A Few Policemen to Be Available for Night Call – August 29, 1898

Council granted the Chief of Police’s request that beds be fitted up in the old City Engineer’s office for sleeping quarters for two or three members of the Police Force, “who will be handy in case of a hurried call”. Also that uniforms and raincoats be provided for the three newly hired policemen, and additional raincoats for eight more. The Assessors to the City calculate the worth of the various properties and buildings it hopes to acquire for public recreation, those “fronting on the water,” the Cambie Street Recreation Grounds, and two blocks in Mount Pleasant.

This transcript was made in 2023 by Transcribimus volunteer Carole Wilson

Source: City of Vancouver Archives COV S31 715 G 05 Vol 8
Volume 8 pages 433-443

[Volume 8 page] 433

Vancouver August 29th 1898

The Council met on Monday August 29th 1898.

Present His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Townley, Painter, McQueen, Neelands, McPhaiden, McGuigan, Brown, Foreman, McMorran and Bruce.
The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From Henry Parker asking for a reply to his Communication re the dredging of sewers.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From the Great Northern Western Telegraph Co. stating their intention of constructing a telegraph line in Vancouver and asking permission to enter the City over certain Streets and lanes.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From John Clough asking for two months leave of absence.
Moved by Alderman McMorran.
Seconded by “ McPhaiden,
That he be granted two months leave of absence at full pay.

From J. Wise etal asking that the Pound Limits be not changed.

From the Chief of Police reporting on the electric lights.

From Mahon, McFarland and Mahon asking the City to leave the old Y.M.C.A. building for Library purposes.

Moved by Alderman Townley.
Seconded by “ McMorran,
That the Communication be filed.

[Volume 8 page] 434

From J. Colcutt asking for the opening up of the lane in rear of his premises.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From the City Engineer stating that the life of the sewer to be constructed through Blocks 34 to 38 & 46 to 53 in D.L. 185 would be 40 years and the cost $10000.
Resolved that the Report be adopted and referred to the Court of Revision.

From Fred Allen etal complaining that the electric light was removed from the corner of Georgia and Bidwell Streets.
Referred to the Light Committee.

From the Cemetery Caretaker asking for 10 days leave of absence.

Moved by Alderman McMorran.
Seconded by “ Foreman,
That his request be granted.

From J. Buntzen General Manager of the B.C. Electric Co. stating that material was now on hand for a double track on Powell Street and the work would be pushed through as far as possible.

From A.C. Brydone-Jack Rec Secy of the Dominion Alliance asking for the free use of the Market Hall for the 1st of September.

Moved by Alderman Townley.
Seconded by “ Brown,
That he be rented the Hall on the usual terms.

Moved in amendment by Alderman McQueen.
Seconded by Alderman Foreman,
That the Hall be leased to him for six dollars.
Amendment Carried.

From Jane Brown drawing attention to obscene pictures around the City.
Referred to the Police Committee.

[Volume 8 page] 434

From J. Colcutt asking for the opening up of the lane in rear of his premises.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From the City Engineer stating that the life of the sewer to be constructed through Blocks 34 to 38 & 46 to 53 in D.L. 185 would be 40 years and the cost $10000.
Resolved that the Report be adopted and referred to the Court of Revision.

From Fred Allen etal complaining that the electric light was removed from the corner of Georgia and Bidwell Streets.
Referred to the Light Committee.

From the Cemetery Caretaker asking for 10 days leave of absence.
Moved by Alderman McMorran.
Seconded by “ Foreman,
That his request be granted.

From J. Buntzen General Manager of the B. C. Electric Co. stating that material was now on hand for a double track on Powell Street and the work would be pushed through as far as possible.

From A.C. Brydone-Jack Rec Secy of the Dominion Alliance asking for the free use of the Market Hall for the 1st of September.
Moved by Alderman Townley.
Seconded by “ Brown,
That he be rented the Hall on the usual terms.

Moved in amendment by Alderman McQueen.
Seconded by Alderman Foreman,
That the Hall be leased to him for six dollars.
Amendment Carried.

From Jane Brown drawing attention to obscene pictures around the City.
Referred to the Police Committee.

[Volume 8 page] 435

The Water and Market Committee met on Wednesday August 24th 1898.
Present Aldermen Brown, Neelands and McMorran.


From Macdonnell and Deacon notifying the Board that their clients Mr. and Mrs. Thomas claim the hydraulic plant at the Commercial Hotel.
referred to the City Solicitor.

From Wm Tytler asking for the use of the Market Shed for polling place on September 29, 1898.
Resolved that Mr. Tytler be informed that he can have the Market Shed on the date named for the sum of $50.

An account was received from Dr. Poole for $10.00 for services rendered G. Griffiths who met with an accident while working for the water works.
A Report on the above accident was received from the Foreman.

From H. L. Lewis asking for an increase of salary.
Resolved that H. L. Lewis be granted an increase in wages of twenty cents a day.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:-

[Volume 8 page] 436

Geo. HuntPainting$90.00
S. MadisonDisbursements12.00
John Boyd & Co.Supplies78.63
Wm RalphSupplies5.68
City Grocery Co.Supplies6.80
Water WorksPayroll labor730.75
Crowder & PenzerSupplies31.85
Evans, Coleman & EvansSupplies35.25
ThP. Dunn & Co.Supplies76.20
Clarke & StuartSupplies3.08
Robertson & HackettSupplies141.11
ThP VeitchScavengering13.14
McLellan & McFeelySupplies39.42

R. SankeyBoat Hire32.00

sgd Wm Brown

Moved by Alderman Brown.
Seconded by” McGuigan,
That the Report be adopted.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee met on Friday August 28th 1898.
Present the full Board.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:-

G. A. RoeddeSupplies$16.00
Mining CriticSupplies14.70
R. D. IrvineTaxes33.07
Linscott Publishing Co.Supplies22.45
Tax CollectorSupplies5.00
T. O. TownleyRegistration2.20
John BallTaxes49.57


From Mahon McFarlane and Mahon asking the City to rent two flats in the old Y.M.C.A. building for Free Library purposes.
Referred to the Council.

From S. Elkins etal asking for a half holiday on Saturdays.
Laid over.

[Volume 8 page] 437

From Armstrong & Morrison asking for a reduction of their taxes on the Old Foundry.
Referred to the City Solicitor.

From the Master Plumbers asking that the Annual License fee of $25.00 be cancelled.
Resolved that the license fee stand but that an examination for Journeymen Plumbers be held as provided by the By-Law.

sgd Jas McQueen

Moved by Alderman McQueen.
Seconded by “ Painter,
That the Report be adopted.

Fire and Police Committee

The Fire and Police Committee met on Tuesday August August (sic) 23rd 1898.
Present the full Board.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:-

G. B. BisbyBoat Hire.50cts
Gutta Percha & Rubber Co.Supplies27.37
J. H. CarlisleFreight2.77
Wm RalphSupplies24.67
Dr. PoolePost Mortem10.00
Van. Carriage WorksSupplies8.33
W. J. McGuiganInquests30.08
J. DodsonSupplies27.80
R. A. MuskettSupplies8.03
H. E. LangisMedical Evidence5.00


From the Chief of Police asking that an official Seal be provided for the Police Magistrate’s office.
Resolved that the request be granted.

From John E. Flemming applying for a position on the Police Force.

[Volume 8 page] 438

From J.R. Webster etal complaining of the cattle of Robert Barker being allowed to run at large.
Referred to the Pound Keeper for attention.

From the Chief of Police asking that beds be fitted up in the old City Engineer’s office for sleeping quarters for two or three members of the Police Force who will be handy in case of a hurried call.
Resolved that his request be granted and that the Chairman and himself be authorized to purchase the supplies required.

From ThP Madigan complaining about ill usage at the hands of Officer Grady and from the Trades and Labor Council asking that the matter be investigated.

From the Chief of Police asking that Darcy McIntosh, D.W. McIntosh and Dan Leatherdale be appointed on the regular police force and supplied with uniforms and rain coats and also for eight rain coats for other members of the force.
Resolved that his request be granted.

Resolved that the Chief of Police be instructed to enforce the By-Law in relation to the clearing of the Streets and lanes of obstructions for Standing Vehicles etc.

R.A. McMorran

Moved by Alderman McMorran.
Seconded by “ McPhaiden,
That the Report be adopted.

[Volume 8 page] 439

Board of Works

The Board of Works met on the 25th of August 1898.
Present the full Board.

Plans were submitted by His Worship the Mayor for a brick block to be built for himself on Cambie Street.
Plans passed subject to being found correct.


From the Manager Dominion Bridge Co. in relation to the super structure Granville Street Bridge where street paving is to be put in.
Referred to the Engineer.

From A.E.E. Clark Contractor for crushed rock putting in a claim for $622.25 for drainage.
Referred to the Engineer.

From J. Le Cappellain complaining of brush on vacant lot rear of his premises.
Resolved that the owner be notified to have it cut down.

From M. Rhodes asking for a sidewalk on Burnaby Street.
Referred to the Engineer.

From the Chief of Police submitting a report re Verandahs.
Referred to the Engineer to have them taken down.

From W. Abbott asking for improvements on Alberni Street.
Referred to the City Engineer.

From B. T. Rogers re use of Forbes Street for side tracks.
Filed. Already attended to.

[Volume 8 page] 440

From R.H. Cook asking for an approach at St. George St.
Referred to the Engineer to have crossing put in.

Mr. Bullen MPP appeared before the Board asking that Victoria Drive be graded full width from Powell Street north to Foreshore as he is about to establish a marine slip there.

Request granted also resolved to recommend that the Water Committee be asked to extend the 6” water pipe as far as Victoria Drive along Powell Street and place a hydrant at Victoria Drive where it intersects with Powell Street.

Resolved that the Engineer have a box drain put in each side of princess Street from Gore Avenue to Westminster Avenue.

Resolved that the first available rock pile and one drain be sent to Granville Street between Drake and Nelson.

One tender was received for supplying piles for repairs to False Creek Bridges.
D.K. Campbell $2.25 per pile.
Resolved that the tender be accepted.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:-

Mining CriticSupplies$8.60
Van Hardware Co.Supplies6.60
Adams, Snider & Co.Supplies67.90
Evans, Coleman & EvansSupplies433.45
Dow Express Co.Express2.35
J. FosterRepairs15.00
Campbell, Rannie & Co.Paving6000.00
B. C. MillsSupplies387.69
Robertson & HackettSupplies33.18
ThP VeitchTeaming250.00

sgd H.J. Painter

[Volume 8 page] 441

Moved by Alderman Painter.
Seconded by “ Neelands,
That the Report be adopted.

Special Committee

The Special Committee appointed to confer on purchase of land for recreation grounds reported as follows:-

After discussion on the prices asked for the lands and lots it was resolved as follows:-

That the Assessors to the City be requested to make a valuation of the various properties in Block 71 D.L. 185 fronting on the water and the building thereon and report the same to the Committee before Friday the 9th of September 1898.

Also that it is advisable in the interests of the City that the land included in Lots 21 to 41 inclusive. Block 71 fronting on English Bay. Block 63 Lots 2 to 24 inclusive D.L. 185, Block 48 D.L. 541. Known as the Cambie Street recreation grounds Block 26 D.L. 2000. Mount Pleasant Block 54 D.L. 196 and Block 51 D.L. 541 be purchased by the City for use of the public and that the necessary proceedings be taken under the provisions of the Charter relating to the same to acquire the said lands and a By-Law submitted to the citizens to raise the sum of $ (sic) for the above purposes.

Moved by Alderman Neelands.
Seconded by “ McMorran,
That the report be adopted.

[Volume 8 page] 442

Introduction of By-Laws

Moved by Alderman Townley.
Seconded by “ Painter,|
That a By-Law be introduced to amend the Ward By-Law.
The By-Law was read a first time.

Moved by Alderman Painter.
Seconded by “ Neelands,
That a By-Law be introduced to raise the sum of $10,000 to sewer Blocks 34 to 38 and 46 to 53 D.L. 185.

The By-Law was read a first time.


Move by Alderman Painter.
Seconded by “ Townley,
That the City Engineer be approved to make a report on the life of the Sewer to be constructed in the following Blocks in D.L. 185 viz in Blocks 34 to 38 and 46 to 53 and also report on the estimated cost of constructing said sewer.

Moved by Alderman Painter.
Seconded by “ Neelands,
That the following account be paid:-
S. Elkins etal Labor $3290.30

Consideration of By-Laws

Moved by Alderman McPhaiden.
Amended by “ McGuigan,
That the By-Law to raise $12,000 for constructing a wharf at the foot

[Volume 8 page] 443

of Heatley Avenue be read a second time.

The By-Law was read a second time.

Notice of Motion

Alderman McPhaiden gave notice that at the next meeting of the Council he would introduce a By-Law to fix the time and to appoint the Deputy Returning officers on the By-Law to raise $12,000 to construct a wharf at the foot of Heatley Avenue and on the By-Law to raise $ (sic) for the purchase of blocks for recreation grounds.

Alderman McQueen gave notice that at the next meeting of Council he would introduce a By-Law to provide for the acquiring of certain lands for the use of the public and of a By-Law to provide for the raising of $ (sic) for the purchase of the said lands.

The Council then adjourned.

James F. Garden

Thp F. McGuigan
City Clerk