Fifty foot fire hose needed for Vancouver – August 1, 1887

Board of Works recommend that the Contract for Granville Street be awarded to McDonald and Cameron; Cambie Street to Wm. Harkins; Park Avenue and Johnston Street to Henry Bowers; Georgia Street to Wm. Harkins, Seventh Avenue to W.L. McDonald, Fire Hall to McDonald & Holden and painting to A.J. Marks. Permission granted Chairman of the Fire Water and Light Committee to purchase 50 feet of small hose for the fire engine.

This transcript was made in 2014 by Transcribimus volunteer
Darrin Pezer/Proactive Building Maintenance

original handwritten minutes here

City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 2 pages 21-29

Vancouver August 1st 1887

The Council met on Monday August 1st 1887 at 7.30 p.m.

Present His Worship, Mayor MacLean, Aldermen Alexander, Clark, Hamilton, Humphries, Lefevre, Lockerby, David Oppenheimer, Isaac Oppenheimer and Sanders.

The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From John Devine, submitting Auditor’s Report for June.


From John Robson, Provincial Secretary re grants for Hospital and Fire purpose.

Referred to F.W.L. Committee to consider in conjunction with Chief of the Fire Brigade.

From Oppenheimer Bros. asking that Columbia Avenue be graded and planked the full width from Alexander to Oppenheimer Strs.

Referred to the B. of Works.

From Oppenheimer Bros. asking permission to lift sidewalk in front of their premises on Powell Street to allow of the digging of a drain, and also to be allowed to raise the grade of the sidewalk when replacing it:

Permission granted to lift sidewalk and the matter of changing the grade referred to the City Engineer. (Lefevre – Humphries)

From James Hartney asking permission to dig a well on Dupont Street.

Referred to the B. of Works.

From John Dougall asking for $50.00 for supplying refreshments to Firemen.

Filed on motion of Alderman Hamilton seconded by Alderman Humphries.


John M. Stewart, Boarding prisoners $241.50

Thos. Beckett, Lettering $20.00 F.W.L.

Thos. Dunn & Co., Nails etc. $12.47 F.W.L.

E.S. Scoullar, Tinware etc. $14.12 F.W.L.

J.B. Thornton, Coal Oil $4.00 F.W.L.

R. Mathison, printing $12.75 Finance

Gutta Percha Co., Heater etc. $1405.67 F.W.L.

Fuller Freeman & Co., drayage 1.00 Finance

A.R. Coughtrey, Lard $2.24 F.W.L.

H.A. Berry, express $3.00 Finance

W.C. Marshall, Express 4.00 Police

B.C. Stationery Co. 1.50 Finance

S.T. Tilley, Stationery 29.50 Finance

Forbes Isaiah, fixings 6.95 Police

R.C.P. Mills 3.00 F.W.L.

Palmer Bros., Coal 7.25 F.W.L.

Hayes & McIntosh, Meat 31.00 Health

John Clough, Attendance 6.50 Health

John Owens, police duty 4.00 Police

Hastings Saw Mill Co. 7.00 F.W.L.

W.W. Ayer 23.25 F.W.L.

Vancouver Wine Co. 5.50 Health


No 48, of

The Board of Works.

The Board of Works met on Friday July 29th and Monday August 1st 1887 and beg to report that the following tenders have been received for the improvement of Granville and Georgia Streets, Cambie And Seventh Avenue and Park Avenue and Johnston Street and erecting and painting addition to Fire Hall: –

Granville Street.

E. Cosgrove.

Grading etc. per L. ft. 87 cents

Sidewalks per L. ft. 45 cents

McDonald & Cameron

Grading per L. ft. 79 cents

Sidewalks per L. ft. 42 cents

Plank 16.00

J.B. McKinn

Grading per L. ft. 97 cents


Plank 12.00

Park Avenue & Johnston Street

Henry Bowers

Grading per L. ft. 34 cents

Sidewalks per L. ft. 18 cents

McDonald & Cameron

Grading per L. ft. 37 cents

Sidewalks per L. ft. 19 cents

Plank $18.00

Wm. Harkins

Grading per L. ft. 37 cents

Sidewalks per L. ft. 23 cents

Plank per M. ft. 15.00

Boyd & Clandening

Grading per L. ft. 36 cents

Sidewalks per L. ft. 22 cents

Plank per M. ft. $16.00

W.L. McDonald

Grading per L. ft. 39 cents

McLean & Hughes

Grading per L. ft. 38 cents

Sidewalks per L. ft. 20 cents

Plank per M. ft. 15.00

Cambie Street

McDonald & Cameron

Grading per L. ft. from Hastings to Georgia 47 cts

Grading per L. ft. from Georgia to Ry 79 cts

Sidewalks per L. ft. 25 1/2 cts

Plank 18.00

Wm. Harkins.

Grading per L. ft. 50 cts

Sidewalks per L. ft. 24 cts

Plank per M. ft. $14.00

Boyd & Clandening

Grading per L. ft. 60 cts

Sidewalks per L. ft. 27 cts

Plank per M. ft. 16.00

W.L. McDonald

Grading per L. ft. 49

Sidewalks per L. ft. 258

Plank per M. ft. $16.00

Georgia Street.

McDonald & Cameron

Grading per L. ft. 44

Plank per M. ft. 18.00

Wm. Harkins

Grading per L. ft. 42 cts

Plank per M. ft. $14.00

W.L. McDonald

Grading per L. ft. from Granville to Burrard 56 cts

Grading per L. ft. from Burrard to Junction 38 cts

Boyd & Clandening

Grading per L. ft. from Granville to Burrard 72 cts

Grading per L. ft. from Burrard to Junction 44 cts

Plank $16.00

Seventh Avenue.

W.L. McDonald

Grading per Lineal foot 16 cts

Bridge $155.00

Culverts 15.00

McDonald & Cameron

Grading per L. ft. 24 cts

Bridge $188.00

Plank 18 cts

M. Ellise

Grading per L. ft. 33 cts

Bridge $15.00

Wm. Harkins

Grading per L. ft. 37 cts

Bride (sic) $200.00

Boyd & Clandening

Grading per L. ft. 44 cts

Bridge $300.00

Fire Hall.

Duncan McBrea $1355.00

G.N. Taylor 1250.00

Shearer & Kemp 1195.00

McDonald & Holden 1175.00


F.A. Pease $148.00

A.J. Marks $115.00

We recommend that the Contract for Granville Street be awarded to McDonald and Cameron; Cambie Street to Wm. Harkins; Park Avenue and Johnston Street to Henry Bowers; Georgia Street to Wm. Harkins, Seventh Avenue to W.L. McDonald, Fire Hall to McDonald & Holden and painting to A.J. Marks.

The City Engineer has been instructed to examine and report upon Eveleigh Street and Westminster, Sixth, Seventh, and Eight Avenues.

We recommend that tenders be called for the improvement of Oppenheimer Street and Carl and Jackson Avenues, and the delivering of $19,000 C. yds. of gravel on the streets in the City; also that the City Engineer be instructed to have that portion of Water Street between Cambie and Abbott street graded and filled up at once at a cost not exceeding $300.00

Progress estimate in favor (sic) of Wm. Harkins, amounting to $581.00 is attached, and recommended for payment.

sgd L.A. Hamilton


Adopted Lefevre – I. Oppenheimer.

Moved by Alderman Clark seconded by Alderman Lefevre,

that the City Engineer be instructed to report on the filling in of Oppenheimer Street between Carrall Street and Columbia Avenue.


Moved by Alderman Alexander seconded by Alderman Humphries,

that the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works be communicated with in reference to having that portion of the Westminster Road South of False Creek taken off the contractors’ hands and opened up for traffic.




The Board of Health.

The Board of Health met on Monday August 1st 1887 and report that the tenders for supplying the City Hospital have been considered and your Committee would recommend that F.X. Martin be awarded the contract for supplying groceries, Hayes & McIntosh for meat; D.J. Campbell for bread and Thos. Greer for milk.

We would recommend that a Medical Health Officer and Hospital Assistant be appointed at a salary of $25.00 a month for the remainder of the year and that applications be invited for the drawing up of plans and specification for the erection of a City Hospital to cost $200,000.00, the architect to be paid 5 % on $4000.00, the amount we would recommend to be expended at present, for superintending the constructing of the building and for preparing the plans and specifications.

sgd J.M. Lefevre


Report adopted,

I. Oppenheimer – Clark

Moved by Alderman D. Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Sanders,

that permission be granted the Chairman of the F.W.L. Committee to purchase 50 feet of small hose for the Engine House.


Mr. C. Mohun read a paper to Council in defense of his Sewerage System.

Moved by Alderman Humphries seconded by Alderman D. Oppenheimer,

that the City Clerk be instructed to communicate with Mr. Akinan (?)and ascertain whether he has received any instructions from Mr. Burgess in reference to the foreshore rights of the City of Vancouver.


Moved by Alderman Hamilton seconded by Alderman D. Oppenheimer,

that an amount not exceeding $250.00 be granted towards extinguishing the balance due on account of expenses connected with the celebration of Her Majesty’s Jubilee.


Moved by Alderman Lefevre seconded by Alderman D. Oppenheimer,

that the motion instructing the City Solicitor to take proceedings for the expropriation of certain property for the purpose of straightening Cordova and Hastings Streets be amended by striking out that portion which refers to Hastings and Cambie Streets.


Moved by Alderman David Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Lefevre,

that the Board of Works take under advisement the opening up of Pender Street in the same manner as Georgia Street.


The Council then adjourned.

M.A. MacLean


Thos. F. McGuigan

City Clerk.