Nine hour day reaches City Hall – August 31, 1891

Board of Works recommends all future contracts state “that 9 hours shall constitute a day’s work.” City Hall caretaker John Clough injured in accident; a replacement to be hired for one week. Albert Yates, Messenger for the City Hall, to be paid $25 per month. Each fireman be allowed a holiday of one week per year.

This transcript was made in 2016 by Transcribimus volunteer Martha Hazevoet
and sponsored by Shirley Barnett

original handwritten minutes here

City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 4 pages 473-486

[Vol. 4, pg. 473]

Vancouver, August 31, 1891

The Council met on Monday, August 31st, 1891.

Present: His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Carroll, Brighouse, Scoullar, Templeton, Hobson, Brown, McDowell and Doering.

The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.

The following communications were received:
From the Market Clerk furnishing weekly report of receipts.

From the Secretary of the Trades & Labor Council inviting the Mayor and Aldermen to attend the labor day demonstrations.

From the Chief of Police furnishing his weekly report on the street lights.

From the Mayor of Tacoma inviting the Mayor and Council to be present at the opening of the exposition.

From A.F. McClenston et al asking the Council to declare Alderman DePencier’s seat vacant in Ward 5.

From Messrs. Eberts & Taylor asking for an immediate settlement of the hydrant rents.
Referred to the City Solicitor

From A.H.B. MacGowan asking for the Market Hall for September 8th for Colonel Howard Vincent.
Market Committee

From the City Clerk of New Westminster, inviting the Mayor and Council to be present at the Industrial Exhibition.
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From the Temperance Lodges asking the Council to use their influence to have J. Hallett appointed Justice of the Peace.
Another communication was received from the same parties withdrawing the above.

From Joseph Gibson resigning the position of Police Officer.

From F.S. Curtis New Westminster thanking the Council for the use of the Road Roller.

From Joseph Rogers et al asking for a sidewalk on Prior Street.
Referred to Board of Works

From the Pound Keeper furnishing monthly report and asking for an increase of salary.
Referred to Police Committee

From J.A. Fulton asking that the Floating Wharf at Brockton Point be repaired.
Referred to Board of Works

From Walter Black asking that the grading on 8th Avenue be extended one block further east.
Referred to Board of Works

From the Rev. E. Robson complaining about a [unreadable] nuisance on Dupont Street.
Referred to Health Committee

From J. Van Bramer, President of the Vancouver District Telegraph Co. filing an acceptance under By-Law No. 123.
Referred to City Solicitor

From Miss Johnson asking that the sidewalk on Burrard Street be started from Georgia Street.
Referred to Board of Works

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From the City Engineer giving a report of his trip to ascertain the best quality of street pavements and recommending Bituminous Rock supplied from the mines at St. Louis Abispo [sic].
Referred to Board of Works

From W.H. Kendall stating that there was something radically wrong with the design and arrangements of the pulleys and wire rope at the quarry.
Referred to Board of Works

From H.T. Ceperley, Secretary of Street Railway Co. starting that there would soon be a meeting of shareholders and that he would acquaint the Council of their decision re the purchase of same by the City.

From A. L. St. George stating that his house would be undermined through the change of grade on Ninth Avenue.
Referred to Board of Works

From J. R. Fraser et al applying for a charter to build a street car line from Carroll Street along Hastings Street to Cambie, thence along Cambie to Georgia, thence along Georgia to the Park.
Referred to Board of Works

The following reports were received and read:

To the Mayor and Aldermen.
Your Committee met on Saturday last August 29th at 11 a.m.
Present: The Mayor and Aldermen Hobson, Godfrey and McDowell.
Absent: Aldermen Brighouse and DePencier.

The following applications for transfer were received, read and granted:

1. The interest of H. Lee in the Pacific Hotel License to E. Griffith

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2. The Glasgow Hotel License from W. Williams to H. Lee.
3. The Sherman House License from N.P. Wildrich to C. Anthony Drilling, the name of the house to be the Occidental Hotel.
The report of the License Inspector was received on the above applications and ordered filed.
The Board adjourned subject to the call of the Chairman.
Signed, D. Oppenheimer, Chairman

Moved by Alderman Scoullar
Seconded by Alderman McDowell
That the report of the License Committee be adopted.

The Crematory Committee met on Wednesday August 19th and beg to report that they have authorized the payment of $1200 to the Dominion Sanitary & Cremation Co. for material delivered on the Crematory site for the construction of the Crematory.
Signed: Wm. Templeton, Chairman

Moved by Alderman Brighouse
Seconded by Alderman Carrall
That the Report of the Crematory Committee be adopted.

The Police Committee met on Tuesday August 25th 1891.
Present: Aldermen McDowell, Hobson and Scoullar.

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It was recommended:
1. That the following accounts be paid:
D.J. McLean Suit of clothes $12.00
G.L. Allen Brogues 1.25
D. Webber Labor 8.00
S.T. Tilley Fine Book 3.00
2. That on account of the accident to John Clough, the Caretaker of the City Hall, that a man be employed for one week to perform his duties at the City’s expense.
3. That the City Clerk be instructed to communicate with the Government directing their attention to the resolution of Council passed asking for the appointment of J.A. Hallett as Justice of the Peace and requesting the favor of a decision.
Signed: A.W. Scoullar, Chairman
Moved by Alderman McDowell
Seconded by Alderman Hobson
That the Report of the Police Committee be adopted.
The Health Committee met on Tuesday August 25th 1891.
Present: Aldermen Templeton, McDowell and Scoullar
It was recommended:
That the Health Inspector be instructed to furnish each medical practitioner in the City with a copy of that portion of the Health By-Law relating to the reporting of contagious or infectious diseases to the Health Officer and that in future every violation be prosecuted by him to the full extent of the law.
Signed J.T. Carroll, Chairman

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Moved by Alderman McDowell
Seconded by Alderman Hobson
That the report of the Health Committee be adopted.

Fire Water & Light
The Fire Water & Light Committee met on Wednesday August 26th 1891.
Present: Aldermen Brown, Brighouse and Templeton.
It was recommended:
1. That the firemen be each allowed a holiday of one week commencing on the 1st of September, subject to the control of the Chairman of this Board and the Chief of the Fire Brigade.
2. That the following accounts be paid:
Fraser & Co., Supplies $8.11
Palmer Bros., Supplies 7.00
T.R. Morrow, Supplies 50.33
T. Forbes, Horse shoeing 4.00
G.H. Bazley, Horse shoeing 4.00
E. Sherfold, Draying 2.50
Van W.W. Co. Water 665.10
Van Elec. Light Co., Lights 1178.39
Crowder & Penzer, Feed 50.95

Signed Wm. Templeton, Chairman
Moved by Alderman McDowell
Seconded by Alderman Hobson
That the Report of the F W & L Committee be adopted.
The Finance Committee met on Friday August 21st.
Present: Aldermen Brown, Carroll, Scoullar…

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… and Hobson.
It was recommended
1. That the following accounts be paid:
W.J. Trythall, Stationery $ 9.30
S.T. Tilley & Son, Stationery 36.35
2. That Messrs. Springer & Mellow be notified that when insurance is required by the City that all agents have an opportunity to tender for same.
3. That W.A. Taylor be notified that the City has not the power to refund monies paid in for the rent of the Market Hall, under the regulations at present in force.
4. That Albert Yates, Messenger for the City Hall, be paid $25 per month during the time he is required.
5. That half the taxes due on Lots 8 & 9 in Block 3, D.L. 302 be received by the Treasurer in full settlement of the amount, said lots now being owned by the City.
6. That the following communications be referred to the City Solicitor:
(a) From H.B. Warren asking for his travelling expenses etc. on Water Works Arbitration.
(b) From Messrs. Eberts & Taylor requesting the settlement of the account for hydrant rental etc.
That the following communications be filed:
(a) From Malcolm Smith re Police Magistrate.
(b) From R.T. Williams again asking for a subsidy from Council.
The Finance Committee met on Friday August 28th 1891.
Present: Aldermen Brown, Hobson, Scoullar and Carroll.

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It was recommended:
1. That the time be extended for allowing the rebate on taxes until Saturday September 5th, 1891.
2. That the following accounts be paid:
John P. Lawson, Evidence in W.W. Arbitration $ 25.00
J.F. Gordon “ “ “ 140.00
A. St. G. Hamersley, Counsel “ “ 1650.11
W.F. Salsbury “ “ 625.00
A.B. Diplock, Stationery 8.15
H.P.F. McGuigan, Expenses N. Westminster 2.00
D. McRae, Fixing up vault etc. 60.50
J.M. Browning, Disbursements 20.60
Cormon & Moss, Painting City Hall 39.90
Signed: Wm. Brown, Chairman

Moved by Alderman Brighouse
Seconded by Alderman McDowell
That the Report of the Finance Committee be adopted.

Board of Works

The Board of Works met on Thursday, August 20th 1891.
Present: Aldermen Templeton (in the Chair), Brown and Godfrey.
It was recommended:
1. That a clause be added in future to all contracts to the effect that 9 hours shall constitute a day’s work.
2. That Mr. H. Abbott be informed that he can be furnished with what crushed rock he requires at $1.50 per yard delivered at the City’s floating wharf on scows.
3. That the following tenders be accepted:
Nelson Street grading – Wm. Tierney
Ninth Avenue grading – J. Hartney

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8th Avenue grading – M. Ellison
Carl Avenue “ – W.D. Hobson
11th Avenue “ – J. Hartney
Lane B. 67, 541 – E. Myers
Richards Street Sidewalk – T. Bailey
Hamilton Street “ – A.D. McDonald
Homer Street “ – E.C. Bulton
Barnard Street “ – T Bailey
4. That the grade of Hastings Street between Blocks 68 and 69, 196 be made 5 per cent instead of 5.50 per cent and that the tender of Boyd & Clandenning for cutting down the grade of Hastings Street be accepted provided the additional work required be done at the tendered price.
5. That tenders be called for the following work:
Harris Street sidewalk for both sides from Gore to Dunlevy
Richards Street sidewalk East side from Nelson to Drake
Nelson Street sidewalk South side from Richards to Homer
Davie Street grading full width from Centre Blocks 10 & 11 to Bute Street
Keefer Street from Westminster to Jackson
Burrard Street sidewalk from Ms. Johnson’s house to Smythe Street with crossings
East End school grounds
6. That the following accounts be paid:
Jas. Tronsides, Barclay Street $ 103.95
“ “ Melville Street 115.08
Crowder & Penzer, Supplies 9.47
V.J. Straube, Repairs 2.00
H. Thomas et al, Labor 303.00
A.D. McDonald, Box Drain 219.00
W. Archibald, Princess Street 443.48
Honsley & Co., Supplies 1.50
Hayden & Walker, Boat hire 10.50
McLennan & McFeeley, Supplies 6.00

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D. Gibbons, North approach Cambie Street Bridge 213.75
W.H. Kendall, Rock 1189.89
7. That the lane in Block 87.196 be graded by the Chain Gang.

The Board met again on Monday August 24th 1891.
All present except Alderman DePencier.
It was recommended:
1. That the whole matter of the wages said to be due by H. Connacher on his east yard contract be referred to the City Solicitor to report upon as soon as possible.
2. That tenders be called for lowering the grade of Ninth Av. near its junction with Westminster Av.
3. That the matter of the grade for the Street Railway track from Westminster to Centre Street along 9th Avenue be left to the City Engineer to decide upon and report on Thursday next.
Signed: Wm. Templeton, Acting Chairman

The Board of Works met on Thursday, August 27th.
Present: Aldermen Brighouse, Brown, Godfrey and Templeton.
It was recommended:
1. That permission be granted to J.M. Holland to take up and excavate under the sidewalk at lots 1 & 2, Block 10.541 under the direction and supervision of the City Engineer.
2. That 8th Avenue from Centre Street East a distance of 1800 feet be opened up as requested by Mr. Browning.
3. That the Street Inspector be authorized to arrange with Mr. E. Cook with regard to his account for rental for his wharf.

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4. That the Street Inspector make use of the old plank on Nicola Street for the construction of a sidewalk on Barclay Street on the North side as petitioned for by A.E. Tregent.
5) That the City Engineer have a wooden pulley of the requisite diameter put in where required on the wire rope at the North Arm Quarry and to use his discretion as to what else is best to be done.
6) That Granville and Cambie Street Bridges be properly protected as recommended by the City Engineer.
7. That the City Engineer be authorized to make arrangements with the Street Railway Engineer as to the grading of Ninth Av.
8. That the following tenders be accepted:
Davie Street grading – W.S. Cook
Keefer Street grading – W.S. Cook
Harris Street sidewalk – Wm. Jones
Richards Street “ – E.C. Britton
Burrard Street “ – Wm. Jones
Nelson Street Sidewalk – J.D. Fraser
Robson Street Sidewalk relaying – Sheridan & Blair
9. That tenders be called for the following works:
8th Av. grading from Centre Street east 1800 feet
14th Av. grading from Westminster Av. to Prince Edward Street and Sophia Street from 13th to 14th Av.
10th Av. 6 ft. sidewalk from Westminster Road to the Temperance Hall
9th Av. grading from Westminster Av. to Quebec Street
Princess St. 6 ft. sidewalk from Carl to Heatley, both sides
Eveleigh St. 6 ft. “ “ Burrard to Thurlow, both sides
Lanes in Blocks 85.95 and 105.541
Davie St. 6ft. sidewalk south side from Granville to Bute
8th Av. grading from Carolina St. east one block

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10. That the following accounts be paid:
S. Beaumont, Thurlow Street $ 446.40
W.D. Hobson, Hamilton Street 629.71
J.B. Thornton, Bute Street 81.40
B.C. Mills Co., Posts 3.50
H. Lomas et al, Labor 321.10
H.P. Dunn & Co., Hardware 80.20
H.P. Voitch, Delivering rock 330.23
J.P. Lawson, car fares 2.65
dto. Services in April 165.00
T.H. Tracy and S. Brighouse, Costs of trip 217.00
Signed: S. Brighouse, Chairman
Moved by Alderman McDowell
Seconded by Alderman Doering
That the Report of the Board of Works be adopted.

Introduction of By-Laws

Alderman Scoullar introduced a By-Law which was read a first time, to raise the sum of $50,000 for sewerage purposes.

Moved by Alderman Templeton
Seconded by Alderman McDowell
That the further consideration of the By-Law be deferred pending the receipt of a report from the City Engineer.

Moved by Alderman Templeton
Seconded by Alderman Brown
That the resignation of Officer Gibson be accepted.
Moved by Alderman Templeton
Seconded by Alderman Brown
That this Council return …

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… thanks to Westminster City Council for their invitation to attend the approaching Industrial and Agricultural Exposition.

Moved by Alderman Templeton
Seconded by Alderman Brown
That the invitation of the Mayor of Tacoma be accepted with thanks.

Moved by Alderman Brown
Seconded by Alderman Templeton
That this Council return thanks to the Trades and Labor organizations of this City for their invitation to attend the approaching Labor Demonstrations and that the Mayor and Aldermen will attend if possible.

Moved by Alderman Brown
Seconded by Alderman Templeton
As the whole of the arbitration in connection with the Water Works was handed over to the Arbitrators, any question as to the payment of interest on any sums of money in connection therewith should be left to their decision.

Moved by Alderman Brown
Seconded by Alderman Templeton
That the C.P.R. Co. be requested to convey to the B.C. Sugar Refining Co. that piece of land lying between Block 47 and their railway track, subdivision 181.

Moved by Alderman Doering
Seconded by Alderman Templeton
That His Worship be asked to issue his warrant for an election in Ward No 5, in place of Mr. DePencier.

Moved by Alderman Brown
Seconded by Alderman Templeton

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That the Deed conveying certain property originally occupied as a portion of Powell Street as described in a deed and plan annexed thereto be executed by His Worship on plan being approved by the City Engineer.
Notice of Motion

Alderman McDowell gave notice that at the next regular meeting of Council he would move a resolution that a County Court Judge or a Judge of the Supreme Court be requested to hold an investigation upon the complaints against Magistrate Hallett as provided by the City Charter.

The Council then adjourned.

Thos. F. McGuigan S. Brighouse, Chairman
City Clerk