Election date and places set for election of Mayor, Aldermen, School Board, and Licensing Board. The Capilano Water Works is almost finished; the Fire Water + Light’s proposal for Assistant Superintendent Lawson to take over day to day operations was sent back to the Committee. A last minute motion granted $50 to the Orphans’ Home.
This transcript was made in 2018 by Transcribimus volunteer Anonymous
original handwritten minutes here
City of Vancouver Archives
Series 23-A Volume 5 pages 248 – 257
[volume 5 page 248]
Vancouver, December 19th 1892
The Council met on Monday December 19th 1892.
Present His Worship, the Mayor and Aldermen Anderson, Collins, Scoullar, McGuigan, McCraney, Franklin, Odlum, Mills + Gavin.
The Minutes of last meeting were read, and, adopted.
Aldermen Scoullar and Collins wished to have their names recorded as having voted against the 3rd reading of the Bonus By-Law.
From I. Oppenheimer, President of the Vancouver Electric Railway + Light Co asking for the earnest consideration of a proposal to guarantee the 5 per cent Bonds of the Co.
Moved by Alderman McGuigan
Seconded by “ Anderson
That the Committee consisting of Alderman McCraney Odlum and Franklin be appointed to obtain information on the subject and report.
From A. C. Stirrett and R. Purdy applying for the position of Returning Officer.
From McPhillips and Williams in reference to Mrs. Cook’s property in 185.
From John W. Reid etal, asking for an Electric Light on the corner of Ninth Av + Alder Street.
Referred to F. W. + L Committee.
From Robt Connacher asking for payment for a plow broken by the City.
Referred to the City Solicitor.
From Mrs Harrison, asking that $6.00 be refunded which she paid to the City for the grave of her husband.
Moved by Alderman Collins
Seconded by “ Gavin.
That the amount be refunded.
[volume 5 page 249]
From Thos Fitzpatrick asking for the cutting down of trees near his house.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From R. Glass enclosing sample of Street number.
Referred to B of Works
From C. P. Shindler, asking for the grading of the lane in Block 34, 185.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From the City Solicitor stating that the Supreme Court at Victoria has reversed the decision of Justice McCreight re Gore Av extension.
Laid over.
From Costello + Munro asking for the return of their deposit on Water Works contract.
Referred to the City Solicitor.
From G. W. Hobson Secretary to the Fire Underwriters stating that there were two stove pipes through the side of the B. C. Iron Works building in direct violation of the fire by-law.
From Geo Gagen, asking for a copy of the City Charter.
From the Under Secretary of State, stating that the Sam Greer had been released.
From Dan G. McLeod calling attention to how City Contracts are completed.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From Geo Mansbridge, asking for a position on the Police Force.
Referred to the Police Committee
From Wm Main etal, asking for a sidewalk from the corner of Burrard to the corner of Prior on Gore Av.
Referred to the Board of Works.
From R. D. Pitt, asking for compensation for the loss of his leg.
Referred to the Finance Committee
From John McLaren reporting on the Electric Lights.
From A. M. Beattie submitting and account for weighing.
Referred to the Market + Police Committees
[volume 5 page 250]
The following Reports were received and read
F. W. + L. Committee
The F. W. + L. Committee met on Thursday December 15th 1892.
Present Aldermen Franklin, Mills, Scoullar Anderson + McGuigan
It was recommended:-
1 That the following accounts be paid:-
W. P. Turner etal. Labor $1273.70
Van Elec Ry + L. Co Lights 1383.91
Thos Dunn + Co. Supplies 33.02
McLennan + McFeely, “ 249.79
B. C. Mills “ 107.79
G. H. Bazley Shoeing 10.00
Atkins + Atkins Supplies 3.55
Canadian Rail Elec Co “ 2.25
Wm Ralph “ 10.65
Godfrey + Co “ 4.60
A. E. Linfines “ 10.00
Ideal Grocery “ 203.83
B. C. Mills “ 27.98
W. A. McIntosh “ 125.97
G. L. Allan “ 22.50
Creamer + Langley “ 13.26
G. A Fraser + Co. “ 5.15
2 That as the water extension is now about completed were would recommend that at their completion, the City Engineer be no longer required to give his personal attention to this work owing to other pressing business requiring his attention re Sewerage and Street paving +c, as we are of the opinion that this part of the City business can now be satisfactorily performed by the suitable person in charge of the work department who will be required to personally see to the men starting work in the morning, keep account of time and materials, be responsible for the proper water service and give the committee a correct monthly account of all work done on a proper approved form suitable
[volume 5 page 251]
for publication in the press. We would further recommend that Mr Lawson, the Assistant Engineer be appointed to the charge of this work at the commencement of the new year, and to cease his connection with the Board of Works department and be responsible to the F. W + L. Committee.
This would reduce the cost of the Board of Works Department and at the same time enable the F. W+ L Committee to know their exact expenditure, as under the present arrangements they do not owing to the Board of Works being charges with the Engineer’s salary, and his time not being charged to the water works department, that department has not had to pay what it really should have done.
3 That the amount, at the credit of hose horses be transferred to purchase horses, and that the Committee be empowered to purchase a team for Mount Pleasant Fire Hall.
4 That W. S. Westcott’s whole plant be purchased for the sum of $827.00, this to complete all claims on his contract for laying the submerged main.
5 That the City Solicitor be instructed to report on the rent asking by the Government for land on north side of Burrard Inlet.
6 That the water be laid on to all persons asking application provided the rates will yield 6 per cent on the outlay.
7 That Wm Daily be notified that his services will not be required after December 31st.
8 That Wm Crickmay’s application for a light be laid over for future consideration.
Sgd. J. L Franklin
[volume 5 page 252]
Moved by Alderman Franklin
Seconded by “ McGuigan
That the Report be adopted
Moved in amendment by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by Alderman Collins.
That the clauses related to the appointment of separate party to take charge of the Water Works be struck out of the Report.
Yeas Odlum, McCraney + Mills, Collins
Nays, Anderson, Scoullar, McGuigan, Franklin, Gavin and Mills
Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by “ Collins
That the clause be referred, back to the Committee
The original motion was not put to the vote of the Council
Moved by Alderman Gavin
Seconded by “ McCraney
That the balance of the Report be adopted.
Board of Works.
The Board of Works met on Thursday December 15th 1892.
Present Aldermen McCraney, Gavin, Scoullar and Franklin.
It was recommended:-
1 That Dr Bodington be informed that the officer of the Chain Gang stats that already the lane he refers to has been graded.
2 That the claim of D. M. Fraser be laid over for further investigation
3 That the manager of the Hastings Mill be informed that the reason his account for planking Dunlevy Ave was thrown out was because there was no authority for the work and no funds from which to pay the amount
[volume 5 page 253]
4 That Hobson Bros. who requested the return of their deposit on 8th Ave be notified that the Board has decided to hold same
5 That the communication of R. Connacher wherein he claims $20.00 for a plough broken by the City be filed as the Street Inspector reports that he used one of the City’s on another street.
6 That the City Treasurer be authorized to collect anything that relates from the Vancouver and New Westminster Tramway Co, The District Telegraph Co the Sugar Refinery and any other rentals that are not already paid up.
7 That tenders be called for the new section of Sewers in the East End of the City, tenders to be sent in by noon of Thursday January 5th 1893.
8 That the following accounts be paid:-
D. Gibbons, Tile Drain. $45.00
Market Hardware Store, Supplies 2.00
McLennan + McFeely, Expenses 109.83
Potter + Flett. Sec 4. Sewers. 361.17
do + do “ 5. “ 383.13
G. F. Rounsefell 7th Av. 105.00
Evans, Coleman + Evans, Sewer pipe 849.40
D. McGillivray, Lanes 88.90
I. G. Johnstone 29.55
Denton etal Labor 298.05
sgd. H. P. McCraney
Moved by Alderman Scoullar
Seconded by “ Mills.
That the Report be adopted.
Board of Health.
The Board of Health met on Saturday December 17th 1892.
Present Alderman McGuigan, Collins, and Odlum.
It was recommended:-
[volume 5 page 254]
1 That the following accounts be paid:-
Russell, McDonald + Co. Supplies $90.75
do do “ 3.24
B. C. District T. & T. Co. Messages. .75
B. C. Mills Supplies 4.35
R. V. Winch “ 14.01
J. P. Blake “ 5.70
J. S. Stevens Repairs 12.10
Pioneer Steam Laundry Washing 53.79
H. H. Layfield + co Supplies 7.40
Ideal Grocery “ 73.98
McLennan + McFeely “ 5.55
Johnston, Kerfoot + co “ 59.35
H. E. Langis, Attendance on Smallpox 42.50
R. Robertson + co Supplies 16.35
W. A. McIntosh + co “ 88.88
R. V. Winch “ 35.34
Atkins + Atkins “ 166.11
McLennan + McFeely “ .75
G. L. Allan “ 4.00
Sehl + Co. “ 13.25
Hudson’s Bay Co. “ 14.75
W. A. McIntosh + Co “ 85.87
W. A. McIntosh + Co “ 183.52
Hudson’s Bay Co. “ 6.10
O’ Rourke + Jervis “ 10.50
Tye + Co “ 1.50
Atkins + Atkins “ 3.25
J. L. Herrest + Co. “ 72.11
Gurney Cab Co. Hacks 12.75
D Burton. “ 7.50
Dr. Tunstall, Mental Examinations 5.00
Ideal Grocery Supplies 69.07
Summers + Carell “ 27.80
Layfield + co + 2.45
Thos Dunn + co “ 16.14
G. L. Allan “ 3.55
Texas Lake Ice Co “ 5.68
L. Hansell etal. Nursing etc. 302.50
2 That the Health Inspector be authorized to have the necessary scavengering done after December 31st until new arrangements
[volume 5 page 255]
are made.
3 That the communication from Armstrong Eckstein + Gaynor re the account of H. A. Mc Intosh be referred to the City Engineer, Solicitor
4 That water be at once put into the Isolation Hospital.
sgd W. J. McGuigan
Moved by Alderman McGuigan
Seconded by “ Anderson
That the Report be adopted.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee met on Friday December 16th 1892.
Present Alderman Anderson, Collins, Mills, and Odlum.
It was recommended:-
1 That the communication from John Clough, asking for a lump sum be filed.
2 That the offer of W. J. Gallagher wherein he agrees to do all of the City printing for the balance of the year, at the contract rates of the Telegram Co be accepted.
3 That W. J. Gallagher be assigned the amount due to the Telegram Printing and Publishing Co ^for printing of the City Charter^ pays the amount due to the City for water rates by said Co.
4 That the School Trustees be paid over $10,000 due on Debenture account and, also the balance of the amount due them on revenue account.
5 That Chas. A. Coldwell be paid $25.00 instead of $10.00 for services as umpire in connection with the B. C. Ironworks Arbitration.
6 That Bell-Irving and Paterson be tendered the amount balance due them on water pipes.
[volume 5 page 256]
7 That the City Treasurer be authorized to pay over the Sinking fund to the Trustees.
8 That the City Solicitor be authorized instructed to appeal to the Supreme Court the case of the C. P. R. Co vs the City in the Gore avenue extension
9 That the following accounts be paid:-
D. McRae Labor. $9.75
Rand Bros. Insurance 14.00
Miss Davies. Typewriting 6.75
F. W. Hart. Rent of Tables 3.00
Thos Clough. Express Hire. 9.00
sgd R. A. Anderson
Moved by Alderman Odlum
Seconded by “ McCraney
That the Report be adopted.
Introduction of By-Laws.
Moved by Alderman Scoullar
Seconded by “ McCraney
That a By-Law be introduced and read a first time fixing the polling place the time and appointing Deputy Returning Officers for the election of Mayor, Aldermen, School Trustees and members of the Licensing Board.
Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded by “ Franklin.
That the Mayor be authorized to enter on behalf of the City into the necessary appeal bond in the action of the C. P. R. Co vs the City.
[volume 5 page 257]
Moved by Alderman Scoullar
Seconded by “ Collins.
That the rules be suspended and the By-Law re Water Commissioners read a 2nd time.
Moved by Alderman Scoullar
Seconded by “ Gavin
That the Council go into Committee of the Whole for the consideration of the By-Law
Moved by Alderman Collins
Seconded by “ Odlum
That the Rules be suspended and the polling place By-Law read a 2nd time.
Moved by Alderman Collins
Seconded by “ Odlum
That the Council go into Committee of the Whole for the consideration of the By-Law.
Alderman Collins was appointed Chairman.
The By-Law was read over clause by clause and reported to Council as complete.
It was then read a 3rd time on motion of Alderman McGuigan seconded by Alderman Collins.
The Council then adjourned.
X Moved by Alderman Scoullar
Seconded by “ Odlum.
That the sum of fifty dollars be granted to the Orphans homes.
F. Cope
Thos. F. McGuigan
City Clerk