Street Railway Co. May Build Double Tramway on Davie Street – December 6, 1898

This transcript was made in 2023 by Transcribimus volunteer Lynn Shane.

Text source: COV S31 715 G 05 Vol 8
page 570 only

[Volume 8 page] 570

Vancouver December 6th, 1898.

The Council met on Tuesday December 6th 1898 at 4 P.M.

Present: His Worship, the Mayor and Aldermen Townley, Painter, Neelands, McQueen, McPhaiden, McGuigan, Brown and Foreman, also The City Solicitor and J. Buntzen, General Manager of the B.C. Electric Railway Co.

The object of the meeting was to consider the terms on which Davie Street be leased to the Street Railway Co.

It was moved by Alderman Brown.
Seconded by Alderman Neelands.
That the Report of the Light, Railway and Tramway Committee dated November 29th be adopted, as read.

Moved in amendment by Alderman Townley.
Seconded by Alderman McGuigan.
That the Street Railway Co. be authorized to construct a double line tramway over Davie Street, as petitioned on the terms and conditions contained in the Pender Street Agreement, with the modification that the first right of purchase by the City shall not be exercised until the 30th day of April 1910.

Amendment carried, motion lost.

The Council then adjourned.

James F. Garden

Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk