Hal’s Research on Vancouver Voters, 1886

Here is a summary by someone at UBC of the book that I was talking about today:"Vancouver Voters, 1886: A Biographical Dictionary” which contains biographical vignettes and genealogies for about…

Carole’s Research on W. A. Cumyow

https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/won-alexander-cumyow W.A. Cumyow p 359 the interpreter as the first Chinese Canadian born in 1861 from the article above https://calgaryherald.com/opinion/columnists/opinion-heres-why-won-alexander-cumyow-is-the-best-candidate-for-the-new-5-bill Also the first Chinese Canadian to cast a vote in 1947. …

Joanne’s list of Photo Resources

Here’s some of my go to resources www.newspapers.com https://changingvancouver.wordpress.com/ https://open.library.ubc.ca/collections/arphotos https://openmov.museumofvancouver.ca/search https://searcharchives.vancouver.ca/index-to-streets https://searcharchives.vancouver.ca/ https://www.vpl.ca/historicalphotos https://search-collections.royalbcmuseum.bc.ca/Genealogy British Columbia City Directories 1860-1955 (vpl.ca) Joanne