Vancouver By-law No. 3 dividing the City into Wards

This transcript was made in March of 2018 by Transcribimus volunteer Mary Ann Capistrano original handwritten by-law here By Law dividing the City of Vancouver into Wards Whereas the Act of Incorporation the Council of the City of Vancouver is empowered to divide the City into Wards Therefore the Mayor…
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Categories 1886, By-laws, WardsTags ,
Vancouver By-law No. 5, Liquor License By-Law
Vancouver By-law No. 5 liquor licenses

Dealing with the most important things first! One of the earliest items of business of the newly-formed City of Vancouver was establishing the conditions for granting liquor licenses.  This by-law was introduced and finalized at the second meeting of Vancouver City Council, on May 12, 1886, and made official on…
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Categories 1886, By-lawsTags
By-law no. 118 altering Vancouver’s ward boundaries – May 9, 1891

This by-law was passed in the Vancouver City Council meeting of May 8, 1891. It changed Vancouver’s ward boundaries first set up under By-Law No. 3 in 1886. Transcribed by volunteer Anita Dos Santos in July of 2018. original by-law here 642 Repealed by No 431 BY-LAW NO: 118 A…
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Categories 1891, By-laws, Wards
Vancouver By-Law 121 : a by-law to establish rules, regulations, etc. for the interment of the dead in cemeteries and burial places controlled by the City of Vancouver – June 29, 1891
Vancouver By-Law 121 : a by-law to establish rules, regulations, etc. for the interment of the dead in cemeteries and burial places controlled by the City of Vancouver – June 29, 1891

Illustration: City of Vancouver Archives photo AM54-S4-: Dist P9 [The first caretaker’s cottage at Mountain View Cemetery near Bodwell Road (33rd Avenue) and North Road (Fraser Street)] Document: City of Vancouver Archives COV-S36– By-law no. 121 : a by-law to establish rules, regulations, etc. for the interment of the dead…
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Categories 1891, By-lawsTags
By-law No. 233 altering the subdivision of Wards – August 19, 1895

This document was transcribed in June of 2018 by Transcribimus volunteer Susan Willows. original handwritten by-law here 1292 BY-LAW NO. 233 A By-law to amend By-law No. 118, known as a By-Law altering the subdivisions of the City into Wards. WHEREAS it is deemed advisable in the interests of the…
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Categories 1895, By-laws, Wards