South Vancouver’s part of North Arm Road ‘nearly useless for traffic’ – April 22, 1895

North Arm Road in early Vancouver

Vancouver’s portion of North Arm Road (now Fraser Street, pictured) was in good repair, but South Vancouver’s portion was ‘nearly useless for traffic’. Vancouver Council wrote to South Vancouver to “urgently request” South Vancouver to “keep their portion of the road in good repair and in a properly passable state”.

This transcript was made in 2020 by Transcribimus volunteer
Darrin Pezer / Proactive Building Maintenance

illustration: North Arm Road looking south, 1889
City of Vancouver Archives AM54-S4-: Str P97

original handwritten minutes:
City of Vancouver Archives
COV S 31 Volume 6 pages 528 – 535
to see original handwritten minutes, click here

[Volume 6 page] 528

Vancouver April 22nd 1895

The council met on Monday April 22nd 1895.

Present: His Worship, the Mayor and Aldermen Shaw, Coupland, Queen, Gallagher, McCraney, McPhaiden, Wm Brown, Thomas, W.P. Brown, and Bethune.

The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From S. Astell asking for a license for a laundry on Richards Street.
Laid over

From the Mayor of Nanaimo inviting the Mayor Council and citizens to be with them on the 24th of May.
Moved by Alderman McPhaiden
Seconded by “ Wm Brown
That the invitation be accepted with thanks.

From the Deputy Provincial Secretary stating that no rules had yet been formulated regarding admission into the Old Man’s Home.

From S. H. Holmes etal, asking that the liquor license be reduced to $200.00
Referred to the Finance Committee

From G. W. DeBeck asking for a sidewalk on Quebec Street.
Referred to the Board of Works

From F. W. Mills etal asking for a bridge on 10th Av past Westminster Av.
Referred to the Board of Works

[Volume 6 page] 529

From Wm Brand explaining matters in communication with the City Band.
Referred to the Finance Committee.

From Thos Scott asking that a tree be cut down on a lot next to his in 185.

From G. A. Jordan stating that he desired to proceed without delay with the Police investigation.
Referred to the Police Committee

From J. Brunton asking for a box drain in Block 101, 196.
Referred to the Board of Works

From John McLaren reporting on the electric lights

From F. S. Barnard asking that a 2 years clause be inserted in the agreement re: the laying of a temporary track on Granville Street.
Referred to the Board of Works

From Nellie Gigoure asking the Council to insist on the plumbing of her premises being allowed to proceed which was prevented by the Plumbing association

Moved by Alderman Gallagher
Seconded by “ Coupland
That the matter be left in the hands of the Health Inspector with power to act.

The following reports were received and read:

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee met on Friday April 19th 1895.
Present: the full board
The estimates other from the different committees were furnished.

[Volume 6 page] 530

The City Clerk was instructed to invite the School Board, the Park Commissioner and the Chairman of the Standing Committee to meet the Finance Committee on Wednesday next at 8 P.M. to consider the estimates with them, in the meantime copies of the estimates to be struck off and furnished to each chairman.
Sgd H. P. Mc Craney

Moved by Alderman Coupland
Seconded by “ Wm Brown
That the report be adopted

Fire, Market & Police Committee

The Fire, Market and Police Committee met on Friday April 19th 1895.
Present: the full board


From Dr. Mills etal, asking that a license be not granted for a wash house being erected on Richards Street next to Dr. Mills residence
Laid over

From Rand Bros complaining about destruction to vacant houses.

That the City Clerk be instructed

[Volume 6 page] 531

to get six notices painted and put up in different parts of the city offering a reward of $10.00 for the detection and conviction of any party or parties caught damaging vacant houses or ornamental trees.

That the City Clerk be instructed

[Volume 6 page] 531

to call for tenders for supplying police and firemen uniforms and helmets, such tenders to be in by the 14th day at 4 P.M. Samples to accompany any tenders.

The City Solicitor stated that he had notified the Market Sureties to see that the lessee put in needed repairs to the market building or they will be held liable.

He was instructed to prepare further amendments to the Trades License By Law.

The City Clerk, at the request of the Chairman, asked the Police Magistrate to attend the meeting and state if it was his intention to hold the Police Investigation in accordance with the resolution of Council or not.

The Chairman asked the Magistrate if he had any request to make. He said he had not but added that he intended holding the investigation, according to procedure. He said that some definite charges would have to be formulated before he could properly conduct the same.

The City Solicitor bore out the Police Magistrate in his contention.

The following copy of a subpoena was ordered to be added to the report on motion of Alderman Gallagher recorded by Alderman Coupland:-

In the Police Court: City of Vancouver
In the matter of Vancouver Incorporation Act – 1886 and acts amending the same, and in the matter of an investigation with certain matter relating to the conduct of V. W. Haywood, Sergeant of the Police, and of all members of the police force of the said city.

To……….. Greeting,

You are hereby commanded to attend before me

[Volume 6 page] 532

George Albert Jordan, Police Magistrate of City of Vancouver, at the Police Board, Vancouver, on Wednesday the 17th day of April 1895 at the hour of eleven o’clock in the forenoon and so from day to day until the matter is investigated to give evidence.
Police Magistrate

Sgd W.H. Gallagher

Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by Alderman Queen
That the report be adopted

Introduction of By-Laws

Moved by Alderman Shaw
Seconded by “ McCraney
That the report be adopted

That a By-Law be introduced to authorize a certain agreement between the Corporation of the City of Vancouver and the Consolidated Ry & Light Co re the laying of a track on Granville & Robson Streets etc.

The ByLaw was read a first time.

[Volume 6 page] 533

Moved by Alderman Shaw
Seconded by “ McCraney

That a ByLaw be introduced to authorize a certain agreement between the Corporation of the City of Vancouver and the consolidated Ry & Light Co re the double tracking of Hastings Street between Cambie & Carrall Streets.

The By-Law was read a first time.

[Volume 6 page] 533

Moved by Alderman Gallagher
Seconded by “ Coupland

That a By-Law be introduced to prevent the sale of goods on the Sabbath.

The By-Law was read a first time.


Moved by Alderman Gallagher
Seconded by “ Coupland

That the resolution passed on the 8th day of April 1895 re the Police Investigation be rescinded and the following substituted in lieu thereof:- “That that portion of the report which refers to the investigation of the Sergeant be referred back to the committee and that the Mayor be instructed to act in conjunction with the committee, and to investigate under oath, any irregularities in connection with the Police Department.”

Ayes Aldermen Coupland, Queen, Gallagher, Wm Brown, W. P. Brown, and Bethune.
Nays Aldermen McCraney, McPhaiden and Thomas.

Moved by Alderman Shaw
Seconded by “ McPhaiden

That the following relief payroll be passed:-
Ward 1 $79.05
“ 2 $112.25
“ 3 $68.70
“ 4 $59.90
“ 5 $78.85

[Volume 6 page] 534

Moved by Alderman McPhaiden
Seconded by “ Queen
That the following account be paid:-
Mrs. J. W. Smith, washing $27.08

Moved by Alderman Gallagher
Seconded by “ Queen
Whereas the road from Granville St. Bridge to the North Arm of the Fraser River is as to that portion of it within the City Limits in a good state of repair, and the City and the Canadian Pacific Railway Company has expended a considerable sum of money in constructing and keeping the same in good repair. And whereas that portion of the said road outside the City Limits and within the jurisdiction of the Municipality of South Vancouver is in a very bad state of repair, and their rendering the road to the North Arm bad and nearly useless for traffic.

And whereas it is of great importance to the residents and farmers of Lulu Island, Sea Island and South Vancouver that the said road should be properly kept;

Be it therefore resolved that the Council of the Municipality of South Vancouver be urgently requested to keep their portion of the road in good repair and in a properly passable state.

And that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to South Vancouver Council at once.

Notice of Motion
Alderman Wm Brown gave notice that at the next meeting of Council he would

[Volume 6 page] 535

introduce the following Bylaws:-

A By-Law to amend the License as to licensing wash houses.

A By-Law to define the limits within which wash houses that may prove to be nuisances may be established.

The Council then adjourned until Thursday at 8 P.M.

Thos F. McGuigan
City Clerk

Henry Collins