Council for 1897 Stand Adjourned – January 17, 1898 12:00 pm
Council for 1898 stood adjourned until the following day (Tuesday January 18 1898) to mark the passing away of former Mayor Templeton. Photo shows incoming Mayor James Ford Garden.
documents of early Vancouver and beyond
Council for 1898 stood adjourned until the following day (Tuesday January 18 1898) to mark the passing away of former Mayor Templeton. Photo shows incoming Mayor James Ford Garden.
Shown above is the Templeton home at 1213 Barclay Street. Former Mayor William Templeton had died the previous day, Sunday January 16, 1898.
This ship is the HMS Imperieuse from the Fire and Police Committee Report. Officer Butler arrested two runaway sailors from Imperieuse but had to turn in the reward money to the Department.
Council asked BC Electric Co to extend their Pender Street Car Service to the new City Hall on Westminster Avenue. The Water and Market Committee approved payment to Robertson & Hackett (pictured above) supplies $146.05. A Music Hall By-law was overturned 6-3. Requests to the Province of BC for 1888 were: Hospital $5,000, Women’s Hospital $2,000, Fire Department $1,000, Drill shed Site $9,000.
Council refused J.I. Seymour Wells’ request for a refund of his auctioneer’s license on the grounds that they had no power to make refunds. Miss J. Brown was paid $6.35 for nursing.
Council agreed to draft a By-law for the CPR to be exempted from City taxes for twenty years, in exchange for the CPR making certain improvements.