Because the volume of trade has decreased, the deadline for receiving a 20% tax rebate will be extended to August 15. All material used in the new sewers (except Portland Cement) to be a product of British Columbia. $10,000 placed to the credit of the School Board.
This transcript was made in 2017 by Transcribimus volunteer David Laing
and sponsored by the Woodward family
City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 5 pages 98-103
original handwritten minutes here
Vancouver August 1st, 1892
The Council met on Monday August 1st 1892
Present. His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Anderson, Conner, Scoullar, McCraney, Odlum, Franklin, Mills & Gavin.
The minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read and adopted.
The following Communications were received and read:
From Mr. Whitman et al complaining about the Crematory nuisance
Referred to the Board of Health.
From J. M. Browning, Land Commissioner stating that the C.P.R. Co. would be willing to pay for the clearing and burning of their lots in the West End.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From John Slade, complaining about John Wolf Jr. leaving his scavenger carts near his house.
Referred to the Board of Health
From Oscar H. Clark, Esq. MD. Recommending Miss Wilkinson as head nurse for the City Hospital.
Referred to the Board of Health
From J. M. Browning, Land Commissioner stating that he was willing to give the deed to the fountain site if the Council considered that a proper fountain had been erected.
Referred to the Board of Works with the power to act.
From Mellon, Smith & Co. asking for the Insurance on Fire Hall, Mount Pleasant.
Referred to the Finance Committee
From E.L. Sanders, Private Secretary to the Minister of Militia, acknowledging receipt of resolution of Council re College site in Stanley Park.
From A. Q. St. George asking the Council to call for tenders for fire hose.
From Nicol Allan, Secretary of the Vintners Association asking the Council to add a clause to the Liquor License By-Law so that a Special License can be granted to sell liquor on picnic grounds etc.
Referred to the police Committee
From J.M. Holland, asking for the payment to him of the cost of building a sidewalk in front of his premises on Cordova Street.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From Geo. Pollay asking for the position of Inspector on Street Paving.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From H.J. Ceperley asking the Council to renew insurance on om Fire Hall no. 2
Referred to the Finance Committee with the power to act.
From the Secretary of the School Board requesting the Council place $10,000 to the credit of the Board in the Bank of Montreal.
Moved by Alderman Anderson
Seconded by “ Odlum
That their request be granted.
From the Chief of Police reporting on the Electric Lights.
From Robert Munro, managing Director of the Canadian Paint Co. asking for exemption from taxation and a low water rate in consideration of his Co. erecting and operating a paint factory.
Referred to the Board of Works
The following reports were received and read:
F. W.&L. Committee
The F. W.&L. Committee met on Wednesday July 27th 1892.
Present Aldermen Franklin, Connor and Mills’
It was recommended:
1. That John M. Duval be informed that his communication will be taken into consideration whe the revision of sales are taken up.
2. That the fire hall on Mount Pleasant be insured for 3 years to the amount of $15oo.
3. That the freight charges on the flexible pipe be paid and deducted from the contract price.
4. That 2000 ft. of Carbolized Maltese Cross hose be purchased from the Gutta Percha and Rubber Co. of Toronto at the rate of $1.10 per ft.
5. That the following accounts be paid:
W. C. Marshall Drayage $ 1.00
H. McCartney “ .50
Robertson & Hatchett Supplies 1.15
BC Iron Works Co “ 22.10
Ideal Grocery “ 6.95
J. M. O’Toole “ 12.241 [sic]
Thynne, Henshaw & Turner “ 800.00
John Doty Engine Co “ 14.85
McLennan and McFeely “ 38.66
BC Iron Works “ 289.38
W. Hooper et al Labor [sic] 220.85
G. H. Bozley Shoes Set: 7.50
N. Porue Repairs 33.25
sgd J. L. Franklin
Moved by Alderman Scoular
Seconded by “ Collins
That the report be adopted
Board of Works
The Board of Works met on Thursday July 28 1892.
Present Aldermen McCraney, Connor, Gavin, Scoular and Franklin
It was recommended:
1. That a crossing be put in on Alexander Street by day work, as petitioned for by Evans, Coleman and Evans.
2. That J. Boyer be furnished with the established grade of Hastings Street as soon as possible.
3. That in future all sewer connections must remain open until the Sewer Inspector has inspected them.
4. That in future Chief Carlisle be authorized to decide without reference to the Board of Works in the case of all open sheds about to be built within the fire limits as to whether they conform to the requirements of the fire limits By-Law.
5. That the plan submitted by J. Rogers for a brick and stone building to be erected on Lot 12, Block 5, O.G.T. be approved.
6. That the following tenders be awarded:
Comox Street Grading Hobson Brd. $ 645.00
Dufferin Street “ H. B. Connacher 1045.00
Slip at Gore Av. J. Leatherdale 948.00
Painting New Fish House Chas. Heyndrichs 123.00
7. That the following accounts be paid:
McLennan and McFeely Supplies $ 193.14
W. H. Wood Repairs 5.50
Palmer Bros Coal 14.91
E. Buse Lumber 242.18
M. McIntyre 5th Av. 315.00
D. L. Smith Burrard St. 630.00
H. B. Commacher Keefer St. 514.31
J. Tilford Nicola Street 360.00
W. H. Kendall Crushed Rock 1146.60
Thos Veitch “ “ 404.06
H. Lomas et al Labor 839.70
W. H. Fraser Final on Hospital 946.70
J. M. O’Toole “ “ “ plumbing 73.30
Sgd H. P. McCraney
The Board met again on Friday July 29th 1892,
Present: Aldermen McCraney, Connor and Franklin:
It was recommended that the following tender be accepted for the bituminous rock paving of Carroll, Abbott, Cambie and Hastings Streets:
Furnishing Curb Stones (Haddington Is. Stone) $6405.00
“ Gutters & Rail courses 16515.00
Excavation & Concrete 34,953.75
Setting Curb Stones 457.50
“ Gutters & rail courses 1835.00
Bituminous rock covering $39312.00
Total $99,478.25
Moved by Alderman Connor
Seconded by “ Collins
That the report be adopted
Finance Committee
The Finance Comittee met Friday July 29th 1892
Present, Aldermen Anderson, Collins,McGuigan and Mills.
It was recommended:
1. That the following accounts be paid:
James Orr Clerical work $40.65
W. B. Fisher “ “ 60.00
2. That the Communication from W. S. Gore re the registration of the School lots be referred to the City Solicitor
Sgd R. A. Anderson
Moved by Alderman Anderson
Seconded by “ Collins
That the report be adopted
Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by “ Odlum
That all material used in the construction of the sewers except the Portland Cement be the product of British Columbia
Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by “ Connor
That the time for receiving tenders for the construction of the public sewers be extended to Thursday August 11th 1892.
Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by “ Mills
That the fact that this city having passed through a severe ordeal and that in the interests of the public health and as a consequence the trade of the city having been reduced in Volume
And whereas the income of the City has been reduced to an extent that the date of payment of the City taxes with a rebate of 20 per cent has been extended till the 15th day of August 1892,
And it is therefore moved that taxes will be accepted by this City allowing said rebate, said taxes to be paid on or before the 15th day of August, 1892.
Notice of Motion
Alderman Anderson gave notice that he would at next regular meeting of Council introduce a By-Law to amend By-Law no. 144 of the City of Vancouver permitting places mentioned under said By-Law to remain open until 12 o’clock on Saturday night instead 11 o’clock as at present:
The Council the adjourned
sgd F. Cope
Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk