Several Temperance and church organizations protested against a license being granted to sell liquor at Brockton Point in Stanley Park during the Carnival Week. The City Solicitor said they had no power to prevent it. The Jockey Club requested that they not pay 10 per cent of their takings during Carnival but use the money to build needed stables.
This document was transcribed in 2022 by Transcribimus volunteer Gerald Soon
Original handwritten pages: COVA Series 31
Volume 7, pages 273 – 282
To see or download pictures of the handwritten pages, click on the button(s) below: three parts
[Volume 7 page] 273
Vancouver August 17th 1896.
The Council met on Monday August 17th 1896.
Present – His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Painter, Banfield, Schou, McPhaiden, Clandenning, Brown, MacDonald, Bethune and Coldwell.
The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.
From the City Solicitor advising that the surplus over taxes and costs of sale on the Gillespie Lot be paid into Court.
Moved by Alderman Bethune
Seconded by “ Brown
Rowan vs Gillespie
That the Surplus on sale of land in this case in hands of the Treasurer be paid into Court.
From the City Solicitor forwarding plan shewing the proposed lane in rear of the Dupont Street lots and stating that the plan could be registered; also forwarding agreement for the owners abutting on the lane to sign.
Laid over for Report of the Board of Works.
From the Hon J. H. Turner, Minister of Finance requesting that a statement of receipts and expenditure be furnished for the last financial year of the institutions receiving aid from the Government.
Referred to the Finance Committee
From D. G. Macdonell, Solicitor stating that one Wm Keeler was injured on Cambie Street and asking for a weekly compensation for him.
Referred to the City Solicitor
From the City Solicitor reporting on the Tetley Case.
Referred to the Finance Committee.
[Volume 7 page] 274
From R.R. Gardiner asking for the use of a portion of the street at the corner of Abbott and Cordova for selling popcorn. Filed
From Wm Ward reporting on the electric lights.
From T.A. Fee asking for a sidewalk on Broughton Street.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From Mrs. C.A. Schooley, R.W. Clark, Margaret Macfarlane, M.J. Brown, S.W. Mackechnie J.M. McLeod, J.T. Barratt and Chas R. Bennett on behalf of the different churches and temperance organizations protesting against a license being granted to sell liquor in Stanley Park during the Carnival Week.
The following Reports were received and read:-
Fire & Police Committee
The Fire & Police Committee met on Tuesday August 11th 1896.
Present – Aldermen Caldwell, Painter and Banfield.
From the Chief of Police reporting officers Clough. Colwell and Purdy for neglect of duty.
Referred to the Chairman to reprimand the officers mentioned.
From the Chief of Police asking for badges etc
Referred to the Chairman to order.
From R.A. Musket stating that certain persons were in the habit of using the front of his store as a public urinal
Referred to the Chief of Police to look after
From Thos. Morrison applying for a
[Volume 7 page] 275
position on the Police Force.
From Constable Monteith stating that there were no grounds for the complaint of Robt. Barker re annoyance from boys on Drake St.
From Cairus & Brother New York acknowledging receipt of order for firemen’s caps.
Resolved that about 150 ft of lumber be purchased for the pound and several posts.
Resolved that the tender of Thos Dunn & Co be accepted for furnishing 750 ft of Paragon Hose at 90 ¢ per ft.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:-
C. P. Telegraph Co. Telephone $1.00
D. J. McPhaiden Labor 53.
Wm Ward Ry fares 6.25
Clarke & Stuart Supplies 6.93
B. C. M. T& T.Co. “ 10.17
Thos Dunn & Co. “ 8.44
J. C. Woodrow “ 24.19
C.F. Foreman “ 28.30
Provincial Govt. Board of Prisoners 4.00
C. S. Phelp Supplies 5.08
S. James Interpreting 8
McLennan & McFeely Supplies 6.36
J. A. Skinner & Co “ .20
J. E. Gardiner Interpreting 14.50
Thos Dunn & Co Supplies 2.31
Wm Ralph “ .75
McDowell & Co “ 31.54
Thos Butler Fares 2.25
News.Advertiser Ads 3.06
R. Robertson Supplies 3.25
K. Iriye Interpreting 5.
C.F. Foreman Supplies 6.05
Fred Allen “ 88.76
A Blayney “ 8.55
C. Casselman “ 12.70
Crowther & Penzar “ 17.62
[Volume 7 page] 276
H. Kersey Labor $44.
Lee & Stewart Hack 1.50
A Davies Light 9.25
sgd C.A. Caldwell
Moved by Alderman Caldwell
Seconded by “ McPhaiden
That the Report be adopted.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee met on Friday August 14th 1896
Present – Aldermen Banfield, Painter, Brown and Bethune
The following contracts were approved and authorized to be signed by the Mayor and City Clerk and the Corporate seal affixed thereto:-
S. Sheridan Sidewalk on Westminster Av,
G. Wright Hastings Street Sidewalk.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:-
McLennan & McFeely Supplies $7.00
H. Kersey Carpentering 2.25
From C. W. Murray secretary of the School Board acknowledging receipt of communication re extra appropriations for schools and stating that as they had coupled with the School Act all responsibility would have to be borne by the Council.
From Corbould & McColl guaranteeing certain monies due James H. Gillespie from the proceeds of the sale of his lot at the late Tax Sale
Referred to the City Solicitor
From R. D. Kimmond & Co asking for a share of the Civic insurance.
Filed for reference
[Volume 7 page] 277
From the Salvation Army asking for an appropriation for a Shelter Home.
Resolved that the communication be referred to the incoming Council as the present Council has no appropriation for that purpose.
From W.E. Johnstone resigning the position of Poll Tax Collector and Assessor.
Resolved that his resignation be accepted
From Wm Sutherland applying to be reappointed Poll Tax Collector at a Salary of $60.00 per month dating from the 18th next.
sgd J.J. Banfield
Moved by Alderman Banfield
Seconded by “ Painter
That the Report be adopted.
Board of Works
The Board of Works met on the 13th of Aug 1896.
Present – Aldermen Painter MacDonald and Schou.
From Messrs Davis, Marshall, MacNeill and Abbott in reference to the new Granville Street Sidewalk protesting against change of grade.
Already arranged for.
From H. H. Speier & Co in reference to their bond in connection with the refuse burner.
Laid over for the Chairman to enquire into and report.
From F. R. Stewart Commission Merchant in reference to drain at his premises on Water Street
Referred to the City Engineer to attend to
[Volume 7 page] 278
From the owners and tenants of property situated at lots 17 & 18, Block 8. DL 185 fronting on Burrard Street asking that the sidewalk be moved out to the permanent portion so that they can get their boulevards graded up.
Ward One foreman to attend to as soon as possible
Resolved that all street watering to be stopped as the appropriation for same is exhausted.
The City Solicitor appeared before the Board in reference to the matter of the filling in of the lane South of Dupont St
Resolved that provided the owners of lots from 19 to 33 inclusive in Block 14, DL 196 enter into an agreement consenting to the City filling in the lane worked prior in the plan and give up any foreshore rights they may have fronting on the lane to the City and fill up the tidal flats opposite those lots and build a cribwork as retaining wall along the South side of the lane to the satisfaction of the City Engineer then the City will pay for the filling up of the lane to grade and extra cribbing required at a cost not exceeding $1000.
Resolved that the Ward men be allowed to take a day off each during Carnival week and arrange it among themselves so that the work will not be interfered with.
Resolved that the foreman for Ward One be instructed to lay a 3 plank sidewalk of new plank from Denman Street to Gilford Street on Haro Street.
Resolved that the Foreman for Ward 2 be instructed to remove the bad planks from Cambie Street near Smithe and round up the Street also to fix the temporary sidewalk on Drake Street leading to the C. P. R. Roundhouse.
[Volume 7 page] 279
Resolved that tenders be called for the following up to 4 P.M. on the 25th next.
- 6 ft walk on Broughton St from Robson to Haro, West Side.
- 6 ft walk on Comox St. from Bute to Jervis North Side
- 6 ft walk on Hornby from Helmcken to Davie on West Side.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:-
H.R. Dunn & Co. Supplies $1.75
Cassady & Co “ 228.66
Scouller & Co “ 26.80
Tait & Sons “ 294.76
C. Casselman “ 11.25
J. Wood Ontario St. 57.35
Thomson Bros Supplies 6.25
Thomas etal. Labor. 1416.15
sgd H.J. Painter
Moved by Alderman Painter
Seconded by “ McPhaiden
That the Report be adopted.
Water & Market Committee
The Water & Market Committee met on Wednesday August 12th 1896.
Present – Aldermen Brown, Painter & Schou.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:-
J.B. Prant Badge $2.00
Thos Dunn & Co Supplies 31.09
News.Advertiser Ad 5.22
McLennan & McFeely Supplies 30.78
News.Advertiser “ 3.
Clarke & Stuart “ 3.68
E. Clough Express 1.00
Van City Iron Works Supplies .75
McLennan & McFeely Supplies 35
Thos Veitch Cartage 30.55
John Boyd & Co. Supplies 119.67
[Volume 7 page] 280
Can Gen’l Elec Co Supplies .50
C.F. Foreman “ 25
Con Ry Co “ $5.00
News.Advertiser “ 8.80
B.C.Iron Works “ 81.
Fred Allen “ 18.10
Hooper etal Labor 802.50
The City Solicitor submitted a draft of the proposed agreement between Crean & Thomas and the City for supplying water for an electric motor to be used for lighting the new Commercial Hotel. It was approved and authorized to be signed by the Mayor and City Clerk and the Corporate Seal affixed thereto.
From C.W. Robson asking that the water pipes be laid on his premises on the corner of Denman and Robson Streets under authority of a resolution passed by the Board on the 15th day of May December 1892 that such pipes be laid if the yard equals 6 per cent on the outlay.
Resolved that he be informed that the resolution referred to has his bearing on his case having reference to the laying of the permanent mains with the pipe then on hand
From the City Engineer reporting upon the necessity of laying a second main from the reservoir to Westminster Av.
Resolved that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare plans and specifications with a view of having tenders called for the supplying of the necessary main.
From the City Eng Solicitor stating that Mr Harris had signed the lease of the house in Stanley Park at $1.00 a month, monthly tenancy, terminable by month’s notice.
Resolved that the house recently erected in Stanley Park for Water Works purposes be insured for $400 in the Company represented by R.D. Kinnaird & Co.
[Volume 7 page] 281
The City Engineer submitted a comparative statement of the tenders received for meters.
Laid over until he obtains samples of the lowest priced ones from each firm for comparison.
sgd Wm Brown
Moved by Alderman Brown
Seconded by “ Bethune
That the report be adopted.
The Rev Mr. Haddon and Alderman Schou brought two cases of poverty to the notice of the Council which were referred to the Health Committee.
Alex Gibson on behalf of the Jockey Club interviewed the Council and stated that the Club intended to have two race meetings during Carnival Week and asking that in consideration of the Club erecting extra stalls that they be not asked to pay over the 10 percent of the gate receipts to the City.
Moved by Alderman Clandenning
Seconded by “ MacDonald
That in case the Jockey Club erects stalls only on the Hastings Race Grounds to the value of $3000 that they not be required to pay over to the City 10 percent of their gate receipts.
Alderman Brown withdrew the Messenger service By-law which had received one reading.
The Clerk was instructed to hold over from publications the Polling By-Law and the B.C. Iron Works exemption By-Law for amendment
[Volume 7 page] 282
Reconsideration of By-Laws
Moved by Alderman Banfield
Seconded by “ Bethune
That the amendments to the Fire By-Law be reconsidered and finally passed and authorized to be signed by the Mayor & City Clerk.
Notice of Motion
Alderman Brown gave notice that at the next meeting of the Council he would move that the Clerk be instructed to call the attention of the Consolidated Railway Co that the part of their agreement with the City respecting a percentage of the fares for passengers to and from the City limits on the new Westminster line taxes effect on and after the 1st of September next.
The Council then adjourned,
Henry Collins
Thos. F. McGuigan
CIty Clerk