Time limits for smelting company, street railway both extended – August 12, 1889

Council authorizes $65 monthly support for Free Reading Room and Library. Time limit for contract between city and smelting company has expired, and will have to be re-negotiated. Time limit for contract with Street Railway company to be extended, “in consideration of their using electrical power instead of horse power”.

This transcript was made in 2015 by Transcribimus volunteers Margaret Sutherland
and Joy Marie Vasquez

original handwritten minutes here

City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 3 pages 91-101

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Vancouver Aug 12, 1889

The Council met on Monday, August 12th 1889 at 8 P.M.

Present His Worship, the Mayor, Aldermen Brighouse, Brewer, Clark, Costello, McConnell, Mason, Oppenheimer, Salsbury and Whetham.

The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From W. S. Gore, Surveyor General acknowledging the receipt of letter containing copy of the report of the City Engineer on the extension of Westminster Ave. Filed.

From T. B. Spring asking permission to lay a sidewalk on the lane in Block 5, 196. Referred to the Board of Works.

From Chas. R. Walker resigning his position as Pound Keeper. Accepted.

From W. S. Gore, Surveyor General enclosing deed of Hastings Townsite. Filed.

From John Hendry re Figures on Electric lights. Filed.

From R. P. Cooke et al asking for an extension of time for the completion of the Street Railway on condition of Electricity being used instead of Horse Power. Filed.

From Jas Fraser asking permission for the City to purchase a Clock. Referred to Finance Committee.

From J. W. McFarland enclosing

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The names of the present City Wharf owners. Filed.

Finance No 22

The Finance Committee met on Friday, August 9th 1889.

Present Alderman Salsbury, Clark, Costello and Whetham.

We beg to recommend:

1. That $65.00 per month be voted by Council for the Support of the Vancouver Free Reading Room and Library under the conditions contained in the Committee’s Report to Council.

2. That the Report of the Fire, Water and Light Committee recommending the payment of accounts, the awarding of a contract for Street lighting, the establishment of a paid Fire Department and the purchase of a patent harness be sanctioned by Council.

Sgd. W. F. Salsbury, Chairman

Moved by Alderman Clark, seconded by Alderman Brewer. That the Report of the Finance Committee be adopted. Carried.

F. W. & L. No 13

The Fire, Water & Light Committee met on Wednesday August 7 and Friday August 9.

Present His Worship, the Mayor Aldermen Brighouse, Clark, McConnell, Oppenheimer and Whetham.

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We beg to recommend:

1. That the following accounts be paid:

Godfrey & Co. Glass etc. $42.65
WL. Leonard & Co. Water Gauge 15.00
W. T. Melrose, Painting 3.00
Leask & Johnson, Coal 175.00
John Wolfe, Scavengering 9.50
Vancouver City Foundry, Repairs 7.00
Toronto Rubber Co. Hose etc. 2,370.70
Isaiah Forbes, Blacksmithing 4.75
Telephone Co. Rents 16.00
Van Electric Ill Co. 293.50
Royal City Planing Mills Co. 10.75
F. W. Hart, Chimneys etc. 1.88
Crowder & Penzer, Hay 9.80
2. That the Chairman of this Committee be authorized to cut a door in the shed in the rear of the City Hall and place a hose reel and hose therein.

3. That the Thomson Houston System of Electric Lighting be adopted by this City and that the contract be awarded to the Vancouver Electric Illuminating Co for from 75 to 100 Arc lights of 2,000 candle power each at 44 cents per light per night. The City to lose the right to state in the contract the number of nights per month that it will use the lights.

The contract to be for five years subject to the powers of the Council to enter into such contract to be binding on its successors. The City to have the use of the poles for the wires and stations of the City Fire Alarm System; and the option of purchase of the plant at the end of one year at a valuation to be agreed upon with said company.

4. That the Finance Committee be asked

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To provide funds for a paid Fire Department, according to rules and regulations to be approved of by Council.

5. That the Several Insurance Companies in the City be communicated with asking them to donate a sum towards assisting the Fire Department as is the custom in other cities.

6. That the Chairman of this Committee be authorized to purchase a patent harness.

Sgd. I. Oppenheimer, Chairman

Moved by Alderman Oppenheimer, seconded by Alderman McConnell. That the Report of the Fire, Water & Light Committee be adopted.

Moved in amendment by Alderman Brewer seconded by Alderman Brighouse. That the clause in the report relating to the awarding of the Electric Light contract be laid over for one week.

Amendment lost, Ayes, 4. Nays 5.
Motion Carried Ayes 5, Nays 4.

Works No 21

The Board of Works met on Saturday August 10 and Monday August 12, 1889.

Present Aldermen Brighouse, Horne, Oppenheimer, McConnell and Brewer.

We beg to recommend:

1. That Sidewalks be laid on Dunsmuir and Hamilton Streets in the vicinity

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Of the Baptist Church as petitioned for by the Rev. J. B. Kennedy.

2. That as D. B. Murray, has made a mistake in his tender for the filling of Westminster Avenue between Hastings Street and the Bridge we recommend that his deposit be returned and the contract awarded to D. J. McDonald, the next lowest tenderer.

3. The City Solicitor having advised us that it would be illegal to grant the petition of J. P. Blake for the construction of an oven under Hastings Street east we recommend that the Council govern itself accordingly.

4. That the lane in Block 3, O. G. I. be repaired.

5. That tenders be called for the following improvements:

(a) Grading of Eleventh Avenue from Ontario to Quebec Street, the material excavated as waste to be dumped east of Quebec Street.
(b) Grading and sidewalking of Dunsmuir Street from Hamilton to Cambie.
(c) Six foot sidewalk on Hamilton Street from Dunsmuir to Georgia, not in estimates cost $114.00.
(d) Six foot sidewalk on Dunlevy Avenue from Hastings to Princess, not in estimates.
(e) Surface grading and sidewalking of Princess Street from Carl Ave. to Heatley Ave. $620.00 less than estimates.
(f) Grading Pendrell Street from Burrard to Bute.
(g) Grading and sidewalking Hornby Street from Dunsmuir to Georgia Street not

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In estimates, cost $473.00.

(h) Sidewalking Westminster Avenue from the Bridge to Seventh Av.
(i) Sidewalking Sixth, Eight and Tenth Avenues with material from Westminster Av.
(j) Grading Pacific Street 20 feet wide on the North Side between Granville & Richards and laying a six foot sidewalk thereon, Mr. Foster having agreed to supply half of the lumber.
(k) Grading lanes in Blocks 17 &20, 196
(l) Grading Davie Street two Blocks with material from Helmcken Street, not in estimates cost $300.00
(m) Surface grading and sidewalking Keefer Street from Jackson to Gore (n) Building of a house for pound keeper.

6. That E. Mohun be authorized to make an Estimate of the cost of a temporary outlet of the Sewerage for the Block west of Granville and North of Georgia also that he be instructed to proceed with the Sewerage of North of Water Street.

7. That the following tenders be recommended for acceptance:

Campbell Av. D. B. Murray
Granville St. Sidewalk R. H. Wallace
Burrard St. Sidewalk Jas Ironside
Hornby St. D. B. Murray
Prior St. D. J. McDonald

8. That an eight foot sidewalk be laid on the North side of Georgia from Granville to Richards, not in estimates.

Sgd. S. Brighouse, Chairman

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Moved by Alderman Brewer, seconded by Alderman McConnell. That the report of the Board of Works be adopted. Carried.

Health No 9

The Board of Health met on Saturday August 10th 1889 at 4 P. M.

Present His Worship the Mayor, Aldermen Costello, Brewer and Mason.

We beg to recommend:

1. That the following accounts be paid:

Hudson’s Bay Co. Supplies $14.00
Van Wharfage Co. Rent 7.50
Hong Sing, Washing 14.00
W. J. McGuigan, Inquests 35.00
J. G. Garvin, Work on Hospital 239.00
H. E. Langis, Post Mortem 10.00
Van Volkenburgh & Bro., Meat 39.28
W. J. Taylor, Burial 10.00
H. McDowell & Co. Medicines 23.65
R. L. Winch, Supplies 25.03
E. S. Scoullar & Co. Plumbing 181.00

2. That the Dominion Sanitary and Cremation Co be asked:

(a) To quote a definite figure as to the cost of erection of a Destructor of Sufficient Capacity to destroy the house garbage including a proportion of night soil from earth closets and cess pools, dead animals &c &c for a City of 25,000 inhabitants.
(b) As to whether the Company would guarantee its efficiency of his erection.
(c) As to the labor, fuel &c required and the life of fire grates.

3. That the Board of Health be empowered

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To have the Hospital Lots seeded down and otherwise beautified and that the Matron be instructed to have the yards cleared up and generally overhauled.

4. That the City Auditor be instructed to Audit the hospital books with a view of ascertaining the amount of money due and owing by patients and the chances of getting same and report to the Health Committee.

5. That Bessie Crickmay, Agnes Crickmay, Mrs. Birks and the Porter at the City Hospital be given one month’s notice that their services will not be required after that date; and that an advertisement be inserted in one of our daily papers calling for applications for a matron and nurses, said matron to be a middle aged person; also that Dr. Robertson be given one month’s notice that his services as Health Officer will be no longer required.

Sgd. W. J. Brewer, Chairman Pro tem

Moved by Alderman Costello, seconded by Alderman McConnell. That the report of the Health Committee be adopted.

Moved in amendment by Alderman Whetham, seconded by Alderman Salsbury. That the last clause in the report be struck out.

Amendment lost Ayes 3, Nays 6
Motion Carried Ayes 6, Nays 3

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Introduction of By-Laws

Alderman Brewer introduced a By-Law to raise a loan of $ __ for the purchase of the City Wharf which was read a first time on Motion of Alderman Brewer, seconded by Alderman McConnell.

At this stage of the proceedings the question of changing the City’s Bank account was discussed, the matter being finally referred back to the Finance Committee on Motion of Alderman McConnell seconded by Alderman Brewer.


Moved by Alderman Oppenheimer, seconded by Alderman McConnell. That the Finance
Committee be empowered to furnish such sum as may be required for the reception of the Governor General and that the whole Council be a committee with power to add to its number from Citizens to arrange for his reception. Carried.

The Committee agreed to meet on Tuesday Aug 13th 1889 at 10:30 A. M.

Moved by Alderman Whetham seconded by Alderman Brewer.

That the following account be paid:

H. Blyth et al, Street Work $84.60


Moved by Alderman Whetham seconded by Alderman McConnell. That a six foot sidewalk be laid on the west side of

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Seymour Street between Georgia & Symthe Streets. Referred to the Board of Works.

Moved by Alderman Brewer seconded by Alderman Costello. That the City Advertise for a Pound Keeper; applicants to State salary required. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Clark. That Alderman Mason be appointed a Member of the Police Committee. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Brighouse seconded by Alderman Brewer. That it is expedient that the Government roads leading to the City should be put in good order at once to fit them for winter travel.

Therefore be it resolved that a communication be sent to the Provincial Government desiring them if possible to put the work in hand at once. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Whetham seconded by Alderman Brewer. That the Smelting Co be notified that inasmuch as the time allowed for completing the works according to contract between the City and that company having expired some time since, Therefore the City hereby declares that contract regarding bonus to be granted &c. as cancelled with that Company and further arrangements will have

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To be made between that Company and the City if said company wish to take advantage of any inducements that may be offered by the City for the completion of Smelting works within the City of Vancouver. Referred to the City Solicitor.

Notice of Motion

Alderman Salsbury gave notice that he would at next meeting of Council introduce a By-Law to amend the Street Railway By-Law for the purpose of allowing an extension of time to the Street Railway Co. for completing their works in consideration of their using Electrical power instead of horse power.
The Council then adjourned.

I. N. Horne, Chairman

Thos. F. McGuigan, City Clerk