Council established a weekly Market Day and hired a Market Clerk to supervise. The City Clerk to inform neighbouring communities and encourage farmers’ participation. The Police Committee recommended that all inquests or post-mortems must be done at the City Hall. The Coroner would have the authority to issue summons to witnesses, to be sure they showed up.
This transcript was made in 2021 by Transcribimus volunteer Gerald Soon
Illustration: City of Vancouver Archives AM1535-: CVA 99-89
City of vancouver Market 1910
Original handwritten minutes: City of Vancouver Archives
Series 31 Volume 6 pages 877 – 889
To see or download photos of the handwritten minutes, click the buttons below (4 parts)
[Volume 6 page] 877
Vancouver, December 9th 1895
The Council met on Monday December 9th 1895.
Present – His Worship, the Mayor, and Aldermen Shaw, Coupland, Queen, Gallagher, McPhaiden, Clandenning, Brown, Sanders, Bethune and McDonald.
The Minutes of last meetings were read and adopted .
From W.B. Ross stating that he was annoyed by the police and asking that it be stopped.
Referred to the Police Committee.
From A. J. Ferguson, Chairman of the Finance Committee asking for a grant of $150 to pay for wages and supplies.
Referred to the Finance Committee
From C. J. Harling etal, Draymen asking the Council not to issue licenses to Chinamen and if they have not the power to refuse that the Chinamen be compelled to go on the stand or into their stables when not engaged.
Referred to the Police Committee.
From Geo Rawlison, C.M.C. Langley, enclosing a copy of a resolution of Council setting forth that a circular had been circulated in the municipality proposing to form a Farmers Cooperative Association under the management of City men with headquarters in Vancouver, and asking that no action be taken by Council until their organization was perfected.
Laid over for motion
From Malcolm McLeod etal drawing attention to a nuisance from a stable in Block 36. 541
Referred to the Health Committee.
From P. J. Johnson etal asking for a sidewalk on Seventh Av. Fairview.
Referred to the Board of Works.
[Volume 6 page] 878
From S. J. Emanuel offering to rent the Market for $75.oo per month for the 1st year and $100 a month thereafter.
Laid over.
From the Local Council of Women asking that St. Paul’s Hospital be exempt from taxation.
Referred to the Finance Committee.
From Wm Smith, Deputy Minister of Marine stating that the piling across Coal Harbour for water works purposes was illegal.
Referred to the Board of Works
From E. P. Davis asking that the matter of his fence on Thurlow Street be allowed to stand until his return from Victoria.
Referred to the Board of Works
From Messrs Britton and Shepard protesting against the City selling the ends of lots 1,2,3,7,& 8 D.L. 181.
Referred to the City Solicitor
From R.G. Clarke & H.P. Bales Dewdney, approving of the City running the Market and asking that the Council use their influence with the C.P.R. Co to have a station established in Dewdney municipality.
Laid over
From the Trades & Labor Council asking that the unemployed be put to work clearing the Park at fair wages.
Referred to the Health Committee
From the Trades & Labor Council protesting against Foreshore rights being granted to private individuals.
Referred to the Committee having charge.
[Volume 6 page] 879
From John Smith applying for the position of engineer for the fire department.
Referred to the F.W. & P Committee
From the Nationalist Association and the Trades and Labor Council asking that the Assessment on buildings be reduced and that all property qualifications for Mayor and Aldermen be abolished.
Referred to the Finance Committee
From Robert Balfour in reference to market matters.
Laid over.
The following Reports were received and read:-
Fire, Market & Police Committee
The Fire, Market & Police Committee met on Monday December 9th 1895
Present the full Board.
From the City Solicitor submitting form of proposed agreement with the Police.
Resolved that as it is not in conformity with the wishes of the Council that it be laid over for one week.
From H. A. Urquhart on behalf of the Orange Lodge asking for the use of the Market Hall for a ball to be held on the evening of the 18th
Resolved that they be granted the Hall for $15.00 including all expenses.
From John Brenton asking for instructions regarding the Market Hall
Laid over.
From Gray & Robertson asking for the lease of the Market Hall.
Laid over.
[Volume 6 page] 880
From Harvie Robertson asking for the position of Market Clerk.
Laid over.
From the City Solicitor enclosing drafts of the statement of defence in the case of Haywood vs the City and asking to be informed what Counsel was to be retained by him for the defence.
Resolved that McPhillips & Williams be retained to conduct the suit for the City and that they be authorized to prepare the statement of defence.
Chief Carlisle reported that he had received 8 gum coats from A.E. Lees and gave them as follows:- Capt. Lillie, Jordan and A. Clegg at No 1 Fire Hall, J. Courtney and H. Duncan at No 3. C. Thomson & C. Barker at No 2 and one in Store room.
He also received 8 pairs of gum boots from G.S. McConnell & 14 pair from G.L. Allan of which each man got a pair.
From S. J. Emanuel offering $75 a month for the Market for the 1st year and $100 a month thereafter.
Referred to the Council
From H. P. Bales approving of the idea of the City establishing a market and appointing a good [hire?] [live?] Market Clerk.
Referred to the Council
The Chief of the Fire Department reported that John Cooper, Engineer at No 2 Fire Hall had left the service on the morning of the 3rd inst. without notice taking his uniform with him.
Resolved that he be dismissed and that applications be called to fill the position such application to be received up to Friday at 12 M.
That J. Cooper be charged up with the cost of the uniform he took with him and that any monies owing to him be retained to pay for such uniform.
[Volume 6 page] 881
The Committee recommends that the City Engineer be instructed to have the roof of the Market Hall repaired without delay and that John Brenton have the hall thoroughly cleaned.
The Committee further recommends that the Council appoint a good hire Market Clerk and establish a Market Day or days each week and that the Market fees be kept at a low a rate as in consistent with the securing of the payment of interest and sinking fund and the expense of keeping the building in repair.
This Committee is of the opinion that if the Market did not pay working expenses at the first start that it would only be a matter of a short time before the treasury would be recouped for all deficits. We further think that the Council should not lose sight of the fact that by encouraging the farmers to bring their produce to Vancouver they secure cheap and wholesome supplies for the citizens and are also encouraging trade for our merchants and that from letters and information received we have good reason to believe that the farmers would gladly embrace the opportunity of the market in Vancouver.
The Committee having enquired into the alleged negligence of the Police at the request on the Chinaman who died at No 54 Dupont Street beg to submit the reports of the Chief of Police and Officers Crawford & Harris.
The Committee is of the opinion that the officers did their duty so far as it was possible in the way the matter was conducted and there is no blame attached for the delay reffered to and this Committee further recommends that the Coroner be requested to conduct
[Volume 6 page] 882
all inquests in future if possible in the City Hall and that he issue summons for all witnesses thus avoiding their non attendance. And we further recommend that in future the Coroner or Chief of Police be required to send all dead bodies to the City Morgue and that they be left there until after the inquest and post-mortem if any.
After investigating this matter the Committee unanimously came to the conclusion that it is in the interest of the City that all bodies on which there are to be inquests or post mortems should be taken to the City Morgue.
Resolved that the Chief of Police be instructed to enforce the By-Law to prevent the throwing of papers in the streets.
Resolved that Hunt & Murray be awarded the contract for making pants for the members of the Fire Department at $5.50 per pair and that such pants be furnished completely by Xmas next.
sgd W.H. Gallagher
Moved by Alderman Coupland
Seconded by “ Queen
That the Report be adopted.
Health Committee
The Health Committee met on Wednesday December 4th 1895.
Present – Aldermen Shaw, Brown, and McDonald
From Chas. Nelson asking for a change in
[Volume 6 page] 883
drug specifications for next year’s tendering.
Resolved that Mr Nelson be asked to furnish a list of the drugs used during the year, the quantities and the prices
From Miss Macfie asking that gas be put in the hospital especially in the operating room.
Referred to the Chairman to look into with power to have gas put in the operating room if he considers it necessary.
From Miss Macfie furnishing monthly report. Filed.
From A. T. Watt Eng MD Secretary of the Provincial Board of Health asking for a full report from the City of Vancouver on Health matters on or before the 15th day of December
Resolved that the Health Officer and Plumbing inspector be instructed too have this report prepared
From the Health & Plumbing Inspector furnishing report and asking that the wood shed at the Crematory be covered.
Resolved that this be done.
From J. G. Rowland, Governor of the Soldier’s Home Los Angeles, County, California stating that no one had control over a pensioner’s money to the extent of retaining it for the payment of debts.
Resolved that the Chairman of this Committee be authorized to purchase clothing for J Mooney an inmate of the hospital.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:-
Mrs J. W. Smith Washing $41.93
W.Y. Young Interpreting 1.50
C. Nelson Supplies 59.63
Wm Towler Repairs 15.50
[Volume 6 page] 884
Dr. Tunstall Medical evidence $10.
Dr. Poole “ “ 5
sgd Wm Brown
Acting Chairman
Moved by Alderman Brown
Seconded by “ Bethune
That the Report be adopted.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee met on Friday December 6th 1895.
Present – Aldermen Bethune, Coupland, Clandenning and Brown.
From the Secretary of the Board of Underwriters stating that a Committee had been appointed to interview the Committee re the City License.
A Committee consisting of Messrs Hobson, Richards and Banfield waited on the Committee in reference to this matter.
After discussing the matter pro and con the Committee stated that they were satisfied and would report favorably to their Board and advise that the full half year’s license be paid.
From Henry Mutrie and C. L. Brown asking for instructions regarding the assessment of the property of the Gas Co, Con Ry & L Co and Telephone Co.
Resolved that the Assessor be instructed to assess the whole properties of the Gas Co, the Consolidated Ry & L. Co and Telephone Co as improvement
From H. M. Henderson asking to be placed on the permanent roll.
Resolved that he be placed on the permanent roll at a salary of $60.00 per month
Resolved that the insurance on the Crematory
[Volume 6 page] 885
be renewed for one year for $1500 as follows:-
Rand Bros $500 D.C. McGregor, $500 and J.J. Bonfield $500.
The Contract for the construction of the Verandah on the east side of the hospital was approved and authorized to be signed and sealed by the Mayor and City Clerk.
The following accounts were recommend for payment:-
B. C. Electric Con Co. Lights $24.70
J. A. Reid Disbursements 12.00
J. T. Brown “ 5
C. P. Telegraph Co Telegram 1.39
Clarke & Stuart Supplies 16.86
Dunn & Co “ 13.46
Chas Nelson “ .70
Th World P & P Co “ 10.00
Telephone Co Rents 31.55
Con Ry & L Co Lights 88.74
sgd Alex Bethune
Moved by Alderman Queen
Seconded by “ Gallagher
That the Report be adopted.
Board of Works
The Board of Works met on December 5th 1895
Present – Aldermen Shaw, Sanders & McDonald
From the City Engineer re the elimination of a certain clause in the Fire Limits By-Law re Mansard Roof
Resolved that he be instructed to prepare a By-Law in time for next Monday’s Council meeting
From A. Whitaker asking for a sidewalk on 13th Av
[Volume 6 page] 886
between Quebec Street and Westminster Road. Laid Over.
From M. Costello asking for grading at entrance to lane between 10th and 11th Avs
Referred to the Ward Foreman
From H. J. Cambie re drain leading from his residence at Georgia Street, stating same was cut when the water main was laid.
Resolved that the ward men be instructed to examine.
Resolved that J. W. Horne be notified that his permit for use of a portion of Seymour Street for building purposes will expire on the 19th next.
The following accounts were recommended for payment:-
Clarke & Stuart supplies $10.14
R. Frost Work 9.10
D. Gibbons Barclay St 35.09
B.C. Iron Works Supplies .60
C. Nelson “ .70
Thos Thomas, etal. Labor 312.15
sgd H.P. Shaw
Moved by Alderman Shaw
Seconded by “ McPhaiden
That the Report be adopted.
Introduction of By-Law
Moved by Alderman Brown
Seconded by ” Bethune
That the Rules be suspended and a By-Law introduced to fix the polling places, the time and to appoint Deputy Returning Officers for holding the Municipal Elections for A.D. 1896.
The By-Law was accordingly read a first time
Moved by Alderman Brown.
Seconded by “ Bethune
That the Rules be again suspended and the By-Law read a second time.
The By-Law was accordingly read a 2nd time.
Moved by Alderman Brown.
Seconded by “ Coupland.
That the By-Law to amend the Water Rate By-Law be read a first time.
Moved by Alderman Gallagher
Seconded by “ Coupland
That the City Clerk be instructed to advertise for applications for the position of Market Clerk such application to be in by the 16th next at 1 P.M.
Moved by Alderman Gallagher
Seconded by ‘ Coupland
That the City Clerk write to the Clerk of Langley Municipal Council and tell them that this Council has no intention of interfering with the Farmers’ Association referred to in their communication and that the City Council has decided to establish a Market and appoint a Market Day and that this Council invite the Council of Langley to give us suggestions as to the best method of establishing a Market so as to suit the farmers.
The Clerk was also instructed to write to the other municipalities.
[Volume 6 page] 888
Consideration of By-Laws
Moved by Alderman Brown.
Seconded by “ Bethune
That the Council go into Committee of the Whole with the Mayor in the Chair for the consideration of the By-Law for appointing polling places etc for the Municipal elections.
The By-Law was read over clause by clause & reported to Council as complete.
The Rules were again suspended and the By-Law read a 3rd time in motion of Alderman Brown Seconded by Alderman Clandenning.
Moved by Alderman Clandenning
Seconded by “ Bethune
That the Council go into Committee of the Whole to consider the By-Law to fix the polling places the time etc for holding an election on the following By-Laws:-
- A By-Law to authorize the sale and conveyance of certain lands in Block 48.D.L. 181 to the Vancouver Improvement Co.
“b” A By-Law to authorize the conveyance to the Canadian Pacific Railway Co of a certain parcel of land hereafter described Carried
The Mayor was appointed Chairman
The By-Law was read over clause by clause and reported to the Council as complete.
It was then read a 3rd time on motion of Alderman Brown seconded by Alderman Bethune.
[Volume 6 page] 889
Moved by Alderman Brown.
Seconded by “ Queen
That the By-Law to authorize the sale and conveyance to the Vancouver Improvement Co of certain lands in Block 48 D.L. 181 be recommitted. Carried
The Mayor was appointed Chairman.
The description of the lands to be conveyed were again read over clause by clause and amended.
Alderman Brown then moved that the Committee rise and report the By-Law complete with amendments.
Alderman Gallagher moved in amendment that the Committee rise without reporting.
Amendment lost; motion carried.
The Rev H. G. F. Clinton interviewed the Council in reference to the devising of means for providing for single men out of employment during the coming winter season.
Referred to the Health Committee.
The Council then adjourned.
Henry Collins
Thos F McGuigan
City Clerk