Council allows recreation grounds used by Sell’s Circus without permission for once, but permission will be needed in future. Land budget for school south of False Creek increased to $910 from $500. Budget of $500 set aside to build a City Morgue. Park Ranger to be hired to keep roads clear, and make sure people are not cutting wood without permission.
This transcript was made in 2014 by Transcribimus volunteer Margaret Sutherland
and sponsored by The Oppenheimer Group
original handwritten minutes here
City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 2 pages
[Volume 2 page 443]
Vancouver Aug 20th 1888
The Council met on Monday August 20th 1888 at 7:30 P. M.
Present His Worship Mayor Oppenheimer, Aldermen Alexander, Clark, Coldwell, Dougall, Humphries and Oppenheimer and Brighouse.
The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.
From Sir William Wiseman in connection with the burial of Joseph Evans, the Sailor drowned on July 2nd. Filed.
From J. M. Clute et al calling attention to the condition of the Sidewalk on Howe Street. Referred to the Board of Works.
From E. Mohun drawing the attention of Council to the fact that Several of the manholes and ventilators were covered. Referred to the Board of Works.
From T. T. Black asking for a reply to his letter. Referred to the City Solicitor.
From E. H. Fletcher Hon Secretary of the British Columbia Rifle Association asking for a grant from Council to defray the expense of sending a Team to represent the Province at the Meeting of the Dominion Rifle Association. Filed.
[Volume 2 page 444]
From Deputy Attorney General submitting copy of Coroners’ Verdict on the death of Alexander Mearns. Referred to City Solicitor.
From San Francisco Bridge Co re False Creek Bridge. Filed.
Police No 7
The Police Committee met on Monday August 20th 1888 and beg to recommend the payment of the following account:
L. Straube, Fixing Hand Cuffs $2.50
Van Volkenburgh & Bro. 26.40
F. X. Martin 27.92
Thos. Dunn & Co. 4.50
John Scuitto 46.00
James Peade, Guard 64.00
F. W. Hart 8.00
Wm. Murphy, Police Clothes 213.40
A. Linton, Boat Hire 2.00
C. P. Tel Co .80 cts
Charles Nelson .50 cts
H. E. Langis, Post Mortem 10.00
A. Hodgson, Dray Numbers 3.00
We have received a communication from C. Sweeney and others asking for the appointment of a Police Officer in the Western Portion of the City. As the funds on hand will not admit of the appointment of another officer we have given instructions to the Police to extend their patrol over the city as far as possible.
Sgd., D. Oppenheimer, Acting Chairman
[Volume 2 page 445]
Moved by Alderman Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Coldwell. That the report of the Police Committee be adopted. Carried.
Finance No 18
The Finance Committee met on Friday August 17th 1888 and beg to recommend the payment of the following accounts:-
C. P. Telegraph Co. $1.15
F. X. Martin 4.95
McLennan & McFeely 1.25
Palmer Bros. 10.00
F. W. Hart 1.50
News Advertiser 30.00
Thomson Bros. 13.90
J. Miller .75 cts
S. T. Tilley 13.50
Telephone Co 4.00
We have taken into consideration the recommendation of the Board of Works to increase the appropriation for the school house on the south side of False Creek be we cannot see our way clear to do so and would therefore recommend that the plans and specifications be modified so that the cost will not exceed the amount voted by Council.
We further recommend that $500.00 be appropriated out of Board of Health Funds for the erection of a City Morgue.
[page 446]
The Market Committee reports that the only suitable sites for a market ground are on lots 1 to 10 Block 10, 196 Westminster Avenue which can be attained for $13,000, 5 lots in Block 28 District Lot 541 on Pender and Hastings Streets with Abbott Street as the Eastern Boundary purchase price about $26,000 to secure a lane west of the market it would be necessary to purchase two additional lots one on Pender and one on Hastings which would bring the cost up to about $30,000.
Another side at the corner of Hastings and Abbott in Block 4, O. G. T. would be suitable but the C. P R. Co. are unwilling to place a price on it at present as they do not want to dispose of it.
Sgd., Rich H. Alexander, Chairman
Moved by Alderman Coldwell seconded by Alderman Oppenheimer. That the report be amended increasing the appropriation for school on South Side of False Creek to $910.00 and that the balance of the report be adopted. Carried.
Health No 16
The Health Committee met on Friday August 17th 1888 and beg to recommend the payment of the following accounts:
Campbell & Martin $15.50
[Volume 2 page 447]
Thos J. James grain $52.50
F. X. Martin 53.85
McLennan & McFeely 2.00
F. C. McCartney 28.50
Thos. Dunn & Co 2.25
F. W. Hart 43.65
W. K. Williamson 1.00
H. Butler 11.68
C. P. Tel Co. 3.00
Tenders for the furnishing of convalescent suits for the new City hospital were opened and the contract awarded to Messrs Brown and White the lowest tenderers.
We recommend that the City Clerk be instructed to have the necessary printing done for the City Hospital and that we purchase from Dr. Robertson at cost 500 temperature charts.
Sgd., R. Clark, Acting Chairman
Moved by Alderman Alexander seconded by Alderman Dougall. That the report of the Health Committee be adopted. Carried.
Works No 27
The Board of Works met on Friday August 17th 1888 and beg to report that the following tenders have been received.
False Creek Bridge
Keefer & McGillivray $12,000.00
[Volume 2 page 448]
Armstrong & Wiscott $13,740.00
Bunker & McDonald 13,090.00
Goodmurphy & McLellan 13,087.00
D. S. Adams 13,780.00
San Francisco Contracting Co 15,507.00
Hornby Street Sidewalk
Donald McAlister 25 cts per ft
Wm Jordan 25 cts per ft
Nelson Street Sidewalk
Donald McAlister 16 ½ cts per ft
Wm Jordan 19 ½ cts per ft
Hornby Street
A. Bunker
Grading per ft 29 cts
Logs per ft 8 cts
Plank per m ft 16.00
Seymour Street
A. Bunker
Grading per ft 44 cts
Logs per ft 8 cts
Plank per m ft 16.00
Bute Street
A. Bunker
Grading per ft 29 cts
Logs per ft 8 cts
Plank per m ft 16.00
H. Connacher
Grading per ft 39 cts
Logs per ft 7 cts
Plank per m ft 16.00
[Volume 2 page 449]
Hugh Macdonald
Grading per ft 42 cts
Culverts per m ft 17.00
We recommend that the contracts be awarded as follows:-
A. Bunker, Hornby, Bute & Seymour Sts.
D. McAlister, Nelson & Hornby St. Sidewalk
Keefer & McGillivray, False Creek Bridge
We further recommend
I. That an eight foot sidewalk be laid on the south side of Hastings Street from Westminster Avenue to Campbell Avenue.
II. That Jackson and Dunlevy Avenues be graded from Hastings Street to False Creek.
III. That Columbia Avenue be filled to grade from Dupont Street to Oppenheimer Street.
IV. That Dupont Street be graded from Carl Avenue to Campbell Avenue.
V. That Seventh Avenue be graded to Block 95 254A.
VI. That the Chairman of the Board of Works be empowered to provide guide books and seats for the City Park and to purchase sufficient material for the construction of a gate and woodshed at the cemetery.
VII. That the City Engineer employ a competent man to put the ventilators and manholes in the lanes and streets to their proper grade where necessary
[Volume 2 page 450]
VIII. That Messrs Dunn & Ferguson be paid their 10% retained by the City for Sewerage maintenance on their providing a substantial security protecting the City from all loss in consequence of such payment, such security to be to the satisfaction of the Finance Committee.
In regard to the recreation grounds being used by Sells Circus your Committee deemed it advisable as the matter had gone so far to withdraw their objections provided the clubs withdrew theirs but in future permission must be sought from the proper quarter.
The City Solicitor advises that the name of any street may be changed by passing a By-Law for that purpose and registering same in the Land Registry Office.
The following accounts are recommended for payment:-
Springer & VanBramer, Sidewalk 65.50
O’Toole & Ralph, Stove etc. 29.12
A. Godfrey & Co. Picks etc. 33.20
Thos. Dunn & Co. 51.84
Tattersall’s Stables 4.00
Brunette Saw Mill Co 6.63
R. C. P. Mills Co 170.55
Moodyville Saw Mill Co. 217.61
Isaiah Forbes 2.25
Davis & Culking 55.07
Queen Bros. 13.50
John Slade, Fire Hall 76.40
[page 451]
Robert Gore, Well, $13.00
D. B. Charleson, Work on Georgia St $66.00
Sgd., Chas. A. Coldwell, Chairman
Moved by Alderman Humphries seconded by Alderman Alexander. That the report of the Board of Works be adopted. Carried.
Moved by Alderman Humphries seconded by Alderman Coldwell. That the City Clerk be instructed to write to Mr. Abbott requesting him to execute lease of Recreation grounds. Carried.
Moved by Alderman Alexander seconded by Alderman Coldwell. That $483.33 be voted by Council to defray expenses in connection with the celebrations on the 2nd & 3rd of July. Carried.
Moved by Alderman Coldwell seconded by Alderman Oppenheimer. That a man be hired as caretaker on the Park Road whose duties will be to constantly walk around the Park and prevent the brush and lumber from burning and that no one be allowed to get any lumber on the Park without permission from the Board of Works. Carried.
[Volume 2 page 452]
Alderman Coldwell gave notice that at the next meeting of Council he would introduce a By-Law to change the name of Dupont Street to Princess Street, East of Westminster Avenue.
Alderman Humphries asked for an extension of time re the appointment of a Police Magistrate which was granted.
The Council then adjourned.
D. Oppenheimer, Mayor
Thos. F. McGuigan, City Clerk