Vancouver’s budget for 1893 finalized – April 24, 1893

Vancouver’s estimated income for 1893 was $524,021.18 Expenditures were expected to be $408,941.78

This transcript was made in 2018 by Transcribimus volunteer Gerald Soon

NOTE: Because there are so many columns of numbers in this particular transcript,
it may not display correctly on all devices.  We’ve included a downloadable PDF of the transcript as well as the

original handwritten minutes: City of Vancouver Archives
COV S 31 Volume 5 pages 381-397

[vol 5 pg 381]

Vancouver April 24th 1893
The Council met on Monday April 24th 1893 at 8 P.M.
Present- His Worship, the Mayor and Aldermen Anderson, Salsbury, Collins, Hackett, McCraney, Cargill, Hobson, Franklin, Brown and Fowler.
The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.

The following communications were received:

From E.A. Bickmore of London, Eng. Asking to be supplied with reliable information regarding Vancouver.
Referred to the Board of Trade

From the B.C. Cooperage & Jute Co. asking that the approach to their premises be repaired.
Already attended to by B of Works

From A.C. Brydone-Jack Solicitor serving writ in a suit between Jean Glysell and the City to recover monies claimed to be due Tupper Thomson
Referred to the City Solicitor

From J.J. Blake, Solicitor serving writ on behalf of Robert Campbell for recovery of wages claimed due from the City as Guard at the Isolation Hospital
Referred to the City Solicitor

From the Secretary of the School Board asking the Council to submit a ByLaw to the people to raise 60,000 for the erection of additional schools etc.
Laid over to be considered with the Estimates

From A.M. Beattie asking for the appointment of Mr. Manson as Market Clerk in place of G.W. Thomas resigned
Referred to the Police Committee

[vol 5 pg 382]

From the City Auditor submitting report for March

Mr Alderman Salsbury suggested that the Debenture and Revenue balances be shown separately in the reports in future.

From W.B. Conkey Company of Chicago asking the City to have an advertisement inserted in the official Directory & Reference Book for distribution during the World’s Fair
Referred to the Finance Committee to enquire into Cost.

From Geo Gagan calling attention to the Violation of the Market By-Law by the Lessee
Referred to the Police Committee

From I. Oppenheimer, President of the V.E.R.& L. Co asking permission to extend the street car track from Hastings Street to Cordova on Granville and from Granville to Cambie on Cordova
Moved by Alderman Fowler
Seconded by “ Hackett
That the desired permission be granted

From the Park Commissioners asking for an addition of $1000.00 to their Estimates.
Laid over to be considered with Estimates

G.W. Thomas appeared before the bar of the Council and accused the Lessee of the Market with violating the Market By-Law.
Referred to the Market Committee

The following Reports were read:-
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee met on Friday April 21st 1893.
Present – Aldermen Collins (in the Chair) Cargill and Hobson
It was resolved:-
1. That the following accounts be paid:-
[vol 5 pg383]

1. A. St. G Hammersley Law Costs $22.45
School Trustees Grant 5000.00
C. F. Dupont: balance due on expropriation 70.00
Jas. A. Cohen, Printing amendments to Charter 152.00
$66.00 of which is to be charged to the B.I. & F.C.Ry Co.
News-Advertiser, Advertising $72.90
$64.00 of which is to be charged to the V.E.R.& L. Co
Van Gurney Cab Co. Hack hire 6.00
Bailey Bros. Carbon paper. .75

2. That the attention of the Trustees of the Sinking Fund be called to Section 141a of the
amendments to the City Charter 1893. Regarding the Sinking Fund.

3. That Dalton McCarsty be appointed to represent the City in the appeal case between
the City and the CPR Co re Gore Avenue extension
sgd R.A. Anderson
Moved by Alderman Hobson
Seconded by “ Brown.
That the Report be adopted.

F.W. & L. Committee
The F.W. & L. Committee met on Wednesday April 19th 1893.
Present Aldermen Franklin, Salsbury, Fowler, Hackett & Cargill.
It was recommended:-
1. That the petition from Mrs Sarah Salsbury etal asking for an Electric Light on the corner of 8thAv and Quebec Street be laid over as it is not the intention to place any more lights until next fall when the petition will be considered.
2. That the following accounts be paid:-
Creamer & Langley Reducers, pipe etc $148.54
London Carriage Works Repairs to wagon 2.50
McLennan & McFeely Brass work 648.13
Godfrey & Co Supplies 4.54
Bailey Bros Time Books .50
J.P. Blake Bread 4.68

[vol 5 pg 384]

Crowder & Penzer Feed $42.44
Henry R. Worthington Meter Counter 2.22
W. Hooper etal Labor 279.05

sgd J.K. Franklin
Moved by Alderman Collins
Seconded by “ Brown
That the Report be adopted.

Police Committee
The Police Committee met on Tuesday April 18th 1893
Present: Aldermen Fowler, Hobson and Hackett
It was recommended:-
1. That the following accounts be paid:-
D. McRae Carpentering $8.75
Philp Bros Supplies 10.80
M. Cunningham Hack hire 2.50
G.L. Allen Supplies 1.25
Gurney Cab Co Hack hire .75
W.A. McIntosh supplies 26.80
J.P. Blake “ 26.10
C.F. Foreman “ 29.08
John McLaren Ry fares 4.75

2. That a revolver in possession of the police, stolen from Godfrey & co be returned to
3. That free water be granted to A.M. Beattie for the Market Hall.
4. That the resignation of G.W. Thomas as Market Clerk be accepted.
5. That the communication from Wm Crickmay in reference to Musical entertainment
in the Market Hall be filed
6. That $100.00 be placed to the credit of the Mayor as a secret service fund.

[vol 5 pg 385]

7. That $200.00 be spent on repairs to the roof of the Market Hall.
sgd Wm Fowler

Moved by Alderman Salsbury
Seconded by “ Cargill
That the clause in the Report in reference to free water for Mr Beattie be
referred to the F. W. & L. and Police Committee
Moved by Alderman Hobson
Seconded by “ Hackett
That the balance of the Report be adopted.

Board of Works
The Board of Works met on April 28th 1893
Present: Alderman McCraney, Brown, Haskett, and Franklin
It was recommended:-
1. That the communication from C.E. Hope, requesting the board to deepen the sewer in
the lane between Howe and Hamilton Streets in Block 46, subdivision 541, be left in
hands of the City Engineer to have the necessary levels taken, and report

2. That the communication from the manager of the BC. Cooperage and Jute Co Ltd
asking that a box drain be put in at the gutter at the entrance to their yard in at the gutter at the entrance to their yard at the foot of Cambie Street be referred to the Street Inspector for attention if necessary

3. That the communication from Lindsay Phillip asking for a sidewalk opposite his house
On Robson Street corner of Nicola Street be laid over to be added to the Estimates.

4. That John Potter be furnished with sufficient wooded box drains taken from
elsewhere to put in Block 5. Sub 185

5. That the communications from Wm. Tierney & son

[vol 5 pg386]

And John Potter re delay on their contracts be filed

6. That the communication from the President of the Vancouver Electric Railway
& Light Company asking permission to continue the present track on Powell Street from
the businesses easterly to the City Limits and also along Robson St to Stanley Park be
laid over until after the vote on the By-Law for guaranteeing the interest on the bonds
of the company have been polled.

7. That R. Robinson be furnished with the grades asked for on Alberni Street and
Estimates be prepared as to the cost of opening up said street from Nicola to Cordero.

8. That A. Calori be granted permission to erect iron balconies on his new hotel on
Powell St provided they have not a greater projection than 2’6”

9. That the Street Inspector be authorized to use old plank for the purpose of planking
the lane in Block 36. 541, as soon as it is taken up on the streets being paved.

10. That the communication from D.C. Craig etal asking that a 12 ft. alley be constructed
in Block 101. 196 and offering to deed over to the City the land required be referred
to Alderman Franklin to get the balance of the signatures of the property owners in
the block.

11. That the Provincial Government be asked to give a small piece at the Court House
Corner with a view to straightening Hastings Street

12. That the following accounts be paid:-
H. Lomas etal Labor $561.80
D. McGillivray Street Paving 1643.07
Tye & Co. Supplies 2.05
Evans, Coleman & Evans Coal 19.00
Bailey Bros. Stationery 1.25
News. Advertiser Printing 8.00

[ vol 5 pg387]

Evans, Coleman & Evans Sewer pipes $264.05
J.J. Nickson Sewer contract No 11 887.25
H. Exsince Express hire 1.00
sgd H.P. McCraney
Moved by Alderman Hackett
Seconded by “ Fowler
That the Report be adopted.

Health Committee
The Health Committee met on Tuesday April 18th 1893
Present – Aldermen Collins, Cargill and Hobson.
It was recommended:-
1. That the following accounts be paid:-
C.F. Foreman Supplies $78.39
W.S. Cook Scavengering 85.75
H.H. Layfield & Co. Supplies 10.20
J.R. Foster & Co. “ 71.52
J.T. Herritt & Co 75.28
Jas McGregor Costs for advertising colt 11.50
W.A. McIntosh & Co Supplies 22.03
W.S. Cook .50
Thos. Dunn & Co. .77
S.T. Tilley & Son 3.20
Fred Allen “ 1.50
Wilson Herald. Ex. Of Lunatic 5.00
Champion & White, Scavengering 5.00
W.J. McGuigan Inquests etc. 20.00
J.P. Blake Supplies 6.30
Palmer Bros. “ 2.00
Leatherdale & Smith Hack hire 2.75
Gurney Cab Co Supplies 68.00
Green Labor 1.25
Philp Bros. Supplies 56.46
Hudsons Bay Co Supplies 16.00
Gordon Drysdale “ 12.57
Wm Ralph “ 9.00
Champion & White “ 4.00
C.F. Foreman “ 7.15
Atkins & Atkins “ 16.22

[vol 5 pg 388]

Cook & Carrierre Scavengering $2.00
J.R. Foster & Co Supplies 102.84
J.M. O’Toole “ 49.45
Wm Ralph “ 72.02
Thos. Dunn & Co “ 3.05
J.A. Skinner & Co “ 9.00
J.P. Blake “ 20.15
C.F. Foreman “ 68.10
W.A. McIntosh & Co “ 82.68
Atkins & Atkins “ 61.26
J.R. Foster “ 12.80
News Advertiser “ 7.00
F.W. Hart “ 2.50

2. That the pipelayer bond submitted by M. Derosier be approved.

3. That the Caretaker of the Cemetery be supplied with a Suit – covering to protect him
while digging graves.

4. That the account submitted by Dr. McGuigan for examining trains and boats
be not paid by the City as the Committee considers that the Provincial Government is
responsible for same.

5. That Geo Gagan, Secretary of the Trades and Council, who wrote regarding Chinese
Piggeries on False Creek be informed that the matter received attention before the
Receipt of his communication.

6. That the City Clerk again notify the City Scavengers not to dump garbage over the
City wharves but to have same conveyed to the crematory for destruction

7. That the City Hospital be furnished with a lawn mower and other tools required
sgd Henry Collins
Moved by Alderman Salsbury
Seconded by “ Fowler
That the Report be adopted. Carried

[vol 5 pg 389]

The Council went into Committee of the Whole for the consideration of the Estimates,
Alderman McCraney in the Chair.

Moved by Alderman Fowler
Seconded by “ Collins
That a By-Law be submitted to the ratepayers to raise $60,000 for the
Construction of schools, etc.
Moved by Alderman Anderson.
That $1000.00 be added to the Park Commissioners Estimates and taken
Out of the Finance Contingent.
The Estimates were gone over item by item and finally confirmed as follows:-

Estimates for 1893

Sundry as per Schedule 1. $118,530.40
Taxes “ “ “ “ 2. 290,411.38
Sundries as per Schedule 118530.40
Taxes @ 2% 36733.78
“ Arrears 38124.

Finance as per schedules 3/4/5 216,790.99
Board of Health “ 6/7 23,846.25
Fire Water & Light “ 8/9/10 59,573.54
Police “ 11 17,891.00
Board of Works “ 12 86,900.00
Park Commissioners 4,000.00

Interest Sinking Fund 102391.66
Schools 49959.23
General Fund 256,590.89
Rebate 73,473.35
Arrears 41,606.05

[vol 5 pg 390]

Schedule 1 Estimated Receipts
Licenses 33000.
Cemetary Fees 1200.
Hospital 750.
Market Rent 1200.
Poll Tax 10,000.
Police Court Fines 3500.
Water Rates (Collections 45,000.
Brockton Point A.A. refund 605.20
Jockey Club “ 605.20
Prov. Govt. Grant to Hospital 5000.
“ “ “ Fire Dept. 500.
“ “ “ Schools (say) 3000.
Clearing D. L. 185 (refund) 6200.

Miscellaneous 2500.

City Dept. Water

Board of Works 1200.
Fire Water & Light 4150.
Board of Health 96.
Finance 24. 5470.

Schedule 2 Tax Receipts
1887 to 1892 Inclusive 38,124.00

Assessed Value for ’93 & Rate of Taxation 2%

$18,368,339 @ 2% $367,366.78

Deduct for Rebate & arrears $115079.40 252287.38 290411.38
For School purposes 2 ¾ Mills
“ Int & Skg Fund 5 3/5 “
“ General Fund 11 13/20 “
Total 20 “
20% Rebate for payment 4 “
Net 16 “

[vol 5 pg 391]
Schedule 3 Finance Committee

Treasurer 1500.
City Clerk 1500.
Accountant 1500.
Solicitor 1500.
Poll Tax Collector 900.
Auditor 480.
Assessor 200.
Special 500. 8580.

Grant to Mayor 2000.

Interest & Sinking Fund
By-Law Interest Skg. Fund
No 12 846 478. 1324
13 483 563.27 1046.27
29 9055.20 1578.00 10633.20
44 1200 210.40 1410.40
64 9000 1578 10578.00
70 750 375 1125.
80 6250 1315 7565.
91 1000 210.40 1210.40
94 1500 315.60 1815.60
100 6250 1315. 7565.
126 & 127 23753.30 6208.68 29961.88
146 to 151 19142.67 5998.30 25140.97
155 (1/3) 1876.71 1135.18 3011.89
29 revote 4.05 4.05
81,110.83 21280.83 102391.66

Stationery 2500.00

(4) Insurance
Market 15000 3 yrs 210.
Crematory 5000 1 “ 64.
Fire Hall No 1 2000 “ 100.
Contingent 126. 500.00

Telephones 40.
Lights, City Hall 275.
Fuel “ “ 250.
Carried forward 116536.66
[vol 5 pg 392]
Finance Contd.
Brt forward 116536.66

Commission & Exchange 700.
Election Expenses 600.
Legal Expenses 2500.
Grant to Band 600.
Deficit, 1892 33135.36
Contingencies 9000.
Reading Room Revote 159.74
“ “ Grant 3600. 3759.74

Schedule 5 Schools

Salaries (revote) 6314.73
“ 1893 26497.50
Caretaking 2860.
Sundries 1600.
Fuel 1125
Water 342.
Rent 570.
Heating East End 4000.
Desks & Seats 5050
Truant Officer 150.
Secretary 300.
Contingencies 1000.
Water Connections 150. 49959.23
Schedule 6 Board of Health

Hospital Salaries
Matron 600.
Nurses (2) 480.
“ extra 240.
Porter 420.
Cook 360.
“ Asst. 180.
Medical Officer 600.
Health “ 1020.
Night Nurse 480. 4380.
Carried forward 4380. 216790.99

[vol 5 pg 393]
Board of Health contd.
Brought forward 4380 216790.99
Caretaker Isol.n Hospital 590.
“ Cemetery $720
“ Asst. 60 780
“ Crematory 1200.

Hospital Supplies 5000.
“ Lighting 720.
“ Fuel 700.
“ Wing 176.25
“ Telephones 150.
“ Inquests & Examinations 250.
“ Cemetery Expenses 200.
Schedule 7 “ Scavenger “ 2500.
Crematory Repairs 200.
“ Relief Destitute 500.
“ Contagious Diseases 5000.
“ Contingent Expenses 1500.

Carried forward 210637.24

[vol 5 pg 394]

Schedule 8 Fire, Water, & Light Committees
Brought forward 210637.24

Fire Brigade Salaries
Chief 1200.
Engineer 960.
: . asst 840.
Foreman 780.
“ 720
Teamster 720.
“ 720.
“ 720.
Firemen (3) 55. 2025.
“ 1320
Linesman 720.
Firemen (4) 45 2160.
“ Increase 55.
Stokers 50.45. 1140.
“ Increase 75.
Call Men (3) 472.50
Prov. For change of
Caller to permanent men 270. 14897.50

Hose 1000.
“ Wagon 500.
Harness & Horses 1400.
Feed & Shoeing 2000.
Fuel Lighting Oil etc. 1250.
Telephones 125.
Street Lighting 18,000.
Schedule 9
Uniforms, Rubbers etc. 1245.
Repairs 1000.
Carrd. Fowd 41417.50 240637.24

[vol 5 pg 395]

Fire, Water & Light Committee cont.d

Brought forward 41417.50 240637.24
Fire Alarm Boxes 586.04
“ “ “ 5 new 750.
“ Maintenance 200. 1536.04


Contingencies 1000.

Water Works Dept.
Salaries Office 1200.
“ 600.
Foreman 11 ms 990. 2790.

Telephones 400.

Repairs to submerged Main 1000.
“ shop 320.

City Maintenance 1800.
N.S.B.S. 1800.
Dam 1500. 5100

Tools 300.
Stationery, postage, etc 500.

Schedule 10
Hydrants 160 & $25 4000.
Fire Halls Water 3 @ $25 150. 4150.

Contingent a/cs 1000. 59513.54


[vol 5 pg 396]
Schedule 11 Police Commissioners 300150.78
Brought forwd.
Chief of Police 1200.
Serjeant 960
Police 9 @ $840 7560
1 proposed 10 mo. 600
Jailor 840
Caretaker 300
Constable 120 11580.00

Poundkeeper 600.
Magistrate 1800.

Transport of Prisoners 175.
Clothing of Prisoners 150.
Board of Prisoners 1500.
Telephones 36.
Uniforms 1100.
Contingent 600.
Market Repairs 200.
Pound Repairs 150. 17891.—

Carried forward 318041.78
[vol 5 pg 397]
Schedule 12 Board of Works
Brought forward 318041.78

Engineer 2700
Asst “ 1500
Street Supt. Dt 1200.
Office Clerk 900.
Extra 1700 8000.

Stationery 300.
Repairs 9000.
Street Cleaning 1200.
Repairs to Bridges 1000.
Provision for Clearing 185. 6200.
Water for Flush Tanks 1200.
New Work. 55000
Contingent a/cs 5000 86900.

Park Commissioners Grant 4000..

Notice of Motion
Alderman Anderson gave notice that at next meeting of Council he would introduce
A ByLaw to strike the rate for the year 1893.
The Council then adjourned, to meet on Friday 28th April 1893 at 8 p.m for the
Purpose of passing By-Laws.

Thos. F. McGuigan F. Cope
City Clerk Mayor