Vancouver volunteer militia approved – December 16, 1889

Vancouver volunteer militia approved – December 16, 1889

Formation of a Battalion of Volunteer Militia and one or two Batteries of Garrison Artillery in the City of Vancouver was approved. Decision of last Council meeting to pay former City Solicitor John Devine’s final account was reversed.

This transcript was made in 2014 by Transcribimus volunteers
Margaret Sutherland and Joy Marie Vasquez

original handwritten minutes here

City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 3 page 220-227

[volume 3 page 220]

Vancouver December 16th 1889
The Council met on Monday December 16th 1889.
Present His Worship, the Mayor and Aldermen Brighouse, Clark, Costello, Horne, Mason, McConnell, Oppenheimer, Salsbury and Whetham.

The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From N. Smith et al asking that the sidewalk on Burrard Street be extended one block to Nelson Street. Referred to the Board of Works.

From Corbould, McCall & Jenns notifying Council that they were instructed by Mr. Page Ponsford to prosecute a claim for damages for injuries sustained by him for falling off the sidewalk. Referred to Finance Committee.

From H. Abbott refusing to recognize any contract for taking gravel from a pit along the North Arm Road. Referred to the Board of Works.

F. W. & L. No 21

The Fire, Water & Light Committee met on Saturday December 14, 1889, a full Board being present.
We beg to recommend:
1. That the following accounts be paid:

Vancouver Water Works Co. $81.16
Gilmore & Clark, Blankets 52.00
I. Forbes, Blacksmithing 3.75

[volume 3 page 221]

2. That Alexander Montgomery be appointed a permanent fireman in place of Louis Eggert discharged.

3. That $170.00 be placed to the credit of the Fire Department to be expended in the purchase of the necessary requirements suggested by the Chief.

4. That the License Inspector be instructed to locate the cab and express stands on Carrall, Abbott and Cambie Streets and to require such conveyances to stand one behind the other instead abreast.

5. That the following locations be selected for the Arc Electric Lights:
1. On the corner of the Campbell & Powell
2. On the corner of the Hawks & Oppenheimer
3. On the corner of the Heatley & Hastings
4. On the corner of the Heatley & Powell
5. On the corner of the Carl & Oppenheimer
6. On the corner of the Carl & Alexander
7. On the corner of the Jackson & Hastings
8. On the corner of the Jackson & Powell
9. On the corner of the Dunlevy & Alexander
10. On the corner of the Dunlevy & Oppenheimer
11. On the corner of the Dunlevy & Princess
12. On the corner of the Gore & Powell
13. On the corner of the Gore & Hastings
14. On the corner of the Gore & Keefer
15. On the corner of the Gore & Barnard
16. On the corner of the Westminster & Alexander
17. On the corner of the Westminster & Oppenheimer
18. On the corner of the Westminster & Dupont
19. On the corner of the Westminster & Harris
20. On the corner of the Westminster & Prior
21. On the corner of the Westminster & Bridge
22. On the corner of the Westminster & S. and of Bridge
23. On the corner of the Westminster & Dufferin
24. On the corner of the Westminster & Fifth

[volume 3 page 222]

25. On the corner of Westminster & Junction of Westminster
26. On the corner of Westminster Road beyond church
27. On the corner of Quebec St & 10th Av
28. On the corner of Columbia & Powell
29. On the corner of Columbia & Oppenheimer
30. On the corner of Columbia & Hastings
31. On the corner of Carrall & Water
32. On the corner of Carrall & Cordova
33. On the corner of Carrall & Hastings
34. On the corner of Carrall & Dupont
35. On the corner of Abbott & Water
36. On the corner of Abbott & Cordova
37. On the corner of Abbott & Hastings
38. On the corner of Cambie & Water
39. On the corner of Cambie & Cordova
40. On the corner of Cambie & Hastings
41. On the corner of Cambie & Dunsmuir
42. On the corner of Beatty & Pender
43. On the corner of Hamilton & Pender
44. On the corner of Hamilton & Georgia
45. On the corner of Homer & Hastings
46. On the corner of Homer & Dunsmuir
47. On the corner of Richard & Cordova
48. On the corner of Richard & Pender
49. On the corner of Richard & Georgia
50. On the corner of Richard & Helmcken
51. On the corner of Richard & Drake
52. On the corner of Seymour & Hastings
53. On the corner of Seymour & Dunsmuir
54. On the corner of Seymour & Robson
55. On the corner of Seymour & Davie
56. On the corner of Granville & Cordova
57. On the corner of Granville & Pender
58. On the corner of Granville & Georgia
59. On the corner of Granville & Smithe
60. On the corner of Granville & Helmcken
61. On the corner of Granville & Drake
62. On the corner of Granville & N. end of Bridge
63. On the corner of Granville & S. end of Bridge
64. On the corner of Horne & Hastings
65. On the corner of Horne & Dunsmuir

[volume 3 page 223]

66. On the corner of Howe & Nelson
67. On the corner of Burrard & Pacific
68. On the corner of Hornby & Georgia
69. On the corner of Hornby & Drake
70. On the corner of Burrard & Pender
71. On the corner of Burrard & Melville
72. On the corner of Burrard & Alberni
73. On the corner of Burrard & Haro
74. On the corner of Burrard & Nelson
75. On the corner of Georgia at Park Bridge
76. On the corner of Thurlow & Seaton
77. On the corner of Thurlow & Georgia
78. On the corner of Thurlow & Robson
79. On the corner of Thurlow & Barclay
80. On the corner of Thurlow & Comox
81. On the corner of Thurlow & Davie
82. On the corner of Melville St at highest point bet 13, 16 & 17, 185
83. On the corner of Bute & Pender
84. On the corner of Bute & Georgia
85. On the corner of Bute & Haro
86. On the corner of Bute & Nelson
87. On the corner of Jervis & Georgia
88. On the corner of Jervis & Robson
89. On the corner of Broughton & Alberni
90. On the corner of Nicola, Georgia & Pender

Sgd. I. Oppenheimer, Chairman

Moved by Alderman McConnell, seconded by Alderman Oppenheimer. That the report of the F. W. & L. Committee be adopted. Carried.

Finance No 33

The Finance Committee met on Friday December 13th 1889.
Present His Worship, the Mayor and Aldermen Salsbury, Clark, Costello and Whetham.

[volume 3 page 224]

We beg to recommend:
1. That the following accounts be paid:
The World P & P. Co. $75.75

2. That John Boultbee be paid $125.00 in full settlement of his account for services connected with the police investigation.

3. That Messrs Drake Jackson & Co. be paid $97.50 for services in connection with the police investigation and advice on Water Works etc.

4. That John Devine be allowed the legal witness fees per day for attending the police investigation but that he be not paid for his special audit as same is covered by his regular monthly salary.

5. That Havelock Fyfe be paid to date notice of discharge in full settlement of his account against the city for services as police officer.

6. That John M. Stewart be allowed salary to date of notice of discharge but that all amounts due the City from him be deducted therefrom.

Sgd. W. F. Salsbury, Chairman

Moved by Alderman Costello, seconded by Alderman Mason. That the Report of the Finance Committee be adopted. Carried.

Works No 34
The Board of Works met on Monday Dec 16th 1889. Present Aldermen Brighouse, Oppenheimer, McConnell & Horne.

[volume 3 page 225]

We beg to recommend:
1. That the following accounts be paid:

A. D. Leask, Duty etc on Sewer Pipes $102.85
Queen Bros. Livery 3.50
Palace Livery Stables 30.00
McDonald & B. Nelson St. 17.22
Do Georgia 96.75
Do Haro 68.67
Do Keefer 179.70
Do Lane in Block 57 60.49
Do Helmcken St. 192.60
H. Connacher, Box Drains 724.77
H. Connacher, Georgia St. 79.96
A. D. McDonald Pender St. 157.41
A. D. McDonald, Seymour St. 38.00
A. D. McDonald, Jackson Av. 27.38
James Barton, Georgia St. 153.75
James Barton, Richards St. 95.38
D. Gibbons, 10th Av. 90.00
John Mathews, drayage 3.00
A. Bunker, Cemetery 324.00
P. Atkinson, et al, Street Work 112.20
Thos. J. James, Drayage 2.00

2. That the report of E. Mohun, Sanitary Engineer on the Sewer pipes received be adopted and that he be paid $300.00 on account of commission.

3. That the following tenders be accepted.
Dunsmuir St. Box drain, McDonald & B.
Burrard St. Box drain, Mcdonald & B.
Melville St. Sidewalk, A. D. McDonald
Corduroying North Arm Road, Connacher & A.

Sgd. G. S. McConnell for Chairman
Moved by Alderman Whetham, seconded by Alderman Costello. That the report of the Board of Works be adopted. Carried.

[volume 3 page 226]

Moved by Alderman Oppenheimer, seconded by Alderman Whetham. That a copy of the list of lights as per report No 21 be forwarded by the City Clerk to the Secretary of the Electric Light Co. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Salsbury, seconded by Alderman Clark. That the motion of last Council passing sundry accounts for payment be rescinded as far as relates to Mr. John Devine’s account subsequently disallowed by the Finance Committee. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Salsbury, seconded by Alderman Oppenheimer. Whereas the City of Vancouver has a large number of able bodied young men anxious to enlist as Volunteers in the interests of the Empire, the Dominion of Canada, the Province of British Columbia and of the City of Vancouver.

Be it therefore resolved by the Mayor and Aldermen in Council assembled:
That the Honourable the Minister of Militia and Defence, be respectfully requested to authorize the immediate organization and establishment of a Battalion of Volunteer Militia and one or two Batteries of Garrison Artillery in the City of Vancouver.
And be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Honourable the Minister of Militia and Defence, by the City Clerk.

[volume 3 page 227]

The Council then adjourned.

D. Oppenheimer, Mayor
Thos. F. McGuigan, City Clerk