Vancouver to insure against fire – December 17, 1894

A watering trough (for horses to drink from) was ordered for Westminster Avenue at the junction of Westminster Road and the other for Granville Street near Drake Street. The City Treasurer was authorized to send $200.00 to Victoria to cover the House fee required for the amendments to the City Charter. One of the amendments to the Charter would be to set aside a certain sum each year for Fire Insurance.

This transcript was made in 2020 by Transcribimus volunteer  Gerald Soon

original handwritten minutes:
City of Vancouver Archives
COV S 31 Volume 6 pages 336 – 352
too see original handwritten minutes, click here

[Volume 6 page] 336

Vancouver Dec. 17th 1894.

The Council met on Monday December 17th 1894

Present – His Worship, the Mayor and Aldermen Shaw, Salsbury, Queen, McDowell, McPhaiden, McCraney, Wm Brown, C.L. Brown and Bethune.

The Minutes of last regular and special meetings were read and adopted.


From the City Solicitor requesting the Council to state whether it is their wish that the order of the Court re Powell Street track should be enforced.

Moved by Alderman McPhaiden
Seconded by “ Queen

That the City Solicitor be authorized to make an offer to the Street Railway Company releasing said company from the expense of lifting the track on Powell Street and putting said street in repair if said Railway company convey all their ownership in said track on Powell Street to the City. Carried

From W.A. Mace asking for the return of his bond on Cambie Street
Referred to the Board of Works

From J.Z. Hall and Rand Bros. making offers of Sites for a power house.
Referred to the Fire & Light Committee

From W.A. Jacob, Private Secretary to the Lt. Governor and the Members of the Legislature

[Volume 6 page] 337

for the City acknowledging receipt of resolution re grants to the Hospital and Fire Department. Filed

From H. Abbott, stating that he would be willing to take the piece of land for right of way at the sugar refinery. Filed

From E. Odlum asking for the opening up of a lane in Block 102.541.
Referred to the Board of Works

From F.S. Barnard, General Manager of the Consolidated Railway & Light Co offering to light the City temporarily at the old rate until such time as a new contract is entered into.

Moved by Alderman Bethune
Seconded by “ Queen.

That the City make a contract with them at the old rate until the 1st of April 1895.

From Messrs. Purdy & Williams submitting a Bill of extras on the Reservoir.
Referred to the Water Committee.

From Captain Jones offering a diving outfit to the City
Referred to the Water Committee

From the Rev J.M. McLeod, etal asking for amendments to the City Charter empowering the Council to pass a By-Law to regulate Sunday observance.
Matter attended to

From the Chief of Police reporting on the Electric Lights

From W. Bridge etal recommending the appointment of R.H. Caswell as milk inspector. Health.

[Volume 6 page] 338

From WH DeBou asking why he was not payed the amount due him.
Referred to the Finance Committee

From Bridge & Hunter calling attention to the Alleyway in rear of the Bank of B.N.A.
Referred to the Board of Works.

From the Hon James Baker stating that the sum of $5000 was placed in the Estimates for the Hospital and $500.00 for the Fire Department. Filed.

From Thos Dunn submitting an assignment from D. McGillivray on the rails to be laid on Hastings Street.
Referred to the Board of Works

From W. B. Battison asking for repairs on Lansdowne Av
Referred to the Board of Works

From Wilson & Campbell submitting an assignment from Messrs Purdy & Williams
Referred to the Water Committee

From F. Rae applying for the position of electrical engineer
Referred to the Fire & Light Committee

From Wm Cargill asking that a clause be inserted in the Charter empowering the City to do its own insuring. Filed

From Alex Bates etal asking for improvements on 10th Av.
Referred to the Board of Works

[Volume 6 page] 339

The following Reports were received and read :-

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee met on Friday December 7th 1894.

Present – the Full board

The following accounts were recommended for payment:-

E. Kingcombe                   on account     $25.00
McLennen & McFeely     Supplies.            3.25
E.C. Dixon                        Labor                 2.00
B.S. Parsons                       Hack                 2.50
H. Collins                           supplies            6.50
Thomson Bros                    “                       1.20
Carlisle & Gross                 Drayage           2.50
Watts & Trott                      Steamer           5.00
Gurney Cab Co                   Cabs               26.75
Hotel Vancouver                 Refreshments 35.00
Waldo & Robinson             Flowers            5.00
Interest Account                 Balance      2777.50
Brilliant Sign Letter Co.     Sign painting   9.00
Chas Hack                           supplies           4.10
Skelton & Co                      “                       1.25
Telephone Co                     Rents              38.45
City Printing Works           Voters Lists   210.00
Crowder & Penzer             Coal.               42.52
C.P. Telegraph Co.             Telegrams         3.59

A deputation from the Improvement Co again waited upon the Committee regarding Lots 1,2,3, 7 & 8 Block 48. 181

After considerable discussion the Committee decided to reconsider their former resolution and fix the selling price at $800.00 including the cost of submitting the By-Law to the ratepayers. The Deputation agreed to pay the price fixed and withdrew.

[Volume 6 page] 340


From James Bloomfield asking for an order to illuminate an address to Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper and General Booth. Filed.

From W.H. Hooper Griffin asking the Committee to give an order for copies of the B.C. Directory for 1895.
Resolved that one copy be ordered.

From M.G. McLeod, asking what action he should taken towards collecting a License from the New Westminster & Vancouver Tramway Co.
Referred to the City Solicitor.

The Communications from E. Mackin and E.B. Morgan were laid over for another week.


That the workmen employed by Messrs Purdy & Williams on the Reservoir contract be paid the amount set opposite their names on the Pay Roll presented to this Board, said amounts to be paid subject to an order being obtained from the County Court. Judge authorizing same.

sgd W.F. Salsbury

The Finance Committee met on Friday December 14th 1894. Present – the Full Board.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:-

Claike & Stuart             Supplies    $17.75
City Printing Works      “                147.70
News.Advertiser           Ads.              7.70
McLachlin & Gates       Insurance    20.00

[Volume 6 page] 341


From Alex McDonald stating that the Poll Tax Collector had collected a tax from him although he lived outside the City limits. Filed.

From E. B. Morgan asking that the taxes overpaid by him on Lot 6 B86.196 be refunded.
Resolved that his request be granted

The following tenders were received for the purchase of $90.00 of the electric lights debentures:-

Hanson Bros. $92.11 per $100.00 Debentures Nov 23rd

Hanson Bros.     $92.11 per $100.00 Debentures Nov 23rd
“          “            92.56   “       “           “               Dec   7
“          “            96.05   “       “           “                “     14
Bank of B.N.A.   92.10   “       “           “             Nov 23
“          “            92.35   “       “           “               London
“          “            92.10   “       “           “               Dec 14
“          “            92.35   “       “           “               London
Wilson Smith      91 3/4   “       “           “            Nov 23
“          “             93.10    “       “           “             Dec 14
“          “             93.25    “       “           “             London
G.A. Stinson         95.11   “       “           “           Dec 14
H.O. Hara & Co 94 5/100 “       “           “           London


That the offer of Hanson Bros. dated Dec 14th 1894 be accepted and that the City Clerk be instructed to send them the following telegram “Your tender for $90,000. 4 per cent; 40 year bonds accepted at $96.05 for each $100 and accrued interest, bonds to be delivered and interest and principal payable at Vancouver, all subject to By-Law being sustained. Please confirm at once by wire and by letter”

[Volume 6 page] 342


That the City Treasurer be authorized to refund to purchasers of lots at the Tax Sale the amounts paid by them and interest thereon, when the said amounts and interest have been paid by the owners for the redemption of the lots

sgd W.F. Salsbury

That the Clause in the Report in the Report in relation to the sale of the bonds be referred back. Carried.

Moved by Alderman McDowell.
Seconded by “ Salsbury.

That the Report as amended be adopted. Carried

Board of Works

The Board of Works met on December 6th 1894.
Present – the full Board.


From M. Ellison asking for employment. Filed for reference

From Bridges & Hunter asking that the lane in Block 13.541 be fixed up.

Referred to the City Engineer to examine and report.

From W.W. Spafford asking that the west end of lane in Block 26.200a be graded
Referred to the Chain Gang of next year.

From Fane Sewell complaining of bad odors arising from Ventilators of the sewers ad-

[Volume 6 page] 343

joining his house
Resolved that Mr Sewell be referred to the owner of the house.

From J.T. Hall asking that something be done to take the water off lots 23 & 24 B 10.200a
Referred to the City Engineer to examine and report;

From the Street Inspector submitting a report. Filed for reference

In reference to a petition for a watering trough on Mount Pleasant the following resolution was passed.

Resolved that this Board recommends the placing of two watering troughs one for Westminster Avenue at the junction of Westminster Road and the other for Granville Street near Drake Street the cost for the two not to exceed $120.00

From E.L. Phillips asking that Robson Street between Broughton and Nicola Streets be fixed up.
Referred to the City Engineer to examine & report.

From Mrs. Mary Hodgson etal asking for a sidewalk extension on Princess Street.
City Engineer to examine and report.

From W.C. Archer complaining of the change of grade on Westminster Av. Filed.

From A.E.E. Clark stating that arrangements had been made by her subject to consent of the Council transferring the crushed rock contract to the late contractor or W.H. Kendall, also from the latter offering to purchase the crusher and the whole of the plant from the City at a valuation to be arrived at by arbitration, also from W.H. Baxter re payment for supplies.

Resolved that the City Engineer be instructed

[Volume 6 page] 344

to make a valuation of the whole rock crushing plant and fixtures which Dr Kendall proposes to take over from the City and report to the Board at a special meeting to be held on Thursday next at which date the whole question will be taken of.

Resolved that the Health Inspector be relieved of his duties as sewer inspector and that the man at present looking after the sewers be notified to report this to the Board direct.

Resolved that a one plank walk be laid on Hastings Street east from where it now end of the swampy ground.

A communication was received from J.W. Horne asking permission to excavate under the sidewalk for a building he is about to erect at the N.W. Corner of Hastings and Seymour Streets.

Permission granted subject to his signing the usual bond.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:-

B.C.M.T.& T. Co.   Supplies    $12.24
H. McCraney                                2.00
E.M. Baillie                                     50
E. Clough                                        50
W.J. Allen                                    1.00
G. McKay .                                     50
Evans Coleman & Evans             8.00
A Goldstein                                  2.25
G. Pratley                                     1.50
M. Rae                                          3.35
J. Izen                                           1.00
A.E.E. Clark                           1534.49
W.S. Cook                                598.90
Van Elec Ry & L Co                    5.00

[Volume 6 page] 345

T. Clough                                          50 cts
W.C. Marshall                                 4.00
Mason & Peterson                            .50
McLennan & McFeely                    2.65
Diplock & Co                                  9.50
G.F. Baldwin                                     .85
D. Gibbons                                    10.77
W.S. Tait                                      184.11
D.H. Morgan etal                        698.25

Resolved that the account of Thos. Dunn for rebate for Bituminous sidewalk laid at Dunn Block Granville Street amounting to $47.04 be passed subject to the usual bond being furnished.

Resolved that the account for cement tile sidewalk laid in front of the Agle-Thomson Block, Hastings Street amounting to $78.40 be passed subject to the usual bond being furnished.

The Board met again on Thursday the 13th next

Present – Aldermen McCraney, Shaw, Wm Brown and C.L. Brown.

The object of the meeting was to discuss the question of the transfer of A.E.E. Clark’s Rock crushing contract to the late contractor Dr W.H. Kendall.

Resolved that this Board recommends that A.E.E. Clark be permitted to transfer the crushed rock contract with the city to Dr. W.H. Kendall, the latter agreeing to take over from the City the entire rock crushing plant and fixtures for the sum of $3278. plus the sum of $52.30 for his proportion of jaws etc paid for by the City; Delivery to commence as soon as possible after the 1st of January 1895 Dr. Kendall agreeing to withdraw his suit against

[Volume 6 page] 346

the City and pay the taxed costs – the plant to be paid for in rock, only 50 per cent of each estimate to be paid to Dr Kendall until the above mentioned price is liquidated. Dr Kendall to receive the percentage amounting to $2108.96 held back since May last pending the suit. The City Solicitor to prepare a contract to be signed by Dr Kendall embodying these conditions

sgd H.P. McCraney

Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by “ Shaw

That the Report be adopted. Carried

Fire & Light Committee

The Fire & Light Committee met on Thursday Dec 6th 1894.

Present – Aldermen Bethune, McCraney and W Brown

Resolved that the Committee adjourn until 4 o’clock on Monday the 17th next in consequence of an appeal having been entered on the By-Law to raise $100,000 for electric lighting purposes.

sgd Alex Bethune

Moved by Alderman McDowell
Seconded by “ Wm Brown
That the Report be adopted.

Water Committee

The Water Committee met on Tuesday Dec 4th 1894.

Present – Aldermen Wm Brown, Bethune, Queen and McPhaiden.

[Volume 6 page] 347

The foreman’s report for work done to date was received and filed.


That Messrs Purdy & Williams be instructed to send in a payroll of all wages owing on the reservoir contract and a statement of all material still unpaid for and to whom owing on the reservoir contract.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:-

Creamer & Langley              Supplies           $1.26
Evans Coleman & Evans       “                      16.00
Gas Co                                   “                        2.75
Market Hardware Store         “                 2.75 4.05
Tug Swan                              Towing      2.00 10.00
Van City Iron Works             Supplies  10.49 97.49
B.C. Iron Works                       “           27.32 39.87
Welsh Bros                               “                     27.32
W Hooper etal                       Labor              369.65

Sgd Wm Brown

Moved by Alderman McPhaiden
Seconded by “ Wm Brown

That the Report be adopted Carried

Health Committee

The Health Committee met on Friday December 14th 1894

Present – Aldermen McDowell, Salsbury, McPhaiden and Wm Brown

Reports were received from, Dr Thomas, A.W. Scullar, Miss Macfie and, the Milk Inspector which were filed.

[Volume 6 page] 348


That A. Balkwill, S.R. Walker, J. Hagelberg, Henry Lee, August Zullmer and D. McArthur be each granted an acre plot in the cemetery on which to cut cordwood under the usual conditions.


That applications be invited for the position of Milk Inspector and such other duties in the way of inspection as may be thought necessary to attach to the position. Salary to be fixed at $50.00 per month, applications to be received up to the 25th next.


That the Plumbing Inspector be placed under the control of the Board of Works and that the party holding the position be qualified to act as Building Inspector and that he keep a Record Book for the information of the Assessor.


That an account of the Board of Works having relieved the Health Inspector of his duties in the connection with the Inspection of Sewers that hereafter his salary be $50.00 per month.

The following accounts were recommended for payment:-

Mellish & Gray                 Supplies   $96.25
Texas Lake Ice Co            “                   5.30
Weeks & Robson              “                 21.15
C.S. Philp                          “                23.89
Marshall. McCrae & Co   “                  1.00
Wm Ralph                         “                    15
City Printing Works          “                 1.00
C. Nelson                          “               74.80

[Volume 6 page] 349

B.C.M.T. & T. Co              Supplies    $2.00
C. Nelson.                          “                 9.50
Evans, Coleman & Evans  “               10.50
Van Gas Co.                       Rent           5.70
W.J. McGuigan                  Inquests   10.00
Louis Boucher                   Supplies     2.50
McLennan & McFeely      “                 5.05
Diplock & Co                    “                 5.65
Nelson & Martin               “               18.26
W.H. DeBou                      “               77.31
Texas Lake Ice Co             “               10.65
Clark & Stuart                   “               13.50
Henry Collins                    “                 3.25
Russell. McDonald & Co Labor        58.25
E. Hudson                         “                  2.00
F. Mattach                         “                  1.25
Crowder & Penzer           Supplies     17.95
Pioneer Steam Laundry   Washing     71.79
James Carnahan           Scavengering    .50
Diplock & Co.                Supplies        4.75
Alex McDonald               Drayage       2.15
Lockhart & Center           Burials       26.70
Champion & White          Supplies      5.00
R.H. Caswell                    Salary        65.00
Champion & White     Scavengering   1.25
Geo. Wright                      Labor          2.00
John McLaren                   Fare            5.00
Russell, McDonald & Co Supplies      4.00
F. Filion                            “                29.28
Moodyville S.S. Co.         “                  3.92
Wm Robb                         “                45.62
F. Filion                            “                91.99

sgd John McDowell

[Volume 6 page] 350

Moved by Alderman McDowell
Seconded by “ Wm Brown

That the Report be adopted

Moved in amendment:
That the clauses in reference to the Plumbing Inspector and the Sewer Inspector be referred back. Amendment carried.

Moved by Alderman C.L. Brown
Seconded by “ Queen
That the Report as amended be adopted. Carried.

Introduction of By-Laws.

Moved by Alderman Wm Brown
Seconded by “ C.L. Brown

That the By-Law to appoint the Deputy Returning Officers etc for the conduct of the Municipal elections be read a first time. Carried

Moved by Alderman Wm Brown
Seconded by “ C.L. Brown

That the amendments to By-Laws No 332 & 200 be read a first – time. Carried.


Moved by Alderman Wm Brown
Seconded by “ McCraney

That a Clause be inserted in the Charter enabling the City to set apart a certain fund every year as an insurance fund against fire Carried

[Volume 6 page] 351

Moved by Alderman Salsbury
Seconded by “ McDowell

That the City Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to forward the sum of $200.00 to Victoria in payment of the House fee required for the amendments to the City Charter. Carried.

Consideration of By-Laws.

Moved by Alderman Wm Brown.
Seconded by “ C.L. Brown.

That the Polling By-Law be read a second time. Carried.

The Council went into Committee of the Whole on the By-Law with Alderman Wm Brown in the Chair

The By-Law was read over clause by clause and reported to Council as complete.

It was then read a 3rd time on motion of Alderman Wm Brown Seconded by Alderman C.L. Brown.

Notice of Motion

Alderman Wm Brown gave notice that at the next meeting of Council he would introduce a By-Law to close the end of Prior Street on False Creek the part proposed to be closed to extend from the west – side of the lane at the rear of the lots fronting on Westminster Avenue, also that he will introduce a By-Law to authorize the sale of Lots 1,2,3,7 & 8 Block 48. D.L. 181 and a By-Law to authorize

[Volume 6 page] 352

the conveyance of the C.P.R. Right of Way at the Sugar Refinery.

The Council then adjourned.

R.A. Anderson

Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk