Wilfred Laurier to Receive Official Welcome to Vancouver – August 20, 1894

Wilfred Laurier to Receive Official Welcome to Vancouver – August 20, 1894

A reception was arranged for Hon. Wilfred Laurier (not yet Prime Minister of Canada) who was due to visit Vancouver soon. Lomas and Sheridan’s tender of $65 was accepted for replanking the Granville Street Bridge. Other tenders ran as high as $225. Several requests for grading and sidewalk improvements had to be turned down due to lack of funds. All ratepayers to be advised through newspaper advertising to be sure their name is on the voters’ list.

This transcript was made in April 2020 by Transcribimus volunteer Gerald Soon

COVA AM54-S4-: Port P878
Sir Wilfred Laurier in a car in front of the C.P.R. Station

City of Vancouver Archives
COV S 31 Volume 6 pages 186 – 196
read original handwritten minutes here

[Volume 6 pg] 186

Vancouver Aug 20th 1894
The Council met on Monday August 20th 1894.
Present – His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Salsbury, Shaw, Queen, McDowell, McCraney, McPhaiden, Wm Brown, Franklin, C.L. Brown, & Bethune.
The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.

From J.F. Ross, of the Vancouver City Iron Works, asking for exemption from taxation on lots 7 & 8 Block 1.196.
Referred to the Finance Committee.

From L. O’Brien asking for the improvement of Dundas Street
Referred to the Board of Works

From the Chief of Police reporting on the electric lights. Filed

From H.T. Ceperley on Street Railway and electric light matters.
Laid over to be held on Tuesday at 8 p.m.

From Miss Macfie stating that she had engaged Mrs Smart to assist in the kitchen
Referred to the Health Committee

From Jas McGeer asking for an investigation regarding the Pound Keepers

[Volume 6 pg] 187

Referred to the Police Committee

From Mr. J.M. Browning calling attention to the condition of Pender & Seymour Streets in front of Lots 142. Block 24.541 Referred to the Board of Works

From D. Menzies, Secretary of the Liberal Association of Vancouver of Vancouver asking what part of the Council intended to taste regarding a reception to the Hon W. Laurier
Moved by Alderman Salsbury
Seconded by “ McDowell
That the Mayor be and is hereby authorized to name a committee to draft an address of Welcome and to arrange for its due presentation to the Hon Mr. Laurier on his arrival in Vancouver. That such address and its presentation shall be entirely free from politics. Carried.
The Mayor named Aldermen Salsbury, Bethune and McDowell a Committee to act in the matter.

From Robert Border asking for a refund of a charge imposed upon him by the City Solicitor.
Referred to the Finance Committee.

From the B.C. Cattle Co etal drawing attention to the condition of Water Street between Carrall and Abbott streets.
Referred to the Board of Health.

From Henry Nutrie etal pressing the Council

[Volume 6 pg] 188

To lay a double track on Hastings Street between Carrall and Cambie. Laid over.

From A.M. Beattie regarding amendments to the Market By-law.
Referred to the Police Committee and City Solicitor.

From Fred Young etal asking for water at English Bay.
Referred to the Water Committee with power to act.

From W.A. Mace asking for permission to use part of Granville & Dunsmuir Streets
Referred to the Board of Works.


The following Reports were received and read:-

Finance Committee
The Finance Committee met on Friday August 17th 1894
Present – Aldermen Stanley, McDowell, McPhaiden Wm Brown and Bethune.

From Major Townley requesting that the members of the B.C. B.G.A. be exempt from paying poll tax
Referred to the City Solicitor for his opinion.

From the City Auditor submitting balance sheet for June and reporting the Sinking Fund Books as being correct. Filed.

[Volume 6 pg] 189

From C. Sweeny, Manager of the Bank of Montreal, advising that the Charge, for advertising the payment of the City Coupons will be discontinued and that in future only the ½ per cent commission will be charged for this service. Filed.

From the Vancouver City Iron Works asking for a rebate on taxes
That this Committee has no power to remit taxes and that if the Company desires any favors from the City, they must write their application specifically to the Council stating the case.

From Allan, K. Stuart, Secretary of the Board of Works enclosing resolution from the Board re re question of a 6 ft sidewalk on Ninth Av and asking the Finance Committee to provide the funds
Mr Purdy appeared before the Committee with respect to a sidewalk on 9th Av
He was informed that there were no funds.
That the City Solicitor be instructed to have all mortgages in his possession handed over to the Bank of BC.

The following account was recommended for payment:-
J.J. Crowdery Clerical work $17.50
sgd W.F. Salsbury

[Volume 6 pg] 190

Moved by Alderman McDowell
Seconded by “ Salsbury
That the Report be adopted. Carried.

Health Committee
The Health Committee met on Tuesday August 14th 1894.
Present – Aldermen McDowell, McPhaiden, Salsbury and Wm Brown.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:-
Henry Collins. Supplies 84.80
J.D. Ferguson Guarding 18.00
J.W. Currell Repairs .55
C.Nelson Supplies 1.60
D.J. Campbell “ 41.25
Russell.McDonald & Co “ 10.90
Crowder & Penzer “ 3.57
W.H. DeBou “ 41.44
C. Nelson “ 3.50
Allan Smith Guarding 4.00
Pioneer Steam Laundry Washing 60.00
Layfield & Co supplies 3.86
Weeks & Robson “ 11.00
Crowder & Penzer “ 10.50
Champion & White “ 24.50
City Printing & Works “ 4.40
J. Mitchell “ 1.90
Lockhart & Carter Bursats (?) 17.80
M.S. Rose supplies 5.75
Welsh Bros “ 11.90

[Volume 6 pg] 191

From E.J. Knowdell, Secretary of the Journeyman Plumbers recommending the appointment of Wm Gamble as a member of the Plumbing Board.
Resolved that he be appointed

From Miss Macfie furnishing hospitals report for July. Filed

From Sister Francis rendering an account for the Keep of a half breed child in St Luke’s home.
Laid over

From Dr Brydone Jack asking for assistance for Mrs .Dunn
Being attended to.

From A.W. Scoullar furnishing monthly report. Filed
That the Milk Vendors By-Law be published once a week for a month for the information of the public.
That a Babcock Tester be ordered also 500 Bill Heads, 1000 forms of Admission to the Hospital made up in books of 50 each and 300 receipt forms made up in books of 100 each
sgd K. McDowell

Moved Alderman McDowell
Seconded by “ Salsbury
That the Report be adopted. Carried

[Volume 6 pg] 192

Board of Works

The Board of Works met on Wednesday August 16th 1894
Present – Aldermen McCraney, Franklin, Queen, and Shaw
Mr Grant: Architect for J.M. Browning submitted the plans of a new brick block to be erected at the S.E. Corner of Dunsmuir and Granville Streets for the approval of the Board.
Plans approved provided same are found by the Engineer to conform to the requirements of the Fire Limit By-Law.


R.H. Patterson wrote in reference to 6” vitrified pipes making an offer in regard to same. Laid over.
From the Department of Mines and Agriculture New South Wales, Australia, advising the City of the shipment of 30,000 feet of hardwood for block paving.
Resolved that this Board recommends the laying of these blocks under the frontage tax system and that a By-Law be introduced accordingly.

From G.L. Allan asking for rebate on tiles sidewalk in front of his store.
Resolved that he be notified to send in his bill showing the No of feet.

From E.B. Morgan, Manager of the B.C. Land and Investment Co asking for rebate on cement walk at S.E. Corner of Cordova and Abbott Streets.
Resolved that he be notified to furnish the requisite written guarantee for one year

[Volume 6 pg] 193

before the account can be taken into consideration.

From E.O. Atkinson, asking that the lane in rear of lots 7 & 8 , Block 31. 200a be made passable.
Resolved that a report on this lane be furnished for the next meeting.

From the Street Inspector reporting on the complaint of Messrs Powis & Whitehead, in reference to the drainage of lots 32 & 33. Block 60,196. North side of Hastings street East.
Resolved that the matter be attended to.

From J. Meytyer asking for the privilege of excavating under the sidewalk on Water Street at the Shermans House and also for permission to occupy part of the street for building materials.
Granted subject to the usual conditions as to bonds etc.

From F. Harris asking for grades on Lansdowne Street and that same be cut down to established grade.
Resolved that he be informed that the street cannot be graded at present for want of funds but that the Engineer will be instructed to give him the levels required.

From Nevile Smith asking for a sidewalk over east side of Bute Street between Comox & Pendrell Strs.
Resolved that old planks from Burrard Street be used for this purpose.

From E. Cooper asking for the grading of the lane in Block 9.185.

[Volume 6 pg] 194

Referred to the officer in charge of the chain gang to take up as the next Job.

From J. C. Rowley asking for grading and sidewalk in front of four new houses he has built on Pacific Street between Hornby and Burrard Streets.
Referred to the Officer in charge of the Chain gang to give him entrance.

Resolved that the questions of a 6 ft. sidewalk on 9th Av from Ontario Street west to Bridge St and continued on from there to the bridge, and also a 6 ft walk for about 132 feet on Bute St opposite W.L. Nicols residence be referred to the Finance Committee to supply the funds.

Resolved that the contractor for the foundation at the corner of Seymour & Pender Streets be notified to remove all supplies stone rubbish etc and leave all clean and tidy and that Mr Browning on behalf of the C.P.R. Co be notified to have the excavation outside of the walls filled in as soon as possible.


Tenders for the replanking of Granville Street Bridge were received and opened:-
McPhalen & Co $250.00, C.P. Shindler $225. D. McArthur $83.00 G.W. Campbell & S Burn $85.50, J.W. Gerrard $125. Angus Fraser $65.00 R.A. McCulloough $114. W McGin $140. D. Gibbons $80.00 A.C. Gordon & Co. $145.00 McLean & Hughes $80. Newbigging & Crumner $170.00 McPherson & Co. $82. Lomas & Sheridan $64.00 Pitt & Co. $85.00 W.A. Raney $220. A.W. McDonald $100

Resolved that the tender of Lomas & Sheridan be recommended for acceptance

[Volume 6 pg] 195

The following accounts were recommended for payment:-
Evans, Coleman & Evans supplies $2.20
T. Clough Express hire 11.50
McLennan & McFeely supplies 12.85
D. McGillivray “ 615.00
Creamer & Langley “ 5.65
D. Gibboons Drain 96.93
Market Hardware Store supplies 4.30
Thos. Lobb Blacksmithing 12.60
S. Sheridan Burrard St Sidewalk 61.08
James Dixon, Granville St Drain 713.73
Evans, Coleman & Evans supplies 2.20
W.C. Marshall, Drayage 1.00
Dunn & Co. Supplies 157.74
D.H. Morgan etal Labor 917.20
sgd H.P. McCraney

Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by “ C.L. Brown
That the Report be adopted. Carried

Introduction of By-Laws
Moved by Alderman C.L. Brown
Seconded by “Bethune
That the amendments to the Market By-Law be read a first time. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Salsbury
Seconded by “ Shaw
That the City Clerk be authorized to have a local put in the daily papers calling upon ratepayers to examine voters’ list to see if their names are on. Carried.

[Volume 6 pg] 196

Moved by Alderman McDowell
Seconded by “ C.L. Brown
That the following account be paid:-
Mellish & Gray Supplies. $127.50 Carried

X Notice of Motion

Alderman Shaw gave notice that at the next meeting he will introduce a motion to provide for a guarantee of interest to accompany to be formed for the purpose of manufacturing steel in this City.

The Council then adjourned to meet again on Tuesday the 21st next at 8 P.M.

X Consideration of By-Laws
Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by “ Wm Brown
That the By-Law to raise $100,000 for lighting purposes be read a second time
Moved in amendment by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by Alderman Salsbury
That the 2nd reading be deferred till after the next meeting.
Motion carried.

R.A. Anderson

Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk