CPR Properties to be Exempted from Taxes for 20 Years – December 3, 1897

CPR Properties to be Exempted from Taxes for 20 Years – December 3, 1897
CPR Steamer S.S. Charmer

Council agreed to draft a By-law for the CPR to be exempted from City taxes for twenty years, in exchange for the CPR making certain improvements.

This document was transcribed in 2022 by Transcribimus volunteer Joanne McCormick.

Illustration: CVA 294-078
CPR Coastal Steamer SS Charmer c 1895

Original handwritten minutes: CVA Series 31
Volume 8, pages 87- 88

City Council Minutes – Vancouver December 3rd 1897

[Volume 8, Page 87]

The Council met on Friday December 3rd 1897

Present: His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Painter, Townley, McQueen, McPhaiden, Neelands, Brown, W.S. MacDonald, D.G. McDonald and Bethune, also the City Solicitor Messrs E.P. Davis and George Mc L. Brown.

The object of the meeting was to consider proposed exemption on the terminal buildings of the CPR Co. etc. After discussing the question, it was moved by Alderman McQueen, Seconded by Alderman McPhaiden.

Whereas a letter dated 24th of November 1897, containing certain proposals for exemption has been received from the CPR Co.

And whereas it is amongst other proposals suggested that the City should agree to have the Company harmless for eight years from taxation on any of its real estate within the City resulting from aid being given in any form by the City to other railways other than street and suburban.

And whereas in the opinion of this Council, the citizens of the City if asked to do so would not agree to such a proposal.

And whereas in the opinion of this Council it would be of advantage to the City that if the Company make the improvements described in the said letter that their yards and works would be exempted from taxation for a period of years.

Be it resolved that provided the CPR Co. agree to commence and carry on and complete within a period to be agreed on, the improvements described and set out in their letter of the 24th of November 1897, that this Council will submit a By-Law to the citizens to be voted upon exempting the right of way and property of the Company used strictly for railway and steamship purposes for a period of twenty years from taxation and if necessary, will apply to the Legislators of British Columbia….

[Volume 8, Page 88]

… for an Act validating the said By-Law.


Moved by Alderman W.S. MacDonald;
Seconded by Alderman G.G. McDonald

That a copy of the above resolution be sent to Mr. George Mch. Brown on behalf of the Company.

The Council then adjourned.

Thomas Francis McGuigan

W. Templeton

City Clerk Mayor