South Vancouver wants road gravel extended – August 28 1893

South Vancouver wants road gravel extended – August 28 1893

South Vancouver notified that Vancouver will gravel South Granville St. within City limits (Sixteenth Avenue) but that the Westminster Road is well gravelled already as far as the City Limits extend.Illustration shows intersection of Broadway and Kingsway, and a lighter section of road that might be the mentioned gravelling.

This transcript was made in 2019 by Transcribimus volunteer Linda Evans

Illustration: City of Vancouver Archives photo AM54-S4-: Bu P546
Exterior of E. Trimble and Sons Central Meat Market –
S.W. corner of Westminster Road (Kingsway) and 9th Avenue (Broadway)

original handwritten minutes here
City of Vancouver Archives
COV S 31 Volume 5 pages 524-528

[vol 5 pg 524]

Vancouver August 28th, 1893

The Council met on Monday August 28th 1893.
Present His Worship, the Mayor and Aldermen Salsbury, Anderson, Collins, Hackett, Cargill, McCraney, Hobson, Franklin, Borwn and Towler. The Minutes of last meeting, were read and adopted.


From J. C. Vermilea asking to be refunded $64.99 for over assessment on his property.
Referred to the Finance Committee.

From W. B. Ross asking for police protection.

From G. W. Hobson Secretary of the Fire Underwriters, asking that the next water main across the narrows be layed [sic] at least 300 feet from the others.
Referred to the F. W. + L. Committee

From W. Sinclair stating that he was prepared to lay before the Council a proposition for the removal of night soil etc.
Referred to the Board of Health

From Bell-Irving and Paterson asking for an extension of time on the tenders for cast iron pipes to the 10th of October.
Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by “ Brown
That the request be granted.

From Alex Philip, Secretary of the Municipal Association stating that a meeting would be held in the City Hall, New Westminster on the 27th prox.

From S. Cole etal asking the Council to stop burning in 185.
Referred to the City Engineer


The following Reports were received and read

Special Report

To the Mayor and Aldermen
Your Special Committee appointed at last Council meeting recommended, as follows:-
That the C. P. R. Coy be exempted from taxation on the ground and depot to be erected thereon at the foot of Granville Street for the term of twenty years provided the same is completed ready for occupation on or before the 31st day of December 1894.
sgd. R. A. Anderson
August 28th 1893. Chairman

Moved by Alderman Hackett
Seconded by “ Anderson
That the Report be laid over be be considered at an adjourned meeting on Thursday.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee met on Friday August 23rd 1893.
Present Aldermen Anderson, Cargill and Hobson
It was recommended:-
1. That the following accounts be paid:-
S. James Special Audit of School Books $45.00
News Advertiser Advertising 18.30

2. That the Balance Sheet of the School Trustees up to August 25th 1893 prepared by the City Auditor be received and filed.

3. That a copy of the City Solicitor’s opinion re the lease of the Y. M. C. A. building be sent to the Library Board and that they be requested to have a lease drawn up on the lines indicated.

4. That W. Turner who wrote asking for the


reduction of his assessment be informed that the Council has no power in the matter, and his assessment has been confirmed by the Court of Revision.
sgd. R. A. Anderson

Moved by Alderman Collins
Seconded by “ Franklin
That the Report be adopted.

Board of Works

The Board of Works met on Thursday August 24th 1893.
Present Aldermen McCraney, Salsbury, Hackett, Franklin and Brown.
It was recommended:-
1. That the communication from Robert Fraser asking to have a large stump removed from Lot 24. b 107. 264A be referred to the City Engineer for attention.

2. That E. Cook be requested to send in a detailed statement of his claim for alleged delay on the Court House grounds for the consideration of the Board.

3. That tenders be called for raising the Cemetery House up to 3 p. m. on Thursday next the 12st inst.

4. That the Clerk of the Municipality of South Vancouver be notified that the City will attend to the gravelling of the portion of South Granville St within City limits but that the Westminster Road is well gravelled already as far as the City Limits extend.

5. That the plans and specifications submitted by Carter Bros. for the erection of a one story brick and stone building on Lot 20. S. 8. 196 be approved and permission granted to erect.


6. That the Street Inspector be authorized to replace the worn out sidewalk on the North side of Hastings Street between Cambie and Richards Street with a new sidewalk of dressed plank.

7. That hereafter the resolution passed by the Board of Works and recorded in the Minutes of 20th July 1893 referring to the laying down of concrete walk shall only apply to business streets approved of by the Board of Works, and in no case will a refund be made to parties putting down concrete walks without due and proper application to the Board having been made.

8. That the City Engineer be authorized to establish the grade of Pender Street between Cambie + Burrard Streets.

9. That the meetings of the Board commence at 4 o’clock on Thursday afternoons until further notice.

10. That the following accounts be paid:-
W. H. Kendall crushed rock $2611.98
Thos Veitch deliv of “ 923.46
D. H. Morgan 5th av. 10.26
H. B. Connacher 5th | 7.70
J. Potter Sec 8 Sewers 1736.10
do Sec 9 “ 2086.11
B. C. M. T. + T. Co. Supplies 169.95
Evans, Coleman + Evans “ 82.22
C. Cawker Express 2.00
A. D. McDonald Powell St. 59.00
D. McGillivray Surface drains 79.52
H. Lomas etal Labor 491.50
sgd. H. P. McCraney

Moved by Alderman Towler
Seconded by “ Franklin
That the report be adopted.



Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by “ Collins
That the following account be paid:
Henry Dingle, Salary as Assistant Cook at hospital $11.00

Notice of Motion

Alderman Towler gave notice that at the next meeting of Council he would move that a motion passed on April 24th 1894, giving permission to the Vancouver Electric Railway + Light Co. to lay a track from Granville along Cordova to Cambie be rescinded.

The Council then adjourned to meet again on Thursday August 31st at 8 pm.

F. Cope

Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk