Local Council of Women Request the Appointment of a Police Matron – December 6, 1897

Local Council of Women Request the Appointment of a Police Matron – December 6, 1897

Council refused J.I. Seymour Wells’ request for a refund of his auctioneer’s license on the grounds that they had no power to make refunds. Miss J. Brown was paid $6.35 for nursing.

This document was transcribed in 2020 by Transcribimus volunteer Joanne McCormick

Original handwritten minutes: City of Vancouver Archives
COV Series 31, Volume 8, pages 89-93

To see or download pictures of the original handwritten pages that make up this document click on the buttons below (two parts)

[Volume 8, Page 89]

The Council met on Monday December 6th 1897

Present: His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Painter, Neelands, McQueen, McPhaiden, Brown, W.S. MacDonald, D.G. McDonald and Bethune. The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From the Manager of the Bank of BNA Halifax acknowledging receipt of $200 for the Windsor Relief Fund.

From J.R. Linton asking the City to assist him in getting a title to the lots he has squatted on near the U.S.S. Co’s Wharf.
Referred to the Finance Committee.

From G.W. Thomas complaining about a Chinese Laundry near his property on Westminster Avenue.
Referred to the Health Committee.

From Mrs. J. Campbell etal, asking the Council not to grant a Laundry License to Mr. Ellison on Westminster Avenue.
Referred to the Health Committee.

From the Saw Mill Owners in the City quoting prices of lumber.
Filed for reference.

From Colonel Warren asking for information in relation to proposed CPR exemptions.
Referred to the Finance Committee.

From the Chief of Police reporting on the Electric Lights.

[Volume 8, page 90]

From the BC Electric Co. in relation to fenders on the street cars and the globes of the street lamps.
Referred to the Light Committee.

From C. Peters etal asking for a six-foot sidewalk on 12th Avenue.
Referred to Board of Works.

From Miss Peters etal, Local Council of Women asking the Council to provide Jail accommodation for female prisoners.
Referred to the Police Committee.

The following Reports were received and read:

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee met on Friday December 3rd 1897.

Present: the full Board


From the Chairman of the Park Commissioners asking for a grant of $250 to cover accounts owing, their appropriation being exhausted.
Resolved that this request be granted.

From C.G. Magor offering to sell Lots 8 to 24 Block 63 DL 185 for $7000.
Filed for reference.

From J. Lawlor Woods asking for a grant on behalf of the Dominion Publishing Co. for advertising the City.
Laid over.

From Robert Macpherson M.P.P. asking the City to name the appropriations they require from the Government next year.
Laid over one week.

[Volume 8, page 91]

From J.P. Ormond on behalf of J.I. Seymour Wells, asking for the return of an Auctioneer’s License fee paid by him.
The communication was filed as the City Solicitor advised that the Council had no power to refund.

From Clarke & Stuart, asking the City to purchase furnishings from them for the new civic offices. Referred to the Mayor and Alderman Brown and McQueen to make the purchases if they deem it advisable.

From Mrs. Marshall, asking the City to date her lease of the Lot at Stanley Park Bridge from the 1st of December.
Request granted.

From Ceperley & Co., asking the City to renew the insurance on the Carmichael property. Resolved that the buildings be reinsured for $1000 for 3 years.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:

W.E. Graveley insurance: Fire Hall $40.00

D.C. McGregor insurance: Crematory $10.00

Rand Bros insurance: Crematory $10.00

The World P&P Co ads $5.04

News Advertiser ads $10.00

Signed James McQueen

Moved by Alderman McQueen;
Seconded by Alderman Bethune
That the Report be adopted.

[Volume 8, Page 92]

Health Committee

The Health Committee met on Wednesday December 1st 1897

Present: Aldermen McPhaiden, Painter, Neelands and W.S. MacDonald

The following accounts were recommended for payment:

J.E. Barwick supplies $2.25

J.W. Currell repairs $1.80

News Advertiser supplies $10.50

Miss J. Brown nursing $6.35

H.H. Layfield & Co supplies $21.61

E.G. Prior & Co supplies $12.00

S. Fallman repairs $3.00

Evans, Coleman & Evans supplies $19.88

A. McDonald electrical inspection $4.00

Champion & White scavengering $5.00

A. Desrochers supplies $54.05


From the Hospital Matron, Health & Milk Inspectors furnishing report.

From Webster Bros complaining of nuisance from Robert Barker’s Cow house.
Being attended to.

Resolved that tenders be called for furnishing the Woman’s Ward.

Resolved that the accounts of Brown Bros for wiring at Hospital be paid if found correct by the City Engineer.

Signed D. McPhaiden

Moved by Alderman McPhaiden
Seconded by Alderman Neelands
That the Report be adopted.

[Volume 8, page 93]

Notice Of Motion

Alderman McQueen gave notice that at next meeting of Council he would introduce a By-Law to fix the polling places, the time, etc for holding the Municipal Elections for 1898.

The Council then adjourned.

Thomas Francis McGuigan
City Clerk

W. Templeton