Trounce Alley improvements must wait as Works budget for 1887 exhausted – December 5, 1887

Council unable to grant the petition of A.W. Sullivan and others for the improvement of Trounce Alley, as the Works budget was exhausted. Among other accounts to be paid are subscriptions to the Leadville (Colorado) Herald, the Denver Republican, and the Alta California (California’s first daily newspaper, published in San Francisco until 1891.)

This transcript was made in 2015 by Transcribimus volunteer
Chris Stephenson, MLIS

original handwritten minutes here

City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 2 pages 130-133

Vancouver December 5th 1887

The Council met on Monday December 5th 1887 at 7.30.p.m.
Present His Worship Mayor MacLean, Aldermen Alexander, Clark, Hamilton, Humphries, Lefevre, Lockerby, Mannion, David Oppenheimer, Isaac Oppenheimer and Sanders.

The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From A.W. Sullivan and others asking for the improvement of Trounce Alley,
Moved by Alderman Hamilton seconded by Alderman Lefevre.
That the appropriation for Works being exhausted this Council is unable to grant the prayer of the petitioners

From Jennett + Fairon asking for a refund of Theatrical License,

The following accounts were read,
F.W. Hart, Lamp Brackets $1.50 Finance
“ “ Funerals 57.40 Health
“ “ Bowls .80 “
“ “ Chimneys 1.00 F.W. + L.
C.P.R. Telegraph Co. .35 Finance
H.A. Berry, Drayage, 4.00 Works
Steamer Richmond 12.50 “
Vancouver Carriage Works $18.40 F.W. + L.
W. Ashford, Milk, 50.00 Health
Cowderoy Bros. .70 “
Campbell + Martin, 8.75 “
H. McDowell + Co. 20.78 “
Denver Republican 10.00 Finance
Alta California 10.00 “
Leadville Herald 10.00 “
C.P.R. Co. Coal, 5.00 F.W. + L.
John M. Stewart, Fares, 6.50 Police
“ Board, 139.00 “
Thos. J. Jones, Drayage, 6.00 Works
“ Coke 5.75 F.W. + L.
Owen Hughes Washing 8.00 Health
P.T. Fraser, Drayage, .75 F.W. + L.
R.W. Armstrong, $3.05 Finance
Joseph Trethewey, Wood, 20.00 Health
News-Advertiser, 54.30 Finance
Robert Couth, Coal, 49.00 F.W. + L.
Joseph Forth, Hack, 10.00 Finance
T.A. Allen, $21.25 F.W. + L.
S.T. Tilley, Stationery 17.70 Finance
W.J. McGuigan 5.00 Health
Hayes + McIntosh, Meat, 25.47 “
J.H. Carlisle, 7.00 F.W. + L

Council went into Committee of the Whole to resume reading of By-Law regulating By-Law proceedings in Council with Alderman Hamilton in the Chair.
No 32
The By-Law was read over and Committee rose to report By-Law as complete with amendments.
By-Law read a third time on motion of Alderman Humphries seconded by Alderman Clark,
Council went into Committee of the Whole on Fire Limit By-Law with Alderman Isaac Oppenheimer in the Chair.
By-Law read over clause by clause when the Committee rose to report By-Law as complete with amendments.
By-Law read a third time on motion of Alderman Mannion Alexander seconded by Alderman Clark Mannion

Notice of Motion.

Alderman Humphries gave notice that he would introduce a motion authorizing the Mayor to appoint a Committee to prepare amendments to the City Charter and particularly of those portions relating to the qualification of Mayor and Aldermen, and voters,
The Council then adjourned.

M.A. MacLean

Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk