Vancouver forms a Board of Commissioners of Police – April 18, 1887

Chairmen of all Standing Committees plus Alderman Mannion appointed to form the Board of Commissioners of Police. The Board of Works recommended the $500 deposit of contractor William Harkins be declared forfeit, as he had not completed his contract on time. Council denied the recommendation, asking them to reconsider. City forms petition to Dominion Government to establish immigrant sheds and an Immigration Agent to cope with the expected influx upon completion of the western terminus of the CPR, as well as a quarantine facility.

This transcript was made in 2014 by Transcribimus volunteer
Darrin Pezer/Proactive Building Maintenance

original handwritten minutes here

City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 1 pages 318-325

Vancouver April 18th 1887

The Council met on Monday April 18th 1887 at 7.30 P.M.

Present His Worship, Mayor MacLean presiding, Aldermen Alexander, Clark, Hamilton, Humphries, Lefevre, Lockerby, Mannion, D. Oppenheimer and Sanders.

The Minutes of last regular and special meetings read and adopted.


From Alderman Isaac Oppenheimer asking for six weeks leave of absence.
Request granted.

From John Devine submitting Auditor’s Report for March.
Report Filed.

From Thos. Dunn & Co asking Council to clear lane between Hastings and Cordova Streets connecting Abbott and Cambie Streets.
Referred to Board of Works.

From Alfred R. Coughtry asking permission to erect a Slaughter House on Lot 37 Block 3 District Lot No 200 A.
Referred to the Board of Health.

From Gravely and Spinks asking that Columbia Avenue be made to grade where it joins Hastings Street.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From Henry Streatfield acknowledging receipt of letter from City Clerk re False Creek.

From H. Schussler acknowledging receipt of telegram re Water Works and agreeing to make a report if he had time.

From McDonald and Larson asking permission to dig a drain to connect with drain on Abbott Street.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From John M. Spinks giving notice that he would close in ten days the present road running to Westminster as it passes through his property.
Laid over.

From R.G. Tatlow and other praying the Council to improve Alexander Street.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From John Boultbee and Thornton Fell giving particulars of Chinese claims against the City.
Laid on the table.
From City Solicitor giving written opinion on account of Dr. McGuigan re enquiry and death of Simon Hirschburgh.
Account referred to the Board of Health.

Moved by Alderman Clark seconded by Alderman Sanders
that Special Police be paid off the amount due them being $272.25.

John Boultbee, Charter $360.00 Finance
Thos. Quann, Boarding Sick 10.00 Health.

Reports of

Special Committee appointed to report on the pamphlet published by M. Pickin and the special British Columbia Number of the West Shore.

Your Committee have perused Mr. Pickin’s pamphlet and believe that the work is such as might be properly circulated by the Corporation and would recommend that 1000 copies @ 10 cts each be subscribed for.
Your Committee feel that they cannot recommend the subscribing for 2500 copies of the special number of the West Shore previous to having a copy of the edition before them.
Sgd. L.A. Hamilton
Sgd. Jas. Mannion
Sgd. J.M. Lefevre.
Report adopted, Humphries – D. Oppenheimer.


The Board of Health met on Friday April 15th 1887 at 2. P.M.
The following accounts were recommended to be paid.
J.B. Thornton, Groceries $5.40
Walter Ashford, Milk 8.35
Queen Bros. 14.50
George, an Indian, Wood 6.00
Malee & Brown, Liquor 2.50
Dr. Langis, Lunatic 5.00
Thos. F. McGuigan, Relief for Mrs. Farnham 10.00

For the office of City Scavenger four applications were received and the appointment laid over for one week in order to consider the qualifications of the applicants.
sgd. Geo. Lockerby

Report adopted, Lefevre – Clark.

Board of Works.
The Board of Works met on Wednesday April 13th 1887 at 2. P.M.

The following report is submitted.
The tenders for street improvement were opened and read as follows.
Dupont Street
Boyd and Clandening
Grubbing &c. per L. ft. 48 cts
Sidewalks per L. ft. 23 cts
Planking per M. ft. $15.00
Culverts per M. ft. $17.00
Thos. Egan & Co.
Grubbing, grading &c per L. ft. 45 cts
Bridge timber per M. ft. 16.00
Wm. Harkins
Grubbing, grading &c per L. ft. 45 cts
Sidewalks per L. ft. 22 cts
Bridge timber per M. ft. $15.50
Piles per foot 6 cts
Stephenson & McCraney
Grading &c per L. ft. 49 cts
Culverts per M. ft. $17.00
Planking per M. $15.25
Sidewalks per L. ft. 24c
Bridge timber per M $17.00
Piles per ft. 15c
Muir and Pratt
Grading &c per L. ft. 64 cts
Sidewalks per L. ft. 23 cts
Bridge timber per M. ft. $16.25
Piles per ft. 6 1/2 c
Box drains per M. ft. $17.00
Lorne and Dufferin Streets
Boyd and Clandening
Slashing, grading &c per L. ft. 42 cts
Lumber for bridges M. $15.00
Wm. Harkins
Clearing and grubbing 40 cts per ft.
Bridging $1.25 per ft.
Horvet and Sicily
Clearing and grubbing per L. ft. 48c
Plank for bridging per M. ft. $15.00
Stephenson and McCraney
Grubbing Dufferin Street per L. ft. 59c
Grubbing Lorne Street per L. ft. 49c
Bridge Lumber per M. ft. $17.00
Stringers per M. ft. 15c
We recommend that the tender of Boyd and Clandening be accepted for the improvement of Lorne Street and Dufferin Street if the Council see fit to go to the expenditure which will amount to $1700.00 exclusive of the plank walk petitioned for.
We recommend the acceptance of the tender of Thos. Egan & Co. for the improvement of Dupont Street.
With reference to the petitions of Thicke and others, Robert Roisterer and J. Miller we have instructed the City Engineer to examine into each and report to this Board to take action thereon.
We recommend to Council that William Harkins be notified that having failed to complete his contract on Westminster Avenue within the time fixed and as it appears that he has without proper cause delayed the completion of the work that his deposit of five hundred dollars be declared forfeited.
We have called for tenders for the clearing grading ditching and sidewalking for Gore Avenue between Alexander Street and Hastings Street which we trust will meet with the approval of Council.
We recommend the payment of the following accounts:
J. McKin, fixing crossings $26.25
Chas. Sterntuck, hauling $5.25
Thos. Dunn & Co., Nails $1.50
sgd L.A. Hamilton

Moved by Alderman Sanders seconded by Alderman Lefevre that clause in Report of the Board of Works referring to Wm. Harkins be referred to Board of Works for reconsideration.

Moved by Alderman D. Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Lockerby
that the Board of Works be empowered to spend amount of money required for the improvement of Lorne and Dufferin Streets and that the Report of the Board be adopted.

C.P.R. Agreement.

Alderman Alexander laid before the Council a draft of an agreement between the C.P.R. Co. and the City re the exemption of certain land on which the Company propose erecting their workshops round houses etc.
The Agreement was read and referred to the City Solicitor and Committee appointed to confer with Mr. Abbott and to report to a special meeting of Council to be held on Thursday the 21st inst.

Moved by Alderman D. Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Humphries,
Whereas a large number of immigrants are now coming into the City of Vancouver in the Province of British Columbia over the Canadian Pacific Railway,
And whereas the said City of Vancouver, the Western Terminus of said Railway is and will be the Central distributing point of immigrants for the said Province,
And whereas it is necessary that suitable accommodation be provided for such immigrants coming into the City by the erection of an immigrant shed and by the appointment of an Agent to furnish to such immigrants all the information they may require as to the Agricultural, mineral and other resources of this Province,
Therefore be it resolved that this Council earnestly request the Dominion Government to erect immigrant sheds in this City and appoint an immigration Agent at as early a date as possible
And be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution signed by the Mayor and the City Clerk and to which the seal of the City be affixed shall be immediately forwarded to the Minister of Agriculture of the Dominion of Canada.

Moved by Alderman Hamilton that Council go into Committee of the Whole with Alderman Clark in the Chair for the purpose of appointing a Board of Police Commissioners.

In Committee it was moved by Alderman Sanders seconded by Alderman Lefevre that the Chairmen of the different standing Committees with Alderman Mannion added be the Standing Committee of Police who shall form the Board of Commissioners of Police.

The Committee then rose to report progress and appointments made in Committee of the whole confirmed on motion of Alderman Hamilton seconded by Alderman Clark.

Moved by Alderman Clark seconded by Alderman Mannion
that this Council now take into consideration the sowing of white clover seed on the sides of the streets and the encouragement of the planting of shade trees thereon.

Notice of Motion.

Alderman Lefevre gave notice that he would at the next regular meeting of Council introduce a motion to memorialize the Dominion Government to establish a quarantine here at once and also to place in the estimates of the current year a sufficient appropriation to establish a Marine Hospital in this City.

The Council then adjourned

M.A. MacLean

Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk