Council Has Questions for the C. P. R. – April 12, 1898

Council Has Questions for the C. P. R. – April 12, 1898

Council wanted to know how much of the construction materials for the new CPR Terminal would be spent outside British Columbia. The soap factory above was on Georgia Street (at that time called Harris Street), a few blocks from the “unsanitary premises” mentioned in the Board of Health report [421 Harris Street].

This transcript was made in 2022 by Transcribimus volunteer Joanne McCormick

Illustration: CVA312-27
Harris & Gore Streets area – The Royal Soap Company c1905

Source: City of Vancouver Archives Series 31
Volume 8 pages 248 – 257

[Volume 8 page] 248

Vancouver April 12th 1898

The Council met on Tuesday April 12th 1898
Present: His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Painter, Townley, McQueen, Neelands, McPhaiden, McGuigan, Brown, Foreman, Bruce and McMorran.
The Minutes of last meetings were read and adopted.


From the City Solicitor quoting sections necessary to be incorporated in the City Charter from the Municipal Act.

From J. Buntzen, General Manager of the BC Electric Railway Co asking permission to put down a 56 T rail for permanent track.

From the Chief of Police reporting on Electric Lights and giving number out.
Referred to the Light Committee to enquire into.

From Rand BrP. Innes, Richards & Akroyd, Hope Graveley & Co in reference to the proposed wood block paving.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From R.A. Lambert asking for permission to erect a tent temporarily at 141 Cordova St {for the purpose of carrying on a school of pacer-mining}.

From James Ravey etal, asking that the sidewalk be placed in proper position on Westminster Road near 13th Av.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From W. Pellew Harvey asking to be appointed Analyst for the City {in the event of such a post being created}.
Referred to the Finance Committee.

From Thp. H. Robson etal applying for position of Clerk.
Laid over for motions.

[Volume 8 Page] 249

The following Reports were received and read:

Light, Railway and Tramway Committee

The Light, Railway and Tramway Committee met on Tuesday April 5th 1898
Present: the full Board

Mr. J. Buntzen, Comptroller of the Electric Railway Co was also present.

He reported that the fenders for the cars will be here shortly.

The City Solicitor submitted the proposed Agreements for the new service on Powell Street and Hastings Street.

They were considered clause by clause and referred to the full Council for final consideration and adoption.

Mr. Buntzen stated that he considered the present rate of speed allowed too slow and asked that it be increased.

The Committee recommends that a speed of nine miles an hour be allowed throughout the City.

Sgd D. McPhaiden

Moved by Alderman Towley
Seconded by Alderman McQueen
That the clause in reference to increased speed be referred back.

Moved by Alderman McPhaiden
Seconded by Alderman McMorran
That the Report as amended be adopted.

[Volume 8 Page] 250

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee met on Saturday April 9th 1898.
Present: Aldermen McQueen, Painter and Brown

The following accounts were recommended for payment:

Nicol AllanCollecting Votes$18.00
Telephone CoRents33.80
BC Electric CoLights1647.69
E.M. McDonoughCollecting Votes18.00
Thomson BrP.Supplies.95
News, AdvertiserAdvertising23.10
The World P&P Co15.36
Crowder & PenzerSupplies11.64
Clarke & Stuart35.36

The following Contract was approved and authorized to be signed by the Mayor and City Clerk and the Corporate Seal affixed thereto:
Advertising, News, Advertiser & World

Resolved that the City Auditor’s salary be increased $5.00 per month dating from the beginning of the year.

A communication received from the Deputy Attorney General re the proper administration of Justice in Vancouver was referred to the City Solicitor for a report thereon.

Mr. Marpole’s offers of certain blocks were laid over for one week.

It was resolved that the bond on the A. E. E. Clark Rock Crushing Contract be fixed in two sureties of $5000 each and that the names submitted be referred to the City Solicitor to examine into their financial standing and report.

Sgd Jas McQueen,

The Report was adopted on motion of Ald. Foreman
Seconded by Alderman McQueen

[Volume 8 Page] 251

Health Committee

The Health Committee met on Wednesday April 6th 1898.
Present: Aldermen McGuigan, McQueen, Foreman and Bruce

The following accounts were recommended for payment:

S.W. MillerNursing$5.00
C. ClarkSupplies9.20
Evans, Coleman & Evans22.50
Champion & WhiteScavengering21.95
Geo Wright etalLabor69.50
Do do33.00
J.A. Skinner & CoSupplies3.20
John E. Barwick2.50
Chaing (Chinese)Cooking15.00
City Grocery CoSupplies21.52
Miss BeatonMaking “8.65
Wood, Barrett & Co17.50
Crowder & Penzer82.77
G. Drysdale14.60
Alfred NottleLabor4.50
J. DodsonSupplies20.40
CPR CoSupplies17.50
James Stark34.49
J. Carnahan4.50
The Palace Livery StablesHack4.00
Trudeau Brp.Supplies184.62
Kerf & SimpsonBurials50.00

J.M. Lefevre Esq. MD appeared before the Board in reference to back dues from CPR patients in the hospital.
It was resolved that in future (but without prejudice to the existing claim of the City against the CPR Co, for hospital dues owing by the CPR employees) CPR Employees be admitted to the City Hospital only on the Certificate and guarantee of the CPR Co to be responsible for the hospital dues in respect of such employees.

The question as to liability for back dues was referred to the City Solicitor for his opinion thereon.

[Volume 8 Page] 252


From the Crematory Caretaker and Milk Inspector & Miss Macfie furnishing reports.

From W. T. Collins asking to be paid for material furnished the hospital for sharpening instruments.

From James Ivany calling attention to the unsanitary condition of house 421 Harris Street.

From the Health Inspector reporting a clean Bill of Health at the end of March. Also reporting that a more free liberal use of water be allowed to hotels and saloons where public urinals are in use to prevent disease, also that the arches at the Crematory furnace be repaired.

It was resolved that the matter of water for public urinals be referred to the Water Committee for favorable consideration and that the arches to the furnace at the Crematory be reconstructed giving more camber.

From the Matron of the City Hospital reporting that both furnaces in the new wing were most unsatisfactory and asking that the defects be remedied.

Resolved that the City Clerk be instructed to notify Wm. Ralph, Agent for the Contractors who installed the heating system in the new addition to the City Hospital that the same is not satisfactory and asked that it be put in proper condition as provided by Contract.

From Miss Macfie asking to be furnished with Rules and Regulations governing the Woman’s Ward and Private Rooms.
Referred to the Hospital Medical Staff.

From Miss Macfie reporting an insufficient supply of hot water for kitchen and the hot water heating of the operating room unsatisfactory and also other requirements.

[Volume 8 Page] 253

Referred to the Chairman and Alderman Bruce and the City Engineer to examine into and report.

Resolved that the Library Board be requested to allow the water closets in connection with the Reading Room to be used by its patrons.

Sgd W.J. McGuigan

Board of Works

The Board of Works met on April 7th 1898.
Present the full Board.


From D.G. Macdonell etal in reference to the Lease of the Bathing Shed.
Laid over to be looked into.

From the San Francisco Bridge Co. asking for specifications for proposed steel swing at Granville St. Bridge.
Resolved that they be notified that at present the matter is only under consideration but when advertised a copy of the specifications will be sent to them.

From Mason & Co asking for a sidewalk on Princess Street East of Campbell Av.
Already in Estimates.

From Mason & Co in reference to the condition of the intersection of 15th Av and Westminster Avenue.
Referred to Alderman McMorran.

From C.B. Mansell asking for walk to N.W. corner of Nicola & Barclay Streets.
Referred to the Engineer to see it.

[Volume 8 Page] 254

From Dr. Lefevre applying for new 3 plank walk in lane in Block 13B, Sub 541 to replace the one laid down some years ago at his own expense.
Referred to the Ward Foreman for attention under Engineer’s instructions.

From G. Aubrey asking that Maple Street be graded from 6th to 7th Avs.
Referred to the Ward Foreman for attention under Engineer’s directions.

From A. E. Tregent asking permission to put in a drain down Bidwell Street to take off sewerage.
Temporary permission granted drain to be laid under Engineer’s directions.

Mr. Tierney applied for work. He was told he would be given a chance when an opportunity occurred.

From J. Buntzen, General Manager BC Elec. Ry & Light Co, asking permission to double track Westminster Avenue (2 blocks) between Hastings & Powell Streets, also the switch at Powell Street 1.5 blocks on Powell Street.

Resolved that permission be granted for the double tracking of the portions of streets referred to but that Mr. Buntzen be notified that permission cannot be granted without further consideration as to his request to lay a 56 lb T rail for the permanent work.

From J. Armstrong, asking that the sidewalk on 7th Av from Westminster Avenue to Quebec Street be moved out.
Referred to the Engineer & Ald McMorran.

The Draft Contract for A.E.E. Clark for 5 years supply of crushed rock was submitted by the City Solicitor and read and approved subject to the Contractor furnishing sufficient Bonds conditioned for the due performance..

[Volume 8 Page] 255

…of her contract and also execute a release of all her claims against the City.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:

Robertson & HackettSupplies$73.65
BCMT & T Co19.07
Hastings Mill13.92
Clarke & Stuart26.05
ThP Dunn & Co79.32
Evans, Coleman & Evans4.30

Resolved that the Chain Gang be sent to do some grading required at the East End School.

Resolved that the Engineer be instructed to furnish the City Solicitor with the particulars for a new street numbering By-Law.

Sgd H.J. Painter

Moved by Alderman Painter
Seconded by Alderman McMorran
That the Report be adopted as read.

Moved in amendment by Alderman Brown
Seconded by Alderman Foreman
That the clause in reference to the Lefevre sidewalk be struck out.

Amendment lost; motion carried.


Moved by Alderman Painter
Seconded by Alderman Brown

That the applications for Assistant in the Tax Collector’s Office be referred to the Finance Committee with power to act.

Moved in amendment by Alderman McGuigan
Seconded by Alderman McMorran

[Volume 8 Page] 256

That the temporary appointment be made by the whole Council

Amendment carried; motion lost.

Moved by Alderman McQueen
Seconded by Alderman McGuigan
That Applications be called for the position of Clerk to be in by Monday next.

Moved by Alderman Townley
Seconded by Alderman Bruce

“That the following enquiries be made from the General Superintenant (sic) of the CPR Co. Vancouver:

Is it a fact that the Contractor for the new terminal buildings of the CPR Co is obtaining the stone to be used in the construction of the said buildings at quarries at or near Calgary N.W.T., and that the stone is to be delivered in Vancouver in a dressed stated so that it will only be necessary to be put in place? Also have the contracts for brick and labour been let to firms outside the City of Vancouver, also is it a fact that the General Office’s of the Company for the Pacific Division are to be moved from Vancouver to Winnipeg.”

{The questions were not answered}.


Reconsideration of By-Laws

Moved by Alderman McQueen
Seconded by Alderman Townley

That the following By-Laws be reconsidered and finally passed and be authorized to be signed by the Mayor and City Clerk and the Corporate Seal affixed thereto:

  1. A By-Law to fix the remuneration for Mayor.
  2. A. By-Law to fix the remuneration for Aldermen.
  3. A By-Law to provide for a reduction of 50 per cent from the actual value of buildings and improvements.
  4. A By-Law to strike the rate for A.D. 1898.


[Volume 8 Page] 257

The Council then adjourned.

James F. Garden
April 18th 1898

Thp. F. McGuigan
City Clerk

Comments in parenthesis { } denote further illumination provided by the writer and from The Vancouver Daily News Advertiser; City Council, April 13th 1898, pg 3