City will build Fire Hall & Lockup ($743) and a City Hall ($1,280). Council will meet in the office of David Oppenheimer on Powell Street until City Hall is complete. Proposal to build a slaughterhouse on the south side of False Creek refused on grounds of public health.
This transcript was made in 2013 by Transcribimus volunteer
Darrin Pezer
original handwritten minutes here
City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 1 pages 85-91
Vancouver Aug 30th 1886
A regular meeting of the Council was held on Monday Aug 30th 1886 at 7.30, p.m.
Present his Worship the Mayor presiding, Aldermen Balfour, Gardiner, Griffith, Humphries, L.A. and E.P. Hamilton and Northcott. The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.
Two petitions were read one from D. Oppenheimer and the other from John Dalgleish and others praying for the Council to prevent the erection of a Slaughter House on the stream near their property on the South side of False Creek.
Moved by Alderman Balfour seconded by Alderman Northcott that the petition of Timothy B. Mangan for the erection of a slaughter house on the South Side of False Creek be not granted as the majority of the residents in the vicinity have petitioned against the granting of the same on the ground that it would be injurious to the public health.
The following accounts were read
MacDonald & Cameron $20.00 F.W.L.
S.T. Tilley 51.95 Finance
Forbes and Linton 3.00 F.W.L.
Joseph West 1.00 P. Comm.
Thos. Dunn & co $122.50 F.W.L.
Fred Kingdon 5.00 Police Comm.
Dr. Beckinsale 5.00 Health Com.
Dr. Mcguigan 27.50 Health Com.
The following reports were read.
Report of the Board of Works.
The Board of Works met on Saturday Aug 28th and Monday Aug 30th and submit the following report:
We have granted Chas. A. Coldwell petition re drain on Abbott Street to be dug under the supervision of the City Engineer or his deputy.
With regard to the pool of stagnant water in front of A.C. Perry’s store we considered it advisable to have the same removed by digging a drain therefrom to the shore of Burrard Inlet, such work to be done by the City prisoners under the supervision of Alderman E.P. Hamilton.
With a view of testing the quality of the gravel and how it would work on the streets, the Board recommend that Mr. Haggerty be given a Contract to Connect the two portions of planked road of Water Street at 2.00 per yard the Contractor to be paid for the same as soon as taxes are collected.
Regarding the Claim for extras put in by Messrs. McDonald and Cameron no action can be taken as it forms part of the Water Street improvements for payment of which Debentures are to be issued and after the work has been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.
We have completed the approaches to the several tanks in as perfect a manner as the funds now in the treasury would warrant.
The following tenders have been received for Fire Hall and City Hall.
Fire Hall
Griffith and Gray $970.00
Matthew Rogers 945.00
John A. Matur 764.50
A.D. McKenzie 743.00
Alex Mennie 2340.00
City Hall
John A. Matur 1690.00
Matthew Rogers 1565.00
John Hayes 1500.00
A.D. McKenzie 1713.00
Griffith and Gray 1644.00
J.F.W. Sentell 1280.00
Duncan McRae 1745.00
Callow & Gerlsen 1775.00
James Baxter 1504.00
And we recommend to Council the acceptance of the Tender of A.D. McKenzie for Fire Hall at 743.00 and the Tender of J.F.W. Sentell for City Hall at $1280.00 these being in each case the lowest tender provided. Corporation agree to go on with the erection of said buildings and that the contractors furnish satisfactory security for the performance of the work.
L.A. Hamilton
The Report of the Board of Works was adopted.
Finance Committee.
The Finance Committee met on Thursday Aug 26th 1886 and Submit the following Report.
We have examined the following accounts and being satisfied as to their correctness we recommend them to be paid.
Munro Miller $75.00
Geo. F. Baldwin 15.00
W.H. Ellis 15.00
Vancouver Herald 52.80
W.H. Phillips 25.00
T.R. Pierson 50.50
R. Balfour
Acting Chairman
The Report of the Finance Committee was adopted.
Report of F. W. & L. Committee.
The Fire, Water and Light Committee met on Monday at 7 o’clock, p.m. and submit the following Report.
We have received the account of Mr. Calloway for $3.40 for firing engine on the night of the fire at Spratt’s Refinery which we recommend to be paid but in future we would recommend that a fireman be paid one dollar an hour while on duty.
With regard to the account of the Pioneer Lumber Company for 27.56 for lumber furnished for building a Fire Hall. As this was not ordered through this committee we do not feel justified in recommending it to be paid until we receive an itemized account of the labor (sic) for construction of the same.
J.R. Northcott
Report adopted.
Committees Report
Estimates of Expenditures for the City of Vancouver from Aug 1st 1886 to 31st December 1886.
Estimates of Expenditures
(1) Health Committee 200.00
(2) Police Commissioners 2500.00
(3) F. W. and L. 3249.00
(4) Finance 4310.00
(5) B of Works 3175.00
(6) Debentures 4000.00
Total 17514.00
Estimates of Receipts 5565.00
Balance to be provided for 11949.00
Moved by Alderman Northcott seconded by Ald. Humphries that the Finance Committee be empowered to meet the wishes of Mr. Keith, Manager of the Bank of British Columbia regarding the loan of $10000 to the City of Vancouver if he insists upon having the opinion of his solicitor in the matter.
Moved by Alderman Balfour seconded by Alderman Northcott that the Mayor and City Clerk be instructed to sign a Contract with A.W. McKenzie, provided the City secure the Contemplated loan, for the erection of a Fire Hall on Lot 2 Block 2 for the sum of $743. Carried.
Moved by Alderman Northcott seconded by Alderman R. Balfour that the mayor and City Clerk be instructed to sign a Contract with J.F. W. Sentell for the erection of a City Hall on Powell Street for the sum of $1280.00 provided that the City secure the contemplated loan, said work to be completed as soon as possible.
Moved by Ald. Balfour seconded by Alderman Northcott that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare plans and specifications for the improvement of Carrall Street as called for in the petition of the property owners on said street, and also that the City Clerk be instructed to advertise for tenders for the Completion of the improvements on said street.
The successful tenderer for such improvements to accept frontage tax debentures at par payable in ten years in payment therefor.
By-Law No 9 to enable the Corporation of the City of Vancouver to raise the sum of forty five hundred dollars was read a first and second time after which the Council went into Committee of the whole with Alderman L.A. Hamilton in the Chair.
After going over the By-law Clause by Clause the Committee rose to report, and the By-law read a third time and passed on motion of Alderman L.A. Hamilton.
Alderman L.A. Hamilton introduced a By-law to regulate streets and sidewalks and the traffic thereon, which was read for a first time.
The Council then adjourned to meet again in Oppenheimer’s office on Powell Street on Motion of Ald. Balfour seconded by Alder. Northcott.
M.A. MacLean
Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk