Election date set for Council of 1887 – Nov 16, 1886

Special Meeting to receive the Board of Works and Finance Committee reports, and to pass a By-Law fixing the polling places and appoint Deputy Returning Officers for Election of a Mayor and Aldermen for 1887. McKenzie and Ross awarded contract for laying sidewalk on Westminster Avenue (now Main Street) at a cost of 3 cents per foot.

Vancouver’s city hall is complete – October 18, 1886

Vancouver’s city hall is complete – October 18, 1886

Building of City Hall complete; contractor F. W. Sentell to be paid in full. Thos. H. Boyd awarded contract for improvement of Cambie Street. “On account of the large amount of street work contracted for”, Civil Engineer D.L. McCammon appointed Streets Inspector at a per diem rate of $1.50 for a minimum of three hours’ work supervising road construction.