Street loafers will be moved along – December 26, 1893

William Airey claimed compensation for injury while working at “the Narrows.” The condition of the Richmond Hotel is found to be within the fire bylaw. Street corner loafers will be moved along by the police. The Board of Works recommends to the next Council that the East End of the city be opened up for development.

This transcript was made in 2019 by Transcribimus volunteer Gerald Soon

original handwritten minutes here
City of Vancouver Archives
COV S 31 Volume 5 pages 644- 650

[volume 5 page 644]

Vancouver BC
26th December 1893

The Council met on Tuesday 26th December 1893
Present His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Anderson, Hobson, Cargill, Hackett, Towler, Salsbury, McCraney Collins and Brown.
The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted.


From William Airey, stating that he was laid up for eight weeks through injuries whilst working at the Narrows, and applying for payment during this period.
Referred to the Fire Water & Light Committee

From G. W. Jamieson et al petitioning the Council to clear Brunswick Street
Referred to Board of Works
From John Brown applying for position on the Police Force
Referred to Police Committee
From G. F. Baldwin City Treasurer submitting arrears of taxes from 1887 to 1892.
From W. D. Brydone-Jack applying to be added to the medical staff of the City Hospital
Laid over

The following reports were received and read

Police Committee
The Police Committee met on December 19th 1893
Present Aldermen Towler, Salsbury, McCraney and Hackett

[volume 5 page 645]

It was recommended:-
That the following accounts be recommended for payment
W.S. Cook Supplies $1.30
J. Blake “ 14.30
W.A. McIntosh “ 21.95
Atkins & Atkins “ 2.50
Watts & Trott Boat hire .50
John McLaren Travelling expenses 6.00
David Evans Supplies 200.00
C.F. Foreman “ 36.43
Rowland & Green Interpreting 2.00
C.S. Philp Supplies 14.31

That J.L. Carter’s application for position on Police force be filed.
That the Chief of Police was instructed to move loafers standing on the corner and obstructing the traffic.
That the Pound Keeper’s report for September October & November be filed.
That the Market Hall question be left over for the consideration of the Committee to be appointed by the new Council.
Signed W. Towler

Moved by Ald. McCraney
Seconded by “ Brown
That the report be adopted.

[volume 5 page 646]

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee met on Friday, December 22nd 1893
Present Aldermen Anderson, Brown, & Cargill.
It was recommended :-
That the following accounts by recommended for payment
B. C. Iron Works Supplies $3.50
News advertiser “ 7.50
“ “ 18.00
“ “ 182.00


That the balance to the credit of library be paid over.
That the City Solicitor gives a written opinion on the best course to adopt in reference to F. C. Cotton’s deed of land exchanged for lots on which the Sugar Refinery is situated for the next meeting of Council.
Moved by Alderman Towler
Seconded by “ Salsbury
That the report be adopted. Carried

Board of Works
The Board of Works met on December 21st 1893
Present Aldermen McCraney, Brown, Franklin, Hackett and Salsbury
It was recommended:-
That Mr. J. M. Holland the paid for the concrete walk at the rate of 3¢ per square foot and for the curbing at the rate fixed and mentioned in the minutes of the 14th September last, subject to Mr. Holland giving the city a suitable bond indemnifying the City against all claims from accidents to; and this Board would further recommend to the future Board to allow

[volume 5 page 647]

Mr. Holland the balance of the regular allowance for concrete walks (namely 4¢ per square foot) at such time as Mr. Holland puts in a satisfactory foundation at this sidewalk.

That Mr. J.A. Fletts final settlement re sewer contracts be referred to the BC Pottery Co.

That A.F. Forbes et al application for a sidewalk on Jervis Street be laid over until next year.

That the Revd. W. C. Weir et al communication in reference to finding work for the unemployed is being attended to.

That J. Stevens complaint of the bad condition of Comox Street be referred to the Street Inspector but his request for a sidewalk be laid over.

That the petition re grading of Hastings Street between Carrall St and Abbott St be referred to Street Inspector for immediate action.

That W. Dixon be informed that the Board can take no action on his communication re Alterations to the Richmond Hotel as the Fire Inspector reports that the matter complained of is within the requirements of the Fire by-law.

That D. McGillivray be offered the sum of $516.30 as final settlement in full of all claims for extra haulage in connection with his street paving contract.

That the City Solicitor be instructed to prepare a by-law as soon as possible re the proposed clearing of land in the East End of the City.

That the plans were approved of and permission granted re erection of Inns of Court building.

[volume 5 page 648]

That the City Clerk be instructed to write to the Government at Victoria, asking that steps be taken as soon as possible with a view to putting down a permanent sidewalk at the New Court House building.

That the following accounts be recommended for payment:-
A.D. McDonald Sidewalk to Dunlevy Ave. $9.92
-do- “ Sixth Ave 18.97
Russell Leonard repairs concrete walk 18.92
Holland Block
E. Cook bricks re for Manhole 26.00
Court House
I.M. Thomas Clearing in 185 300.00

Signed H.P. McCraney
Moved by Alderman Towler
Seconded “
That the report be adopted. Carried

Fire Water & Light Committee

The F. L. & W. Committee met on Wednesday December 20th 1893
Present Aldermen Franklin Salsbury Hackett Towler & Cargill
It was recommended:-
That Street lights be placed on the Centre of Granville St bridge and at the intersection of eleventh Avenue and Cedar St.

That the application from W. Parsons A.W. Dresser Richard Yates & W. Tierney for the position of Inspector on the reservoir be laid over.

That the communication from J. Buntzen business manager of the Van. St. Ry & Co notifying the board that all additional Street lights had been placed on order be filed.

[volume 5 page 649]

That Mr. Turner be informed that the higer (sic) salary of $90.00 per month was granted him to cover all overtime.

That the following accounts be recommended for payment
Market Hardware Store Caster oil $1.45
H. F. Keefer Hire of Blocks 25.50
M. Desrosiers Repairing lanterns etc 1.90
Standard Underground Cable Co. Cable 150.60
C. F. Foreman Supplies 8.65
G. L. Allan Gum boots 9.75
Crowder & Penzer Feed re Fire Dept 184.28
Do do W.W. 37.86
W.G. Warren Pipe etc 4.17
F.S. Clarke Blankets 14.00
Atkins & Atkins Chemicals etc 10.60
Hastings Mill Co B.S. Coal 10.32
B.C. Iron Works Valves etc 245.09
I. Forbes Horse Shoeing 3.00
Queen Bros Team to Narrows 5.00
Godfrey & Co Oil 2.10
Curks & Newsome Padlocks 3.00
Thos Dunn Housline etc 7.39
Do Hardware 119.86
Creamer & Langley Pipe etc 11.06
Leatherdale & Co. Horse hire 26.00
Vanc Elect Ry & Lt Co Brackets etc 1.02
W. Hooper et al W.W. P/R 323.50
Union Steam Ship Co Hire of Blocks 30.00

Signed J.L. Franklin
Moved by Alderman Hackett
Seconded by “ Cargill
That the report be adopted.

[volume 5 page 650]


Moved by Alderman McCraney
Seconded “ Collins
That the Board of Works pay roll amounting to $175.30 be paid. Carried

Moved by Alderman Collins
Seconded “ McCraney
That the application of Dr Brydone-Jack to be placed on the staff of the Hospital be recommended to the Medical staff.

Moved by Alderman Anderson
Seconded “ W. Cargill
That the salaries of the City Officials including H. Henderson, School Teachers etc and City band be paid on Saturday the 30th inst instead of the 1st of January so as to close up the account for the year.

On motion of Alderman Collins
Seconded by “ McCraney
The bylaw to rescind the bylaw imposing a tax on Fire insurance Companies be read a second time.
On motion the Council went into Committee of the whole Alderman Collins in the chair
After some discussions
It was moved by Aldermen Salsbury
Seconded by “ Towler
That the Committee rise and report progress and ask leave to sit again. Carried.

Moved by Alderman Towler
Seconded by “ Hackett
That the Council go into Committee of the whole on the Ward Bylaw. Lost

Notice of Motion

Alderman Brown gave notice that he will introduce at the next general meeting of the Council a motion to give thirty days notice to every City Official working at the City Hall and every other City employee who is getting $2.50 per day and upwards, that their services are required no longer, and said motion will further ask the Mayor to strike a Committee consisting of one Alderman from each Ward having power to call for applications to fill said offices and for arranging a tariff of wages for the year 1894.
The Council then adjourned.

F. Cope