Vote on Sunday Closing Delayed – April 29, 1895

Among the letters urging support the Sunday Closing By-Law were Gordon Drysdale etal Merchants of the City and F. A. Edgett of the Royal Templars of Temperance. Yet only three Alderman were willing to consider the by-law that evening: Coupland, Gallagher & Bethune. The others (Shaw, Queen, McCraney, Mc Phaiden, Wm. Brown, W.P. Brown and Thomas) voted against it.

This transcript was made in 2021 by Transcribimus volunteer Gerald Soon

Original handwritten minutes: City of Vancouver Archives Series 21
Volume 6 page 537 – 546
to see or download photos of these pages, click on the buttons below

[Volume 6 page] 537
Vancouver April 29th 1895

The Council met on Monday April 29th 1895.
Present – His Worship the mayor and Aldermen Shaw, Coupland, Queen, Gallagher, McCraney, Mc Phaiden, Wm Brown, Thomas, Bethune and W. P. Brown.
The Minutes of last meetings were read and adopted.


From Gordon Drysdale etal Merchants of the City asking the Council to pass the Sunday closing By-Law having for its object the closing of all places of business.
Laid over for consideration of By-Law

From S. H. Boardman etal asking for water service on 6th Av Fairview.
Referred to the Board of Water & Light

From S. Astell asking for a Laundry License
Laid over

From Geo Martin C. M. C. South Vancouver, asking Council to put in repair Westminster Road to the City Boundary and also asking the Council to cooperate with them in urging the Government to repair the Cemetery Road through D. L. 301 outside the City Limits

The first portion of the ref communication was referred to the Board of Works. It was moved by Alderman Gallagher Seconded by Alderman Queen

That the City Clerk be instructed to inform the Council of South Vancouver

[Volume 6 page] 538

that this City will co-operate with them in requesting the Government to repair the road through D. L. 301. Carried

From the Clerk of South Vancouver stating that the road to the North Arm from Centre Street was being put in repair. Filed

From F. L. Brent etal asking that Cedar Street be opened up
Referred to the Board of Works

From C. M. Bucher etal asking that the Recreation Grounds be fixed up.
Referred to the Board of Works

From F. D. Boucher declaring that he had no intention of starting a Laundry on Richards Street.
Laid over

From F. A. Edgett, Secy of the Royal Templars of Temperance asking the Council to pass the Sunday Closing By-Law. Filed

From C. Wisgard etal asking for a sidewalk on 12th Av and the grading of same, also for the grading of a portion of Ontario Street.
Referred to the Board of Works

From John McLaren reporting on the electric lights.

From John Oben etal asking for repairs to the Park Road in front of their property.
Referred to the Board of Works

From M. P. Morris, Chilean Consul complaining about the Medical Health Office in con-

[Volume 6 page] 539

nection with the death of one Alvarado.
Referred to the Health Committee.

From the Church Wardens of Christ Church asking for an electric light at the Church corner.
Referred to the Water & Light Committee

From the same parties asking that some filling be done around the Church
Referred to the Board of Works

From W. T. Steward asking that if his company are the lowest tender on Street lighting will they get the Contract
Referred to the Water & Light Comtee

The following Reports were received and read:-

Water & Light Committee

The Water & Light Committee met on Wednesday April 24th 1895.
Present – Aldermen Wm Brown, McCraney & Bethune


From the the B. C. Mills T & T Co. asking for an 8” Water Main to their mill.
Laid over for the City Engineer to enquire into the matter.

From I. W. Powell, asking for a rate of $20.00 per month for an elevator for the Inns of Court building
Laid over till next meeting

It was resolved to charge Mr Ralston $5.50 per month for his back water rates on Water St. It was resolved to call for tenders for pipe for the Shore ends of the new submerged main across the Narrows.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:-

[Volume 6 page] 540

C. L. McLennan Ex of Reservoir $20.00
T. Dunn & Co. Supplies 2.60
Robertson & Hackett “ 6.55
A. E. Lumpers Repairs 3.40
Con Ry & L Co “ 5.
John McDougall “ 1.25
McIntosh & Co “ 5.
Duke & Wallace Repairs 15.45
B. C. Iron Works Supplies 208.38
Hooper etal Labor 380.10

sgd Wm Brown

Moved by Alderman Wm Brown
Seconded by “ Gallagher
That the Report be adopted

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee met on Friday April 26th 1895.
Present – the full Board


From D. McGillvary asking for the balance of the amount due him on Street rails. Laid over

From Lethbridge & Horne asking for a share of the City’s Insurance. Filed for reference

From Wm Brand, Secretary of the City Band objecting to an amendment amalgamation of the Military Band and the City Band.

That the City Clerk be instructed to notify the Secretary to hand in the instruments.

[Volume 6 page] 541

From S. H. Holmes etal, Hotel Keepers asking that their licenses be reduced to $200.00
That their request be not granted.

From J. T. Inman asking for the refund of taxes over paid by him on Lots in 182 during the years 1889, 1890 & 1891 and for Lots in 184.
That as the Council refunded all that was demanded in the first instance by Messrs Corbould & McColl agents for Mr Inman that no further refunds be made, as to the lots in 184 we do not consider them over assessed.

That that the City Solicitor be instructed to take proceedings for the collection of the amounts due for clearing in District Lot 185.

Contracts for laying sidewalks in Comox and Barclay Streets were approved.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:-
Bank of B. N. A. Interest $103.45
H. M. Henderson Salary 6000
News. Advertiser Supplies 92.30
H. Kersey Repairs .75
Con Ry & L. Co supplies 5.00

sgd H. P. McCraney

Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by “ Brown
That the Report be adopted.

[Volume 6 page] 542

Board of Works

The Board of Works met on April 25th
Present the full Board

Mr. T. S. Baxter addressed the Board re a sidewalk to his residence on 8th Av Mt Pleasant

That the Ward foreman for Ward 5 be instructed to put down a 3 plank walk between Scotia and Victoria Streets on 8th Avenue on the North side of the Street.


From F. S. Barnard, General Manager of the Ry & L Co re track on Granville Street South of Robson Street to Bridge stating his willingness to sign an agreement provided the use of present temporary track be granted for two [word unreadable] before being obliged to put down a permanent rail and that the 9 months notice be give the City in addition.

That this Board recommends that permission be granted the Street Railway to use the present temporary track on Granville Street between Robson Street and the Bridge for the period of 1 year and 9 months also mentioned and the Company be requested that all rubbish etc. caused by the present laying of their track is removed and the site left passable.

From John Brenton stating that the residences of Block 101. D. L. 196 request that a box be put down on the South Side of Barnard street to carry off waste water etc.

Resolved that the Ward foreman be instructed

[Volume 6 page] 543

to do the necessary digging for this job and the City Engineer on that a box drain be put in.

From Dr Kendall submitting an account of $94.00 for removing scow from Granville Street Bridge righting same etc.
Referred to the City Solicitor for his opinion as to the City’s liability

From W. H. Caruseau asking for rock at intersection of Cardero and Robson Streets.
Resolved that he be informed that until matters are settled with the Street Railway Co nothing can be done.

From C. S. Philp stal asking for improvements at 11th Av and Ontario St.
Resolved that the Ward 5 foreman be instructed to have 11th Av fixed and cleaned up between Quebec and Manitoba Streets and also Ontario Street between 11th & 13th Avs

Petitions for improvements on 15th Av Quebec Street and Manitoba Street were all laid over pending the estimates

That as soon as Pender Street is finished rock be sent to the City Hospital to put same in shape.

The following tenders were received and opened:-
Comox St, 6 ft sidewalk
A. D. McDonald 3c per ft
J. Fraser 2 ½ c “ “

Barclay Street 6 ft sidewalk
A. D. McDonald 3c new } – per foot
5 c removing old}
J. Fraser 3 1/4c new } “
5c removing old “

Resolved that the tender of A. W. McDonald for Barclay Street walk and that of J. Fraser for the Comox Street walk be recommended for acceptance

[Volume 6 page] 544

The following accounts wre recommended for payment:-
W. C. Marshall $2.00
Evans, Coleman & Evans 9.22
News. Advertiser 4.80
Denton etal Labor 958.65

H. P. Shaw

Moved by Alderman Thomas
Seconded by “ Queen
That the Report be adopted.

Introduction of By-Laws

Moved by Alderman Wm Brown
Seconded by “ McCraney
That the By-Law to License and regulate wash houses be read a first time.

The By-Law was accordingly read.

Under the head of unfinished business the agreements with the Consolidated Railway and Light Co for the double tracking of Hastings Street between Carrall & Cambie, the laying of a second track on Granville Street between Cordova Street and Robson Street and the laying of a track on Robsom Street from Granville to Denman, on Denman from Robson to Alberni, on Alberni St from Denman to Chilco and on Chilco St to the Park Bridge were again considered.

They were read over clause by clause and after being amended to some degree

[Volume 6 page] 545

were finally approved on motion of Alderman Shaw Seconded by Alderman McCraney.


Moved by Alderman Shaw.
Seconded by “ McPhaiden
That the following relief payroll be paid:-

Ward One 81.95
“ Two 37.50
“ Three 75.25
“ Four 69.70
“ Five 21.50

Consideration of By-Laws

Moved by Alderman Gallagher
Seconded by “ Coupland”
That the Sunday closing By-Law be read a Second Time

The By-Laws were was accordingly read a 2nd time.

Moved by Alderman Shaw
Seconded by “ McCraney
That the following By-Laws be read a 2nd time:-

  1. A By-Law to authorize the signing of a certain agreement for the double tracking of Hastings Street between Carrall & Cambie Streets
  2. A By-Law to authorize the signing of a certain agreement for laying a second track on Granville Street between Cordova Street and Robson and a track on Robson Street

[Volume 6 page] 546

Denman Street, Alberni Street & Chilco Street to the Park Bridge

The By-Laws were accordingly read a second time.

Moved by Alderman Shaw
Seconded by “ W. P. Brown
That the Council go into Committee of the Whole for their consideration

Alderman Wm Brown was appointed Chairman

The By-Laws were read over clause by clause and reported to Council as complete without amendments.

The By-Laws were then read a 3rd time on Motion of Alderman Queen seconded by Alderman Thomas.

Moved by Alderman Gallagher
Seconded by “ Bethune
That the Council go into Committee of the Whole for the Consideration of the Sunday closing By-Law
Yeas Aldermen Coupland, Gallagher & Bethune
Nays “ Shaw, Queen, McCraney, Mc Phaiden, Wm. Brown, W.P. Brown and Thomas

Notice of Motion

Alderman McCraney gave notice that at next meeting of Council he would introduce a By-Law to Strike the rate for A.D. 1895

Alderman Gallagher gave notice that at next meeting of Council he would move the following resolution

“Whereas the City has provided a morgue for the reception of all bodies of persons who have met violent deaths or on which inquests may be required to be held

The Honorable Provincial Secretary be requested to instruct all Provincial Officers and others removing bodies in or into the City of Vancouver to at once convey the said bodies to the Morgue and provide proper caskets or receptacles for them and that the Hon the Provincial Secretary be requested not to in the future allow them to be placed in any other place in the City.

And that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Provincial Secretary and to Dr. McGuigan.

The Council then adjourned to Thursday the 2nd day of May at 8 P.M.

Henry Collins

Thos F McGuigan
City Clerk