Aldermen vote themselves $300 annual salary – April 17, 1895

Aldermen vote themselves $300 annual salary – April 17, 1895

Council set themselves remuneration of $300 each per year. $25 was granted for the burial of John Johnston, and $100 for the burial of former mayor M. A. MacLean [monument pictured]. Meanwhile, Hospital matron McFie’s recommendation that nurses be paid more was laid over. H. Boardman and neighbours asked for a small bridge on 6th Ave west of Cedar Street. Library Board granted $1,000 out of this year’s appropriation.

This transcript was made in 2020 by Transcribimus volunteers Darrin Pezer /
Proactive Building Maintenance

illustration: Grave Marker for Malcolm Alexander MacLean at Mountain View Cemetery
City of Vancouver Archives: AM54-S4-: Mon P6

City of Vancouver Archives
COV S 31 Volume 6 pages 514 – 527
to see original handwritten minutes, click here

[Volume 6 page] 514

Vancouver April 17th 1895

The council met on Tuesday April 17th 1895.

Present His Worship, the Mayor and Aldermen Shaw, Coupland, Gallagher, Queen, McPhaiden, McCraney, Wm Brown, W. P. Brown & Bethune

Moved by Alderman Queen
Seconded by “ Coupland
The resolution passed at the last meeting of counsel in reference to the leaving of Robson Street and other streets be amended by striking out the words “and eight months” in the 4th clause thereof.

Moved by Alderman Queen
Seconded by “ Coupland
That the word “percentage” be substituted for the word “interest” in clause 3.

Moved by Alderman Brown
Seconded by “ Shaw
That the minutes as amended be adopted


From Wm Jordan asking that Manitoba Street be opened up.
Referred to the Board of Works

From G. W. DeBeck asking for a sidewalk on Quebec Street
Referred to the Board of Works
[Volume 6 page] 515

From the Chief of Police reporting on the electric lights.

From C. S. Philp etal asking for improvements on 11th Avenue
Referred to the Board of Works

From J. A. Mills protesting against the erection of a Chinese laundry on Richards Street between Dunsmuir & Pender Streets.
Referred to the Police Committee

The following reports were received and read:

Fire Market & Police Committee

The Fire Marshall & Police Committee met on Tuesday April 9th 1895
Present: Aldermen Gallagher, Wm Brown, McPhaiden

The following accounts were recommended for payment:
Clarke & Stuart Supplies $3.70
C.F. Farinan “ $23.93
Robt Clark “ $2.00
J.C. Woodrow “ $19.47
John Mclaren Fare $7.25
J.C. Woodrow Supplies $8.55
Dunn & Co “ $2.45
News Advertiser “ $6.50
Van Elec Ry & L. Co. Lights $11.80
McRae & Hall “ $2.40
C.F. Foreman “ $10.90
McLennan & McFeely “ $4.05
C. Nelson “ $25.30
Dunn & Co “ $43.08

[Volume 6 page] 516

Clarke & Stuart Supplies .25
Cassady & Co “ $47.32
Dunn & Co “ $1.08
Crowder & Penzer “ $71.71
B.C. Iron Works “ $37.00
J. Dodson “ 20.45


From T. Patrakos asking that his license as candy peddler be not enforced.

Three applications were received for insuring the police force Viz. from G. G. Biggar, W. H. Goodwin and the Manufacturers Accident Insurance Co.

It was decided to give it to the Manufacturers when arrangements were completed.

The estimates were again considered, and finally adopted and referred to the Finance Committee

The 17th April at 11 am was the date fixed for holding the police investigation

That the City Solicitor be instructed to take proceedings to enforce the market lease in regard to repairs to the Market Building.

Sgd W.H. Gallagher

Moved by Alderman Coupland
Seconded by “ Queen
That the report be adopted

[Volume 6 page] 517

Water & Light Committee

The Water & Light Committee met on Wednesday April 10th 1895.
Present: Aldermen Wm Brown, Bethune & Coupland

From Evans, Coleman & Evans asking for a water service to their wharf.

It was resolved to put in a service and charge 20 cts for thousand gallons for water. Messrs Evans, Coleman & Evans to agree not to resell water at a greater price than 40 cts for 1000 gallons.

The Foreman’s report of work done during the month of March was received and filed.

It was resolved that the Chairman and the City Engineer consult the City Solicitor and take the necessary steps to finish the reservoir.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:

C. Nelson Supplies .90
J. Boyd & Co “ $3.33
Market Hardware Store “ 3.05
C.F. Foreman “ 3.45
Van City Iron Works “ 60.31
Clarke & Stuart “ 10.85
G.H. Campbell & Co “ 6.00
B.C. Iron Works “ 33.24
McLennan & McFeely “ 7.70
Crowder & Penzer “ 36.60
Can Ry & L Co Lights 1685.56
Thos Dunn & Co Supplies 15.69
Hopper etal Labor 339.15
Sgd Wm Brown

[Volume 6 page] 518

Moved by Alderman Wm Brown
Seconded by “ Bethune
That the report be adopted

Health Committee

The Health Committee met on Thursday April 11th 1895.
Present: Aldermen McPhaiden, Shaw, Queen and Wm Brown

The following accounts were recommended for payment:

Clarke & Stuart Supplies $13.30
G. Wilson “ 1.20
Texas Lake Ice Co “ .90
J. C. Woodrow “ 62.98
J. Dodson “ 27.50
Wm Mc Girr Labor 35.00
The Can Ry & Light Co Lights 64.70
Urquhart Bros Supplies 10.00
Van Hardware Co “ .55
Crowder & Penzer “ 41.67
C. F. Foreman “ 77.21
M. Carriere “ .50
Clarkson & Mayne Kalsoming 252.21
Geo Phillips Sanitary Grate 140.00
Van Carriage Works Supplies .85
Geo Cassady & Co “ 29.98
C. F. Foreman “ 2.78
M. S. Rose “ 31.40
Gas Co “ 3.60
B. C. Iron Works “ 6.00
W. Kerfoot Drayage .50
Adam Hicks Hack 2.50
Shelton & Co Supplies 48.75

[Volume 6 page] 519

R. Marrion Examinations $241.00
Bailey Bros “ 6.05
J. Mc Gill Nursing 9.05
Lee & Stewart Hack 2.50
Clark & Stuart Supplies 18.75
C. F. Foreman “ 3.00
J. Carnahan Scavengering .50
Thos Dunn & Co “ .65
Pioneer Steam Laundry Washing 90.07
M. T. L. Lloyd Hack 3.00
John Bansman Drayage 1.50
G. W. Hutchings Repairs 41.35
Wm Gamble Examinations 20.00
Geo Phillips Supplies 5.00
Champion & White “ 5.50
C. B. Lockhart Burial 4.45
C. Nelson Supplies 77.53
Gurney Cab Co Cab Hire 9.75
The Superior Dairy Supplies 44.05
M. Carriere Scavengering 1.00
C. S. Philp Supplies 26.10
Alex McDonald Labor Paid .25
Dr. Thomas Attending Small Pox 30.00
M. T. L. Lloyd Hack Hire 32.00
Mc Lennan & Mc Feely Supplies 9.05
Dr. Thomas Book 4.00


From A. W. Scoullar reporting the number of plumbing connections made since the first of the year.

From the Health Inspector showing the necessity for a sewer in Blocks 8 & 22, D.L. 185

Referred to the Board of Works

[Volume 6 page] 520

From Rand Bros asking that the Police prevent (?) damage to vacant houses.

From A. H. Thomas certifying that W. C. Macy was suffering from injuries received.

From Robert Barker complaining about the Health Inspector.

From Miss Mac Fie furnishing monthly report.

From Miss Mac Fie intimating that nurses be paid more in the start.
Laid Over

From the Milk Inspector submitting report.

Mr. Hartley made application for an extension of time for completing the plumbing of the Kemp cabins on Oppenheimer Street

The estimates for the year were submitted confirmed and referred to the Finance Committee.
Sgd D. McPhaiden

Moved by Alderman Gallagher
Seconded by “ Wm Brown
That the two accounts from the Gurney Cab Co be referred back

Moved by Alderman Wm Brown
Seconded by “ Queen

That the report as amended be adopted.

[Volume 6 page] 521

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee met on Tuesday April 16th 1895.

Present the full board.


From Thos Stephenson asking for a subscription to aid in the burial of John Johnston.

That the sum of $25.00 be donated for the purpose.

That the sum of $100.00 be donated towards the burial expenses of the late M. A. McLean.

From the City Auditor furnishing report for the infirmary.

That the City Accountant be instructed to see that all electric light accounts are paid each month in time to save the rebate.

From Major Townley re the amalgamation of the different lands.
Laid Over

From the Board of Works, asking for $1500 for the construction of a sewer in Blocks 8 & 22 D.L. 185
Laid Over

From the Secretary of the Free Library asking that $1000 be advanced them on account of the present year’s appropriation.
Resolved that their request be granted.

[Volume 6 page] 522

That $100 be placed at the disposal of the Chairman of the Police Committee to be expended by him if necessary in summoning witnesses.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:

News Advertiser Supplies $67.50
Clarke & Stewart “ 35.54
Crowder & Penzer “ 21.45
Geo Richardson Salary 21.00
The World P & P Co Paper 5.50
The Can Ry & L Co Lights 17.65
Telephone Co Rents 37.80
Dunn & Co Supplies .65
H.A. Robertson Charter Amendments 125.00

Sgd H.P. McCraney

Moved by Alderman Coupland
Seconded by “ Gallagher
That the report be adopted

The Board of Works met on Thursday April 11th 1895.
Present Aldermen Shaw, Queen, Brown and MacPhaiden


From the City Clerk notifying the board that the agreement for the relaying of the street railway track on Granville Street south of Robson Street has not been signed although the company has had it for signature for some time.

[Volume 6 page] 523

That the City Clerk be instructed to notify the company to have the agreement prepaid without delay or else state what change or changes they want.

From C. G. Johnson complaining of a bad spot on Alder Street between 8th and 9th Aves.
Referred to the foreman for Ward 5 for attention.

From E. Cook making application to deposit building material on Hastings Street opposite the proposed new Rogers buildings.

Permission granted for use of sidewalks portion only, the quantity of bricks etc to be placed next to the lift for the engineer to decide upon and subject to the usual bond or deposit being made, no mortar to be placed on the pavement on any consideration.

Resolved also in future contractors be given distinctly to understand that permission will not be given for junking any building material either on sidewalks or the bitumous rock paving and the police be instructed to keep the streets and sidewalks clear of all obstructions.

From A. E. Beck asking that the Comox Street sidewalk be continued to Nicola.

Referred to Aldermen Shaw & Queen to report upon S.H. Boardman etal asking for a small bridge on 6th Ave west of Cedar Street.

Referred to the Engineer and Alderman W. P. Brown to examine and report upon.

Resolved that permission be granted Messrs Robertson & Hackett to put in areas under sidewalk at the Tatlow building duly subject to the usual condition of the work being carried out the satisfaction of the City Engineer.

[Volume 6 page] 524

Resolved that tenders be called up to 4 pm on Thursday the 25th such for the following sidewalks the city to supply the lumber and nails:

Barclay Street
6 ft sidewalk on the north side from Bute to Nicola Street

Haro Street
6ft sidewalk on the north side from Burrard to Thurlow

The following accounts were recommended for payment:

W.H. Kendall Crushed Rock $1308.81
W.S. Cook Del “ “ 670.82
Clarke & Stuart Supplies 13.80
E. Clough Drayage 1.50
Van Hardware Co Supplies 20.45
J. Carrell Repairs 3.50
Champion & White 15.00
Thos Dunn & Co 86.83
Market Hardware Co .24
Crowder & Penzer 12.00
McLennan & McFeely 11.05
Evans, Coleman & Evans 2.60
Thos Dunn & Co 16.65
C.F. Foreman 2.95
C. Nelson .35
Gurney Cab Co 2.50
Champion & White 3.75
G.E. Meek 1.50
B.C. Iron Works 17.76
Curtis & Newsom 7.25
Cassady & Co 165.35
Dunbar etal 681.95
Sgd H.P. Shaw, Chairman

[Volume 6 page] 525

Moved by Alderman Wm Brown
Seconded by “ Bethune

That the clause in reference to calling for tenders be left over until the estimates are completed.

Moved by Alderman Shaw
Seconded by “ McPhaiden

That the report as amended be adopted.


Moved by Alderman Shaw
Seconded by “ McPhaiden

That the following relief payroll be passed:

Ward One $53.90
“ Two 48.20
“ Three 39.30
“ Four 30.15
“ Five 47.90

Consideration of By Laws

Moved by Alderman Bethune
Seconded by “ Coupland
That the By Law to fix the remuneration for Aldermen be read a 2nd time.

Moved by Alderman Gallager
Seconded by “ Coupland

[Volume 6 page] 526

That the By Law to attend the Trades License By Law be read a second time.

Moved by Alderman Wm Brown
Seconded by “ Bethune
That the council go into committee of the whole for the consideration of the By Law to fix the remuneration for Aldermen.

Alderman Wm Brown was appointed Chairman.

The title and preamble were passed without amendment.

It was then moved by Alderman Queen.
Seconded by Alderman McPhaiden.
That the Aldermens’ salaries be $400 per annum and that the sum of $500 be deducted from the total amount in aid of the orphans’ home.
Not Put

Moved by Alderman Bethune
Seconded by “ W.P. Brown
That they be paid $250 each

Moved by Alderman Gallagher
That the Committee rise and that the By Law be laid over for 3 months

Moved by Alderman Bethune
Seconded by “ McPhaiden
That the Alderman be paid $300 a year each, payable at the end of each quarter.

The committee then rose to report the

[Volume 6 page] 527

passage of the By-Law in Committee of the Whole.

The By-Law was read a 3rd time on motion of Alderman Bethune Seconded by Alderman W. P. Brown.

The Council then adjourned.

Henry Collins

Thos. McGuigan
City Clerk