City Solicitor to have Foreshore Inspected – May 8, 1899

Council voted the City Solicitor “take the necessary steps to find out what position the foreshore in front of the Old Granville Townsite stands re claims by the Province or City before this agreement is handed over to the C.P.R. Co.
Carried. From the House Surgeon recommending the kalsomining [a kind of whitewashing] of the men’s ward in the old Hospital building.

All Quotes for Gravel Found Too High – April 17, 1899

All four quotes for crushed rock were found too high (the lowest was 65 cents per cubic foot) and the contractors’ deposits were ordered to be returned. A committee was formed to discuss a possible C. P. R. way station for the East End. Possible sites for a new library included Hastings and Abbott, or the southwest corner of Hastings and Westminster (Main Street), but nothing was settled.

Jockey Club Granted $250 To Improve Hastings Track – April 10, 1899

Jockey Club asked for a grant of $250 for the purpose of making necessary improvements to the track at Hastings and the sum was granted. Some Vancouverites who have since become famous were not treated as well: Rogers’ Sugar Manager Mr. B. T. Rogers was notified that he must remove the fence which encroaches on Georgia Street at his premises as soon as the grass has grown and; R. G. Tatlow (who has a park named after him in Kitsilano) and others asked to be allowed to destroy crows, but no immediate action was taken.

Animal Cruelty Fines to be Paid to S.P.C.A. – March 20, 1899

…Be it resolved that the City’s portion of all penalties imposedbe paid over to the treasurer of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to animals. The City purchased a rock crusher from Hugh Cameron for $2,000. Police were instructed to report all cases where garbage is being dumped on the lanes and streets and prosecute under Clause 98 of the Health By-Law

More Street Numbering to Come to Vancouver – March 13, 1899

The Board of Works resolved to carry out the street numbering on the system recommended by the City Engineer. The City’s contract for advertising will be split evenly among the News-Advertiser, Province and World for the next year. The Light, Railway and Tramway Committee planned to interview Wiring Inspector candidates, and Alderman McPhaiden had plans to amend the Electric Wiring By-Law.

Firefighting Equipment Finalized, Three Policemen Hired – February 27, 1899

Firefighting Equipment Finalized, Three Policemen Hired – February 27, 1899

Fire Chief Carlisle Engineer A.W. Cameron selected the following equipment for purchase: Steam Fire Engine, Waterous Engine Co.; Aerial Truck, also from the Waterous Engine Co.; Hose, 2000 ft. from Gutta Percha & Rubber Co., 1750 ft being Eureka hose and 250 ft. Maltese Cross Hose; Fire Alarm Boxes five from A. A. Andrews, two with keys and three keyless.

J.A. Preston, Andrew Waddell and John Jackson were appointed as policemen.