Public works requested to reduce unemployment – December 11, 1893

Public works requested to reduce unemployment – December 11, 1893

City Council received a complaint of “loafers” at the corner of Carrall and Cordova Street. Photo shows men and a boy (not necessarily loafers!) standing outside the Boulder Saloon at that same corner, ca. 1900 

Council also received a request to begin some public works to create employment for the unemployed.  The City Engineer was given a free hand to repair the broken water main across the First Narrows. The Oppenheimer Brothers allowed to put a railroad siding to their property for five years.

This transcript was made in 2019 by Transcribimus volunteer Linda Evans

Illustration: City of Vancouver Archives photo AM54-S4-: SGN 36
Men and boy standing outside the Boulder Saloon at
Cordova and Carral Streets, about 1900

original handwritten minutes here
City of Vancouver Archives
COV S 31 Volume 5 pages 627 – 634

[volume 5 page 627]
Vancouver B.C.
December 11th 1893

The Council met on Monday December 11th 1893 Present His Worship the Mayor, and aldermen Anderson, Salsbury, Collins, Cargill McCraney Franklin Hobson Brown + Towler. The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From W. Parsons, New Westminster applying for position of Inspector on the Water Reservoir.
Referred to F. W. + L. Committee

From W. L. Thwaite making application for appointment of Deputy Returning Officer
Laid Over

From E. Cook asking permission to construct a drain at the corner of Hornby + Hastings Streets to discharge surface water.
Referred to Board of Works

From A. H. B. McGowan, Secretary of the School Board, stating that unless the Government’s contribution could be secured before the 21st inst the Board would require about $6,000.00 for Teachers salaries etc.
Referred to Finance Committee

From D. V.  McDonald + Co. asking for the return of their cheque and the Reservoir contract.
Moved by Alderman Collins
Seconded by “ Hobson
That the cheque be returned.

From J. M. Browning C. P. R. Land Commissioner re deed of conveyance on land and Powell St. opposite block 48, sub-div 181, which the Registrar stated the City could not legally divest itself of.
Referred to the City Solicitor

[volume 5 page 628]

From Robert Barker calling attention to the bad condition of the streets at the corner of Westminster Avenue and Princess St.
Referred to Board of Works.

From Mason + Peterson et al complaining of loafers at the corner of Carrall and Cordova Streets.
Referred to Police Committee

From A. M. Beattie asking the Council to carefully consider the Market question.
Laid over.

From F. Hartley asking for the sidewalk on Beach Avenue to be continued to his residence.
Referred to Board of Works

From Jas. McNeil requesting the City to do some public works to give employment to the unemployed.
Referred to Board of Works

From J. C. Vermilyea complaining of the condition of the alley in the rear of the Vermilyea block on Granville Street.
Referred to Board of Works

From Dr. Brown asking to be numbered to the staff of physicians at the City Hospital.
Referred to the Board of Health

From E. A. Marshall et al asking for improvements to Seventh Avenue.
Referred to the Board of Works.

[volume 5 page 629]

The following reports were received + read

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee met on Friday December 8th 1893.
Present Alderman Anderson, Collins, Cargill, Hobson + Brown
It was recommended:-
That the following accounts be recommended for payment
The World P + P 1 years subscription to the World
for Treasurer’s office $10.00
Vanc Electric Ry + Lt Co Car Tickets 5.00
News Advertiser Advertising 8.40
Telephone Co. Telephones 35.60
C. P. Telegraph Co. Telegrams 4.21
S. L. Tilley + Son Supplies 25.45
I. I. Banfield Insurance 10.00
C. P. Ry Co Railway Fare 4.95

That the City Clerk be instructed to ask Dr. Brydone-Jack for a statement of account in reference to 2 notes left by a patient who died in the City Hospital.

That the City Clerk be instructed to give the Insurance now held by the Rand Bros on the Crematory to them on J. W. Mc Farland which ever of them has the least amount of civic Insurance Policies in force.
Signed R. A. Anderson

Moved by Alderman Cargill
Seconded by “ Salsbury
That the report be adopted.

[volume 5 page 630]

Fire Water + Light Committee

The Fire Water + Light Committee met on Wednesday December 6th 1893. Present Aldermen Franklin, Salsbury, Cargill + Towler.

It was recommended:
That the City Engineer be allowed a free had to repair and connect the broken submerged main across the narrows.

That the following accounts be recommended for payment

W. C. Marshall Express $4.50
Keefer + Godden Towing 31.50
Tye + Coo Iron +c. 6.74
G. H. Bazley Horse Shoes +c 17.50
B. C. Iron Works Supplies 7.40
A. Linton Boat hire 39.50
Thos. Dunn Supplies 17.28
J. A. McAlpine Liniment 1.00
Evans Coleman + Evans Vitrified pipe 2.88
C. F. Foreman Groceries 17.06
W. Templeton Repairing saddle 6.00
L. L. Tilley + Son Toilet Paper 5.00
McLennan + McFeely Hardware 15.85
Vancouver Gas Co. Gas for W. W. Shop 5.50
B. C. Iron Works Co Cast iron Caps +c. 282.78
A. Frantz Whistle for Fire Dept. .60
Thos. Dunn + Co Hardware 49.38
James Carnahan Scavengering 1.50
McLennan + McFeely Stove-pipe +c 16.75
L. L. Clarke 1 pair blankets 4.00
Creamer + Langley Lead +c 85.29
H. McDowell + Co Lead +c 1.25
Fred Allan Bran 1.00
B. C. Mills T. + T Co Lumber 1.20
do do 57.35
W. Hooper et al W. W. P/R. 417.25

That Chief Carlisle be instructed to have Electric Light put in to No. 3 Fire Hall.
Signed J. L. Franklin

[volume 5 page 631]

Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by “ Collins
That the report be adopted.

Board of Works

The Board of Works met on December 7th 9th 1893. Present Alds McCraney Brown Franklin + Salsbury.
It was recommended:-

That permissions be granted Messrs Oppenheimer Bros for five years only to put in a siding to their premises, as per plan submitted, provided the rails do not extend beyond the outer edge of the sidewalk on the north side of Oppenheimer Street, and provided a suitable agreement, drawn up by the City Solicitor, is duly signed by Messrs Oppenheimer Bros.

That W. Macgowan be informed that this matter has already been dealt with in regards to the contemplated expenditure in Street paving next year at the Court of Revision held on December 6th.

That the Contractors Messrs Boyd + Clandenning be instructed to settle with the Vanc. Gas Co in regard to their claim.

That the offer of R. Featherstone to construct a sidewalk across the gully from Westminster Road about 400 feet east on 8th Avenue for $66.00 be recommended for acceptance, it being left with the Street Inspector to arrange with him to build it so as to carry the water pipe across the ravine, and subject to the account for same not being presented until after 1st February next.

That the Property owners on the following streets be authorized to arrange to have a 3 plank walk laid on the following streets, under the superintendence of the Street Inspector provided the cost per foot does not exceed 7 3/4 ¢

[volume 5 page 632]

8th Avenue Fairview about 200 ft from S. Granville Street east to Sir John Rido house.

Beach Ave about 2,000 from Burrard St. west to Mr. Curry’s house

Also that one extra 2” x 12” plank be laid on the Granville Street bridge for use of pedestrians, the entire length of the bridge. It being distinctly understood that the bills in these cases be not presented until after 1st February next.

That the tenders for the Street Sweeping machine sent in by T. Dunn + Co and A. D. St George be held over until next Thursday for further consideration.

That the following accounts be recommended for payment

S. T. Tilley + Son Stationery $4.75
Tye + Co. Hardware 10.70
S. Clyde Towage 48.00
McLennan + McFeely nails +c 57.60
A. D. McDonald sidewalks 106.92
“ “ 170.78
H. Graham 10th Ave. 102.21
“ 5th “ 53.16
“ West Ave. 34.12
“ Prince Ed. St 19.00
B. C. Mills lumber 116.65
Lomas et al Payroll 161.95

Signed H. P. McCraney

Moved by Alderman Salsbury
Seconded by “ Cargill
That the report be adopted.

[volume 5 page 633]

Moved by Alderman Anderson
Seconded by “ Salsbury
That the Civic Election Bylaw be read a first time.

Moved by Alderman Salsbury
Seconded by “ Browning
That the Water Commissioners By-law be read a first time.

Moved by Alderman Salsbury
Seconded by “ Anderson
That a special meeting be held on Thursday next to consider the Bylaws at 8 o’clock p. m.


Moved by Alderman Anderson
Seconded by “ Cargill
That all accounts due the City for advances made for clearing property in District Lot 185, after the 15th inst be placed in the City Solicitor’s hands for collection.

Moved by Alderman Collins
Seconded “ “ Towler
That permission be given express men to stand their horses on Abbott Street between Hastings and the alley north of Hastings Street during the winter months till 1st April.

[volume 5 page 634]

Notice of Motions

Alderman Collins gave notice that at the next regular meeting of the Council he would introduce a motion to record a special By Law No for the purpose of licensing Fire Insurance Companies doing business in Vancouver.

Alderman Towler gave notice that at the next regular meeting of this Council he would introduce a motion for a return showing the amount of arrears on Municipal taxes to date.

The Council then adjourned.

F. Cope