The Health Committee reported Health Inspectors reporting a wild cow on Mount Pleasant afflicted with a very serious case of tuberculosis. A new by-law regarding sewage was contemplated. Local resident Philip Fewster, who was travelling to England, said he would look into the effectiveness of Septic Tanks.
This transcript was made in 2023 by Transcribimus volunteer Barbara Kearney-Copan.
Source: Vancouver City Archives
COV S31 715-E-02 Vol 9
pages 74-82
[Volume 9 page] 74
Vancouver April 24th 1899
The Council met on Monday April 24th 1899.
Present his worship the Mayor and Aldermen Gilmour, Grant, McQueen, Skinner, McPhaiden, McGuigan, Brown, Foreman, Bruce, and Wood.
The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.
From the Hon F.C. Cotton offering a site for a cemetery at $35.00 per acre
Referred to the Finance Committee.
From the Chief of Police reporting on the electric lights.
From H.T. Ceperley objecting in future to pay for street sprinkling.
From E. Fearn drawing attention to a bad hole in Dundas St.
Referred to the City Engineers.
From the Rev James Irvine enclosing a letter from A. Campbell Reddie Deputy Provincial Secretary re the admission of Stephen Altermat into the Old Man’s Home.
Referred to the Health Committee.
From C.W. Murray, Secretary of the School Board asking the Council to submit a By-Law for $3800 for necessary improvements.
Referred to the Finance Committee.
From J.M. Browning resigning from his position as Park Commissioner as he intends leaving the city.
Moved by Alderman McQueen
Seconded by Alderman Grant
That his resignation be accepted and that the City Clerk convey to him the thanks of the Council for the efficient services he has rendered the City in the past.
From the City Engineer asking for instructions re Street Sprinkling.
Laid over.
[Volume 9 page] 75
From the City Solicitor stating that there was 108 ft east of Heatley Avenue available for a wharf of the C.P.R. Co did not object to grant the same.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From Lt. Colonel Prinault Deputy Minister of Militia and Defense informing the Council that his Department had granted a Lease of Deadman’s Island to the Vancouver Lumber Co.
Moved by Alderman McQueen that the communication be acknowledged.
From Philip Fewster stating that he was going to England and should be pleased to report on the merits of the Septic Tank.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From B.J. Armstrong asking for permission to erect a clock sign in front of his premises on Cordova Street.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From Messrs. Harris & Bull Solicitors for Mrs. McLennan objecting to the Street Railway Co. Prior Street between Westminster and False Creek for switching purposes.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From the City Engineer reporting on our circuit at the power house at 8.4 amperes and the remainder up to contract.
Referred to the Light Committee.
The following Reports were received and read:
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee met on Friday April 21st 1899
Present Aldermen McQueen, Gilmour, Brown, and Wood.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:
Van Gas Co. | Gas | $10.88 |
The Province | Ads | 8.86 |
Clarke & Stuart | Supplies | 14.20 |
[Volume 9 page] 76
Geo. W. Phipps and W.L. Nicol were accepted as sureties for James Williams on his road crushing contract.
The contract between Geo Calder and the City for the construction of the cottage hospital was approved and authorized to be signed by the Mayor and the City Clerk and the Corporate Seal affixed thereto.
Resolved that the rock crusher be insured by the contractor in the name of the City.
Resolved that the assignment of the contract for the supply of crushed road by Mrs. Clark to W. E Atkins be considered by the Council.
Mr. J.J. McGuire of Seattle interviewed the Board with a view of placing an order for a work called the “Century”
Consideration deferred.
Representatives from the Tailor’s Union asked for the cancellation of the contract of S. McPherson.
Request refused on the advice of the City Solicitor.
From the Assessment Commission New West asking on what basis the B.C. Electric Co. Gas Co. and Telephone co. were assessed.
Referred to Mr. Mutrie for reply.
From J. J. Banfield submitting an offer for a Library site.
Filed for reference.
Sgd James McQueen
Moved by Alderman McQueen
Seconded by Alderman Wood
That the report be adopted.
[Volume 9 page] 77
Health Committee
The Health Committee met on Wednesday April 19th 1899.
Present the full Board.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:
Trudgeon BrP | Supplies | $103.75 |
Crowder & Penzer | Supplies | 2.54 |
Clarke & Stuart | Supplies | 2.75 |
Geo Calder | Cottage Hospital | 400.00 |
Gas Co. | Gas | 4.15 |
W.A. Lawson | Labor | 3.55 |
Johnston & Kerfoot | Supplies | 5.00 |
J. Stevens & Co. | Supplies | 28.50 |
Champion & White | Scavengering | 3.75 |
D. R. McEwen | Disbursements | 2.85 |
City Grocery Co. | Supplies | 15.81 |
H. Earle | ____ and Lands | 15.00 |
C.S. Philps | Supplies | 12.24 |
The following tenders were received for the construction of an ambulance:
Lobb, Owens & Alexander $249.25 extra for rubber tires $60
Duke & Wallace $287.00 extra for rubber tires $72
Wm Armstrong $255.00 extra for rubber tires $65
Resolved that the tenders of Lobb, Owens and Alexander be accepted for $249.25, rubber tires not having been deemed necessary.
From A. Fairon et al asking that the slaughter houses be removed as they are a nuisance.
Resolved that the Health Inspector be instructed to lay information against the proprietors of the slaughter houses and summon a number of the petitioners to prove their case.
From theMilk Inspectors and Health Inspectors furnishing reports.
From the Clerk of South Vancouver objecting to pay for the funeral of J. Smith who died in Vancouver.
From Alex Phillips and Henry Earle submitting offers on cemetery sites.
[Volume 9 page] 78
Laid over until the Mayor receives an answer from the Land and Ward Department, Victoria in reference thereto.
From the Health Inspectors reporting a wild cow on Mount Pleasant afflicted with a very serious case of tuberculosis.
Resolved that a copy of the report be forwarded to the Provincial Health officers with a request that immediate action be taken for the protection of the public health.
From Mrs. J. Plews agreeing to pay to the City Treasurer the sum of $4.00 per month towards connecting the premises for Lot 13, Block 86, DL. 196 with the sewers, she being a resident of said premises.
Referred to the City Solicitors.
Resolved that the Cottage Hospital be wired, and that Alderman Bruce be approved to examine and pass upon the construction of same.
Sgd W.J. McGuigan
Moved by Alderman McGuigan
Seconded by Alderman Foreman
That the report be adopted.
Board of Works
The Board of Works met on the 20th of April 1899.
Present the full Board.
From S.A. McDonnell re drainage for the lot on Hastings Street East.
Referred to the Engineer to examine.
From G. Shonge re stump he placed on Lots 17 & 18, Block 329 Fairview.
Engineer and Chairman to examine.
From C.B. McNeill re granolithic pavement at Y.M.C.A. Building.
Notify him that the City allows 7 cts per square foot.
[Volume 9 page] 79
From the Wm Tytler Lumber Co. offering to supply lumber.
Clerk to ask for price list.
From W.S. South re hitching post asking permission to place one on Cordova Street in front of his premises.
From L. G. Davison asking for the extension of Carolina Street.
Referred to the Engineers to see if the street is registered.
From J. L. Taggart et al asking for six foot walk on 5th Ave
Laid over.
From H. M Beers et al asking for sewers between Harwood and Burnaby Streets.
Laid over.
From Thp Wylie asking for 100 ft walk on Cordova Street East near Raymur Avenue.
From R. Purdy et al re sidewalks on Hastings Street to be continued to Bank of B.C.
Referred to the Engineers to enquire into.
From the Engineers stating that the surface grading of Dufferin Street 3 blocks west from Dufferin Street would be about $900.
Laid over to be included in By-Law for street improvements if passed.
New Work
Resolved that a 6 ft walk be laid on Heatley Avenue from Barnard St to Prior St.
Resolved that 5th Ave Fairview be opened as far as Mr. Hoffmuster’s house from South Granville Street.
Resolved that a new sidewalk be laid on Hastings Street east from Dunlevy to Jackson Avenue on the north side.
Resolved that a tile drain for draining [?] be laid by day work in Block 28, DL 541, a proportion of the cost to be collected from the owners from time to time as buildings are erected and collated.
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Resolved that tenders be called for up to 3 p.m. Wednesday the 3rd of May next for the wood block paving of Hastings Street west of Granville.
Resolved that new tenders be called for the delivery of crushed rock up to 4 pm Thursday next the 27th April.
An informal tender for delivery of crushed rock was received from MacDonald Bros but not accepted. The Clerk was instructed to return cheque.
Resolved that parties who have their fences encroaching on boulevards on Thurlow Street be notified that they must remove same forthwith now that the grass has grown.
Resolved that the City Solicitor be instructed to report on Monday night May 2 on the Heatley Avenue Wharf matter.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:
thos. Dunn + co. | Supplies | $83.41 |
W.L. Tait & Sons | Supplies | 254.75 |
Robertson & H | Supplies | 223.53 |
BC Elec Ry Co | Supplies | 25.50 |
J. Foster | Labor | 4.75 |
Clarke & Stuart | Supplies | 8.05 |
Sgd Alex Bruce
Moved by Alderman Grant
Seconded by Alderman Bruce
That the report be adopted
Introduction of By-Laws
Moved by Alderman McQueen
Seconded by Alderman Grant
That a By-law be introduced to amend the Liquor License By-Law in relation to fees chargeable for Liquor Licenses.
The By-law was read a first time.
Moved by Alderman Skinner
Seconded by Alderman Gilmour
That a By-Law be introduced to raise the sum of $ _____ for street improvements.
[Volume 9 page] 81
The by-law was accordingly introduced and read a first time.
Moved by Alderman Brown
Seconded by Alderman McGuigan
That Heatley Avenue be selected as the way station in the East End on the line of the Canadian Pacific Railway.
Moved by Alderman Bruce
Seconded by Alderman McPhaiden
That the City treasurer accept the draft presented by the Bank of Hamilton for the sum of $2,000 for payment of the rock crusher recently purchased provided the City Engineer certifies that the contract has been carried out according to specifications and takes delivery of the machine and plank on behalf of the City.
Moved by Alderman Bruce
Seconded by Alderman Skinner
Provided Capt. Williams fulfils the covenants of the contract made by him with the city for the supply of crushed rock and makes the payments for the machinery and fulfills the agreement respecting the same entered into by him that he be given an agreement by the City that as long as the City occupy the premises under the base from Miss Kendall he shall have use of the quarry paying seven cents per cubic yard to the City. For all rock crushed by him thereon and on the same terms and conditions as contained in the original lease. Miss Kendall to Mrs. A.E. Clarke.
Moved by Alderman Bruce
Seconded by Alderman McPhaiden
That the Council meet on the Wednesday next at 8 pm to discuss the best method of submitting the sewerage By-Law.
Moved by Alderman Foreman
Seconded by Alderman McGuigan
That at the close of this sitting the Council stand adjourned till tomorrow at 4 p.m. when a special meeting be held to meet Mr. Ludgate with the object of arranging the matters in the dispute between him and the city in reference to the occupation of Deadman’s Island.
The Council then adjourned until Tuesday at 4 p.m.
James F. Gardner
W. J. Mcguigan
City Clerk