Wm Tierney + Son + J Potter holding the City responsible for delay in continuing their work.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From the Present of the Street Railway Co. asking permission to lay their track along Robson Street to Stanley Park and along Powell Street to Hastings Park.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From the Health Officer reporting on the number of cases of diphtheria during the month of March.

From the Department of Militia and Defense acknowledging the receipt of a communication from Council re right of way across Stanley Park and Silifor reservoir.

From A.M. Beattie, asking for the use of free water for the Market.
Referred to the Police Committee

From Major-General Twigg etal asking for a public demonstration on the arrival of the first steamers from Australia.
Referred to a Committee of the Whole Council

From the Rev. Father Fayard asking that the lanes be closed in Block 85.196.
Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by “ McCraney
That the Communication be acknowledged and that he be informed that his request will receive consideration as soon as he is in a position to proceed with his contemplated buildings.

From D. C. Craig etal agreeing to deed six feet each in block 101, 196 to form a public lane.

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on condition that the City grade same.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From Wm Crickmay complaining about musical entertainments being held in the Market Hall.
Referred to the Police Committee

From G. W. Thomas resigning his his position as Market Clerk.
Referred to the Police Committee.

From R. Campbell asking for additional wages as guard at the Isolation Hospital.
Referred to the Health Committee.

From A. Calori, asking permission to erect brackets on his building on Powell + Oppenheimer Streets.
Referred to the Board of Works.

The following Reports were received and read:-

Finance Committee.

The Finance Committee met on Friday April 14th 1893. Present Aldermen Anderson, Collins, Cargill, Hobson and, Brown.
It was recommended.
That the following accounts be paid:-
Telephone Co. Telephones $37.80
C. P. Telegraph Co. Telegrams 3.31
Bank of B.C. Commissions 118.78
The World P. + P. Co. Advertising 84.92
A. McLeig, Glazing 2.25

The Estimates for the year were finally compiled and are herewith submitted to the Council for adoption.
sgd R. A. Anderson

Moved by Alderman Collins
Seconded by “ Franklin
That the Report be adopted with the exception of the Estimates which are laid over for one week.

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F. W + L. Committee

The F. W + L. Committee met on Wednesday April 5th 1893. Present Aldermen Franklin, Hackett, Towler, Salsbury and Cargill.
It was recommended:-
1. That Chief Carlisle be authorized to purchase lumber to fence the fire hall lots on Mt. Pleasant.

3. That the following accounts be paid:-
Van Street Railway Co Tracks $5.00
J. Gibbons Medical attendance on horse 10.00
Vancouver Carriage Works Repairs 70.00
B. C. Iron Works Valves, etc. 645.98
Fred Allen Supplies 1.50
S. T. Tilley + Son “ 5.00
S. Forbes Shoeing horse 6.00
Zugen + Brown Varnishing hose wagon 13.00
Geo Hunt Painting hose wagon 5.00
G. H. Bazley Shoeing 10.50
Water Works Payroll 294.20

The Committee met again on Wednesday April 12th.
Present Aldermen Franklin, Hackett, Towler + Cargill.
It was recommended:-
1. That the City refuse to accept a cheque from Geo Cassady & Co for $115.20 unless the fitting are returned.

2. That the City Engineer be authorized to order the necessary supply of Bitumastic Paint to coat submerge main.

3. The the following accounts be paid:-
C. F. Foreman Supplies $45.00
Creamer + Langley “ 44.50
B. C. Iron Works Co. “ 212.48
Thos. Dunn + Co. “ 39.74
Thos. Veitch Teaming 36.00
C. S.l Philp Supplies 1.50
Van Gen’l Elec Co. “ 5.81
Godfrey + Co “ 6.78
C. F. Foreman “ 15.94
B. C. Mills “ 2.73
D. Wilson “ 19.00

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B. C. Mills Supplies $15.99
W. A. McIntosh “ 2.75
W. Hooper etal Labor 381.80
T. Dunn + co. Supplies 1.95
Atkins + Atkins “ 40.21
Van. Elec Ry + L. Co. Lights 1476.19
C. M. Hawley Supplies 1.00

sgd J. L. Franklin

Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by “ Towler
That the Report be adopted.

Board of Works.

The Board of Works met on Thursday April 6th 1893.
Present Aldermen McCraney, Brown, Franklin, Hackett and Salsbury.
It was recommended:-

1. That C. E. Hope, who asked for permission to rebuild privies for a row of cottages on Georgia Street, be notified that his request cannot be granted.

2. That permission be granted to J. H. Smith to remove trees now on Hastings Street to Richards Street.

3. That the petition from C. V. Knowdell asking for the grading of the lane in Block 90.541 be laid over to be added to the Estimates.

4. That the communication from Evans, Coleman and Evans re second hand pipes for drains be referred to the City Engineer for attention.

5. That the communication from E. Cook in reference to the Sewer on the Court House grounds be referred to the City Engineer with power to take what action he thinks proper.

6. That the Vancouver Electric Railway and Light Co. be permitted to extend their track along Westminster Av from Ninth Avenue to the Southerly boundary of the City.

[vol 5 pg 378]

7. That the City Engineer be instructed to look into the question of the grade of the sidewalk on Hastings Street opposite the Y.M.C.A. building.

8. That applications be called for up to noon on Thursday next the 13th inst for the position of Inspector of the Street Paving, the salary to be fixed at $3.00 per day; applicants to state experience and give references.

9. That the following accounts be paid:-
B.C. Mills T + T. Co Lumber $283.63
Gibbons + Meyers Hastings St. East 20.00
T. M. Thomas Clearing in 188 770.00
C. Slade in full for claim 5.00
McLennan + McFeely Supplies 101.54
S. T. Tilly + Sons “ 7.50
A. D. McDonald Sidewalks 221.00
V. E. R. + L. Co. Contracts 15.00
Godfrey + co. Shovels 4.50
Potter + Flett Sec 4. Sewers 100.00
Evans, Coleman + Evans Sewer pipes 912.57
Market Hardware Store Supplies 10.55
MacKay + Ross Glazing 2.50
W. H. Kendall Crushed rock 1276.38
Thos. Veitch del “ “ 474.08
H. Lomas etal. Labor 457.75

10. That the tender of Messrs Boyd + Clandenning be accepted for fixing the outlets to the sewers, price $1.13 per foot.

11. That until further notice the Board shall meet at 3 p. m. instead of 4 p. m.

The Board met again on Thursday April 13th 1893. Present Aldermen Haskett (in the Chair) Franklin, Salsbury + Brown.

It was recommended:-
1. That L. Carter of the Carter House be granted permission to build a brick structure on Water Street provided he conforms to the requirements of the Fire and Streets By-Laws.

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2. That the Vancouver Electric Railway and Light Co. be granted permission to double track that portion of the Street about to be paved where their single track now runs.

3. That the Street Inspector be instructed to attend to the thorough clearing of the drains, gutters etc at once.

4. That the communication from R. A. Muskett asking for a roadway to his house on Lot 1. Block 230 Sub 526 be laid over to be added to the Estimates.

5. That the Board cannot entertain the claim of A. D. McDonald for delay alleged to have been caused when putting down sidewalk at the Mount Pleasant School grounds.

6. That 100 forms of permission to excavate beneath sidewalks be printed.

7. That the Street Inspector be instructed to send in a weekly report.

8. That Mr. Shindler contractor for the Hudson Bay Co.’s building be notified to removal all stone, lumber and rubbish from the streets in front of the building within 48 hours from the receipt of the notice, and that the City Engineer call upon the City Solicitor to see what legal steps can be taken in the matter.

9. That John W. Balmaine be appointed Inspector for Street Paving at a salary of $3.00 per day.

10. That the City Engineer be authorized to grade 8th Av eastwards from Alder Street for a distance of about 200 feet and also Alder Street for a distance from 8th Av to 9th Av and to have a 3 plank walk put down where advisable, the work to be done, carried out by day labor.

11. That tenders be called up to noon on Thursday the 27th inst for the following work :-
Princess Street, 6 foot sidewalk on north side from Heatley Avenue to Campbell Av.
Alexander Street, 6 foot sidewalk on north side from

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Carrall Street to Columbia Avenue.
Alberni Street, 6 foot sidewalk on South Side from Burrard St to Thurlow St.
Hamilton Street, 6 foot sidewalk on East side from Robson St. to Smithe St.

12. That the following accounts be paid:-
Evans, Coleman + Evans, sewer pipes $594.80
Potter + Flett Final on Sec 4. Sewers 293.88
Thos. Dunn + co Supplies 53.04
Gurney Cab Co. Hack hire 4.00
W. C. Marshall Drayage 2.50
Cunningham Hardware Co. Supplies 11.55
H. Lomas etal Labor 468.90

sgd. H. P. McCraney

Moved by Alderman Hackett
Seconded by “ Brown
That the report be adopted.


Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by “ Towler
That the following accounts be paid
Dour Express co. Expenses in Meeting 45 cts
A. O. Leask

Moved by Alderman Collins
Seconded by “ Hobson
That this Council desires to put on record their disapproval of the actions of the Provincial Government of B.C. in the matter of a scheme to pledge the credit of the Province for $600,000 to build public buildings in Victoria, when the money should be spent in opening up roads for the settlers, also their breach of faith with the Mainland in not bringing down a fair distribution bill.

The Council then adjourned.

F. Cope

Thos. F. McGuigan, City Clerk