Special meeting to commemorate death of Alderman Humphries; City Hall to be closed the day of his funeral; his desk to be draped for the remainder of the year.
This transcript was made in 2014 by Transcribimus volunteer Margaret Sutherland
and sponsored by The Oppenheimer Group
original handwritten minutes here
City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 2 pages 589-590
[volume 2 page 589]
Vancouver Dec 3rd 1888
A Special Meeting of the Council was held on Monday December 3rd 1888 at 1 P. M. to postpone the regular meeting of Council, out of respect to the memory of Alderman Humphries and to pass a resolution of condolence and to make arrangements for a public funeral.
Present His Worship Mayor Oppenheimer, Aldermen Alexander, Coldwell, Clark, Brighouse, McConnell and Oppenheimer.
Moved by Alderman Oppenheimer seconded by Alderman Coldwell. Whereas it has pleased Divine Providence to remove from amongst us by the hand of death our late colleague from Ward No 2, Alderman Joseph Humphries.
And whereas during his residence in the City of Vancouver he has proved himself a good citizen and faithful friend and while at the Council Board as a member has exerted himself faithfully and diligently in furthering the interests of his adopted City.
Be it therefore resolved by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Vancouver in Council Assembled that during Tuesday, the 4th inst., the day of the funeral of our late brother Alderman out of respect for his memory, the civic offices be closed and the
[volume 2 page 590]
Mayor and Alderman of the City and the Civic Officials attend his funeral in a body.
And be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be inserted in the Minutes of the Council and a copy also engrossed signed by the Mayor and City Clerk, who shall affix the Corporate Seal thereto and forward same to the relatives of the deceased in the Province of Ontario.
And be it further resolved that his desk be draped for the remainder of the year. Carried.
Moved by Alderman Clark seconded by Alderman Dougall. That the Council now stand adjourned until Tuesday the 11th inst. Carried.
D. Oppenheimer, Mayor
Thos. F. McGuigan, City Clerk