Street Railway Supplies to be Bought in Vancouver – December 27, 1898
Council agreed that supplies needed to carry out the upcoming street railway contracts be bought from Vancouver suppliers, “all other things being equal.”
documents of early Vancouver and beyond
Vancouver City Council minutes from 1898, transcribed by community volunteers and made freely available to the public through Transcribimus, a community project founded by Sam Sullivan and the Global Civic Policy Society
Council agreed that supplies needed to carry out the upcoming street railway contracts be bought from Vancouver suppliers, “all other things being equal.”
Officer McKeown was shown not to have been intoxicated of being intoxicated on the evening of November 9th as accused by T. F. Robinson, nor was he even on duty. All salaries due to be paid Jan 1st will be paid before December 25th.
Council granted to the Free Library the balance of their yearly budget. However, the premises [151 West Hastings, in the Y.M.C.A. building] “now leased by the Corporation of the City of Vancouver as a Free Library” from the Credit Foncier Co., “have upon examination being found unsafe and that they [Credit Foncier| be required to take such steps and make such repairs as may be necessary for the purpose of rendering the said premises safe.
W.B. Ross complained about certain members of the Police Force pulling his whiskers. C.B. Macneill, agent for the YMCA building, reported on the unsafe condition of the portion of it building which is used as a public library. The Street Railway Co [will] be permitted to construct a Street Railway on Davie Street on the same terms as those contained in the Agreements for Robson and Pender Streets.
The Vancouver Pet Stock Association granted use of the Market Shed December 20 – 23. Letter received from W. A. Mace asking permission to move St. Paul’s Church to corner of Pendrell and Jervis Streets.
Permission granted. Council did not approve the Water and Market Committee’s suggestion that D. Madison be retained as diver for $200.00
Council supported in principle Captain Edwards and Frank Richards’ request for exemption from taxation of certain proposed wharves, buildings etc and free water for a term of 20 years, provided they establish steamer service as they propose. Board of Works received a letter from Wong Leong & Co, asking permission to erect a small corrugated iron building for a cool house in the rear of their store at 20 Dupont St. Photo shows the south side of Dupont St. in 1907.