Sidewalk to be put in for Baptist Church – December 7, 1891

Sidewalk to be put in for Baptist Church – December 7, 1891
Waiting for the street car in Mount Pleasant ca 1908

A six foot sidewalk to be put on 7th Avenue to the Baptist Church, with stumps and roots “which may be obstructions” to be removed. The new Crematory (garbage burning) facility to be insured for $3,000. The City Clerk to have a sufficient number of ballot boxes for election purposes, said boxes to be made of galvanized iron.

This transcript was made in 2016 by Transcribimus volunteer Donna Kynaston
and sponsored by Shirley Barnett

original handwritten minutes here

City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 4 pages 592-597

[Vol 4 page 592]
Vancouver December 7th 1891
The Council met on Monday December 7th 1891.
Present: Aldermen Carroll, Brighouse, Scoullar, Templeton, Hobson, Wm Brown, McDowell and C.L. Brown.
Moved by Alderman Templeton
Seconded by Alderman McDowell
That Alderman Scoullar be appointed Chairman. Carried.

The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.
The following communications were received and read:

From Mayor Oppenheimer requesting the Council to order pipes for the extension of the water works system. Referred to Water Works Committee.

From the Market Clerk reporting on the market receipts. Filed.

From John McAllister drawing the attention of the Council to the manner in which F.K. Winch was carrying out his contract for the construction of the hose cart.

Moved by Alderman Templeton
Seconded by Alderman Wm Brown
That John McAllister be invited to attend the next meeting of the Fire Water and Light Committee to be held at the City Hall on Wednesday the 9th day of December 1891 re his communication to Council. Carried.

From James Nelson drawing the attention of the Council to the filthy condition of the

[Vol 4 page 593]

lane in Block 87, District Lot 196. Referred to the Board of Works.

From E.C. Coldwell drawing attention to the non-completion of the order for the erection of electric lights on Keefer and Harris Streets. Referred to Board of F.W. & L.

From J.T. Brown & Sons requesting that Howe St at the corner of Pender St be repaired. Referred to Board of Works.

From the City Auditor submitting report of the receipts and expenditures for August. Referred to Finance Committee.

From Andrew Engle drawing attention to the necessity of keeping competent men at the Crematory. Referred to Health Committee.

From G.A. Jordan accepting the position of Police Magistrate. Filed.

From the Chief of Police reporting on the Electric Lights. Filed.

From G.W. Townsend asking for a street crossing on Westminster Road near M.J. Henry’s gardens. Referred to Board of Works.

The following reports were received and read:

The Finance Committee met on Friday December 4th 1891.

Present: Aldermen Brown, Scoullar, Hobson and Carroll.

[Vol 4 page 594]

It was recommended:
1. That the following accounts be paid:
S.J. Tilley & Son, Stationery $52.40
2. That the City Solicitor be requested to return the cheque held by him for the purchase of portions of lots on Powell Street and that said cheque be cancelled.
3. That the City Clerk be instructed to have made a sufficient number of ballot boxes for election purposes, said boxes to be made of galvanized iron.
sgd Wm Brown
Moved by Alderman McDowell
Seconded by Alderman C.L. Brown
That the Report be adopted. Carried.
The Board of Works met on Thursday December 3rd 1891.
Present: Aldermen Wm Brown, C.L. Brown, Templeton and Brighouse.
It was recommended:
1. That the City Engineer be authorized to have a 6 ft sidewalk put down on 7th Av to the Baptist church and that the Street Inspector have the stumps and roots removed which may be obstructions.
2. That the Street Inspector extend the temporary sidewalk on 6th Av one block further west.
3. That the communication from Baker Bros et al re Water Street be referred to the City Engineer with power to act, also that he have a temporary sidewalk laid on 11th Av from Ontario to Columbia Street.

[Vol 4 page 595]

4. That tenders be called for the erection of sheds on the Market grounds.
5. That J. Potter be awarded the contract for the construction of a box drain on Cambie Street.
6. That the following accounts be paid:
Columbia Carriage Works $3.00
S. Beaumont, Thurlow St 74.64
E Myers, Lane 79.38
J. Ironsides, Barclay St 20.
Leamy & Kyle, Lumber 195.08
W.H. Kendall, Crushed rock 760.50
D.H. Morgan, 8th Av 172.80
Thos Bayley, 9th Av 166.25
Thos Veitch, Delivering rock 263.59
Crowder & Penzer, seed 13.92
Van City Foundry, City stamp 5.00
B.C. Ironworks, Bolts 11.70
E. Cook, Rent of wharf 25.00
J. Johnson, Drayage 1.50
T. Thomson & Co, Drayage 10.00
L. Roy, Sewer connections 6.75
J. P. Lawson et al, Sundries 4.20
Tye & Co, Supplies 36.54
S.T. Tilley & Son, Supplies 8.00
Queen Bros, Livery 14.75
H. Lomas et al, Labor 392.55

sgd Wm Templeton
for Chairman
Moved by Alderman McDowell
Seconded by Alderman Carroll
That the Report be adopted. Carried.

Introduction of By-Laws
Moved by Alderman Carroll
Seconded by Alderman McDowell
That the rules be suspended and leave granted for the introduction

[Vol 4 page 596]

of the consolidated Health By-Law. Carried.

The By-Law was introduced and read a first time.
The rules were again suspended and the By-Law read a second time.

The Mayor arrived and took the Chair.

Moved by Alderman Carroll
Seconded by Alderman McDowell
That the City Engineer be instructed to examine and report as to the efficiency of the sewer in the lane in Block 3, 185, also that he produce profile showing depth of said sewer at the next regular meeting of this Council. Carried.

Moved by Alderman [blank]
Seconded by Alderman [blank]
That the City Clerk be instructed to insure the crematory building for one year to the amount of $3000.00. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Templeton
Seconded by Alderman Brown
That the Dominion Sanitary and Cremation Co be paid the sum of $175 in full settlement of their claim for expenses incurred by Mr. Thomson, their employee, in coming to Vancouver in connection with the construction of the crematory in December last, same being certified by the Mayor as being correct. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Carroll
Seconded by Alderman C.L. Brown
That the City Solicitor be and is hereby instructed to prepare a By-Law

[Vol 4 page 597]

to provide for election of Water Commissioners, said By-Law to define their duties and state the remuneration to be paid for their services, also the length of term of office.

Moved in amendment by Alderman McDowell
Seconded by Alderman Wm Brown
That the motion be laid over. Carried.

Consideration of By-Laws
Moved by Alderman McDowell
Seconded by Alderman Scoullar
That the Council go into Committee of the Whole for the consideration of the Health By-Law. Carried.

Alderman Carroll was appointed Chairman.
The By-Law was read over clause by clause and reported to Council as complete with amendments.

Moved by Alderman Scoullar
Seconded by Alderman Carroll
That a special meeting of the Council be held on Thursday December 10th at 4 P.M. for the consideration of the purchase of the Vancouver Street Railway and for the revision of By-Laws. Carried.
The Council then adjourned to meet again on Friday the 11th inst at 8 P.M.

D. Oppenheimer
Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk